18 искусство дешифровки сфинкс. cairo. and pyramid
On an input in a complex of pyramids of the travellers meets a Sphynx.
Those days the sphynx was all in woods, and in котловане at paws prepared concrete, Prevented cement and fine road metal set working, employed among the local population. The travellers be dispatched on terraces created by a nature at many levels! So on them, terraces, it was possible to rise almost up to shoulders of the giant, or
To be lowered downwards. And, all have found to itself work! Did photos, (made) sketches, and it is heat! Here was is heat , as well as it is necessary to be жарко in desert. In comparison with Nile here there was парилка, a more precisely dry Finnish sauna. But the rather strong wind freshened, but in have given
on a plateau began to be turned in a distance sandy whirlwinds. But nevertheless up to sandy storm has not reached.From terraces the visitors were lowered below: where on ladders, where on inclined terraces. Nevertheless in an Antiquity the opportunity was stipulated, to be lowered to the bottom глубокий бассейн =без воды теперь. As, the t(release) terminated behind a sphynx to bypass (him) around was not minute business, especially way that that blocked. It were a board, the numerous ladders, on which, as in times фараонов delivered on bottom Bags with cement. The organization of works was, so-so! The fussiness, both disorganization, and complete absence of mechanisms was felt in all! In some minutes all have appeared in котловане, under a head of a Sphynx, that from below seem incredibly large, despite of kind two ten meters up to bottom(her).
Here all have paid attention on стелу, by which has rushed Чапай, but how downwards anybody from археологов was not lowered, and the female half of expedition( read hieroglyphs poorly, Чапай has not understood, who, when, and why has put this стелу - stelae! As well as the time of erection, is a rock more precisely, from which simply have cut down all superfluous! Traces of washing away everywhere were visible, or the wind is simple and sand for 1000 ears have made the business! But nevertheless it seemed, that it is a sea surf has washed up in softer пародах of a deepening, as water on a river coast of any river, and Nile was not exception! Порассуждаю about that, and so, everyone began to search for an output(exit), but the rise upwards on the top terrace at a level of shoulders of the giant has borrowed(occupied) of time of time in five more. The public together with Чапаем has decided to bypass a sphynx what to make performance, and about the right his) side! But soon they have buried in a platform, where in huge capacities, that were on trolleys, and could be overturned, pouring out cement downwards in certain huge корыто! From them as required solution carried in a stretcher. Soon way was blocked (with) blockages from everyone всячины: broken off кулей from cement, stacks and separate boards, so go to almost вест a way to an (entrance), the campaign has turned back! It was more difficult, такк as from this party the sun shined, and in котловане was душено. When on ladders, where on ступенька= Ancient steps of prescription the heroes were above, there was one desire - faster in hotel, to wash off a dust, and uncontrollably it would be desirable to drink! A little bottles of juice, and water, that have taken in корзиночке with itself have not removed thirst, and her(it) разожгли.The boat that has transported them for a decent payment, was on the same place, and river бриз has freshened the travellers slightly. Some minutes on horse driver, among noisy crowds of the dealers, women in паранжаж, men in мундирах_ To military clothes, or in a free Central Asian dressing gown bearded and in тюрбанах = Headgear of the men in Egypt, and hotel, and Tired the woman, send in the rooms, and the men were going in restaurant, and as pair of bottles, almost warm beer has thrown all in sweat! And public there was much, is smoked. So all ретировались in numbers, also have failed in deep dream. Those who saw Девиса, sleeping in a costume on пастели, not having undressed, see- how it is the gentleman, and so inconsiderately sleeps not having undressed? And, this part of second floor of hotel was till evenings silent, that will not tell about all hotel!.
In twilight all were going together in one number. Девис in brief has told, that the Sphynx was not a point on a map of his travel, and Cairo would come what to fill up stocks провизии. At what, have bought many dates! The good food, is exacter перекус in a hot climate of Egypt. The Egyptian frequently eats dates and кружкой of water! Dates " bread of Egypt " as, and present rye bread for Чапая! It(he) caused horror in the local population, уминая неверояное quantity(amount) of dates, запивая them not by water, and milk! Actually feed(meal) of the Egyptians, except for those who visits(attends) incredibly expensive(dear) рестараны, and not numerous dirty cafes, the Egyptian in среднмм- the vegetarian. Though the meat, is necessary to tell the truth, yes!
About Али anything certain not say, as (him) fed of Nile, is exacter small a network, that lasted for boat, as невод taking from water not some a fish, but it is a lot of that the river bears in the muddy waters rivers now. From such muddy river Nile fish unless itself Али in the company with Чапем! After трапезы оии usually were uniqu on his small bots- навеселе, but as extracted spirits, and main, where skilfully hid it( everything, and anybody has not guessed. In неводе, which up to the end from water on this never took out @@/18.
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