Void is what we do find in lust,
Seducing us with joys of heaven
It leaves us hell when it has past,
While in between has nothing given.
So where we crave for satisfaction
We only find three kinds of pain :
The hunger, then the poison's action,
The death of all we did contain.
Лиза, ты мне нравишься как пара. Мало того, я тебя люблю. Люблю тебя как пару. Нравится - ничего не значит. Любить как сестру - сомнительно; потому что либо любишь, по полной программе, как единственную пару, либо не любишь вообще. А все, что между этими двумя категориями, относится ко второй категории, потому что даже 0.99 - это не единица, и смысла в этих девяносто девяти сотых НЕТ. Это только отмазки от ответственности, от верности и жертвы, которые человек принимает на себя, говоря три заветных слова "я тебя люблю". Но я говорю тебе, Я ТЕБЯ ЛЮБЛЮ, и готов принять на себя и жертву, и верность, и ответственность.
Sonnet 115 in English
SONNET 115 dedicated to JING JING (DEANNA) PENG(?)
Have I once seen a spark as clear as you -
You are the angel blinding in deep murk,
You are the boat walking on flatlands blue
That stifles me, desiring to embark.
You are the fragrance of the breathing fields
That are pushed far from suffocating cities,
You are the flower that forever shields
The breath of Roses, Asters, Tulips, Lilies.
You are the night that drops life on July,
And houses all the joys we wait long hours,
You are the Sunbeam that, when cold's hosts fly,
Permeates the air and crushes the heavy Powers :
God showed me much - and never yet His face
Until that day when you were lit in space.
4/10/2023, after seeing a new photo with her.
When summer left no cooling drops
Poor Cyprus got so lean and dried,
The soil turned out a roast for crops,
The cats on asphalt were in plight.
Yet on the tops of Tro'odos
The life is not yet burned. You dwell
In the rose-dressed place Agro's,
On the first floor of that hotel.
But I won't live with the A/C!
I want true life, I need wet lands!
I will be brined by bitter sea!
I will be drained in the dead sands!
O! Let me come now on the peak
And in the room no.30 sneak !
This small Earth on the spheres of onyx eyes
Became a gem much bigger and much fuller;
The flowing worlds do crystallize in sugar
On your sweet lips; like bees from their rich hives
They fly to me to leave their honey's drop
And balm my tongue to sweeten its sour fruits,
And let a seed of flowers on the crop
Deep in the valleys where my dark heart roots.
Though now my feeding beehive is left far,
Though it may pass a life before we meet,
Though lands you left became so insipid
Though night rules now, without my brightest star,
I'll live to hold in me your given life
And let that bee of you in me make hive!
My love is too big for my heart,
It painfully wants to get out,
And painfully tears me apart,
And rills in lines painfully loud.
Today is this great day
When this miracle - you
Appeared like a live dew
On the summer's dry clay.
Like a crystal in mud,
Like the sun in the clouds,
Like in grass breathes a bud
So you show in the crowds.
Like a fire in the North,
Like a rill in the sands,
Like in emptiness Earth,
Like through asphalt spire plants.
Like a candle at night
Which my eyes stare, still wide,
Craving for a live spark
In the emptying dark.
I hope your day will span
A long bloom on this Earth;
Yet in me, and my pen
Time won't wither your worth.
But much more I do hope
That all people have souls,
And through time's and space's walls
We'll find some agless scope.
I believe it's a lie
That things like you once die.
Prev 4th stanza
And I hope you'll adorn
This dry earth for long years,
And in my memoirs
Never you'll be forlorn.
v2 v2 v2
nd I hope a long span
Will bloom your sweet effect!
And in me, and my pen
By time you won't be wrecked
The angel. Lermontov. Translated by Mikhail Frizen
An angel was soaring upon midnight's cloth,
And a song from his mouth softly sprung;
The moon with the stars, and the clouds went his path,
In a crowd harking his holy song.
He sang of the blessing of God's sinless souls
In the blooms of His Heavens so clear;
He sang of the greatness of God to his thralls
And no sham wounded night's gentle ear.
In arms he was bringing a soul so much young
For the world where we sorrow and weep,
And sacred remained in the soul angel's song
With no words but in heart living deep.
For long have been longing that soul on our Earth,
Full of wishes unearthly and high.
And our boring songs never could buy the worth
Of the heard dearest tunes of the sky.
Your dark and lovely childlike eyes
Are beautiful as the sunrise,
I like your honey honey face,
The way you walk, your bouncy pace,
Your tameless, easy, lively grace!
I love Your cheerful, open smile,
Which beams around for a mile,
I love Your bored and sleepy style...
You came to me and simply shine
So fresh and sweet, huh, like a pine,
You joy me like some old french wine -
Now can You see : You are so fine!
You're sincere, honest, like a child,
And open to the world, and wild,
At the same time you are wise -
I know and see this in your eyes!
And now I wanna say it loud :
Inside you are... as beautiful as out.
You have to know, that most of all
I'm captivated by your soul.
You are generous in praise
And you're a girl who simply pays
Attention, care to her friend,
I felt this things so it's not penned!
I love the way you talk and guess
The sense that I want to express!
I feel that somewhere deep inside,
You have some clear angelic light,
Which I can regularly see -
Don't smother it, please let it be.
You say that you are pretty loud,
Then, hey, for this I will be proud
(But I do thing that not the loudest
And inside you're kind of modest)!
You have bad habits that I hate,
Still, I won't mind, I'll be your mate,
And if you don't want to be swayed
By them, I 'll work to give you aid.
Some time ago I've seen a thing,
It's called a mushroom, now I think
That something you do share with it...
The same simple! I admit
That being simple is so good!
A beautiful and pleasant mood,
When soul is clear like in childhood,
Emotions open, no pinchbeck,
Like the mushroom... on your neck!
You should know, for me you're called
Precious shining, solid gold,
I appreciate and love You, dear,
And feels like stronger every year!
Do you remember, years ago,
When I was silly, funny, low,
When we had an evening talk
You praised my living style and work?
That impacts me! That day your words
Were powerful like heavy swords
Of medieval knights and kings...
And still they make me do the things
That move me closer to my aim,
In future they 'll maybe bring me fame!
And later, when I was alone,
You came to me and said : " Come on,
Have a sit in my friendzone!"
I still remember those small things,
But valuable as golden rings!
Thank You very much for this,
For me it was a real bliss.
I'm unexperienced and young,
But pretty keen and not a skunk,
My soul is strong and hardly low,
I'm rulled by my heart - my law,
And by my mind - my king
( It's the executive thing)
I train myself and work a lot
(No, I don't mean I am a swot)
For serving people = serving God
(But still I am a kind of clot).
That is why I'm out of trend,
Not many people understand
The way I think, but you !-
Were really trying to!
I strive to be a honest guy
So in this poem I won`t lie.
Now I think that this is all
About me what I should call...
I heard you many times to say
That I'm your opposite - okay!
It won't oppose my feelings, no!
I also feel that deep in soul
There is something that we share,
And if we dont, I will not care -
I love you in the way you are -
Your black dark space and shining star!
Do you remember how you asked :
"For what you like me?" - what a task!
Cuz you are you, without a mask!
Cuz you are you and will be last!
Without you is hard to live,
And I am wishing some relief,
I feel that You are like a sun
That gives me energy and fun!
Without sun I'm getting weak
And oftener I'm feeling sick.
You beam on me, the troubled moon,
And warm me like a day of June,
Because yourself you show no gloom,
But... every has it, I assume.
You wrote "I have no interest in you"
But still, still, still in you I do,
And when I saw this message first,
My soul got closer to a burst...
I was supposed to give up then,
But I have came to you again
To softly ask you : "May I gain
Your friendship...please",
To be your friend is such a bliss!
A little out of my control
In me my feelings start to blow :
Unrequite love now takes it's toll
And slowly it destroyes my soul.
I had been trying to forget
Your soul and eyes, and your mindset,
But you are buried in my soul,
So it's impossible at all...
How many things because of you
I've done and after all now do?
And up till now you do inspire
Weak me to get up from the mire
Of gloom and laziness and fear,
You're leading me from year to year,
And make me strong, again cheer
To never be that dumb and drear!
When someone says your lovely name
My feelings falter like a flame
I sence the flutter in my blood
And in my heart there's kind of thud!
When winter came I understood -
Without you I'm not that good...
And I can't feel asleep when I
Do think about you. At sky
Which's pretty dark and wide at night
I see so many stars and light,
And they remind me your inside,
About you, that cool dark-eyed
And so much lovely girl Diana
So fresh and sweet like a banana
From the land of Ecuador.
Then, when I sleep, in dreams there's your
Image, face and many more,
When morning comes I think before
About you than all the stuffs -
You see - you wore me the handcuffs!
You inspire me and give me thoughts,
You power me like many Watts,
That is why I can now claim,
That all this things are not a game.
Listen, please, to me you're brill!
When you're with me I'm feeling thrill
And get as happy as a lark,
And when you're not it's cold and dark
And when in chats you are online
I jump my bed and feel so fine,
But when you leave it I'm again
Feeling gloom, and hope, and pain...
I was there and I am here,
But still I want to hug you, dear,
And now I easily can pled :
Any day you're in my head!
And on December's sevent day
I stepped on a new hopeful way -
I have resolved not to obey
The circumstances, their say,
And I began to write all this
Now to explain things not amiss
And to confess again, miss!
So now I work with all my might
To write this poem. Now I fight!!!
Sometimes I see you - I'm inspired
And work on this and don't get tired,
Write down the love that tortures me,
The thing that hardly leaves me free!
It hit me like an aging clout
And made me pour my muses out,
And through the pain it caused to me
I'm getting wiser - you can see.
So many mistakes I have made!
But I'm improving with your aid,
That is experience I miss,
So please forgive me for all this!
How many chanses I have lost
That had for me a big big cost
Just because I was too shy?
And that's one of the reasons why
I didn't say you all before
Without it I'd speak you more!
But to my shyness I said nay
And made it go from me away
And now with tears and joy I say :
Diana, as I'm loving You,
And time can prove my love is true,
And because for love
Giving is enough,
I'll hide my feelings if You want
I'll get to you more nonchalant,
And... I really hope You don't!!!
Michael Frizen
Почему растет рубль?
Потому что есть торговый дисбаланс. Разница между импортом и экспортом сейчас порядка 130 миллиардов долларов. Эта сумма и висит над долларом так, что пока к рублю внутри России у него возможности укрепиться нет - он просто здесь не нужен. Объемы импорта сократились как минимум в 15 раз, параллельный импорт только-только начал работать. Кроме этого, есть такая опция, как налоговый период, и сейчас как раз его время. Экспортеры продают валюту, чтобы заплатить налоги. Помимо всего этого, население сейчас просто выдавливают из безналичной валюты комиссиями и не дают покупать наличную в банках.
Но есть одно "но". Такой рост рубля мог бы быть нивелирован бюджетным правилом, по которому ЦБ раньше закупал доллары на рынке, если нефть была выше определенного значения. С февраля бюджетное правило перестало работать. Получается, на доллары и евро в России сейчас просто нет спроса.
Почему мы так уверены, что позже это изменится? Во-первых, закончится налоговый период. Во-вторых, более серьезно начнет работать параллельный импорт. В-третьих, к осени должна выйти новая редакция бюджетного правила, и скупка валюты в том или ином виде продолжится. Но важнее даже не скупка валюты, а сброс рублей, то есть снижение дополнительного внимания к ним. В-четвертых, когда заработает эмбарго на нефть, нужно будет как-то поднимать налоговые доходы в рублях, а сделать это можно только через девальвацию, так как Европа российскую нефть покупать уже не будет. В-пятых, от крепкого рубля страдает бюджет, хотя для граждан сильный рубль не несет какой-то угрозы - напротив, импортные товары становятся дешевле. Но пока что большая статья доходов бюджета - это экспортные налоговые поступления. Так что рубль будут всеми средствами ослаблять, в том числе и через снижение ключевой ставки ЦБ. Она легко может снизиться до 6-7% уже в этом году.
Ваш Профессор
When stepping in the empty hall
As dark and mystic as my feels,
I can complete my searching soul
And feel Your spirit
When summer left no cooling drops
Poor Cyprus gets so lean and dried,
The soil and green
I am like summer Cy without U
But I don't want to live in AC
And only tops (drops- rhyme) ofders me refreshment
Like summer Cyprus, wan and dry,
With quenching green in boring dress
Beneath the flaming midday, I
Feel after I did confess.
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1280;681, 113.2 KB
Потребительский сектор ЕС в ужасающем состоянии. Индикатор потребительского доверия в странах ЕС (Economic sentiment/Consumer confidence indicator Eurostat) рухнул до ковидного дна, но если тогда это был кратковременный и внезапный шок, который продлился буквально 1.5 месяца в острой форме, - сейчас тенденция устойчивая.
По индикатору потребительского доверия провал в мае 2022 более глубокий, чем в худшие периоды кризиса 2008-2009 или долгового кризиса 2011-2013 в Европе.
Обвал потребительного доверия происходит во всех страна Европы – среди крупных стран самая худшая относительная картина во Франции и Нидерландах. Очень плохо в Германии – там потребители оценивают экономическую ситуацию хуже, чем в Covid кризис.
Здесь важны еще не только относительные показатели, но и скорость изменения. Так вот, наиболее резкий провал начался с марта 2022 после обострения геополитического противостояния Россия-Европа и усиления энергетического кризиса.
Скорость этого провала, т.е. трехмесячное изменение индикатора потребительского доверия в странах ЕС, демонстрирует худшую динамику за 25 лет, не считая COVID шока.
Экономический кризис гарантирован. Каждый раз, когда индикатор переходил отсечку «минус 15» и ниже - начинался кризис в Европе, без исключений – лаг 6 месяцев.
