Victorious Banner of the Olympic Stars


It's just impossible,hard to imajine
 Fairy tale -Olympic Beijing,
 Mountain eagles and doves in the sky,
 Gliding  with  heads in the clouds they fly.

One can't help impressing by wonderful views
Of Palaces,  Stadiums, Avenues,
Snowy Bird's Nest  and Great Icy Cube.
Unique desine of national Tube.

And lit by the  sun and the stars from above,
Beijing's a city, propitious for love.
What hospitality will be percieved
Аs soon as you come and are recieved !

No matter the origin,language and race,
Open-handed  and  open-faced
Beijing will give you a hearty welcome,
Feel like at home and overcome !

We looked forward to  for this time to come !
Stronger the wings of the eagles become,
Catching yourselves we are ready to fight,
То  make   own  Motherland glorified.

To conquer the mountain crazy relief,
Country ski-runs, it is possible, if
You're  strong-willed and quite masterly skilled,
With noble feelings overfilled.

Dances on Ice is a wonderful Show,
Нigh-speed and graceful, virtuoso,
Heavenly music gives charm to the Sight,
Full of spiritual Beauty and Light.

Your  rival whoever, wherever from is :
Compatriot,foreigner, mind it ,please:
Communication's a delicate Art,
Give him  an empathy  from all Your heart !

There mustn't  be any politicized acts,
False and unkind  producing effects,
People of GOOD WILL ! Keep Peace on the Earth !
It's our mutual ,sacred  course !


Long live Chinese Organizing Committee!
Snowy Beijing,a beatiful city,
Sparcling with Gold and Silver,and Bronze!
Starry Olympians and Champions!

Blessed  by the God, like a blossoming orchard,
Friendship of Peoples,so cheriched and watchet,
Bright blue-eyed sky and a Snow- White Dove,
Gliding and circling, it looks from  above .

То President of the; lnternational Beijing Organising Committee
For the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games
A Poetess, Sochi , the; Russian Federation

                Dear Mr.LU PAN!

lhave writrten a poem, devoting to Beijing - 2022 to express a general; approach to our brotherly; nation ,the Chinese People's; Republic, and admiration by the; magnificent Olympic objects.And also to support the Olympians and to wish them to win the Victory  and first of all l wished a great succsess to my countrypeople.) I adress myself to all o them to maintain good relations with all peoples of the Plane.

First of  all, take my best congratulations as far as the  successful finishing of the first stage of  Beijing- 2022 is concerned !  I 'm so much delited  and thankful  to You for the excellent leadership in Organising and performing of the GAMES .

If You like my work, take this poem as a literary gift to be used for a common good Let it be recited,published,recorded and listened to on the air.
Best of all I 'd; like it to become a SONG and will be performed by a professional music group. It' s my cherished day- dream.; ; l present You with it quite without any gain .
But if You offer me to help financially, l'll appreciate Your kindess and take it with great gratitude.(; I' m a disabled person,a wheel -; chair user .; Next month l'm going to be 82 years old .; I and my son; have to rent a room.)

With the best wishes  to conduc  the Paralympic  Games as well !   Waiting for Your answer to my e - mail,

Margarita Matveyevna Chuvaeva.
The poem; is applied   in two languages: English and my  native: Russian

Dear Mrs Margarita Matveyevna Chuvaeva,

Thank you for your support and enthusiasm for the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games!

Hope you enjoy the Games!

Best regards,

