Ding-dong, ding-dong

Ding-dong, ding-dong
With cat's home what's going on 
Ding-dong, ding-dong
To defy the fire is wrong!

Kitty  put on nice attire
Put the porridge on the fire
And she went for walk, forgot
That there might be fire а lot!
Daddy said fire was no joke!
She forgot, it's not just smoke
The fire is dancing, it seems alive
But our Kitty wants to drive!

Kitty put on nice attire
Put the porridge on the fire
And she went for walk, forgot
That there might be fire а lot
The wall is already on fire.
Smoke rises higher and higher.
Who can put out all this porridge.
Someone will need all his courage

Ding-dong, ding-dong
With cat's home what's going on 
Ding-dong, ding-dong
To defy the fire is wrong!

Kitty put on nice attire
Put the porridge on the fire
And she went for walk, forgot
That there might be fire а lot
"I eat all!" - the fire tells us.
It's too late to make a fuss.
Whole house is fire on fire.
Kitty is looking for heels higher

Kitty put on nice attire
Put the porridge on the fire
And she went for walk, forgot
That there might be fire а lot
Kitti under a bush depressed
But it's late, fire is a distress
Everything that was acquired
leaves a lot to be desired...

Ding-dong,  ding-dong
With cat's home what's going on 
Ding-dong,  ding-dong
Leaving fire is very wrong

Kitty put on nice attire
Put the porridge on the fire
And she went for walk, forgot
That there might be fire а lot
Kitti did not want to hear.
Lonely porridge this is fear
Can sometimes cause many troubles
And from neglect, all can double.

Ding-dong,  ding-dong
With cat's home what's going on 
Ding-dong,  ding-dong
Leaving fire is very wrong!

© Alexander Povshenko
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