Это было в 2009, в 2012 и в 2020. Кризис 2022-2023 неминуем, причем этот кризис станет сильнейшим.
Текущий коллапс будет происходить на одновременном схождении сразу нескольких шоков – энергетический, продовольственный, долговой, структурный, внешнеполитический и внутриблоковый кризисы.
Важным отличием кризиса 2022-2023 будет то, что на этот раз пространство для маневра равно нулю. Тогда систему заливали ликвидностью из всех стволов, теперь не выйдет – долги на пределе, инфляция вышла из-под контроля.
Все очень плохо в Европе. Зона особой чувствительности – это стоимость энергии, поэтому бить нужно через газовую тему, обесточить Европу к чертям в зимний период. Вот тогда, действительно, все заиграет яркими красками.
Not included, change data exporting settings to download.
839;641, 43.6 KB
27 June 2022
The sheeny beauty of the gold-dressed sun
In brightly sea of the triumphant sky
The time's the servant of true love :
It crushes our foul earthly mold
And with it's deathly scythe cuts off
The loathsomel meshes of our world
And opens the eternal doors
To holy love, yet raised here
In world of false and evil force
That love so clean must always bear :
The beaming beauty of true love
Without anger, hate and spite
Without rudeness, outrage of
Self - centred rush for own delight
When night comes down to dusty sky
And gives the world z frrsh new breath
And softs with dew the soil, as dry,
As quenching grain,
When night comes down to dusty sky
And gives the world a fresh new breath
And softs with dew the soil, as dry
As quenching grain that wishes relief
28 June 2022
When vivid stars behold the roofs
Of our nightly hotel, I
Apart from loudly partying youths
Am searching for Your lovely eye
And when the cooled dew drops down
And make a perfect jingle, I
All the world's destroyed by us
And most of us see not the loom
Of coming end - all drown in fuss
And hate embrace this coming doom
When sun goes down the sky to light
The other part of Earth, each star
Unseen at day, gleams at dark night,
Yet not as bright as sun so far!
(So dark and bleak since sun is far)
This stars are always distant, dim,
A little dead, a bit like cold,
And with the murky moon they gleam
The flaming, vivid, sunny gold!
This stars attract with their new
And lure to trust their *nightly* lush*,
Yet to my sun I'm always true,
And in the *nights of ardent* flash*.
So I am waiting sun's first(early is better coz it makes it obvious that its morn) ray
To crush this night in it's clear day
29 June 2022
When morning touches the sleeping Earth
With tender rays of coming day
And gives the lovely flowers mirth
Which to the bees they will convey,
And leaves in grain golden drops,
And spills the shine in farmer's berth
To wake him soft and show his corps
On fields that he made harvest-worth,
And makes some fun for his small ones
And gifts a smile on his wife's face
And adds some magic to my buns
And sends me off a muse to chase,
I think - O You're this fairy morn
In which my mirth and crop are born..!
When morning touches the sleeping Earth
With tender rays of coming day
And gives the lovely flowers mirth
Which to the bees they will convey,
And leaves in grain golden drops,
And spills the shine in farmer's berth
To wake him soft and show his corps
On fields that he made harvest-worth,
And makes some fun for his small ones
And gifts a smile on his wife's face
And adds some magic to my buns
And sends me off a muse to chase,
I think - O You're this fairy morn
In which my mirth and crop are born..!
When morning touches the sleeping Earth
With tender rays of coming day
And waters flowers with it's mirth
Which to the bees they will convey,
And leaves in grain it's golden drops,
And spills the shine in farmer's berth
To gently wake him, show his crops
On fields that he made harvest-worth,
And makes a joy for his small ones
And sparks a smile on his wife's face
And adds some magic to my buns
And sends me off a muse to chase,
I think - O You're this fairy morn
In which my mirth and crops are born..!
When night comes on the dusty sky
To soft the flame of sun in dew
And gives life to the nature, dry
And weak, I think of You
When morning feeds the cooled Earth
With golden rays of warmth and light
And to new buds gives fragrant birth,
I think that You're not night
When midday sun sends off its beam
In warm and gracious manner, I
Think that You are this lovely gleam
Of water by the sky.
You are the night, and blue, and sun,
So after Lord, You're number one..!
30 June 2022
When night comes on the dusty sky
To soft the flame of sun in dew
And gives life to the nature, dry
And weak, like me, I think it's You...
When morning feeds the cooled Earth
With golden rays of warmth and shine
And to new buds gives fragrant birth,
As to bleak me, I feel Your line.
When midday sun sends off its beam
In warm and gracious manner, I
Think that You are this lovely gleam
Of splashing water by the sky...
And then I see that in this world
I love You most beyond the Lord.
When sun goes down the sky to light
The other part of Earth, each star
Unseen at day, gleams at dark night,
And brightens as the sun goes far.
This stars are always distant, dim,
A little dead, a bit like cold,
And with the murky moon they gleam
The flaming, vivid, sunny gold!
This stars attract with their new
And lure to trust their nightly lush,
Yet to my sun I'm always true,
And in the nights of ardent flash.
So I am waiting Your first ray
To crush this night in it's clear day
1 July 2022
When daytime labor runs me dry
While sun perspires in works above
In heated, dusty ether, I
Escape below the mirror of
The gleaming water of the sea,
Which takes my sweat from every pore
O, now the scent of Agros rose
Reminding You, teases my nose,
And now the dearness of the morning
With it's dear, gives me rude yearning,
Freshness of the waters gives me
what my pain relives
And in the beauty of the morn,
So much like You, not rest is born,
But strength and weakness in my yearning
Dew in the evening or the morning
And night, apart revival, gives
A pain that fighter's heart relives
2 July 2022
Он сидел в автобусе, а она зашла, т. к. он ей служил, а не она ему.
Чтобы не допустить её к аборту, что будет очень тяжело с убеждённый, сильной умной женщиной, я буду как суперагент - использовать пистолет, и т. д.
Она сбежит от меня, когда мы будем на людях(так как я там не могу угрожать), но я её найду потом.
When daytime labor runs me dry
While sun perspires in works above
In heated, dusty ether, I
Escape below the mirror of
The gleaming water of the sea,
Which washes tenderly my skin
And takes
And in the dearness of the morning,
Reflecting You, I find my yearning,
And in the nightly cooling dew
I wish so much, but can't You,
And in the ocean's peacuful hiss
O, now the scent of Agros rose
Reminding You, teases my nose,
And in the dearness of the morn
That gives not You, my yearn* is born,
And in the nightly cooling dew
I wish so much, but can't see You,
And in the ocean's peacuful hiss
I can't hear You, and it's abyss
Reminding You, can only tease -
So just in pray I find my peace,
In sweetest look of God's kind eyes
I feel the hue of Paradise,
But then I think - without You
I won't find peace in Heaven too!
O, now the scent of Agros rose
Reminding You, teases my nose,
And in the dearness of the morn
I find You not, so find my yearn,
And in the nightly cooling dew
I wish so much, but can't see You,
And in the ocean's peacuful hiss
I can't hear You, and it's abyss
Reminding You, can only tease -
So just in pray I find my peace,
In sweetest look of God's kind eyes
I feel the hue of Paradise,
But then I think - without You
Will I be sad in Heaven too?!
And in the dearness of the morn
I find You not, so find my yearn,
O, now the scent of Agros rose
Reminding You, teases my nose,
And in the dearness of the morn
I miss my dearer one and yearn,
And in the nightly cooling dew
No more I rest but seek for You,
And in the ocean's peaceful hiss
I hear You not, and it's abyss,
Reminding You, can only tease -
So just in pray I find my peace,
In sweetest look of Jesus' eyes
I feel the touch of Paradise,
But then I think - without You
Won't I be sad in Heaven too?!
Amid the night's refreshing dew
I get more tired, seeking for You
And in the dearness of the morning
I miss my dear'st, so find my yearning.
O, now the breath of Agros rose,
Reminding You, teases my nose
And in the dearness of the morning
I miss my dearer, so find yearning,
Amid the night's refreshing dew
I get more tired, seeking for You,
And in the ocean's peaceful hiss
I hear You not, and it's abyss
Reminds You with it's lively crest -
So just in pray I find my rest,
In sweetest look of Jesus' eyes
I feel the touch of Paradise,
But then I think - without You
Won't I be sad in Heaven too?!
3 July 2022
When I am sitting on the tops
Of Swiss imaginary mounts
And look across the gold of crops
To see the meadow which abounds
With many lively silver floods
That welcomes sheep and inky goats
And mighty tree's ;nmeasured roots
And take the stream of lively thoughts,
And I enjoy my goat's cheese
And milk in front of such a view,
And lools like I found Heaven's peace
But I did not without You :
I miss a part and can't be one ,
Like this great scene without sun.
Now when I sit on virgin tops
Of Swiss imaginary mounts
And look across the gold of crops
To feel the breath of blooming grounds
With many lively silver floods
That welcomes sheep and inky goats
With mighty tree's ;nmeasured roots
And take the stream of lively thoughts,
And I enjoy my goat's cheese
And milk in front of such a view,
It seems like I found Heaven's peace
But I did not without You :
I miss a part and can't be one ,
Like this great scene without sun.
4 July 2022
Now when I sit on virgin tops
Of Swiss imaginary mounts
And look across the gold of crops
To feel the breath of blooming grounds
With many lively silver floods
That take the stream of vagrant thoughts
And welcome tree's unmeasured roots
With whitey sheep and inky goats
While I enjoy their piquant cheese
And crispy buns in such a view,
It seems like finding Heaven's peace
But I need God and serving You :
I miss my love and can't be one ,
Like this great scene without sun!
In this poem I am moving like in A thought - illogical!
O, give me thousands planets with the grace
Of Earth, and heap me with amenity
To care 'bout nothing but lush muses chase,
And all this, will I retrieve serenity
In ample P\aradise that L\ove built not
In perfect H\eaven with no L\ord and You?
Here I will melt in joys and muses rot,
This is a world that beauty never knew!
This is a freak of errant mind's mirage,
For Love is one creator of all good,
This riot world is built on downing raj
That gives no bliss, since just assails it's root!
So I wish not this faulty happiness,
But simple love, my dear, can truly bless.
O, this we did with Earth and ere and now
Do, faster and faster to the doom do bow.
O, this we did with Earth and do till now,
Like mad, faster to our doom we bow.
O, give me thousands planets with the grace
Of Earth, and heap me with amenity
To care 'bout nothing but lush muses chase,
And all this, will I retrieve serenity
In ample Paradise that Love built not
In perfect Heaven with no Lord and You?
Here I will melt in joys and muses rot,
This is a world that beauty never knew!
This is a freak of errant mind's mirage,
For Love is one creator of all good,
This riot world is built on downing raj
That gives no bliss, since just assails it's root!
So I wish not this faulty happiness,
But simple love, my dear, can truly bless.
So I don't crave for folly happiness -
It's only love, my dear, can truly bless.
Marv Lee’s Dojo
Self-autonomy begins with self-confidence, which is an offshoot of self-conviction.
A confident person governs himself because his moral compass is internalized, and his self-esteem is completely self-determined.
Self-confidence immunizes you against the poisonous opinions of people.
Your confidence is a reflection of how you feel. If you think yourself confident, but feel insecure, they’ll just cancel out.
Quite unfortunate that society taught us to tie our confidence to how much we have or have achieved.
It is your moral duty to detach your self-worth from your possessions, external validation & societal approval.
External must-haves should only serve as a boost, the real battle is fought within - against the insecurities of your own mind.
The liberating truth is - if there’s no internal critic, the external judgement becomes harmless. It’s not what people think of you that bothers you, but the part of you that subconsciously thinks it’s true.
Confidence, like happiness, can be improved like a skill.
1) Dress better; It’s not about following trends. It’s about expressing yourself through your dress sense. Wear what makes you “feel” good.
2) Groom better; Take care of your body - Get in shape. Get a clean cut. Smell nice. As your outlook improves, your inlook will too.
3) Keep the promises you make to yourself;
Better not to make a commitment, than to not keep it. This is about integrity!
If you say you’ll do something, do it (don’t procrastinate). If you say you’ll stop doing something, stop it (don’t relapse).
4) Understand that no one is above or below you; We may all lead different lives with different power scalings, but at the core we’re all the same - clueless piles of dust on a blue dot revolving in empty space.
5) Watch how you speak about yourself, to yourself and others; Your subconscious mind is an ardent eavesdropper, she’s always listening to everything you say (mentally or verbally). Fuck your self-depreciating jokes man - the humor is tasteless & pointless...
Stay Inspired Sages
Have a great week ahead ;
5 July 2022
Emits a spark in his fair plans,
And lights with smile his sleepy face,
And adds some magic to his buns
And sends him off a muse to chase...
I think - O, You're this fairy morn,
Since You come not, in dark I yearn!
When morning touches the sleeping Earth
With tender rays of coming day
And waters flowers with it's mirth
Which to the bees they will convey,
And leaves in grain it's golden drops,
And spills the shine in farmer's berth
To gently wake him, show his crops
On fields that he made harvest-worth,
Emits a spark in his fair plans,
And lights with smile his sleepy face,
And adds some magic to his buns
And sends him off a muse to chase...
I think - O, You're this fairy morn,
*Since You come not, in dark I yearn!*
6 July 2022
I am in gloom and there I yearn
Since you come not, my fair morn.
25. EDITED 2.0
Now morning touches the sleeping Earth
With tender rays of coming day
And waters flowers with it's mirth
Which to the bees they will convey,
And leaves in grain it's golden drops,
And spills the shine in farmer's berth
To gently wake him, show his crops
On fields that he made harvest-worth,
Emits a spark in his fair plans,
And lights with smile his sleepy face,
And adds new taste to his brunch buns
And sends him off a muse to chase...
