Difference between stupidity and ignorance
For wide is the gate and broad is the way
that leads to destruction,
and many enter through it.
But small is the gate and narrow the way
that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Matthew 7:14
There is a difference between
our ignorant or stupid acts:
if we to know truth are keen
or don’t want to know facts.
For he who stifles quest for truth,
and from all doubts always free,
spiritually is uncouth,
regardless of his PhD.
As he is following the herd
with words like slogans on a banner,
his statements are sometimes absurd,
repeated in a sweeping manner.
He wouldn’t challenge upper powers,
with crowds to keep up preferring,
before authorities he cowers,
responsibility transferring.
He hides behind bigger boys
and doesn’t answer for his action,
and any challenge him annoys,
disturbing his self-satisfaction.
Such type is frequently, alas,
among us can be now met,
who tries to seek the greener grass,
and truth so ready to forget.
He may intelligent appear,
with clever words he might juggle,
but he is driven by a fear
that truth could lead him to a struggle.
Thus, he becomes a mere fool,
despite his apparent brain,
in hands of others just a tool
for their plans, for their gain.
But he who’s ignorant but seeks
to separate truth from lies,
wants explanations and critiques,
and glad to think and analyze.
Such ignorant doesn’t not oppose
to wider open his mind,
and interest for truth he shows,
which eagerly he wants to find.
He studies, as he loves to learn,
looks into different domains,
and he is able to discern,
to separate chaff from grains.
Examining, he’s looking deep,
by propaganda isn’t puzzled,
not trusting blindly, like sheep,
them, who today truth had muzzled.
He reasons in a thought process,
he’s weighing various facts, compares,
and doesn’t like to suppress
opponents, when his views he shares.
He’s open not to reject
a challenge to investigate,
and dubious facts by him are checked,
he loves to question and debate.
The one, who’s ready to appraise
the situation, doesn’t worry,
to find errors in his ways,
he can admit them, saying “sorry”.
So what’s the difference between
the two - the ignorant and stupid?
The ignorant some truth can glean,
while stupid tries to uproot it.
While ignorance can be endured
when mind is willing to be taught,
it’s treatable, it can be cured,
meanwhile, stupidity is not!
We are living in a complex world, where media bombards us with a massive attack of lies and when truth becomes less and less visible, some people prefer to bury their heads in the ground, afraid of thinking outside of box, differently, unconventionally, standing up against the mass propaganda.
Yet, there are people, who made mistakes in their ignorance but are ready to learn when they sniff falsehood.
There is a difference between stupidity and ignorance:
ignorance is curable, while stupidity is not.
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