....... Кряхтя, and пыхтя, again all has got out on light! Чапай with surprise has seen, that it was Девис, as well as floor of year ago! It(him) дробовик, with which Анка - пулеметчица has shot a great lot of ducks валялось here whole, only belt has torn, and the revolver has lost a drum, and it was clear Чапаю - screw-driver here to not do without!
The company wanted to be floating on Nile, and after прямиком, on Крит! For this purpose have found фелюгу, such as the small barge under a sail, length of meters twenty!, to quay, where they were waited by(with) a boat, and the heroes made the way! But why Девис has appeared approximately in kilometer from the planned place, as well as Чапай, and it(him) спутница? Business that Девис has decided(solved) to visit, them(him,it) open гробницу empress Тетйи, There at him(it) some things were combined, that could be useful on travel. Also what anything superfluous to not drag in a backpack, or to wait, when all this will be transported by(with) the lieutenant Малинин on "Форде", in cleared the year back premise(room) was combined all necessary! Девис in night on the eve did not leave in hotel "Луксор", and protected, as well as last time with дробовиком in a hand the riches. It(he) some times пальнул in air, though most likely are there were vagrant dogs, than who that позарился on contents гробницы.
Отомкнув the lock, Девиса loss of gold much to that научилиа! Vigilance, especially it(he) was not one! His(its) friends here have run together from next гробницы, input(entrance) in котрую серел black громадой. Who with what, at what Масперо there was only one with карабином, systems " " Mozer-978 " has estimated a three-ruler of the Swedish firm Чапай, others were armed than has got, even with палкой.
At opposite edge(territory) of a road the headlights грузовичка were lighted! The lieutenant Малинин soon has approached(dropped in) by the own person, that having hidden beside, waited канонаду from ружей, and revolvers "!
It(he) was and трусоват, and is cautious! Soon all has cleared up! As soon as Малинин has heard пальбу, it(he) with a fright рванул between rocks, Valley of kings, is a ridge of rocks, about Niles, and it is long after плутал, getting out on the central road, that the modern tourist can be passed by the bus!
When all slightly have calmed down, and Анка - пулеметчица on a kerosene stove has warmed up, that could find at light electrical фонариков, мз of a premise(room) began to pull out all necessary! The trip was coming long on Nile, and is farther up to the Mediterranean sea! On this, except for products have taken all that can be lined(shot down) археологу on trip. We begin to not describe all these: shovels, кайлы and ломы, and other! On a course of action will be told about things, that were fallen down as, in the disorder in corners дробницы sq. 55! Remembering what was сабантуй year back at the first visiting гробницы, cut very little, faster for сугреву.
The nature of Average Egypt is very whimsical. Малинин, that conducted грузовичок about eight mornings already felt духоту from evaporations from a past rain, besides again гробнице promised flooding partial, or completely! Only one Девис was in rubber boots, others, removing even years(summer) shoes, is urgent переобувались, as the muddy flow is cheerful журча, that was promptly born(carried) to Nile already просачивался through поребрик гробницы!
In total was not less than ten men, and three the women, known for us: will head the list them, certainly, Анка - пулеметчицы! There were three women - wife археологов with children, that will work, helping the husbands, doing(making) a sketch. The route on Nile was planned far, about visiting Амрны, and some places, where in 1908, and later be ordered excavation: it Серапиум, Рамессиум, with заездом again in mentioned Амарну. But the unforeseen circumstance has detained departure! All was, as the last year! Nevertheless Девис has not looked after the workers, or has regretted(pitied) of money to cement, but also through отмостку, as fixed on жиденький cement, water in гробницу веселенькими ручейками already flew.
Чапай, as the former militarian, has taken in the hands clearing of a premise(room), and numerous boxes, bales with спецовками, the tool and products carried already ten three men, as having heard пальбу earlier on a floor of hour, having decided(solved), that invite them so to loading, the local inhabitants have hurried which have employed Девис for this work. Actually, Девис in this process of transportation was main! It(he) should with the first lorry arrive of kilometer for three to the sailing barge, and there watch(keep up) already for sorting, and correct stacking all in holds, and Малинин and Чапай, that owed, being verified with the list, that has left to it(him) Девис, to look after that, and in what quantities(amounts) to send. Nevertheless commands and passengers, including the porters - the man thirty was typed(collected), and it was necessary still to feed all. But beginning the flood required(demanded) urgently all to transfer in гробницу, or a little, that stood on eminences. As the keys were at Девиса and from two nearest гробниц, in parallel there was also sorting put on the lorry, that in five minutes has left with Девисом in a cabin, and Чапай has begun to переноске веще, that certainly in a pre-dawn floor twilight from extremely has mixed, it is good, that nothing has broken, and was not broke anything! It(he) watched(kept up) the contents of bottles severely! As has appeared the ambassador, all was on a place, except for бамбуковых удилищ, and certain причиндалов for catching on a hook, that for decent переплату have bought on a way from the local fishermen!
Чапай in the beginning has sent some fragile subjects, for example pair of boxes with glasses for керосиновых of lamps! As a result of them have beaten almost completely by the jolty lorry Малинина, and the reports were written at an open flame, that is incredible коптило,! Батарейки " made in Ne - nashe " was finished! Tried to use колбы of bottles .Не we begin to take away your time! .7
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