I am in gloom and there I yearn
Since you come not, my fair morn.
But I'm in gloom and pray and yearn
Since You come not, my dear morn...
25. EDITED 2.0 ready
Now morning touches the sleeping Earth
With tender rays of coming day
And waters flowers with it's mirth
Which to the bees they will convey,
And leaves in grain it's golden drops,
And spills the shine in farmer's berth
To gently wake him, show his crops
On fields that he made harvest-worth,
Emits a spark in his fair plans,
And lights with smile his sleepy face,
And adds new taste to his brunch buns
And sends him off a muse to chase...
But I'm in gloom and pray and yearn
Since You come not, my dear morn...
This comfort, lush too much, is rather bane
For us, who can't hold our beast desires,
This is a tool for wise, but for us chain,
Like something for defective witless kids
I have no real rights for
I'm my love's true thrall.
7 July 2022
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Like youthful jasmine, you compound
The beaming sun with nightly dew,
With all world's jewels You abound
And every unit's scent and hue;
The wild with nous You harmonize,
And seas with mounts, and snow with sands,
And water's gleam (just like your eyes)
To show all beauty that Earth lends,
But greater treasure that you own
My eyes see not, nor pen can write
And ears not hear, so death can't down
Your heart with Your rich, deep inside:
Thus when the Earth retrieves it's spell
We'll see Your soul , freed from it's shell!
We'll see Your shine without this shell!
I write no more about Your soul -
This treasure goes beyond my mind,
The more I write, the less console
Myself, since greater jewels find!
Creative nature - hand of God
Has left a golden core inside
Your spirit, heart and vivid thought,
All live like floods\electric light,
And nightly jasmine, and the sea...
I can't depict, but feel the loom -
It's something more than eyes can see
And great so much, that downs my gloom...
I love You, dear, please be with me,
So that My inner eyes could see!
Creative nature - hand of God
Has left a golden core inside
Your spirit, heart and vivid thought,
All live like floods\electric light,
And nightly jasmine, and the sea...
I can't depict, but feel the loom -
It's something more than eyes can see
And great so much, that downs my gloom...
I love You, dear, please be with me,
So that My inner eyes could see!
8 July 2022
Like youthful jasmine, by nature thou compound
The beaming sun with cooling nightly dew,
With all world's myriad jewels You abound
And every unit's scent and touch and hue;
The wild with nous in You do harmonize,
And seas with mounts, and snow with sands
And water's gleam (just like thy eyes)
To show all beauty that Earth lends,
But greater treasure that Thou own
Is with my writings undescribed,
With eyes unseen, so death can't down
Your heart with all on it inscribed:
Thus when the Earth retrieves it's spell
We'll see Your heart , freed from it's shell!
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Like youthful jasmine, Thou compound
The beaming sun with nightly dew,
With all world's jewels You abound
And every unit's scent and hue;
The wild with nous You harmonize
And seas with mounts, and snow with sands
And water's gleam (just like thy eyes)
To show all beauty that Earth lends,
But greater treasure that Thou own
Is with my writings undescribed,
With eyes unseen, so death can't down
Your heart with all on it inscribed:
Thus when the Earth retrieves it's spell
We'll see Your heart , freed from it's shell!
In nature's miracles I see Your loom:
Like cooling night, You soft my fierce fever,
Like beaming sun, You melt my emptying gloom,
And mettle, please, and thrill and calm like either...
And You don't even speak - I now just see You
And feel the flood of joy with righteous might,
That makes me love, for love strengthens my sinew
Like wild sweet honey from a single bite;
Yet You come closer then, like rising sun,
And find in me a part to praise so freely,
And I am over-fueled with power, verses run
With thanks to God. And then You ask me - "Really?
You know me not, nor I did something for You."
- You did so much, that I don't need to know You.
9 July 2022
No real rights I ever had
Since I became my love's true thrall
Since them I'm rarical, I'm mad,
Since then I'm like a tennis ball
Between two rackets, hitting hard,
That make it go in to left or right,
Or like a pencil in one's hand
That draws beneath it's rulling might.
Between this rackets I can fly,
And draw new marvels from that hand,
While freed from all, I could just lie
And rot unused; so I do lend
Myself to love to serve it"s might
Since then I have no single right.
so I do lend
Myself to love to serve her might
And be rewarded more than right
11 July 2022
Sonnet 33
No true man rights I ever had
Since I became my love's true thrall,
Since them I'm radical, I'm mad,
Since then I'm like a tennis ball
Between two rackets, not that bland,
That make it go up, left or right,
Or like a pencil in keen hand
That rubs it's core, kept deep inside -
Between this rackets I can fly,
And draw new marvels with by hand,
While freed from all, I could just lie
And rot unused; so I do lend
Myself to love to serve this might,
And be rewarded more than right.
12 July 2022
D - electricity
With her the world can shine
In her light I write this lines
And with her power I get mine
Like electricity, so light,
You lively rush inside my room
And fill the objects with new bright
That takes a mile sway the gloom
Please still be here : beneath Your light I write this lines in deep, dark night.
And then You freely spill Your heat
Upon the wintry things and air,
And welcome summer' mirth in it
I throw my heavy carpets, bare
And feel Your nature and get happy vivid too
Like electricity, so light,
You lively rush inside my room
And fill all objects with new bright
That takes a mile away my gloom,
And then You freely spill Your heat
Upon the winter of my berth,
And welcome summer's mirth in it,
And from my window sparkle Earth,
And open wide my heavy door
To meet live Earth, renewed by You,
And in the night be dark no more
But sparked to light our planet too...
Yet leave me not - beneath Your shine
I write this poorly-gleaming line...
that takeS A MILE away
heat — heart
meeT Live
13 July 2022
My comfort, wish, and all my being
Deserve to serve but this great God :
My love, it's fire devours them, fleeing,
Yet those escaped, by death be rot.
My honor is being flamed by love,
To serve in me it's perfect world,
And so live there, runaway of
That former slowly rotting mold.
All left in me be love's huge fire
That flames up the more I give :
So burn me whole, and I'll go higher
Freed from what Earth will soon retrieve.
My comfort, wants, and all my being
Deserve to serve but this great God :
My love- it's fire devours them, fleeing,
Yet those escaped, by death be rot.
My honor is be flamed by love,
And serve in me it's perfect world,
And so live there, runaway of
That former slowly rotting mold,
All left in me have love's huge fire
That flames up high the more I give :
So burn me whole, and I'll go higher
Freed from the weight Earth will retrieve.
This pain makes love as sweet
14 July 2022
Now when I love, lust beauties lay
So imponent in sight of eyes
For they are blinded, runaway
And now exposed in hiding vice,
And faces, lips and sensous touches
That touch not beauty but rude wants
And serving ugly, by new judjes
Of love are finding ever bond :
Now lust stirrs not my feeble flesh -
My soul is thrilled by might of love
Which leaves my body from it's ash
To serve it as
To serve this love, now ripped of
The lies of earthly lust have made
To let men not see love
But none of them had sun, green, sea
Inside, all they are dead to me.
There are so many girls that too
Have smiles that beam for mile, or two,
That have deep, lovely, shining eyes
And souls too deep for only vice;
But their smiles are like star's sea,
So far and cold, which I can see
But when the sun, so warm and close,
Is leaving sky, painting it rose,
And their eyes are not your eyes,
And their souls... But what I think ?
They aren't You, compare lies :
You are the one, no more I think :
I can't depict You, nor I need :
Let by my actions love You, sweet.
There are so many girls that too
Have smiles that beam for mile, or two,
That have deep, lovely, shining eyes
And souls too deep for only vice;
But their smiles are like star's sea,
So far and cold, which I can see
But when the sun, so warm and close,
Is leaving sky, painting it rose,
And their eyes are not your eyes,
And their souls... But what I mean ?
They aren't You, compare lies :
You are the one, no more is seen :
I can't depict You, nor can they -
From here my work keeps my love's say.
There are so many girls that too
Have smiles that beam for mile, or two,
That have deep, lovely, shining eyes
And souls too deep for only vice;
But their smiles are like star's sea,
So far and cold, which I can see
But when the sun, so warm and close,
Is leaving sky, painting it rose,
And their eyes are not your eyes,
And their souls... But what I mean ?
They aren't You, compare lies :
You, sun, are one, no more is seen :
I can't depict You, nor can they -
From here my work keeps my love's say.
Our bounteous Earth lends much to You
But all this charms return to Earth
In flaming sunsets, nightly dew,
And morning silky flower's mirth
And taste of honeybees' gold boon,
And sweet of plums of virgin mounts
And seaside grassy carpets' bloom
And ocean's mystic undergrounds,
But Earth takes not what it's Lord built -
Your soul goes ever by Your own,
With Your own virtue and Your guilt
She strays between Heaven and down :
But something
Our bounteous Earth lends much to You
But all this charms return to Earth
In flaming sunsets, nightly dew,
And morning silky flower's mirth
And taste of honeybees' gold boon,
And sweet of plums of virgin mounts
And seaside grassy carpets' bloom
And ocean's mystic undergrounds,
But Earth takes not what it's Lord made :
Your soul by nature stands above
And You decide to live or fade,
To fade or find eternal Love.
But something deep in You I feel
That warmly says me that You will...
This ocean's hiss annoys my soul :
His troubled whistle is as drear
And sore as me without my dear,
For this I rest not on the shore.
There are so many girls that too
Have smiles that gleam this smile of You,
That have
And souls too deep for only vice;
But their smiles are like star's sea,
So far and cold, which I can see
But when the sun, so warm and close,
Is leaving sky, painting it rose,
And their eyes are not your eyes,
And their souls... But what I mean ?
They aren't You, compare lies :
You are the one, no more is seen :
I can't depict You, nor can they -
From here my work keeps my love's say.
There are so many smiles that gleam
Your only smile, and simile eyes
And souls too deep for only vice;
But their smiles are like star's sea,
So far and cold, which I can see
But when the sun, so warm and close,
Is leaving sky, painting it rose,
And their eyes are not your eyes,
And their souls... But what I mean ?
They aren't You, compare lies :
You are the one, no more is seen :
I can't depict You, nor can they -
From here my work keeps my love's say.
But in it's shine I pray and yearn
Since You come not, my dear morn...
16 July 2022
Today I wish that she comes. Before, I didn't - it was so painful.
17 July 2022
Morn's early hour has freed the hall
From stir and noise, and throned the quiet,
The sire of thought, which from my soul
Has taken You to mind's light :
My feelings glowed, and boiled yearning,
Some power pulled me like a mad -
Around Your table I was turning
And every minute fell more sad
Since You're a thousand walls away
Existing somewhere, yet not here...
And by this thousand walls I lay
Beneath my heavy thoughts I tear,
And can't elope from them, so drear,
And in hall's high ceiling I peer
To see there You, and try to hear
You, wait You somehow to appear...
Until, like spark, a mind so dear
Appears to break my painful state,
And like a beaming from beyond
It lights a hope : "You have to wait",
Which lightens all good to be found,
And floods it's joy to dew my soul,
So dried and heated by my pain,
And then Earth's lamps do light the hall
Which gets by fuss conqueror'd again,
And then I see, that this thought even
Might be sent to me from Heaven
Morn's early hour has freed the hall
From stir and noise, and throned the quiet,
The sire of thought, which from my soul
Has taken You to mind's light :
My feelings glowed, and boiled yearning,
Some power pulled me like a mad -
Around Your table I was turning
And every minute fell more sad
Since You're a thousand walls away
Existing somewhere, yet not here...
And by this thousand walls I lay
Beneath my heavy thoughts I tear,
And can't elope from them, so drear,
And in hall's high ceiling I do peer
To see there You, and try to hear
You, wait You somehow to appear...
Until, like spark, a mind so dear
Appears to break my painful state,
And like a beaming from beyond
It lights a hope : "You have to wait",
Which lightens all good to be found,
And floods it's joy to dew my soul,
So dried and heated by my pain,
And then Earth's lamps do light the hall
Which gets by fuss conqueror'd again,
And then I see, that this thought even
Might have been sent to me from Heaven
I sought for peace in nature,
I sought for rest with her,
She gave but a creature
With all I looked for:)
I sought for peace in nature,
I sought for rest with her,
She did only feature
Love - what I looked for:)
18 July 2022
On Earth my love is made of lead
By laws of evil, throned by us,
But with my death I will be freed
From gravity, and upwards pass :
I'll see the world where love is throned
And no more chained by Earthly weight,
And men of love be no more stoned
But flying on wings on love and faith;
Yet I am still on Earth, morbid,
Depraved by it's tyrannous Lord
That wear on their last hope lead...
But O! Death soon will draw it's sword -
And who will pass Earth's pains of love
Will be rewarded well above!
On Earth my love is made of lead
By laws of evil, throned by us,
But with my death I will be freed
From gravity, and upwards pass :
I'll find the world where love is throned
And no more chained by earthly weight,
And men of love are no more stoned,
But fly on wings of love and faith;
Yet I am still on Earth, morbid,
Depraved by it's tyrannous lord
Who chains his only hope with lead...
But O! Death soon will draw it's sword -
And who will pass Earth's pains of love
Will be rewarded well above!
19 July 2022
That poets dead sweat on their text
To make our world a bit more fair :
And on their way we're comin next
To cast the hope of our heir.
20 July 2022
Our world, already with his crash
Negotiating on doom's edge,
Gives us a chance in empty ash
A better kingdom bravely pledge.
Our world, already with his crash
Negotiating on doom's edge,
Gives us a chance to bravely pledge
A better kingdom in bare ash.
