
Lust... A dooming flame with a Heaven's beam,
Tempting even firefighters strength to enter fire;
Devil's son, who's giving way to him
In the burned, bombed souls by this desire...
Leaving none inside but killing all
To let the Devil live inside the soul...


Analysis :

"Lust... a dooming flame with a Heaven's beam"

Lust is destructive, corrupting, killing the good inside = dooming
Flame = passion (in next lines this comparison continues). Secondly, flame(in the mean of fire) is also a dangerous thing that can kill.
BUT this "dooming flame" has a "Heaven's beam" = it seems a heavenly joy that atracts so much

"Tempting even firefighters strength to enter fire"

Now we know fire = lust (because it is a fatal passion), so firefighters are men who fight lust desires and action. And this "Heaven's beam" TEMPTS them so much that they do the contrary and "enter fire" - get lured into this joyful-seeming, but fatal trap.

"Devil's son, who'se giving way to him"

Lust is a sin, and sins are like the sons of Satan. So if you accept the sin, you welcome the Satan in your soul. In the next lines you will see what he is doing in your soul..,

"In the burned, bombed souls by this desire"

The sin makes you feel emptied, sullen, oweful; it kills the goodness inside. The rhyme fire-desire again says what is lust.

"Leaving none inside but burning all"
Note the comparison  : lust = FLAME => so it BURNS all inside, leaves nothing, to let the lust's father - Satan himself, enter the empty soul where is allready no good -

"To let the devil live inside the soul"

And since you let him come, you get under his dooming will, and it is very hard to move him out...
