И. Одоевцева он сказал прощайте, дорогая! EN
He told: good-bye, my love, forever,
I won’t come back to you, farewell.
I wandered in my hard endeavour-
Am I in a city hall or hell?
The gate is closed, no exit reading.
But where should I go unwanted?
Lo, someone white is slowly treading
Among the trees and blunders haunted.
Here comes it close: a marble statue,
So sparkling in the moonshine light,
It’s whispering to me un-touching
And gazing with white brilliant sight.
--Wouldn’t like we two exchange our natures?
The marble heart won’t die with pain.
I will be you, you-me (so gracious!)
Come on, stay here on the stand.
-Agreed, - I murmured humbly, here
You are: take all my clothes for trend.
The statue gave a kiss: thanks, dear.
I looked at it -- that was the end.
My lips are now meant for muteness,
My heartbeat’s stopped and I feel cold,
I’m standing naked like other Muses
Cover’d by the shield I duly hold.
Oh, who am I –what freaky creature
So glazing in the diamond beams?
I’m lucky to possess new feature
Of dreaming marble statue’s dreams.
The dawn has broken, the folk is passing,
What a familiar morning scene!
The rain is weeping: all is past in
My town, my homesick privacy!
Oh, goodness! What an awful venture!
I won’t forget him anymore!
Unluckily I’ve turned a statue,
Unlikely it’ll survive the sore.
Imagine -- it is far in distance,
Moving in a playful pace.
Imagine me among marble sisters,
And showers’ re pouring down my face.
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