P/s. An illustration a disk it circuit, to about 4000 years.
.. And so " Неонила-Нилл 1 ' has moored to a coast, and everyone began to consider(examine) strange figure not figure, photo not a photo, but something is obvious similar to the drawing. Who soon has told that, that it is a photo from a popular magazine, here I not совру, as in 1 Volume " Скрипта Миноа " Артур Эванс for the first time have given a photo, as well as figure of a disk. I did(made) this drawing, as till a photo of 1910, on the moment of a narration, and on this colour photo from 2007, when was 100 Universary of opening Фестского of a disk.
Let's try, proceeding from presence of this drawing to plan the completely new theory of his(its) decoding, his(its) concept, and perusal.
Tell: what Volume of the information in it a subject? Like all Is taken into account(discounted) already, all parameters it(him), and tens variants of his(its) Text:
1. The diameter Variable, is first step to understanding, that it is the drawing, and Фестскй a disk
Is stamped, is printed for time! What, is a Seal, instead of separate marks were printed, how write in all books?! In support it, that that for Time press a disk, that is ring, is have, when in soft clay that printing so!
2. On each party, it seems on 30, or 31 word, or is exacter - Sector, that is divided it(him) Surface. Marks separate approximately on 120 simbols! Actually, if To consider(count) marks on the parties till THREE times, the number 360 will turn out! Old ancient year, or Calendar. What To leave on the drawing to me it would be necessary to use Intuition, and if who already has read that, Вирамы, it is Risks at separate prints, anybody for Missed public, that is in the Egyptian hieroglyph anybody, any more will not count!
As! You will tell, and hundred books where the text (him) and both parties is given. But chesspiece that this disk "is read" in many languages USSR, what that from Caucasus of the people, not speaking about Russian. There is a perusal on Китайски, and Японски. There is a joke " is not read чукчами, as about this disk them have not told! ".
.... Тепеь- is serious! The art of decoding, is possible a logic component mine takes place also, but nevertheless there is a science of Decoding and on techniques, very complex, that as a matter of fact it is possible to decipher Formulas on hundreds pages,! It for the professional The scientists, but is certain Installations, and the disk will not roll what to apply to it(him) Формкулы, that are open by the scientists.
All упираетися that language Is unknown! If it быолм of the letter, not so that is simple! By the Russian letters write in Russia but, мордва, чуваши, the Udmurts those peoples, that I met, working side by side, they have General(common) words in a very short range: USSR, Militia, Collective farm. And " Нянь" Bread on -удмуртски, and италмаз or италмас- = a star?
.............. Here is not present, and it is stipulated always by professionals - Surplus of marks.....................
Not with what that of an encryption, when it is Colloquial language, other term "alive" that is then, when even one, two men speak, or still understand though and vaguely, sense! Then the Different quantity(amount) of marks, исхлжя is necessary from that: Слоговый, or Alphabetic language. Now doctrine, but is accepted, I saw film in the Internet, that is just removed in certain Конференции, where were going: as the Professors, and schoolboys on age, where that кажетсв of England. It in eve of 2007! Фестский a disk have found in 10907, as well as гробницу empress Тии! And, сместа! But nevertheless girl прочла on warehouses, it there was a variant Древне- Greek. But in a magazine "Минерва" for the same 2007, - отуда цветнное the photo, is told the following! Russian variant of a conclusion on that Conference:
- " The horse-radish knows it(him), that there on a disk is written! ".
As on Crossings of lines, and here not everything, is necessary to understand Logic of construction of drawing, time in three, can in five, the quantity of words grows! It is possible To understand Value.
Example. Actually we on 45 marks = simbols identical, with which the disk is printed, or is stalely on a stamp no more on 30 now more less can tell, what it? Ну_ the Boy goes, time ten, as is often_ Man_ in a helmet? Who? It __Man_ in a helmet, (he) who? -Древне гречекий =language__ the hero? Can - Ахилл, Гектор, or nevertheless king, what had a name a Minus наКрите? Is known on "History" of the Greek Фукидиа? Actually, Bases of a direction of decoding has put in pawn Атрур Еванс in " Скрипта Миноа 1 ". In the book " a court Yard of king of a Minus on Крите ". It has decided - language "Флексивный" with the (endings) in words. Has Declinations and conjugations, and in Древне - Greek language at the end of words:-s, n __of the letter!.
ВЫВОД! Из за того, что это Чертеж, то - слова могут быть ВСЕХ Линиях, не только в секторах. Выводам и Принципу построения чертежа, это - отдельная глава. В списке ниже! Тогда, это Древний кроссворд, мало ли слов Запутано в современном кроссворде? Это “ Клубок” со словами внутри! Дает “ Избыток слов”, которого нет. САМ УДИВИЛСЯ? ЧЕРТЕЖОМ СДЕЛАН Рисунок змеи! На этой стороне- “ цветок” на голове- пятно у УЖА! Сам удивился когда Карандашом дал Объем, а на оброте- ГАДЮКА! ..это древний Амулет для ОХРАНЫ жилища ....31.......@@..
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