38 ingl art of decoding. spase theory. general tim
Let's begin from the Right fragment, there, where the ships are drawn! Top кораблик = ship small has except for Паруса =Sail_ it is a hieroglyph, and as the top sail with a Mast, and is drawn, but without Cases. Yes the Value of a sail, is also syllable for sails, but his(its) Value is important, and is translated. A sail, it: a wind,, To blow_ 2the Sail is on bottom of coffin = саркофага from Kv. 55, and the sails, actually, also have brought in an Intrigue to a perusal, and understanding!
In book author Перепелкина " Secret of a Gold coffin " these lines are translated with _ sail as:
--" I shall be to feel your breath, as Northern wind blow. The sail, also isbreath
Why not paint up to "Ship", you see there is enough Дорисовать the case, but it is impossible -Чаша without the handle, that is, as to be_ Authority, empress or фараону = king, or as a verb " to dominate to you, let empress Тии, or Эхнатон, on coast of Nile ". It раэбор погребальной сени from tomb Kv. 55, is in " Secret of tomb Queen Tyji. 55 " there, in the text and on panels, boards with carved иероглифами on About approximately 50 of hieroglyphs up to ten -nb, that is __ Чаша –Cup/ for tea but without the handle. With ручкой = handle _ Чаша =Cup= to the letter - K.
As per 1920 Бадж, has issued " the Dictionary of the Egyptian hieroglyph " And, it is similar н a Sail till it(him), Баджа to opinion, a certain holiday (he) has written, how " Омоложения фараона = To make more young on 30 years for 30 years "! Probably in some text, also there is such set of hieroglyphs, that event to take place for 30 years of a reign there was nobody king. That is, the Treatment, and it not a rarity, is foggy. And always, and this hieroglyph is and in гробнице Kv. 55, and in all tombs in rocks Амарны. And is lower, again Чаша - Cup without the handle, and I write all " it is Authority "! But, there is a subtlety.
1. I consider) - them Three. On figure. I say_ Cup with handle_ To the letter is in a name of the second wife on a name Кии, i(her) first letter.
2. Is Simply -Cup without handle. Can be drawn, As the line, or Is shaded, or Is painted, as well as other hieroglyphs, for example dark blue, and other marks - with another by paints. Colour, painted hieroglyphs All in гробницах in frescos pictures on their walls
3. As here, and such же_ Cup without the handle, but on an it - small circle, I consider, this Sun, and
Then we have in Interpretation and a Sail of the Second type, and case of a vessel with a circle.
P/s. Cup with a Circle = the Sun, my opinion, is as Last hieroglyph in Картуше =name king Норемхеба, that of rules after Тутанхамона, whole and 36 years! And at Тутанхамона in his name_ Чаша =Cup was drawn in картуше =Framework with a name by Last, as, entered in bottom Овал of a framework with a name! So, at Тутанхавмна_ Чаша simple, without a circle, and concerning it(him): his(its) mummies unequivocally give 18 years! And how it(he) could also "Омолодиться = to be yong" per 30 years? On this the Interpretation of this hieroglyph Is foggy!
But what to understand all told, it is necessary to consider All figure, and to accept the Doctrines, well that that was not considered whom, but Could be.
Ship on pharaohn, burying(going too far) in abyss moved with decent speed! Soon all have believed in durability of ancient court, so-called " сшивного=To sew by a rope as streengs such as ", and some of water, that got in hold To pour out the sailors "!
Зажгли fixtures, and in flickering light of a lamp to see on a map, most ancient in the World!
As say! - the most important man in Egypt, after king, certainly has asked Хормхеб,! The brilliant militarian, some more very young! On the first sight - (him) no more to than thirty! It) is glorified by campaigns in rebellious parts of Great Egypt! And there, who is eternal that to be revolt, or stopped to pay in treasury the tax with extensive country, as a matter of fact - next empires! But, most bad, trouble anyone The country - were кочевники =The inhabitants of deserts.
But, recently it(he) has received certain ларец = bug from Supreme pries with name Ейе, and had from him(it) small gold Key It bug needed to be transferred there priests after the arrival of the ship, but how the route, as a matter of fact, was unknown, we can to you tell(have an effect) in bug there was so one gold sheet, and on (her) that that is simple To scratch than that like sewed! But, there there was a name Supreme priest - Ейе! And that "message", so we shall write while, should reach the addressee! If the ship will sink, and will not return back, to king Эхнатон, even one man from the command, he will send other ships.
P/s/ так корабли привезти могли в Южную Америку пластину, и там было видно Неточность Восхода Солнца относительно стел Амарны- это обсерватория, как Стоунхендж, но более точная! Как Гринвич теперь! По Солнцу замерялась “ Длина Всеобщего года”! Доказательства, далее!..@@..
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