And one good line will pour the base,
Another build defensive walls,
Which all good minds will firmly brace
And call in keen, though tired souls.
O, Poet Live, there's so much toil -
Come, sow a seed on this bare soil!
Those poets dead sweat on their text
To make our world a bit more fair :
And on their path we're goin' next
To prove their hopes and make best heir.
Our world, already with his crash
Negotiating on doom's edge,
Gives us a chance to bravely pledge
A better kingdom in bare ash.
And one good line will pour the base,
Another build defensive walls,
Which all good minds will firmly brace
And call in keen, though tired souls.
O, Poet Live, there's so much toil -
Come, sow a seed on this bare soil!
23 July 2022
Marv Lee’s Dojo
A common deterrent people face with productivity is that they overestimate intensity & underestimate consistency.
Little efforts everyday compound to great results long-term...
Want to learn a difficult skill? Practice 1 hour everyday.
Want to become more eloquent? Write for 15 minutes everyday.
Want to get fitter? Train 30 minutes everyday.
Want to become calmer? Meditate 20 minutes everyday.
A person who reads for 10 minutes everyday will be more knowledgeable than someone who reads for 5 hours once every 3 months.
Inconsistency negates progress.
You need daily iterations, however small, to master or succeed at anything...
All myriad beauty's brows around,
All lips and hair, and all things so
Have melted in my eye, like ground
Melts in the sight of brilliant's glow.
Now girls are men, like men are girls,
All they are stars in rays of sun
That sends it's beam to thousands pearls
That lie on ground, glraming it dun.
But unlike sun, You will not set :
When Earth will take what it did lend
It will not take Your soul, which lets
Your outward shine without end.
Those poets dead sweat on their text
To make our world a bit more fair -
And on their path we're goin' next
To cast their hopes and save our heir :
Our world, already with his crash
Negotiating on doom's edge,
Gives us a chance to bravely pledge
A better kingdom in bare ash.
And one good line will pour the base,
Another build defensive walls,
Which all good minds will firmly brace
And call in keen, though tired souls :
O, Poet Live, there's so much toil -
Come, sow a seed In this bare soil!
But unlike sun, You will not set :
When Earth will take what it did lend
It will not take Your soul, which lets
Your beauty shine without end...
So not 'till 50 but forever
You are the sun, fell not in time's river!!!!
25 July 2022
My morbid angrer rudely flamed,
Enroaching on my heart and love,
Untill You lighted me
You are like sleep, which gently touches
With it's sweet rest my weary flesh,
And turns around me, quickly cathes
Me falling in it's silky mesh!
And after half an our with You
A morning rises in my mind :
In warming rays and cooling dew
Heart's fragrant flower new life find!
And with new power in my arms
I stand to serve my love - my lord,
I wan't to sleep! My dear, good night :
Please fuel me up with light and might!
You are like sleep, who gently touches
With it's sweet rest my weary flesh,
And turns around me, quickly cathes
Me falling in it's silky mesh!
And after half an our with You
A morning rises in my mind :
In warming rays and cooling dew
Heart's fragrant flowers fresh birth find!
And with new power in my arms
I stand to serve my love - my lord,
Go through the way of pain and charms
And seeing ill, I draw my sword !
I'm tired and sleepy, for so much
I did not feel Your resting touch!
I'm tired and sleepy, for so long
I didn't hear this sweet rest tongue!
Your speech's like sleep, who gently touches
My weary flesh with sweet repose
And twining 'round me, briskly catсhes
Me, falling in it's silky clothes!
And after half an our with You
A morning rises in my mind :
In warming rays and cooling dew
Heart's fragrant flowers nascence find!
And with new power in my arms
I stand to serve my love - my lord,
Go through the way of pain and charms
And when meet grief, recall Yours word!..
I'm wounded, haggard - for so long
I didn't hear this sweet rest's tongue!
Your speech's like sleep, who gently touches
With it's sweet rest my weary flesh,
And twines around me, quickly catсhes
Me falling in it's silky mesh!
nest - a person's snug or secluded retreat.
recall YourS WORD
I feel Your presence somewhere close :
A feeling, beautiful and queer,
Fills all my essence, leaving thrill
O, What a folly errant thought to run for joys
O, plain, rough, mad, rude, perjured wants!
Yet leaded by the blinding lie, like fooled boys
We follow it and jump right in the devil's bonds :
Do You expect great comfort from his hands?
His hands are luring You to him where he torments!
My dear, let's leave the city, grey
And casted with the lead of greed
And all ill vice that here do sway,
Enthroned by men who're building it!
In raging streams of lukewarm others
We all get washed in one wan mass
Which our inside coolly smothers
And downs in stream of aimless fuss
Lets see the wildlands, where great sense
Lies by the hand of it's creator :
There we find peace in his defense,
But no in hands of our ... senator...
There we may find the man's true form :
His fair mind and heart, still warm.
My dear! Let's leave the city, grey
And casted with the lead of greed
With all things low that here do sway,
Enthroned by men WHO'RE building it!
In raging streams of lukewarm others
We all get washed in one wan mass
Which our inside coolly smothers
And downs in stream of aimless fuss...
Lets see the wildlands, where great sense
Lies by the hand of it's creator :
There we find peace in his defense,
But no in hands of our ... senator...
There we may find the man's true form :
His fair mind and heart, still warm.
26 July 2022
I wrote some witty message to a friend
That never lived, though lines addressed to him
Were gilded with so many minds so elegant
And shone with knowledge of my well-known theme,
Then sent it to another contact ( by a chance!),
The one which burned the screen and blind my eye
So blinded I have sent my brain's chords of glance
To her in hope of any her reply....
The next two hours I didn't rest my phone :
My shaking hand opened and closed our chat,
Until in view of her two words my shaking gone,
And open'd wide my heart, with heaviness shut :
Those little words were two suns in the night,
So light a sweet, which warmed : "haha alright"!
I wrote some witty message to a friend
That never lived, though lines addressed to him
Were gilded with so many minds so elegant
And shone with knowledge of my well-known theme,
Then sent it to another contact ( by a chance!),
The one which burned the screen and blind my eye
So blinded I have sent my brain's chords of glance
To her in hope of any her reply....
The next two hours I didn't rest my phone :
My shaking hand opened and closed our chat,
Until in view of her two words my shaking gone,
And open'd wide my heart, with heaviness shut :
Those little words were two suns in the night,
So light a warm, which say : "haha alright"!
I wrote a message, gilt with wit, to such a friend
That never lived on Earth, though words addressed to him
Were riched with heaps of minds so elegant
And shone with knowledge of my well-known theme,
Then sent it to another contact ( by a chance!),
The one which burns the screen and blinds my eye,
And added"Not to You", though new this in advance
To her in hope of any her reply....
The next two hours I didn't rest my phone :
My shaking hand opened and closed our chat,
Until in view of her two words my shaking gone,
And open'd wide my heart, with heaviness shut :
Those little words were two suns in the night,
So light a warm, which say : "haha alright"!
I penned a witty message to a friend
Who never lived, though words addressed to him
Were gilt with thoughts and views so elegant
And shone with knowledge of my well-known theme,
Then sent it to another contact ( by a chance!),
The one which burns the screen and blinds my eye,
And added "Not to You", though knew all in advance,
And sat in hope of any her reply....
The next two hours I didn't rest my phone :
My shaking hand just launched and closed our chat,
Until in view of her two words my shaking gone,
And gave way to my heart, in darkness shut:
Those two small words were two big suns at night,
So light and warm, that beam : "haha alright"!
Sonnet 43 - "Forgive me, I am crazy" :::
27 July 2022
Yet those two vivid suns are so much burning
Deep in me, that deepen in my yearning,
And those warm rays are so much kind and pleasing,
That their brisk short shine's already teasing,
And our meets are so much short in date
That from the first our meet till now they bait,
And texts You write are short to span my feel,
And looks You throw and take back are so chill,
And yet they live in me and warm my soul,
Sometimes too much, make thinking of my toll,
And yet I thank You much for all what You have given :
No matter it was short, but brightly liven -
I thank You for those words, so bright like stars,
"haha" like Venus, and "alright" like the Mars.
Yet those two vivid suns are so much burning
Deep in me, that deepen in my yearning,
And those warm rays are so much kind and pleasing,
That their brisk short shine's already teasing,
And our meets are so much short in date
That from the first our meet till now they bait,
And texts You write are short to span my feel,
And looks You throw and take back are so chill,
And yet they live in me and warm my heart,
At times so, that finds outburst in art,
And yet I thank You much for all what You have given :
No matter it was short, but brightly liven -
I thank You for those words, so bright like stars,
"haha" like Venus, and "alright" like the Mars.
28 July 2022
Now I should pass this wrong affection (No!
It is not wrong!), and with my eyes on sky,
For higher levels (Hah, how?) with zeal go,
And...(With this love in me I can't go high!
My love is like a sea, too deep to move,
That none can dry, and no one should!) Then spill
This sea around all people (No!
My love,
My sea only wide if I will try to
No, I must end this ride on love so wild
Which brings me pain, not giving good to others,
Not good but my destruction is it's child
That clings on me as his feed-giving father.
Like little kids, we rush from father's hands
To luring baits, not looking much ahead
But blinded by the glance that darkness lends
We come in there and find the lights there dead,
Yet can't go back, already caught in cages,
And call our father's hand to take us back,
And father comes himself, not sending pages,
And with himself he cuts a way through black;
Yet we got mad too much in darkness' reign
And still rot there, in heavy lays of ill
Which push us lower, where our doom is lain.
I see You don't accept upon yourself this will
But trying to get away, You only mire :
And none gets off himself - give Your hand to sire.
29 July 2022
Did You once feel the flood of cold, fresh water
That livens up the dried and haggard flesh,
Or bite of mead when hunger makes You totter,
Or kissed by sleep, falling in it's mesh?
O! Something of a mixture, close to this
I feel when read Your message, hear or see You :
This thrill with comfort deep, abyss of bliss,
So queer delight that makes me move my sinew,
And changes me whole in these unmeasured moments,
And powers like no daily needa can do
Yet more than needs unmet, without You torments
*And keeps so tired, dry and totting too
Did You once feel the flood of cold, fresh water
That livens up the dried and haggard flesh,
Or bite of mead when hunger makes You totter,
Or kissed by sleep, falling in it's mesh?
O! Somewhat of a mixture, close to this
I feel when read Your message, hear or see You :
This thrill with comfort deep, abyss of bliss,
So queer delight that makes me move my sinew,
And changes me whole in those unmeasured moments,
And powers like no meeting needs can do;
Yet more than needs unmet, without You torments
And more than needs makes always seek for You :
Thus You're, my sun, one greater need of mine
That makes food taste, sleep rest, and that sun shine.
30 July 2022
You are a star, a glaring one,
Yet not for me, since I know sun.
Do lure me not in raging seas of lust :
I have the light that shows me all ahead -
Not mind, that with mad lust alone is dead,
But mind with Love, who all attempts has passed.
O, Thou, blind passion, raging beast of lust,
You show so much, give nothing, take true love,
And leave me robbed and bare in this sight of
All sweet I had till Thou, who turned it past.
Rage fire of lust, thou flame all sweet I had
And turn it into ash in fleeting moments,
Thy image joys, thy real face but torments,
And burns a void in me that makes me mad.
31 July 2022
O, raging flame of lust, thy flame allures
To fall in it, but what I find in flame?
There I find doom and emptiness of yours
Who makes men mad in fiery eyes of blame.
A man has but one lady in his thought :
An altered mind says : " his true form has rot".
Some loathsome hate with burning thoughts of lust
Together made a unit, ill too much,
But little to our love - Your image fast
Decayed this rot things with Your eyes' sweet touch.
When night behold the heated tops
Of the mount hotel where we met,
And shines with stars like silver drops,
I search in them Your eyes, like mad!
I fall asleep beneath the stars
And dreams lead to the same place :
I try to find You in the bars
Of nightly hotel, and I chase
Every person, turn his face,
And see that she's not You, o no!
And wet with tears my crazy go,
And look at every person here,
And try to find Your lovely room
And when I found, I see Your loom,
But it's not You, oh painful fear!
And then the noice of father's car
Takes me away from here so far,
So far away from where my soul
Is left in mountain Limassol,
And I wake up and smell my sweat,
And with some tears make it more wet,
And run away from painful bed,
And in the loo I shake my head,
And someone knocking on the door,
I eat my tears, escape the loo,
And check my chats, coz maybe You
Decided to write something now,
But You did not, and I do bow
To colled floors and lift my head :
"I do believe in You, my Lord,
You see all this, so I won't pled -
Plese hold the world as You do hold
Plese do what You consider right,
In You there's much more mind and light,
But help me please, I'm feeling pain"
I didn't end, but feel now hope
Is wetting with revivng rain
The empty fields that I must cope,
"O thank You!.." - yet my pray is cut
1 August 2022
Imagine me - the slave of his own love
Has his nose chained to his own Jasmine's bloom,
And his eyes chained to jewels, laid above
The paint of night, where he sees his loved's loom :
O, this great gems don't make a half of her!
She has the rose and Jasmine, morn and night
In harmony of fruits of Equador,
And mystery to big for my mind's sight.
He lauds the Giver more than what he gives -
He gifts her, mind and love, to such a dill!
And thousands times could chide Him what here lives
Yet He keeps Heaven for them open still!
Then it is time to sleep - he jumps the bed,
But since the moonbeam lights it, he'll sleep bad!
Sonnet 46
Imagine me - the slave of his own love,
Has his nose chained to his dear Jasmine's bloom,
And his eyes chained to jewels, laid above
The night's canvas, where he sees his love's loom :
"O, this great gems don't make a half of her!
(And flies up, having his heart chained to her...)
