6. ingl. искусство дешифровки. there was a stuffy
There was a stuffy dark Egyptian night. On veet from autumn rains, slippery, from a past rain to a herb sliding, and roar from bruises about stones, moved. Impulses of an autumn rain Flung open their clothes!!
-Анка! - we have not got off from a way! - the man's figure has set a question, and in it the moment for one minute the moon has made the way among hung свинцово- of turquoise clouds! There can not be this Чапаев, itself Василий Иванович, hero Port Артура!
Well, чо Миклуха Маклай! - have got off from a true rate? - what spoke, паша? Идитя by a rate Зюйд- Зюйд- Ост, that is on 320 degrees on a compass, also was declined above it(him)! The matches shined(covered) on instants glass of a compass!
- Yes! Shows Зюйд- Зюйд- Ост! - and чо, it is an arrow(pointer) goes? -И, покарябала finger on
To glass. The arrow(pointer) did not move!
- -Чапай, you where have got(started) me at the night? -roar Анка ? The hero Мукдена and сопок
Манчжурии! - we куды went at coast, or in Port Артур, where you protected with soldiers?
Чапай seyng you knocked on glass компаса:- чо кудахчешь, hen wet!
Yes! Wet from a rain! - joke? Give конпас courts? Do not drop, промямли Чапай, not разбей!
You have not removed(taken off) конпас with предохранителя!
..... You me докаехал казаренным by humour! - what else предохранитель? Well, the button, is necessary to extend her(it), see an arrow(pointer) showed on Северо - East! As тута to define(determine) where yours " северо - east " darkly, жа!? And the matches were terminated?
- Дура you, Анка! - and, if at on in Манчжурии in a platoon all was the non-smokers, тады, how?
- -Я I do not know! - куды you have go me, hero of rocks Амарны? Чапай triumphed! – Анка:
Look: see arrows and лимбы shine! Анка cried about penetrating of an autumn rain already has understood, that лимбы- it is a dial, but did not understand anything in зюйд- вестах and лимбах, but through some mine вдалбливания to it(her) in a head has understood. That павелел Чапаю to go on figure 324 on a dial of a compass! That is, almost there North! -! Look a Polar Star and Ladle! Here Анка absolutely has got confused in нивелировании, or manoeuvering on district! But, having knocked by a dirty finger on a compass again взвыла! The arrow(pointer) has risen колом on a direction close to North!
- -а, it is a slice of a glass! - I smoked it(him) кокнул, five minutes back, when? =вон, at that rock in
Kind of the mutton mountain on a thin neck! Идиоот! - взвыла again Анка!
You, when smoked? When I упрала in a pool? Or when you @@@@ ся about that rock? Has specified in a distance on груду grey from a rain of rocks?
The sky becoming on East violet from ascending moon, or sun! Чапаев is intense thought, and has told, suddenly in the affirmative: -yes Анка, do not spit in канпот, тама ягодки! - I have taken that rock a rate..
How РожЕственский on Цусиму? Чапай did not become say, that the surname РожЕственский / in the interpreter is only РожДественский / - is written not_ Н. So, finish привал, we do) ten steps, I considered) steps before turn, still step and we jump? Анка has asked Чапая twirling a compass so, and эдак:
-хде она, падла =When it,? - arrow) from a compass? - what arrow(pointer)! Дура баба! Deepening on road, pull in a valley of kings an electricity by a cable, and that these collectors " iron " -Take metal
- Everything, came! - лезут on a slope from a dredge, also is visible in darkness канава! Not wide, it(he) has told дышащей to it(him) in a back Анки. All Ань! - becomes a number(line), and through two steps over this flute, all that a floor of meter, we shall jump! - we jump! Pair has jumped through a strange beginning to rock slope on other party канавы, have receded!
- I in the afternoon looked! " An Electricity of syndicate " have dug through in the morning of 10 meters,
Road metal nevertheless! There are, on a slope some more meters 20, and there road! I, верняк have remembered, still Мусе показываол, as конпасом I used in woods Манжурии!
- You to us горил, that were at war in not in лесчах, and сопках Манжурии! - Чапай has laughed rather: " Сопки Манчжурии " a waltz! Let's dance! You, Васька sometimes, are direct, as идиот! It is a road ?
- Yes, has told Чапай! - but again trench has blocked a way! t Have passed:
- Ань, it is necessary once again to jump! We consider( again two steps and we jump! Анка has agreed, and
Mechanically has jumped on meter even further Чапая, as, how the true gentleman bore(carried) two backpacks, and third -Анки! But Анка suddenly has departed with окоса, and long its(her) fall last!
- Time two, four, five till military habits considered(counted) Чпай! It turned out, that for кабеля have dug
канаву not менеешести of meters of depth! Desperate cries Анки пулеметчицы from below were born
- Дя-I - I денька do not shoot! We not apples тырить have got to you?
In, дура баба! - has thought Чапай! - has felled on a head whow!
- Cost(stand) on a place! - I is to shoot! That it Ахмеда Анка контузила what ль? And, itself after Анкой has departed downwards! The valley of Nile did not hear such Russian last five thousand years, and Чапай, as Шрек ослика, having brought down Девиса, and all have departed upwards тормашками in an aperture гробницы, carrying away Чапая! 5!
Залп from two trunks has broken off gorge! Two ideas псетили a head Чапая, when н боксеркским хуком, ем славится Костя Дзю has brought down the stranger and has taken away a gun! It is good, that fraction ппрпошла is higher!
- But the figure in дождевике is valiant вскочила as Идиот- осли in an animated cartoon and has snatched out руволвер!
Is was Девис! Cost I shall shoot, damned " Расхититель Социализтыч собственности, and having risen, was enter in tomb Kv. 55, back pus Анку п, and (she) had by a soft place again! Has fallen downwards...6.
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