Перевод palm trees
The sky - like the ocean ...
And only palms touching it.
With its green leafs,
With its crazy state,
With its ripe fruit,
With its small mind.
And I, like a captain,
Which is inside of this picture
Gliding by his eyes across the sky,
Along the poles of neat trees.
Up, to the leaf, to the sky ...
Перевод с польского языка
Niebo – jak ocean…
I tylko palmy dotykaja go
Swym lisciem zielonym,
Swym stanem szalonym,
Swym owocem dojrzalym,
Swym umyslem malym.
A ja, jak kapitan,
Co w srodku tego obrazu,
Zagluje wzrokiem po niebu,
Wzdluz slupow zgrabnych drzew.
Do gory, do liscia, do nieba…
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