Sharing in our suffering

From the safety of Heaven
He came down to us all
to embrace our life, having
a divine inner call.

Choosing not the life of roses,
but to be for sinners slain,
on the Via Dolorosa
He had shared our fate.

In the manger fit for cattle
He was born, Our Lord and King,
and with sin He won the battle
on the road of suffering.

From His death New Life resulted,-
not in vain Jesus died!
Let Christ's name be exalted
and forever glorified!

It's victorious, His story:
Jesus conquered deeds of Death
and with us He shares His glory,
giving us His holy breath.

And God's Kingdom to proclaim
we by Jesus Christ are sent,
bringing glory to His name,
fruitfully our lives spent.

When we suffer, then we know:
in all trials He is there,
helping each of us to grow,
when the life is unfair.

He is helping is temptations,
if we them to Him confess,
and His Spirit gives direction
to the way, which He will bless.

Of our nature He's aware
as among us He had lived,
giving love to us to share,
welcoming all, who believed.

Jesus deals with all that's hidden -
our ego, greed, and pride.
He will bring us to His Kingdom,
purified as His bride.



Немного, но читал поэзии в оригинале как английской, так и французской. Возможно у носителей языка и другое мнение, но мне кажется, что ни в одном другом языке нет такой совершенной и точной рифмы, как в русском

Богатырев Сергей   06.03.2022 14:46     Заявить о нарушении
Не буду спорить, тем более, что так оно и есть.
Не потому ли английские поэты теперь считают рифмованные стихи плохим тоном, что своих рифм не хватает, а если и хватает иногда, то просто ленятся и не хотят думать.
Храни вас Бог!

Альбина Кумирова   06.03.2022 15:13   Заявить о нарушении
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