55 inglish искусство дешифровки вечный календарь,

That  described period, let is 5000 -3000 years back in  world already there was an Eternal Calendar, how in this figure, and that there is from  device, what attribute it Леонардо Винчи? Inscriptions in English
Whether it is possible it to specify? As it is not strange, but in this chapter we shall come nearer to this, us
It is necessary to visit again гробницу Хеси- Ра, and to understand
That represents a tomb Хеси- Ра on my brief, fragmentary perusal of the book Квибелла " Excavation in Саккаре in 1911- 12 years. "Саккар is ancient tombs, and there buried famous of the persons! There is no mention, that there were buried фараоны, or empress. As well as at pyramids Гизы is tombs, and here the very first pyramids, for example Step, have burial places such as мастабы =enchant  tomb Distinctive feature such некрополя: at the top view, it is(lines) a field - equal прямоугольнки, as though, it is a bar of chocolate! As though for travel here these tracks straight linees, and it not chaos from lines, or impasses! So, approximately now build массово garages. It is possible on lines - for streets longitudinal and cross to reach, as garage and in мастабы! This requirement of construction: it is necessary to deliver a stone, tree, blocks with a groove and everything, that will cut in the stone  workshop.
In  book Квибелла there are a lot of photos, and it is especially valuable - it is possible to compare with paint of same stage, and to try to read the text! The truth, at once I shall tell, I the text tombs of certain officials swim! The text in гробнице фарана, or (him) The servants is easier, what both to read, and to understand. It is  Standard text, and there mention of the gods, for example: Атона, or Ра, or others in each line, name- it is possible to specify under  directories: that for фаран, or empress. And the texts a tomb imperial are (translated), that the sense is clear, and the details not so are essential.
I shall repeat, much понимешь under the Signatures under a photo. And so, top part мастабы - tombs, that on ground, not considering not less two underground levels. A pair of words about a design, and Особености= Features of the device -мастаб-tombs.
- Мастаба in the elementary kind not especially знатного -_The managers and servants фараона of the man was those: the heroes reason!
- " let is = пущай, this a burial place! - reasoned археологи in a close circle, working, as though on public! All have listened! " Further followed, that whenever possible, but all was not so skilfully (made) that there would be no plunder.
-а, I, read! - beginnings, certainly, Чапай! – that coffin  were as though ishaft), at what at bottom levels! Here word has taken Квибелл, and as I shall quote, and to give НЕСТАНДАРНОЕ the description, but Understandable absolutely modern man, it is necessary to reject certain installations, and that that on another to realize, that has written Квибел in the book " Excavation in Саккаре in 1911-12 years ".
-и so! The Sirs, Comrades from the Soviet science, and.. And! - (he) began витиевато = say!
- Кароча! Кликасовский = Stop! - have interrupted (him)! Do it without titles, not at Nobiliary assembly! - and, Квибел in details say it.
From the AUTHOR.
I shall not tell precisely, but it is possible, the trenches of meter in 3-5 Were dug in field, and them have issued so, that there there is that under the book " picture gallery ". It is the texts written by a paint on plaster. It is a fresco, and иерлглифы are drawn, but are not outlined by lines by a cutter. Probably in same Parallel, length of meters 20, Long hole in ground is niches and in them, on number 15 there were when that carved panels, that reflected life, and post Хеси Ра. I use by translations of the authors, that it is better than me knows, same - Квибелл! To it(him) a word:
- On portrayals main _ wife/ wife, Квибелл concerned to i(her) presence формулярно, and on  Name did not mention! -May wife do it! Paint pictures on wather color paint! Here Чапай wanted вспылить= roar, as did not know, that a water paint / wather color =акварель = a paint, and to draw by a water colour, it = paint! - that say loudly : - that you "Пайнткаешь", as though, speaking: - " Баден- Баден- Кокенгаген "?
- Yes! - continued Квибелл melancholically! Most likely (he) has not understood a plant Чапая, and what
To distract last, has given (him) the book Петровского " Grammar Egyptian иероглифа and letter from 1994! " - on, a pier, esteem! Was soon found out, that in 1894 of excavation conducted another археолого, and so it happens, Мариеет has not dug down all underground штольни_ the gallery in ground  up to the end. More shortly, Мариэтт- Hand-written  on French, and last has given only Portrayal 3 panels, that all one page, and Квибелл has finished  of panels up to 5. But, as it is considered, that they stood in niches of width and meter, they are identical on width, but highest above approximately on 1/3 and up to 3 meters (her) height. My explanatory not on panels? It is disassembled coffin, there there are Apertures for assembly!! Her(it) collected Ахмед паша- 45, in a knee from Тутанхамона - separate chapter!....
P/s. Подготовка данных готова! Могли ли 5000 лет назад сделать Механическое устройство, что Считало дни? Ответ в гробнице 3 Династии, правившей 5000 лет назад, в гробнице Хеси-Ра 55. @@..
