4. inglish искусство дешифровки, example a subject
Example a subject from tomb Quenn_ Таусрит. It is impossible to make that them differently also, and there should be two картуша, and under the law of symmetry, most likely – зеркально as_Miror_ represented! As a matter of fact, this duplication of the information!
How the part can the information to be lost, here Name empress Таусрит, the duplication of the information was applied in Egypt. Certainly, it is possible to make Multialternativeness_, but ten rings not надеть on a finger, if, certainly they not thin, but if to think, that ten rings or, how here - two are better,? Most likely, all will get confused, extremely! As the loss,say, can result 1-2 carriers of the information from ten that nobody will prove, that the
residual information is exact, as has taken place in tomb empress Тии. Increase of units of the information, картушей _Frameworks with a name kingwith 1, 3 for pair фараон and empress up to:
1. Two complete sets till two Solar картуша for фараона, and empress, only 4 and 4 Old and new.
2. Аменхотеп 4- Эхнатон, unique(sole) them фараонов had also not 1, and 2 Framework with a name king Imperial, Egypt, not including one more, that goes by first in a Title, at once after standard __ King_ Top and Bottom Егирта. And словословие_ Addition to a name, title, that It is necessary to insert into these chains of titles, картушей. I without effort have understood, that Словословие_ Addition to a name, title, first title empress Тии, that 10 hieroglyphs adjoin to her(it) name-is so biggest from 3 up to, almost. Let we shall think up an example, with нашиом by titles. If in the different documents Russian Piter First have name: king, Greatest, and king Piter First. / Петр Первый/
On this, where the titles were represented for numerous сонма of the officials approached to a court yard фараона, managers зфдфыу, estates in our understanding.
In first, wanted to hide a name there is nobody фараона, could make this, and the robbers, for certain they could read! As, in tomb Тутанхамона, Картер it in detail has described, the robbers have visited, and certainly they represented how to not carry away all most valuable. Who knows, that more important can, that And, could as that прокрыть secret Kv. 55 what the robbers have carried away,? What that could withdraw and priests?
So, if first gold саркофаг Тутанхамона try to get, all krash. Картер assorted погребальную сень= sepurcral canopy, it seems, some weeks! With application of elevating mechanisms, and design from beams, such as Тельфера_The elevating mechanism__ in any shop.
The design of a tomb complex, from that a tomb empress Тии was not less magnificent in an initial kind, it(him) and easily have taken away, and not especially thus has suffered погребальная сень and саркофаг, and on this, Having destroyed four погребальные сени_ sepurcral canopy_ and three coffin in tomb Тутанхамона, anything would not take the robbers. To whom is necessary much of fragments, and crushing_ subjects! Nevertheless robbers, thieves begin for the sake of sports interest to not plunder гробницы_tomb! It has resulted that till now and are beaten with a secret гробницы_tomb, and as a matter of fact pair is studied all kings: Сменхакр or Аменхотеп 4!
That will be, if the one Third ring here has appeared even, and the hieroglyphs not completely were kept., it seems, on this and all so has got confused in tomb empress Тии.
How we represent it? We, for example, know one -китайцы have thought up gunpowder, approximately in this epoch 19 Dynasties, and we are more than nothing we know. And Egypt has given much, and we do not represent, how many similar things can be met recently in Russian vilages. A sickle, network, which , or the coast can be seen it in lists tomb of the Egyptians, that made and delivered all this king.
Usually refer to the book author Фукидида "History". It is (translated) on the Russian book. She(it) is devoted Троянской to war, and Фукидид keep abreast of all businesses! Result from it(her) only one fact, that Крит has given more all ships it seems whole 200 with crew and soldiers, having armed them. So Сиракузы have allocated only one ship.
On what? Business that I have written already about Gold ладью-ship фараона. Let's reject a fantastic idea, that this that the ship, that brought фараонов on Nile in them tomb. That that in a legend is a terrestrial symbol of the heavenly ship, present it is the ship.
.......... There was a stuffy Egyptian night, as it(she) and should be in the deserted country! Pair, familiar to us, and who it? The darkness was incredibly dark!
That to me the friends in Касимовском- town a technical school, е having arrived with target on employment(occupations) told.
... There was a dark rural night! Pair mans went from club, where have delivered film " a Mummy comes back " and to go by unsteady gait, they speak order:
-Вась= John_! More cautiously, here канава, waterpipe!
-Анка! Not трынди, itself I know!, beginning канавы_ deep trench! So, we do two steps, and we jump!........ ..Анка и Чапай прыгают! На борот отходящей “ладьи
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