She has dear Rose and Jasmine, morn and night
In harmony of fruits of Ecuador!
And mystery to big for my mind's sight..."
He lauds the Giver more than what He gives -
He gifts her, mind and love, to such a dill!
And thousands times could ire Him what here lives
Yet He keeps Heaven for us open still!
And then time bends to sleep - he jumps the bed,
But moon wants to say something - he'll sleep bad!
And then time bends to sleep - he jumps in berth
But with heart chained to love, gets up from Earth.
2 August 2022
Marv Lee’s Dojo
The average man spends his life emptying what always fills itself up (his balls), and filling up what always up empties itself (his belly).
The vast majority are perpetually lost between these two biological impulses.
Your spiritual maturity is inversely proportional to your desire for pleasure...
Sonnet 46
Imagine me - the slave of his own love,
Has his nose chained to his dear Jasmine's bloom,
And his eyes chained to jewels, laid above
The night's canvas, where he sees his love's loom,
And flies up, having his heart chained to her...
She has dear Rose and Jasmine, morn and night
In harmony of fruits of Ecuador!
And mystery to big for my mind's sight..."
He lauds the Giver more than what He gives -
He gifts her, mind and love, to such a dill!
And thousands times could ire Him what here lives
Yet He keeps Heaven for us open still!
And then time bends to sleep - he jumps the bed,
But moon wants to say something - he'll sleep bad!
"You can't serve both God and Money"
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life [2] ?
"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.
3 August 2022
You cannot serve both God and Money -
My bosom's book of law says me.
So I'll eat locusts with wild honey
And then time bends to sleep - he jumps to berth
But with heart chained to love, gets up from Earth.
5 August 2022
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O, sinful beast, for what You hope in Heaven
When all Your flesh is turned but outright down,
And soul, it's main mover, doesn't even
Try to look up, all in Devil's own..?
6 August 2022
What You expect to see when death will take You,
If death deserves to take You to her hold,
And not return to Heaven, but to bake You
In many flames of sins that You
All pain of us comes from our own weak state -
We suffer for we can't get from the net,
But some more strength coil
7 August 2022
My Lord, I thank You for the lady I am given!
You are the one who made me live and opened heaven,
And gave the one who can revive
O, thank You, Lord, for life and open Heaven,
For You could always close it for such beasts,
And thank You much for lady that I'm given
For she,like sun, dries my heart's deadly mists.
You gave two suns for such a dirty being -
The one that feeds all Earth with joyful strenght,
And one that does the same but lakh times stronger,
With blindidng shine of this eternal length
That You have made,
8 August 2022
O, thank You, Lord, for making such a girl
Who strengthens Love in dried heart of mine :
You are the Sun, and made a bijou pearl
That briskly gleams around Your perfect shine!
I'm just a man, can I soar to Sky's gate?
I will be blown away like dust from houses chaste,
But by Lord's mighty hand I can be raised
To His Great State and be not blown straight :
So don't look at His sky without true faith!
Without it we're nothing more than waste
Of always fulfilled Devil's loathsome taste -
We're always baited - I not overstate :
But we got mad enough to see this not,
Our Heart's about to die - it's no more warm,
We, tied in baits, can't even look at sky,
But as for devil's taste we lower fall and rot
Just by hell's mouth, bit upper than it's worm -
Is it from here I got the nerve to fly?
I am just a man and cant reaCH SKY MYSELG
without God I am noyhing, what happened to us -
Can we reach dky from this state?
Chained to sin's lead, can I soar to Sky's gate?
Or I'll be blown away like dust from houses chaste,
But by Lord's mighty hand I can be raised
To His Great State and be not thrown out straight :
So don't look at His sky without true faith!
Without it we're nothing more than waste
Of always fulfilled Devil's loathsome taste -
We're always baited - I not overstate :
But we got mad enough to see this not,
Our Heart's about to die - it's no more warm,
We, tied in baits, can't even look at sky,
But as for devil's taste we lower fall and rot
Just by hell's mouth, by it's revelling worm -
Is it from here I got the nerve to fly?
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O, where did I find something to be proud
Of me, ay me! all me and what I own
I do own not - all this wouldn't be known
If God haven't created and allowed
All great for what I'm praised and now cry loud!
Forswear Your heavy hubris that weighs down
My muse and her fair mother Love... O, clown!
Again I say it's "mine" : I'm just endowed,
But solely in my hands it wouldn't live!
"All Yours is what belongs alone to you",
And none I made is purely made by me...
So where I found in things that God did give
That pride that makes me boast more than I do?
Do glory God, some of his deeds You see:
47 (MILTONIC) 2.0
Chained to sin's lead, can I soar to Sky's gate?
I'll tie more in this bug, skirring in haste,
But by Lord's mighty hand I can be raised
To His Great State and be not thrown out straight :
So don't look at His sky without true faith!
Without it we're nothing more than waste
Of always fulfilled Devil's loathsome taste -
We're always baited - I not overstate :
But we got mad enough to see this not,
Our Heart's about to die - it's no more warm,
We, tied in baits, can't even look at sky,
But by his will fall lower and do rot
Just by hell's mouth, by it's revelling worm -
Or is it here I got some wings to fly?
9 August 2022
Они были очень разными... Но у них было только одно общее... Они вставали в 5:57.
[Захватывающий вид - рассвет на море, тишина и умтротворение] [на этом виде загорелось отражение телефона, на нем 5:57, будильник играет another one bites the dust, то есть это было широкое и чистое окно. На отражении видно лампу. Шведский уют от лампы] Окно откоыват чопорный, высокий парень с холодным лицом и твердыми чертами на лице] на кухне он ест то, что приготовила служанка. Три яица, зелень, хлеб. Делает отжимания. Ссора с отцом (он оч любит отца, а отец его нет, и он стремится быть как отец во всем - быть деловым, занятым, четким). Это рождает ссору, и Герою приидется ехать на автобусе. Красивое, холодное утро. {Утро Антона покажем на след. день, когда его жизнь уже придёт в "перекос"}
В автобусе мало людей, но на Антона напали хулиганы. Артур выпускает злость на отца и крошит морду одному из них. Обоих выгоняют из автобуса.
Они встретились.
" а научи меня драться, как ты!"
- " иди в sportlands"
- да на что, там двадцать долларов месяц стоит"
- хаха (артут смеётся)
- се тц смеешься - сам то вон, богатый. А ты их побил, они за мной придут, тем самым ты на меня навлек беду.
- да дам тебе я двадцать долларов;
- ну давай.
-[но отец ему не давал, а Ар хотел быть идеальным сыном, поэтому не смел просить]
- не дам, прости.
- Ахты га.. Дай телефон, чтоб эти с тобой разговаривали когда меня найдут, понял?
- оставь меня, я тебе помог м дальше твоё дело.
- бессердечный!
... Молчание глубокое...
-вот мой телефон. Иди ты!
Ар с умным видом уходит. Но перед сном вспоминает и повторяет повторяет "бессердечный, бесскрдечный" - "слишком сердечный, разбила сердце" бессердечный"
В порыве гнева звонит Ан, и говорит : приходи завтра ко мне, драться тебя научу" скинул ссылку и лег спать.
Ан закидал его благодарственныси смайлами, как добродушный, а Ар отключил телефон, лег,... И посмеялся!
Он его позвал на семь утра. Ан встаёт в 5:57 в своих бомжовских усадьбах (его полудом назвали усадьбой, на ней табличка из картона висит такая)
И чудаклвато молится - Бог, надеюсь... Ты есть. Делая все дальше... Ты же есть, я чувствую! Кто ты?Но...
Слишит вопль пьяного папаши и резко прерывается.
Съел что-то и пошёл по холодному утру в богатую часть города
Ан на эмоциях врезал Ару так, что тот забыл свои методики, и рпзвязалась наст. драка. Потом Ар его чуть не нокаутировал, потом они аыбились из сил, и когда прислуга увидела их "морды"... Тут же усадила их в богатый зал локоть к локтю и давай лечить как может...
Они снова вместе. Есть шанс рассказать о своих жизнХ
Чет мы с тобой как мальчики бьемся. Че ты так рахозлися на меня?
-я не бессердечный.
- так сказал бы м все, че ты такой комплексный
- да пока в морду не даш не примете. И ты не один такой который все и так понимает. Все такие.
- а че у тебя с сердцем, а? А,, вижу.
- ничо ты не видишь
[Ар в тюрьме женского воспитания - отцу плевать на него а мать его держит в чёрном теле с американской улыбкой и называет "светлячок"]
- а ты в какой школе учился?
Да Я в тюрьме а не в школе. Дома учась.
[Вспомнмил аро свою школу]Ну а мне пора. Можно взять там...персик?
Ан взял пять персиков и убежал
Из окна кричит, когда ан ушёл :
Приходи завтра!
В школе в него вливали бесполезную информацию, и только на уроке математики был хороший, прекрасный учитель... Он давал детям думать, на его доске волшебным образов формы сами появлялись и ясчезали и превращались одна в другую с такой понятной и простой логике, с которой учитель объяснял детям как прекрасно жить :
"Достаточно один нас впустить зубы в пкрсик ,прожевать мякогть и выдавить неповторимый сок, чтобы жизнь была невероятной!"
Вечером Ан пошёл вместо домашки смотреть на закат на Холме. [Его зрущобы в пригороде]
Сел в место, куда никто не ходил, и смотрит там на закат в цветах...
Пошёл справить нужду, и неожиданно встречает Ар. Он показывает ему своё и место, и Ар открывает что-то новое в своей душе......
Как ты нашёл это место?
-да ходил здесь много, вместо домашки..
- домашка
- да нет в домашке ничего нужного. Школа учит слерлму подчинению и вкачивает факты без их понимания, отбивая любую охоту самому изучать и влсрринимать!
- кто сказал?
- я. А здесь есть великий смысл, здесь что-то и вправду есть... Чувствуешь?
- а что чувствуешь?
- не знаю, но это чтоту приятное. Что-то ьольшое. Чтото живое.Я мечтал пожить одному, в природе... В Лесу..
- в Лесу?
-Да... Но мен мать никуда отпускают ! Я люблю отца, но... Впрочем неважно... Даже сюда я пришёл в тайне от мамы!
-К что с отцом? Он тебе сердце разбил?
- НЕВАЖНЛ, СКЗАЛ ЖЕ! да вам ничего словами не понять.
-ты здесь живёшь?
-рядом усадьба.
-а знаешь, мы с школой скоро в Лес поедем!
- в тот самыйю? Когда? Подожди, почему ты не говлрил?
- да я только что узнал что ты мкчтаешь там побывать.
- когда? А мне можно поехаиьь?
25того... Я спрлшу у учительницы, можно ли кого-нибудь взять.
- да меня мать не отпустит в такую даль...
-да брось, тебе уже скоро восемнадцать, не говори ей ничего.
- встретимся завтра после школы, не забудь спросить у учительницы, когда у вас поездка
- ага, а почему ьы так хочешь в Лес?
- а почему тебе так нравится здесь?
- ты сам чувствуешь, здесь есть жизнь, здесь есть смысл... Здесь я могу быть живым человеком, здесь я чувствую все сильно и правильно, а не рриглушеннл, как нас в школе учат. Ведь есть такая сила, есть она, которая всем управляет, и она нас доступна, и вообще... Ты веришь что есть Бог?
- а что ты чувствуешь в Лесу
- я там не был. Но там как будто бы моя душа...
- Душа! Именно! Она где-то здесь живёт, а там, в городе, она задыхается, мы иссыхаем, терякм форму, обтекаемся в ьушующих потоках толпы, смываемся в ьксформенную серую гладкую массу!
Мать говорит как тот кто смывает в гладкую бесформенную массу,
-Мне пора. Не забудь про..
- твою душу, забытую в лесу;
- пора
- пока!
Ан остался размышлять о душах и Боге на закате
Зажглачь первая звезда. Он пошёл домой
Когда они говорят наедине, о задцшевных темах, вся грубость вдруг исчезает, и остаётся только нежность и любовь!
Биолог запретил брать друзей в поездку, ведь это...
Ан ожидал увидеть киcлое лицо Ара, но именно такие люди как Ар выкидывают сюрпризы, которыъ и от Анов не ожидают.
Ар сказал решительно, как будто всё было ужерешено : Всё равно мы пойдём туда сами. В субботу. Ты должен увидеть это, нет, почувствовать это. Подробности скину ночью.
Чем дальше, тем быстрее
Ночь наступила. Ар написал
Your eyes are lovely glowing black agates
But much more brisk than costly lifeless gems,
Their glad vivacity wide divagates, -she speaks short
And draws my sight, that Thy face often hems ; - i long
"The eyes are windows to the soul" - I try
To see Your soul, covert by You from mine,
And feel it deep as sea or Eastern sky,
Lit by the fires that deeper in You shine ;
In early morn, when sun touches sleepy Earth,
Alarm wakes me, and I look at Your eyes:
They fuel my with affection, vigor, mirth
And help in toils until the next sunrise...
This hair, thine hair...I've never touched such hair,
They harmonize with eyes like kindness with men's souls.
So when I see like hair, my feelings flare,
To leave warm love, when I see they're not Yours:
I thank You, Lord, for making such a girl,
Who gleams Your perfect shine, like one black pearl!
Covert ED?
Such tender thing like Love, in our World
Is rough and leaden, painful, hard to follow,
Because here minus switched with plus : our lord
Is not true good but deadly baiting sorrow...
Sonnet 49
Thine eyes are lovely glowing black agates
But much more brisk than costly lifeless(soulless)gems,
Their glad vivacity wide divagates,
And draws my sight, that thy face often hems ;
"The eyes are windows to the soul" - I try
To see thy soul, that You conceal from mine,
And feel it deep as sea or Eastern sky,
Lit by the fires that deeper in you shine ;
Our souls are endless, then Your sight is so?
