57 inglish art of decoding. from west, with строны

Hardly this Eternal "Perpetual" a Calendar Belongs to a hand Леонардо yes " " Винчи?
Here inscriptions on Английском, and approximately " The Rising and Setting of the Sun for every Month " -Rais and calls
The sun in each month! Beside a Scale of days:
The_1_6_11_16_21_27, and in a window Top Indistinctly numbers. That mean the letters:
H_M_H_M_ I do not know, not the descriptions of the device. I repeat it an eternal
calendar, that  However, is in your computer:- January 12 2022. And whether has this Attitude to Time?
We " were translated and  non_напереводились on Years(summer), and Autumn time " of years 20! And, as sympathized: - - коровок=cow, say будить it is not necessary at 4 hours! Let morning дойка there will be at one o'clock, another later? Until then would translate, while the President has not interfered:
- скока What is times_it is possible on the cows to be guided! Enter Standard time, and DO NOT CHANGE! But for this purpose it was necessary per day to translate Days forward and back! So the Old date, is 11, or January 13, that was up to all these катавасий! Besides in this device, that in figure the day time year was taken into account 360, or nevertheless 365 -.
ASTERISKS And _Wheel with a tooth. OR, WHY In an ANTIQUITY In ONE YEAR WAS 360 DAYS?
Here there is a subtlety, but tell:
- As the Quantityof Parts in Bicycle, or motorcycle of a circuit Is selected. Seems in  Bicycle circuit 74 links! The answer! All depends on quantity зубьев on small, and large asterisks simple, without a box of speeds is great. All business that the Parts of a toutth should come on Same зубья! Then they it is ideal Притрутся to each other. Mark a tooth by a paint though on large, where pedals, and on a circuit a part! Having scrolled a circuit, will see that, the same part will get on a tooth, that is marked!
- Business that the Codes Майя, I have given figure, that contain dates of Days and Месяцев_ it is Points, and  Hyphens! So, I have given an Obverse asterisk of a Mechanical calendar, and there 360, instead of 365зубьев as in the Present year! As to it 5 to not banish a reducer! 360 it is possible to divide by a reducer on 2, 4, 6, 12 and so on! And here it is not casual 1-6-13 faster than 360 дневный a calendar as 365 give the rest, even per One day Each year! And 360 дневный there are No passing days. That is, there were 6000 years back Mechanical calendars, that by turn Each day nobody of the Lever were translated! As you understand even if to know, that this device can Consider days, not the fact, that so simply to understand, as him(it) to use! And so, on this calendar as hours with windows, where it is necessary to read out days of years 500 back, and if similar of devices already there was ten times ancient, and it(him) at Майя, and in гробнице Хеси -Ра 5000 years, or more, an occasion..
Shabby бурями=storms, but due to art мореходов=sailman two ладьи=bout  from Egypt of the profit in " Тиу, that ку, with what то_ Катан " in Southern America? Whether is possible on the Codes Майя, that that to restore! Their portrayals on the greater measure to the European are not clear! But, having recollected a Carnival in Рио with перьям on танцовщицах, so it is necessary to represent, and their gods, at what except for перьев =wings_on their bodies that only is not present! It can be gathered under the book Копарева- " the Mysterious Codes майя "..
Book has the same structure, as well as my narration of a reasoning, and insert of clauses, photo and figures till cultures Майя in Southern America. The basic works, complete almost on 100 % are pictures Майя, on cities and owners named: Борджиа, Parisian, Dresden. They still in 1960 are photographed in colour, and it is a fabric, and (her) after Грунтовки =paint such as мелом = plaser= gips on glue figures are made, that are painted. The codes, it is visible on bends are not curtaile, and are combined, as now large drawing, but length of a canvas is huge: about meter on ten meters. It is visible, how there wrote! At first was rendered конур, and after were painted zones! It is a lot of перьев, причудливые headgears, and the gods than only are not surrounded, but it is clear, that frequently hold in a hand the large snake, such as a boa. It is mythology, but in the code Борджиа is, and  (he) is easy for deciphering Calendars! Mechanical and them it is possible проворачивая= run round  of the handle to work with them! Show days, well!....... 56.. @@...
P/s. Начнем изучение с Роликов Зеленого цвета вокруг зубчатого колеса. Левые два- удерживаю, не давая выпасть колесу с 360 зубьями! А Правое всходят в Зацепление, как редуктор,  аналогичный в механических часах, но позволял Пересчитывать на других шкалах дни Лунного календаря, а  редуктор можно изготовить в древности, или  в наши дни на станках.................57..............@@...............
