Fires at Midnight by Blackmore s Night

I stood out here once before
With my head held in my hands,
For all that I had known of this place
I could never understand.

On the hills the fires burned at midnight,
Superstition plagued the air,
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight,
the stars are out and magic is here...

I wished on the seven sisters,
Bring to me wisdom of age,
All that's locked within the book of secrets,
I longed for the knowledge of the sage...

On the hills the fires burned at midnight,
Superstition plagued the air,
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight,
Stars are out and magic is here,
The stars are out and magic is here...

So, the sisters smiled to themselves,
And they whispered as they shone,
And it was from that very instant,
I knew I would never be alone.

While on the hills
The fires burned at midnight,
Superstition plagued the air,
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight,
Stars are out and magic is here,
the stars are out and magic is here...

Many stars were long forgotten,
Many faded and became ghosts,
Still my sisters glittered down from heaven,
Always there when I needed them most...

And on the hills
The fires burned at midnight,
Superstition plagued the air,
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight,
Stars are out and magic is here,
The stars are out and magic is here...

I stood out here once before
With my head held in my hands,
For all that I had known of this place
I could never understand.

On the hills the fires burned at midnight,
Superstition plagued the air,
Sparks fly as the fires burn at midnight,
Stars are out and magic is here,
The stars are out and magic is here
The stars are out and magic is here
The stars are out and magic is here...

Я, кажись, была уж здесь, когда то
Дай бог памяти, в каком это году?
Нет, не вспомню, память слабовата...
То ль во сне то было, то ли наяву...

От костров летят по ветру искры!
Стар и млад спешат на торжество
Льют в ночи костры свет золотистый
Зажигает звёзды Волшебство...

Обратилась я с мольбой к Плеядам
Дабы мне добавили уму
Тьму, сказали, книг прочесть мне надо
Чтоб в мозгах смогла расчистить тьму...

От костров летят по ветру искры!
Стар и млад спешат на торжество
Льют в ночи костры свет золотистый
Зажигает звёзды Волшебство...
Зажигает звёзды Волшебство...

Усмехнулись оные Плеяды
Замигало их сияние
Под поклоном скрыв свою досаду
Я пошла алмаз грызть знания...

А от костров летят по ветру искры!
Стар и млад спешат на торжество
Льют в ночи костры свет золотистый
Зажигает звёзды Волшебство...

Поредела искр небесных роздымь
Кто забыт, кого на месте нет
А мне с небес мигают те же звёзды
И хохочут на экзамене...

От костров летят по ветру искры!
Стар и млад спешат на торжество
Льют в ночи костры свет золотистый
Зажигает звёзды Волшебство...(три раза)