Then endlessly my sight is set to Thine:
As every morning sun's caresses glow,
I look in Th'eyes - their caress is more fine...
I thank You, Lord, for making such a girl,
Who gleams Thy perfect shine, like one black pearl!
In early morn, when sun touches sleepy Earth,
Alarm wakes me, and I look at Your eyes:
They fuel my with affection, vigor, mirth
And help in toils until the next sunrise...
This hair, thine hair...I've never touched such hair,
They harmonize with eyes like kindness with men's souls.
So when I see like hair, my feelings flare,
To leave warm love, when I see they're not Yours:
10 August 2022
Sonnet 49
Thine eyes are lovely glowing black agates
But much more brisk than costly lifeless gems,
Their glad vivacity wide divagates,
And draws my sight, that thy face often hems ;
"The eyes are windows to the soul" - I try
To see thy soul, that You conceal from mine,
And feel it deep as sea or Eastern sky,
Lit by the fires that deeper in you shine ;
Our souls are endless, then Your sight is so?
Then endlessly my sight is set to thy:
When every morning sun's caresses glow,
I find more joy and vigor in thine eye...
I thank You, Lord, for such a black-eyed girl,
Who gleams Thy perfect shine, like one black pearl!
Such light, warm, tender, thing like Love
We put in that same stuffy room of word
With lust, that Love's true nature did remove
And under her sweet guise makes minds blurred
To jump it's raging flood that holds his prey
Till gates of hell, where he throws in it's deep
This is what Lust's red lips will never say,
And that's for what You, done and thrown, will weep (DONE—DOWN THROWN)
So know where joy and sweetness lies, and life,
And where this caustic grief, and painful doom,
Sweet-lying in your face, holding a knife,
That errant tongue put with Love in one room
Sonnet 50
Such light, warm, tender, thing like Love
We put in that same stuffy room of word
With lust, that Love's true nature did remove
And under her sweet guise makes weak minds blurred
To jump it's raging flood that holds his prey
Till gates of hell, where he throws in it's deep -
This is what Lust's red lips will never say,
And that's for what You, done and thrown, will weep (DONE—DOWN THROWN)
So know where joy and sweetness lies, and life,
And where this caustic grief, and painful doom,
Sweet-lying in your face, holding a knife,
That errant tongue with Love put in one room...
And keep your tongue as ready as Your heart :
One day our foul flesh will go apart.
И вот мы пришли к теме, о которой я более всего хотел сказать. Чем дальше, тем больше я убеждабсь в том, что она "моя", " плоть от плоти моей и кровь от крови моей". Такое ведь не каждой скажешь в трезваос уме, хотя красивых девушек так много. Но для меня они уже не красивы. Для меня они... Лучше приведу строки, которые совсем недавно написал:
"Вы как слепящие все звёзды в тёмный час -
Но я ослеп от солнца и не вижу вас..."
Each man I met has his good shine inside,
The problem is that we are blind too much
By our pride and darkness on our side
That can't discover it and merely judge...
11 August 2022
A dirty nothingness without You, Lord,
Forgive my dirtiness, and fill my naught
With Your true spirit, love, and draw my sword
To all what made Your child's essence rot
And move Your spirit from this drying clay,
Do give me love... eternal, Heaven's love,
So bright and fair like stars, and warm like day,
Yet painful on this Earth, for we all move
The plus with minus, so move the world to hell,
Enthroning it, and crucifying God -
So help me throne You, Love, and to bear well
It's lead, by us, God-killers wrought,
For we know too that Heaven is as sweet
As thousand times our earthly love's fair deed.
For we know too that Heaven is as sweet
As thousand times our earthly love You seed.
He bend his knees and slowly bowed his heavy head to the floor. The robbers continued their do. Then his head fast turned up, a brisk sight scanned the room, and in a moment the whole body, so lightly and neatly, but first of all calmly, flied across the room. I have never seen him so concentrated, but light, so confident, but neat. Two hard hits, followed by two painful cries, retutned me to mind, but still I could not believe that he is Mikhail. The robbers where gently, but earnestly kicked out in the lobby toilet, and the police soon got them. He smiled, sat on the sofa, and did not leave his confident, even a bit scary smile until tommorow.
52 Sonnet
You are much sweeter than these chocolates,
But let them touch your lips, and fill Your mouth
With ENERGY and treat, to 'nlock the gates
To Your sweet joy, warmer than the south,
That joys and fills and strengthens me so much
More than the choc; so eat it whole, my dear,
And please me so much more with that sweet touch
Of your joyed eyes and all your blessing cheer...
And thank me not - let's thank together God,
Who gave this sweet to us, to me, so ill...
This' like a dream, beyond the real's plot
That from Heaven on me can sometimes rill
And gleam Love's real and ever Paradise,
Unreal on Earth; this I see in your eyes...
Поэт я по уши влюблённый,
Ищу какой-то мир, другой,
А в этом мире, отчуждённый,
Порой нащупываю мой,
Родной, прекрасный тот мой мир,
И очень часто в аниме...
Тогда течёт, как мощный нил,
Тоска внутри, на стол, в слезе,
Поэт я по уши влюблённый,
Ищу какой-то мир, другой,
А в этом мире, отчуждённый,
Порой нащупываю мой,
Родной, прекрасный тот мой мир,
И очень часто в аниме...
Тогда течёт, как мощный нил,
Тоска внутри, на стол, в слезе,
И я, так стиснутый той силой,
Раздавленный тоской любви,
Всё думаю о том пути
В тот мир, неясный, но любимый.
I feel a better world, I feel it now,
I see a matter higher than my life,
It gave a glance and left me feeling low
And empty in this world, making me strive
For it, leaded by my deaf-mute heart,
And looking for unreal in world of real;
O, I don't know it, but it so much hurts
That I am not where my sore soul finds heal...
25 ready
Now morning touches the sleeping Earth
With tender rays of coming day
And waters flowers with it's mirth
Which to the bees they will convey,
And leaves in grain it's golden drops,
And spills the shine in farmer's berth
To gently wake him, show his crops
On fields that he made harvest-worth,
Emits a spark in his fair plans,
And lights with smile his sleepy face,
And adds new taste to his brunch buns
And sends him off a muse to chase...
But in it's shine I pray and yearn
Since You come not, my dear morn...
Raw, not polished feeling
You are so differently beautiful,
You are so beautifully different,
You are so frigidly considerate,
You are so... I love you.
You are so relaxed intelligent,
You are so mystically open,
You are so beautifully different,
You are so peacefully wild,
You are so lightly deep,
You are so sincerely cold,
You are so actively still,
You are so differently beautiful,
You are so much like watermelons
And You are so much like melons,
And like the ocean's raging crest,
And like the dark and freezing deep,
I like You so much, I love You.
You are so much like the grass
Of wildlands and tame city ground,
You are so much like music's flowing salve,
You are so much like thoughts.
You are so much like evening's fondly shining light,
You are so much like, sun, and like the stars,
You are so much like sand and snow.
You are so much like the flow of honey
You are so much like brisk and nameless rivers,
You are so much, that word just not delivers.
Word 1
When they say: "forget her!", I do think :
"Then You forget that times at times You drink"
Death. The end. the devastating storm.
Or this tide throws us to another land,
To our Creator's sinewy, kind hand?
Or this end breaks to a new, higher form
That leaves flesh cold, but soul is always warm...
Why I call death a devastating end,
Death is no more than Earth takes what it lent -
A transient home for souls, free of time's term.
I don't know why, but feel and do believe
That once we'll meet in that eternal world,
It must be beautiful, where souls find their relief,
As beautiful as kindness of our Lord.
I don't know why, but always have this feeling -
My death will be the end of our beginning.
(BREAK - of down, as from the movie)
You are so frigidly considerate,
And so considerately wild,
You are so wildy temperate,
You are so rawly mild.
sonnet 54
My love means not to love You when it's sweet -
This each can do; but when it comes to salt
They eagerly won't touch Your lips to eat
This bitterness that makes love sweet in heart.
For You I can now die, and end my being
With great sense of love's Earthly salt devise
Or vainly die bit later, without this feeling
That is being measured with its sacrifice :
If I will bring its earthly lead to end
I will enjoy this load in its true form.
This is my love, for this I am condemned,
To serve the sweet in earthly bonds of harm.
So I'm with You, be You a beast or worse -
I am love's slave, moved by its endless forсe.
Today the air is so much light and soft,
I breathe it in and out, and feel no lead
Upon my breast - did it from Heaven waft
To make me think of rewards for my deed?
And sun, my dear star, puts tender warmth
Upon the lemon's dewy, balmy leaves
That are so still in light air, free from storms,
And nothing throws them, nothing ragely heaves,
The spider weaved his tissue on this lemon,
The tissue is so gentle, on light rays,
In gentle air - all this reminds me Heaven
And living for this world in my rude days.
And maybe then, like spider, I will weave
My life on Heaven's warm and balmy leaf...
Sonnet 56
I see : the jasmine's petal, light and free,
So gently cuts the soft cloth of sunlight
And dives inside the litter bin's fetidity,
And sticks to lukewarm butts and splits of spite
Now how will you soar to the air's soft,
To sun's caresses, to your mother-tree?
The kind wind can't dive the bin to waft
You back to lands where you were light and free!
Now tender rays of sun are broken by the steel
Of this cold bin, you're pressed heavily
With lays of trash that your soft body kill,
The body made in wildlands to be free,
Now let me grab the trash and fondly take You
To waiting sun and blooming air than made You.
Sonnet 57
My clock stares at the midnight sky and says :
It's three o'clock and 16 minutes, Fri,
Yet when she sleeps here I can sleep nowise,
Her hand holds mine, she's like a star too nigh,
Her lovely head, stuck hair on sweating skin,
Reek from her mouth, the same fresh like from mine,
Yet this mouth is so innocently trim,
Nose slowly breathes, eyes rest from daily shine,
Brows rest from liveliness, i hear her breath
That takes the oxygen from nightly air
And puts in her tired chest. She takes relief.
Which I need not - tonight love's hand does touch
Me with in her skin, her smell, her hand's firm clutch.
She's temperate, won't speak without knowing,
She is so light, and lovely-harsh with me,
So lively, glad, a chrysolite too glowing,
And she repeats 'alright' with coolly glee,
Yes, she is cool, like freshly-breathing night,
And she is warm like sand in south's daylight,
And with considerate, mild confidence,
She betters much my dreamy thoughts, and dips
Them in the sea of life's cold real,
Это какой-то сон. Я неимоверно счачтлив. Чтобы ты прочувствовала это, наверное, приидется повторить "Это какой-то сон. Я неимоверно счачтлив." пятьдесят раз.
Она говорит со мной, а я с ней. Мы обмениваемся буквами, слогами и словами, предложениями, длинными текстами... Удивительно. Это какой-то сон. Я неимоверно счачтлив.
Она вот здесь, вот в этом телефоне, пишет что-то мне. Спорим мы вместе...вместе... Это какой-то сон. Я неимоверно счачтлив.
Она сказала, что мы будем друзьями... друзьями...Это какой-то сон...
Я получил такое, что не могу даже этого полностью осознать, "память" моего диска меньше этого "файла". Я чувствую себя иначе, не как раньше. Все живое нынче ожило, красота стала красивой, запах пахнет, а цвет ярко отражается в моих глазах.
Небо стало небом новым, громадным и прекрасным, виноград стал иным, душистым и ярким, вкусным, а река в Никосии потекла как-будто уже совсем из других мест, и вода в ней совсем другая, растения вокруг нее преобразились в волшебстве.
Похоже на записки психа. Но ведь Это какой-то сон, и я неимоверно счачтлив.
Счачтлив неимоверно.
My phone's dead screen got bright and even glad,
Vibration briskly shook it thrilled. Ring -Ring! -
A sound that never ever this phone had
Called me with glee... "A message from Jing Jing!"
My hand went shaking more than my live phone,
Glad, pale and quiet, I gaze the loading screen
I gulp read that small message, shaking gone,
And flows of joy do water my salt spleen.
She no more wants to speak with me - she said.
She said - I don't care what, her written speech
Alone can salve my drear, gloomy state,
And when the joy is drained, the sense I reach :
She no more wants to speak with me - O salt!
But now she speaks, right now she salves my heart!
My phone's dead screen got bright and even glad,
Vibration briskly shook it thrilled. Ring-Ring! -
A sound that never ever this phone had
Called me with glee... "A message from Jing Jing!";
My hand went shaking more than my live phone,
Glad, pale and quiet, I gaze the loading screen,
I gulp read that small message, shaking gone,
And flows of joy do water my dry spleen :
She no more wants to speak with me - she said;
She said - I don't care what, so light a speech
Alone can salve my heavy, gloomy state,
And when the joy is drained, the sense I reach :
She no more wants to speak with me - O salt!
But now she speaks, right now she salves my heart!
"A message from Jing Jing"
My phone's dead screen got bright and even glad,
Vibration briskly shook it thrilled. Ring-Ring! -
A sound that never ever this phone had
Called me with glee... "A message from Jing Jing!";
My hand went shaking more than my live phone,
Glad, pale and quiet, I gaze the loading screen,
I gulp read that small message, shaking gone,
And flows of joy do water my dry spleen :
She no more wants to speak with me - she said;
She said - I don't care what, so light a speech
Alone can make my heaviness quell straight,
And when the salve is drained, the sense I reach :
She no more wants to speak with me - O salt!
But now she speaks, right now she salves my heart!
(An advanced metaphor - I G U L P a messagem like whickey, and feel joy with relief.
