
 on Friday tardes
  рулил по серой ветке

на ближний север ,

 А на душе скребли
какие-то там кошки
 - No panic , - said myself- ни с-сы Серёга !

 Waked up upstairs
by means of

 Got surface   :
there was the blossom
 of Spring-time

- On 18-teenth of the
February - ?
 What is a kind
 of show-off  ?

 She warned before me
like a sheer , they
  must from threshold get u -> outside

 Meanwhile got
half a smoke i near obelisk ,
and - put inside !

 ... For 1-st time
 in my doggy-life
met me  a
    Big-G leader !

  Was i so frighten
still so far :
 - "What do u want ? "

 "  - to pass mine trigger with the diabolъ-g  "
 - Ну да      ,
   All smiling are around - kak suko - дедушку
купили-лихо !
  И - хари-то all ones to 5 times  - familiar 
especially Pribalt-Ъ
 who hold the scene of laughing to  thi end

 - Much-muito , so obliged !  before the Fri.-night  Ъ
