50 art of decoding. an illustration we esteem the
Let's return to Blocks. On the sizes of hieroglyphs the Egyptians вщ ше to "blocks" that will help you, and easier enter in куфв of a hieroglyph. It is a little bit more difficult to read hieroglyphs, that go in " a line, but some moments I shall explain on a perusal here of lines! "
1. In the Top 1 Line right at the beginning it is interesting Сочетание_Капелька with Bent кончиком, and two Пера =Wings_, and after - small размера_Каравай. Это_Каравай=Bread_, most likely Attribute of a Female sort, will meet in further 12 Lines, the place, that is allocated so /,,, /there there is 2 блока from __ Перо __ Каравай и_ a Water and Кружок/ Wings_Bread_Warher_Sub is name God Атон/=I-t-n-Ra, that is the god Атон, what twice does a mention of the god Атона in a line? Between them the Duck costs(stands) on legs, and the attribute of a Female sort is higher again __ Каравай =! That is, it is possible to (translate):
" Атона Daughter =Woman simbol = she sitting_ and Атона = continuation of other line. ". Here speech about Нефертити, as it proves to be true by Frameworks framevorks from her, Нефертити, name.
1. We shall return to mentioned блоку_ Капелька with bent концем, and two _Пера! This name _ "Тии" and ___Каравай, acknowledgement of a Female sort! If was выше_Утка on ground __ a Circle it is the Son of the god Ра, фараон. This combination Женскоог and Man's sort on a forward part погребальной сени in tomb Kv. 55, also has(removed) me that empress Тии was in a rank "woman – фараон =king", that now we write in the (ending) "She"("it"). But фараонами nevertheless women could not be! So it is accepted! King of Russia Павел 3 it seems, has entered a rule in Russia - to not be at authority of empresses. That is, nominally they passed on death of the emperor in a rank of the Widows, without imperous levers!
2. It, both is not good and not poorly! So, to last Императрице, with authority: as king or фараон,
The attitude(relation) liberal in Russian общесве! Екатерина 2 conducted wars, reflected invasions, and was in speak in with Вольтером, and then the masters, and were a certain liberal indulgence, but nevertheless Павел has divided(shared) Authority into two parts, having left Representative authority to empresses! Really wife of last Emperor Николая 2 = Second did not influence businesses of Russia! But it would be desirable " повластвовать! " It about modern adjustments of Authority all over the world!
The mention the block at once rushes in eyes with a name Атон, will as meet sometimes up to 2-3 times in строе. Also it is the help! Actually text = Monotonous recurrence of assembly " About Атон, I! Фараон, if it картуши or " About, Атнн, your daughter and god Ра ". Repetitions from блока_ 2 Horizontal lines, and 2 Slanting =Нил and his coast! "! I for a long time write as –Чаша =Cup without handle_Властитель, or king and empress of North, South, East and West. That is, there is a Constant acknowledgement of a Name !
All this can in the comic form be looked in film " Ифан Фасыльевич чейндж хиз ворк "!
Excuse! " Иван Васильевич changes a trade! " - I love to give " первод of speech Шведише Роден Гард " in the performance of the actor Филлиппова! As there write Латиницей, and word King, Шведише гард- the Swedish army, what was at war with Иваном 4? In general that, with the swedes Грозныцй was not at war, it is a joke:
...... Swedish ambassador, Having jumped up in Реверансе, and having respectfully bent попер:
Tchar = king! And Veikii Kneze-USA = RUSSA/ USA And RUSSIA king, Moustache = уВся/ Svedishe Konig Reih=власть, analogue the German Reich / Reign time of a reign фараона Рейгана Swedish guard- гвардейцы кардинала, Swedish! That would tell Чапай, see it film!?.. охх """ " th on...... 49.. @@..
P/s/ эта статья писалась по тому, что Буквально частые обращения типа “ О бон Атон, я..” привели к тому, что Эхнатон Формально Обещл построить столицу Ахет- Атон и ограничил десяткам стел ее границы, как и это Стелой_S! Это Формальное выражение, ане клятва, а построил он Обсерваторию! То чо Эхнатон был астрономом, или кто то дал, сделал ему Четреж где поставить стелы, что по сути как Мушка на стволе гигантскогл ствола, Указывала на положение Солнца во Время Солнцестояний! Скрыто з Помпезными речами! Мы, так
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