Climb on my neck, I'll clutch thy legs - and rest,
I'll take you to all mounts, and woods and meads,
And come in lakes, not wetting your small nest -
Take nature's gifts - the views and sun, scents, treats
Up from my back - till death I'll try to stand,
And when you die, be not afraid of it :
It only takes your soul to God's strong hand,
And gives the world that all we truly need...
But while we're here, on Earth, I ask your leg
To carry you through charms and joys of Earth
And take all loads of pain on my strong neck
Made by God's hand to move you to him forth,
And if once I will fall and moan "I'm done",
Do punch me hard till such false thoughts are gone.
You left me now, like water leaves the glass,
An empty, ringing, lifeless glass. My life
So lifelessly, like poor serfs' being does pass
When bad lords take a hard though hollow strife.
But if I grieve, this loves salves my dry heart -
A single look at you, enliven in my book,
A single pray to Him removes some salt,
And I move on with hope that my grief took;
This hope sheds heaven's dew on my dull soul,
And gives me life, like kind serf's watering
Exceeds the bearing of dry fields till fall,
When heavens grant true water for soil's bearing.
The same I hope that for my bearing, heaven
Will give me you, like let us meet that even...
Unrequited love.
Today, I wish she comes. Before,
I didn't - it was so so sore.
Today, I miss my love enough,
Before, I had way too much love
To feel not sore when seeing her.
Yet when we meet, returns/I meet before.
O, thank You, Lord, for life and open Heaven,
For You could always close it for such beasts,
And thank You for that lady that I'm given
For she,like sun, dries my heart's deadly mists.
You gave two suns for such a dirty being -
The one that feeds all Earth with joyful strength,
And one that keeps all live by it's strong feeling,
Which, unlike sun of sky, is ever length.
Sonnet 62 2.0
You left me now, like water leaves the glass,
An empty, ringing, lifeless glass. My life
So lifelessly, like poor serfs' being will pass
When lofty lords step in a hollow strife!
But while I grieve, this love salves my dry heart -
A single look at you, depicted in my book,
A single pray to sky removes some salt,
And I move on with hope that my grief took;
This hope sheds heaven's dew on my dull soul,
And gives me life, like kind serf's watering
Exceeds the bearing of dry fields till fall,
When heavens grant true water for soil's bearing -
So do I hope that for this pining, Heaven
Soon gives the meet that truly can enliven.
Dear Poetry Editor!
I have been enjoying your magazine and strongly feel like it is the right place for some of my works to be published.
Please consider my four sonnets - “Now morning touches the sleeping Earth”, “You left me now, like water leaves the glass”, “Your speech's like sleep, who gently touches”, “You are much sweeter than these chocolates” (all about a man’s fervent love towards a pretty cold woman) - for publication in your magazine.
I am a young poet residing where my inspiration breathes – on the island of Cyprus. Most of my poems are addressed to the same frigid lady. For your information, I submit my poetry for the first time.
I honor your support for us, poets, and would be glad to be published in your magazine.
I thank you for your time spent for our numerous submissions. You make the world more fair and beautiful!
In appreciation,
Mikhail Frizen
( +357 94413605 / verytabletennis@gmail.com )
Now morning touches the sleeping Earth
With tender rays of coming day
And waters flowers with its mirth
Which to the bees they will convey,
And leaves in grain it's golden drops,
And spills the shine in farmer's berth
To gently wake him, show his crops
On fields that he made harvest-worth,
Emits a spark in his fair plans,
And lights with smile his sleepy face,
And adds new taste to his brunch buns
And sends him off a muse to chase...
But in its shine I pray and yearn
Since You come not, my dear morn...
Your speech's like sleep, who gently touches
My weary flesh with sweet repose
And twining 'round me, briskly catches
Me, falling in its silky clothes!
And after half an hour with you
A morning rises in my mind:
In warming rays and cooling dew
Heart's fragrant flowers nascence find!
And with new power in each limb
I stand to serve my love - my lord,
And run my path with childhood’s vim
And when meet grief, recall Yours word…
I'm wounded, haggard - for so long
I didn't hear this sweet rest's tongue!
You are much sweeter than these chocolates,
But let them touch your lips, and fill Your mouth
With energy and treat, to 'nlock the gates
To Your sweet joy, warmer than the south,
That joys and fills and strengthens me so much
More than the choc; so eat it whole, my dear,
And please me so much more with that sweet touch
Of your joyed eyes and all your blessing cheer...
And thank me not - let's thank together God,
Who gave this sweet to us, to me, so ill...
It’s like a dream, beyond the real's plot
That can from Heaven’s hands sometimes rill
And gleam Love's real and ever Paradise,
Unreal on Earth; this I see in your eyes...
You left me now, like water leaves the glass,
O! empty, thin and ringing glass. My life
So lifelessly, like poor serfs' being will pass
When lofty lords step in a hollow strife!
But while I grieve, this love salves my dry heart -
A single look at you, depicted in my book,
A single pray to Sky washes off some salt,
And I move on with hope that my grief took;
This hope sheds heaven's dew on my dull soul,
And gives me life, like kind serf's watering
Exceeds the bearing of dry fields till fall,
When heavens grant true water for soil's bearing.
The same I hope that for this pining, Heaven
Soon gives the meet that truly can enliven!
My love's too big not to seem queer
Nor fit in shapes that men laid here :
This shapes find end with their short lives,
My love for ever rising strives! (WORD4)
Unrequited love.
Today, I wish she comes. Before,
I didn't - it was so so sore.
Today, I miss my love enough,
Before, I had way too much love
To feel not sore when seeing her.
Yet when we meet, I meet before.
Climb on my neck, I'll clutch thy legs - and rest,
I'll take you to all mounts, and woods and meads,
And come in lakes, not wetting your small nest -
Take nature's gifts - the views and sun, scents, treats
Up from my back - till death I'll try to stand,
And when you die, be not afraid of it :
It only takes your soul to God's strong hand,
And gives the world that all we truly need...
But while we're here, on Earth, I ask your leg
To carry you through charms and joys of Earth
And take all loads of pain on my strong neck
Made by God's hand to move you to him forth,
And if once I will fall and moan "I'm done",
Do punch me hard till such false thoughts are gone.
------------------------NEW PUB-------------------------------
My love is pain! O earthly pain!
So impotent you lie in eyes of ever,
So sweet you are , O love, so severe,
To bear me new you need me slain!
Your taste is bitter and so sweet
Your taste is salt of earth, it's salt!
Your nature is so sweet in heart
And in my little mind so dread!
Then take me, crash me, eat me, make
Your truest thrall out of my nought,
Brake all my bones and my breathe take
But make the sweet inside me. God!
If you are love, ah melt me down
To find me solid in your own!
My love's too big not to seem queer
Nor fit in shapes that men laid here :
This shapes find end with their short lives,
My love for ever rising strives!
What stars are glaring now to me,
When I am blinded by sun's light
And in its set, the rise of night,
My eyes already cannot see?!
What stars are glaring now to me,
If I am blinded by sun's rise,
And when it leaves the world of vice
It leaves my eys unused to see?!
Shall I compare you to a summer's night?
You shade me from day's flame in salving fresh,
You let thoughts soar and roam among that light
You freely spilled on sky, by you my flesh,
Worn, dried in the day, finds sweet repose,
Until the sun will seize the throne of sky,
Throw down my thoughts, and heatedly will douse
The Earth with fuss, and blind my feeling eye.
But how can your sweet shade be overthrown,
And let the evil flame burn our souls
And move what gives all life from it's own throne
When all souls live forever, and so yours
Will always shed it's sweet rest on all dry,
And always shade ill flame from it's state - sky?
Word 7
The more the flame of love I feed,
The bigger this flame grows,
But when I throw myself in it,
Death's cold it overthrows.
This pain lead us to paradise -
Love's measure is it's sacrifice.
C земли вспорзнуть нельзя до неба,
Но можно лишь стремится ввысь,
И как падет вся тяжесть плоти,
Душа наверх взлетит по своему направлению
Jing Jing! How much this perfect sound has housed!
Not just a sound, a tune of my heart's strings,
Which trembling strength and seas of joy aroused,
"That I would scorn to change my state with kings"!
And what a painful sound you are, Jing Jing!
So gently you come deep inside ny soul
And touch the very feeling hearts quiet string
Which spills then seas of tears and takes the toll
Of bittersweet remembrance of this name's owner,
Who can't be mine, and but ny memory
Can bring her closer to my breast. O moaner!
How much I need, if soul still feels the sea
Of joy and strength, and heart still feels it's string
Being touched by this unearthly name. Jing Jing!
Word 8
the sons of nature, frolicing,
Find no reprove from their king :
the world so cheer, and none around
some thing to cuss have somehow found.
We sunk in love. Like little kids, we played
Brisk hide-and-seek, we ran anong the trees,
And seconds of this game's parting made
Us run one in another, hug, and kiss.
And then in fear of such another parting,
We clutched each other's essense in a one,
And stood so, and when our flesh was hurting
Still stood in one, by loving spirits done.
But then the night had poured it's spiteful cold,
Our hands felt steel, yet chained each to other,
Love which we bear, has cover'd with hot smother,
And kept us standing till the flaming gold
Of morn's caress. Yet hotter were our souls,
Your eyes are lovely glowing black agates
But much more brisk than costly soulless stones,
Their glad vivacity wide divagates
From that small image, furnished with my groans.
"The eyes are windows to the soul" - I try
To see your soul, that You conceal from mine,
And feel it deep as sea, or Eastern sky,
Lit by the fires that deeper in you shine ;
When every morning sun's caresses rise
And waft the warm and fragrant air of heaven
To soft night's cold, and all the earth enliven,
I find my morning in your pictured eyes...
And every night I fall in sleep's sweet nets
By your black eyes, by this two cold sunsets.
Моя любовь, как дикий зверь,
Сильна, упёрта, невменяема,
Летит вперёд, ломает дверь,
Меня несёт, неуправляема,
На мощном теле, молодом,
Но только вот куда? Напрасно
Я часто думаю о том -
Любви нам воля неподвластна,
Не покоришь её умом,
Тогда ей покорюсь я сам-
Неси меня своим путём,
Ломая твёрдость жизни рам.
На пол пути не стану я -
Иль разве разум мне судья?
Word 9
Mikhail, [9/22/2022 12:46 PM]
Современники мои как их вещи -
Синтетические, дряхлые, не греющие, но "распиаренные" надписями на них...
Mikhail, [9/23/2022 5:26 PM]
Есть глухие люди, они не могут слышать;
Есть слепые - ни видят ничего;
Немые сказать не могут слова,
А есть тупые - не могут сделать ничего из вышеперечисленного...
Sonnet 68
You left the sky; night took the throne with spite.
It's streams of cold douse all what you have warmed,
No stars I see now, blinded by your light,
Nor I can find repose when you're not throned.
And though your warmth is treasured in my heart,
Your light still lights my soul and clears my mind,
When this dark world with warming shine did part
And left poor souls so cold, and weak minds blind;
And though my eyes no more see, after you,
This breast can clearly feel it's woeful way,
For after this sunshine you made me view
I move to your sunset, where's timeless day.
You left the sky; night took the throne with spite.
It's streams of cold douse all what you have warmed,
No stars I see now, blinded by your light,
Nor I can find repose when you're not throned.
And though your warmth is treasured in my heart,
Your light still lights my soul and clears my mind,
When this dark world with warming shine did part
And left poor souls so cold, and weak minds blind;
And though my eyes no more see, after you,
This breast can clearly feel it's woeful way,
For after this sunshine you made me view
I move to your sunset, where's timeless day.
And on my way I yearn and see my rest
On that blood-painted, slowly cooling west.
O, what are you, Jing Jing? " A perfect essense"
Tis is the meaning of this beauteous name;
You prove you're fair and not fair coalescence,
I love you more than those of fairest fame.
So is it love so strange and perfect thing,
Which drowns my frail soul in endless love,
Devotes high-handely to this Jing Jing,
And sets my soul to 'dore what eyes bad prove?
And even eyes, the two men of cold brain
Forswear their lord to serve the mightier one :
Poor pride, dull logic, self-control lay slain
By that eternal, flaming, melting sun :
It vaporized me, and erupted new,
Bearing great love in this small helpless dew.
I laid in fever in that stuffy room,
My berth was smelling with my painful ail,
And soon I fell in deep sleep, doused by gloom;
The sea of turmoil in my dreams I sail,
Once it erupts a sweet shapr from faint forms -
I talk to her, and solid gets this dream,
Then she replies, and we are out of storms,
I come to life, like after rain sunbeam
Douses with shine and warmth the gloomy Earth.
But soon this ray of joy just leaves my head,
My eyes turn back to world. I'm in my berth.
I get up, sticked to clothes with sicky sweat,
And turn my sight back to that fantasy.
"Or maybe once again she speaks to me!"
Word 10
Why do we cry in pillows only -
We hide the shedding salt of soul,
Why laughing never wants us lonely -
We heehaw 'round our inside foul...
The chasity and shame, forgetten,
Now lie by lays of things so rotten;
Though You remember, laws of God
With change of time and us changes not...
Sonnet 71
Far in the spanless valleys of my soul
Two giants fight: none wins and gives up none;
They rise together, and together fall,
Together hurt and yell, for they are one.
Though they are so, their logic riot teaches,
Averse to part, in one they kill each other,
Like dearest branches, growing 'gainst their mother,
They crack the tree, and each branch his death reaches.
Yet just before a painful groan parts them,
Already when hot gum drips through it's bark,
They hug, and twined with that young heart's stem,
Re-join, connected with dried resin's mark.
You think - whom are reflecting this mind's giants?
My parents - and they're still in alliance)!
Deep in the phantom valleys of my soul
Two giants fight: none wins and gives up none;
They rise together, and together fall,
Together hurt and yell, for they are one.
