45 inglish art of decoding. is still found on гроб
Let's consider this colour paint, as she(it) Has some attitude to secret гробницы sq. 55, but at first in the help..It is the great assistant, only it is necessary to know some rules of construction of the initial image!All is very simple! The art everyone adheres to certain rules, that it is not necessary to break, and to know them it is necessary! It concerns to ритуалным_church _ to the images: the poses, clothes and subjects in hands are fixed in certain of rules, and installations. I shall explain easier on an example of Russian church art! The poses, subjects, rule(situation) of hands, and clothes Are accepted once, and Are fixed. It to the full corresponds(meets) to the images of epoch Эхнатона! And, if you see A certain subject, here is a type of a little table, that Is in tomb empress Тии on one of panels, it is mentally possible to
present a plot. As it is not strange, but Main I have missed, and only in details having worked figure has seen (connection) with a Plot on one of panels, as a Corner there was kept only, and in the basic gilding has slipped. That corner on the panel from Kv. 55, and Bottom of this figure in Such orientation Канонически – Standard are connected. It is a type, and them Some variants Жертвенного =Ritual of a little table. Here Special supports under a table-top, such as now urns in streets. In All others гробницах the little table has other Design, modular: from реек, here they Integral. It is from metal, probably stone!! Besides this image Is possible Cleaning just as clear away, as закопченную, and very old pictures. the order! HOW IT WILL HELP With RECONSTRUCTION of TWO LATERAL PANELS? Here there are points of contact! It is possible to assume that it is One school, and the foremen that used an identical plot, most likely - they come Амарны! Having understood that here is represented it is possible to assume sense, and plot of the panel from Kv. 55 by one of lateral walls погребальной сени =sepurcral canopy! The part of the answer is latent Эхнатона. Beautifully has told!in All walls, it is clear that all four are identical, and it a little картинок from Real li
Especially, it is necessary понятьСмысл =To understand the contents_, and on a secret I tell the text is standard, and much will not give, but we begin to not hasten! Here two figures! Accept the first help!
1. Recollect about the concept of a Canon first is clothes. So, always фараона the body is open more, than woman, empress, or daughters Эхнатона, and the red stomach up to пупка is covered! - Is exact - on the right on clothes = фараон! It, most likely, Эхнатон - in картушах the hieroglyphs are not looked through, though can be of any their characters, if is Not taken into account) фараоны. For example not Аменхотеп 4- Эхнатон, and Аменхотеп 3, his father!
2. Style Амарны. This most simple! What to understand all rest, it is necessary much to know epoch, if not катушей, for example have not come in a piece of a plate, an almost unsoluble task. So the temples could begin at first фараон, and completed both second, and fifts, Erasing old картуши = name this rule, will not meet, that the temple began Эхнатон, and has finished it(him) to build Хоремхеб! Last, simply has cut off стрее картуши, (made) it under his order. And, as acted with statues, it is visible, that it is a statue Тутанхамона, or on him very similar, but it not the Initial person same Хоремхеба!
3. Here there is a difference in the image of the Sun with beams, god Атона that is. So it when were not represented are Clouds, or the light is lower than a circle of the Sun, that with hands. Always beams depart from a circle and any clouds, or light. It is a Canon and Little tables, точее of a support, speak, that here is Identical! Here, and on the panel from Kv. 55! So, Image of panels in parts is born, that as a matter of fact is not present, or she(it) so is destroyed, that have removed(taken off) from it(her) gilding and separate листочки lay in a certain box! It is good, if not at потомков of our heroes! That hardly know, that this such, and you see pair листочков with a name nobody фараона, or king would be given much!
P/s. Here it is possible to extend, and you of the ladies an Illustration Wholly, and partially Clearing away Many more!..
P/s. Поверь, эта панель дает мне некий шаг, что свяжет эту резную и раскрашенную резьбу по камню, и одну из панелей из гробницы царицы Тии. Тут все дело в Форме стоек, на которых наложены продукты. Эти столик, а после конечно с него Вкусят они. Я не пишу имена! Это могут быть: и Эхнатон и Нефертити, так и Сменхакр и Меритатон, что правили после упомянутых. Как вариант: фараоном, то есть правая, может быть Возможная царствующая персона, что НЕ ОТРАЖЕНА. Просто по тому, что в картушах нет ни одного иероглифа. Кроме того, тут Нет картуша для имени левой, женской фигуры – она в Глухом платье. Есть рельеф, где жрец Ейе, а жрица, или женская фигура имеет так же имя “ Тии”, как великая царица Египта!.........45....@@...
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