Though they are so, their logic riot teaches,
Not made to part, in one they kill each other,
Like dearest branches, growing 'gainst their mother,
They crack the tree, and each branch its death reaches:
Mad creatures, made to be, nay, made a one,
Ourselves kill, dearest creatures - cries their son.
Yet just before a painful groan parts them,
Already when hot gum drips through their bark,
They hug, and twined with that young heart's stem,
Re-join, connected with dried resin's mark.
Those giant shades that vaguely just appeared
Reflect my parents; when very small was I
Their quarrels giant seemed in that small eye,
And that child's soul to my soft deepness feared.
Yet deeper in my memory I bear
The sunlight breaking through the hate and fear.
And every time they pass through such a storm,
Like snow that melts to new brisk springs by sun,
To youthful lovers they so fast reform,
And like just married, 'gain stay one by one.
Yet not like nature, which renews its dress
When birds sing of the victory of spring,
But even tighter each puts on his ring,
Like yesterday my father did confess...
Sweet is their unit when its love is doubling -
Pulling them back leads to a stronger coupling
Jing Jing, I love you. How much this words has housed,
How this sounds breathed, claim loudly one great change,
How this words breathe themselves, dead sounds fill, rouse
And break beyond tongue's short and silent range?
What lives in you, and you so much enlivens,
What overflows from incapacious words
And draws this iron heart in above Heavens,
How earthly forms bear these unearthly worlds?
Jing Jing, can I repeat this spell to death?
In ancient shapes lives love that blooms anew
And rises even more with every breath,
And puts truth in foul mouth to say "love you".
And when we wear our shapes to endless worlds,
May Heaven wrought the substance of this words.
11 Jing Jing, I love you.... How much this five words house,
10 How this sounds breathed, claim loudly one great change,
10 How this words breathe themselves, dead sounds fill, rouse
10 And break beyond tongue's short and silent range?
11 What lives in you, so warm, and you enlivens,
10 What overflows from incapacious words
10 And melts my heart to vapor it to Heavens?
10 How earthly forms do bear unearthly worlds?
10 Jing Jing, can I repeat this spell to death?
10 In ancient shapes lives love that blooms anew
10 And rises even more with every breath,
10 And puts truth in foul mouth to say "love you".
10 And when we wear our shapes to endless worlds,
10 May Heaven wrought the substance of this words.
Lettet to T G
Hello, O dear Thymoty Green!
Again your eyes are on the screen
(I pity and admire your eyes -
Their head and them they sacrifice
To let our fresh-made poems rise)
Revising what we wrote this time!
Then also check my poem, please,
Inspired now by Bohnen's piece,
Which in my mind with it can rhyme,
Since maybe some another mind
Our pieces rhyming too may find.
(No, I not plan to make a good impression:
To wrought my words in rhyme is my obession,
And with great meaning all I said well fill)
With Love, yours truly, Frizen Mikhail.
Word XXX
Jing Jing has passed.
My feelings not.
My feelings last,
My heart will dote.
Jing Jing's so far!
My feelings whet,
What I can't bar -
They burned my head.
Jing Jing has changed!
But never I.
Those left estranged
But pray, or cry.
Will I change? NO.
Because I can't
Because of woe
My love's might bend.
...And also tears
Are sometimes sweet -
Remember, years
Ago, we meet :
We sit so close,
I speak to you,
My heart all glows...
Now leaves hot dew,
O what was that?
A dream?.. Though lot
Of dreams I had
With you - it's not.
The words you breathed
Got iron-shod,
And gently sheathed,
Fell deep in thought.
I store the soap
From that hotel,
Joy, strength, and hope
Sheds from it's smell.
Or when the water
From Agros,
Or extract daughter
Of it's rose
Do salve my throat
And whole enliven,
I feel like God
Shows some of heaven,
I feel so whole,
Complete... delight..
They house your soul
And somehow hide
That one who really
Can enliven
My heart, and freely
Spill this heaven.
This doting heart
On you eyes sticks,
And bursts in art
Seeing that small pics.
How long a line,
Flies far to you!
How wet a whine
Spoils it with dew!
Though I'm a boy -
Forbidden is
Her to annoy
Who did not miss
The love I spend.
So lie unsent.
This sight that floats now from your soul's abyss,
This words you breathe, this soft, unearthly voice,
This hands that wave with vim and child's rejoice,
And somehow spill around your inner bliss.
This hair that fly behind your head. This pace!
This frolic rush of nameless mountain springs,
Not run, nor walk, a queer mix of these things,
This staid and free, childlike and courteous grace!
This lines are weak; so dim, so blind, like me
Since that eternal moment when you glanced
Upon the surface of my eyes, which now can't see,
And fell so deep, to heart, which is entranced.
Entranced? Poor brain! Wait, you're not knock down still?
No word you know to tell how I now feel.
O, pain of love! O, torture of delight!
A sip of water after days of thirst,
And taken from my flaming, dry lips right,
I'm left in sands by you, my water, nursed!
Yet I have not the nerve to blame you, dear-
Your clouds that shed life on my dusty head
Now passed again, so fast, and let sun spear
With rays of warmth the Earth, on which it set.
Now, after you have shed a sight on me,
Now, after you have breathed a mist of words,
Now, after in your shade blind eyes could see,
Now, when I've been in high heavenly worlds,
I cry down here, for this short joy torments,
And pray for rain, encircled with bare sands.
O, pain of love! O, torture of delight!
A sip of water after days of thirst,
And taken from my flaming, dry lips right,
I'm left in sands by you, my water, nursed!
Yet I have not the nerve to blame you, dear-
Your clouds that shed life on my dusty head
Now passed again, so soon, and let sun spear
With fiery rays this lonely Earth, so dead.
Now, after you have shed a sight on me,
Now, after you have breathed a mist of words,
Now, after in your shade blind eyes could see,
Now, when I've been in high heavenly worlds,
I cry down here, for this short joy torments,
And pray for rain, encircled with bare sands.
The blooming fair
That this land bore
My eyes not stare
Because before
The surface eyes
A heart of ore
Of love's weight lies
And it's gems store
The image of
My one and only;
So keeps my love
Eyes blind, me - lonely :
This heavy heart,
Replete with love,
Lets not a part
To women move.
This eyes blind are
Since have seen sun,
So any star
Seems only dun.
When she has turned
From sky, and night
Has coolly spurned
The warmth and light
In mind I keep
Our face-to-face
With sun, and weep,
Thinking her rays.
So if mad lust
Breaks walls of sight,
It never passed
Hearts fortified,
For lusts rude gun
Shoots but with lies -
By false is won
Not heart, but eyes.
True Irish men
Are fortified;
Their true strength then
Cannot be eyed.
I hem my many-sided mind
With barriers myself -
But I should better true muse find
In e a c h b o o k on the shelf.
Without you so lifeless is my life,
So pointless is my toil, so dull my heart,
So will I feel with any other wife
For any other can't fill that one part.
With other fair I can smile, laugh or rest,
Lets say, fair wives can fill us whole with joy,
But never it will reach this loyal breast,
Those surface things my empty heart annoy.
Posterity that in my flesh I bear
Wants to see light, but only in your flesh
Can it find it's true form; so do stay here,
And do not lose yourself in lust's silk mesh.
For nothing that's not you, not sweet, nor fair
Can give me true life, and true birth to my heir.
Now you appeared... my rhymes have melt
Now I can see that I can't see
And all my words have nothing held
And I'm a drop put in a sea;
Now all my thoughts have dissapeared,
Groans and sweet memory with them,
I feel like never myself willed,
And common sense my head won't hem.
But do I need all said above,
All what can melt like spring's weak ice
When this heavenly sun of love
It burns me whole, and leaves what's true -
This burning love, that's all I knew.
Mikhail, [10/18/2022 10:00 PM]
Jing Jing! No more verse serves my love,
I am now out of words!
You shone on me like sunlight from above,
Your eyes speared mine like swords,
Jing Jing! You greeted me and melt
And vaporized to heavens.
With that sweet sounds i heard
Mikhail, [10/18/2022 10:35 PM]
So leave me not! With you I'm born
Again from ashes lifless life,
With you all wrong becomes forlorn
And I, from ash, but for truth sttive!
A moment that I spend with you
Can bear eternity
Mikhail, [10/18/2022 10:35 PM]
All words I said and wish to say
Are melt like thin ice on the sun
When my tired eyes your eyes allay,
Or when your words in my ears run
Mikhail, [10/18/2022 10:35 PM]
Abour me yoi cant say this,
In your eyss im one ofthe boys,
Your hearts feels not that love's abyss
Of joys and te ars, and tears and joys.
Mikhail, [10/18/2022 10:35 PM]
Взрослеют, когда улыбаютс сквозь слёзы.
SONNETS 77 -79
No other human on the Earth
Can fill my heart with rays of warmth;
I've seen the sun, now how can I
See those pale stars on this dark sky?
It have been so since you are gone,
My only star, life-spilling sun.
And in this dark-reinged mind I keep
Our brigth meets, talks, our face- to-face,
Your burning face, and often weep
When see in mind again those rays...
For this short shine I won't blame Heavens,
I thank them that you passed, and yet,
Since only past my heart enlivens,
I shall my eyes on mountains set.
On mountains peaks I'm fortified
From vanity, from that low mires,
And there alone, I'll see your light,
Freed from electric gaudy fires.
There from the city I shall hide
That washed myself in this wan mass
With lukewarm streams of aimless fuss,
And there with nature I'll unite,
There I won't be alone; Alone
I'm now, in millions of others,
Yet not by them my drear is won,
But their own drear my mind smothers!
Or maybe motherland now needs
Men that seek death with hero deeds?
For such men death is dressed in white,
Their tomds lead to doors new and wide,
This ends gives heaven, doesn't it?
This end begins the life they need.
For men whose lives their lord did serve
In his great home a room deserve!
Not like a moaner i'll die then
But like the truest mother's man
Not like a boy, willed by despair,
But like a heart's and mind's good heir!
And If God plans to bring together
Us again, he won't let death
Before this end my foul breath;
If not, should my spoil the weather?
I have been treasuring your hair I found
In one small jar of glass, and oft beheld
This little thing that could both joy and wound,
And often could my irritation melt;
But now, right now I hold the living crown,
The mother of those little swarthy kids;
If so much cherished I that hair I own,
And with that one my heart like trains beats,
Now I don't even sense it, ahhh, too much
Of hair, and each hair live on your live head,
And I am... It cannot be truly said...
In words I just can't wrought this moment live,
To treasure the inaffable you give.
I want to eat rice only from your hands,
No other food would taste as much as this,
For never mouths are full, but hearts demand
One single thing for true and ever bliss.
The greed that eats us, giving men beast wishes
So many ways to satisfy them bore -
Yet none of those way too too many dishes
Has made us stop, but stirred our stomachs more!
But from your hands, some cheapest burned rice
Will taste like joy that tongues have never met!
While other food will only tempt my eyes:
It may joy flesh, yet hearts it never fed.
(So worry not if you're not teached to cook -
It's not by k n a c k how you this heart's love took)
SONNET 72 V2.0
Jing Jing, I love you.... How much this five words house,
How they once breathed, claim one eternal change,
How this words breathe themselves, dead sounds fill, rouse
And break beyond tongue's short and silent range?
What lives in you, so warm, and you enlivens,
What overflows from incapacious words
And melts my heart to vapor it to Heavens?
How earthly forms do bear unearthly worlds?
Jing Jing, can I repeat this spell to death?
In ancient shapes lives love that blooms anew
And rises even more with every breath,
And puts truth in foul lungs to say "love you"!
And when we wear our shapes to endless worlds,
May Heaven wrought the substance of this words.
Jing Jing, if someday this foul hand will rise
Upon your lovely head not to caress,
But rudely hit... Please, put, just put your eyes
Right on my eyes, and from your soul's recess
Take those small crystals of the shedding heart,
Those sharp and clear like salt, just take them out,
Just let my anger see your soul. It's salt
Will be washed off like with an autumn's cloud!
Just look right in my heart, my heart access,
Having the key to open this ill breast,
And burn it with that sight of your distress,
Just show what pain feels this much softer chest.
Just show your tears, the little men of soul,
Small babies of big grief. Just brake the wall.
Jing Jing, if someday this foul hand will rise
On you not to caress,
But rudely hit... Your eyes
Please set on mine, and from your soul's recess
Take those small crystals of the shedding heart,
Those sharp and clear like salt,
And show them to presence of my ire,
And see it melt like fire
Upon the shedding sky,
Upon my eyes so high.
Just let me see your soul,
Just break this life's dull wall
Just melt it with the rays
Of your soul reflecting face.
Mikhail, [10/22/2022 9:01 AM]
My mother and my father
So harsh abuse each other!
So sharp is this tear's salt,
Which drops on my young heart!
If I could stay between
Them, if that great I've been,
O, I would put an end
O, I would take dad's hand,
And put in mothers, but
I'm just their kid. So small!
I am their unite's thrall,
Since it has made me, but,
When their a whole, in peace,
I am thrall of bliss!
Mikhail, [10/22/2022 9:38 AM]
Не уверенность от успеха, от успех от нее
Mikhail, [10/22/2022 2:43 PM]
The flame that burns my father's chest then throws
His hand upon my mother, and conveys
The burning plague to her heart, which glows
Then even more than father's, and it stays
Until my father will reduce his own.
Thus anger and rejoice, and peace and fire
In this far land
I'm true to you,
Though no demand
There's to be true
To her who passed.
Yet not in me.
Though life's too fast,
Hearts but fixed be.
Not death... nor life
Can love unfix.
So you're my wife,
Wife in small pics.
Ma and Da
Deep in the phantom valleys of my soul
Two giants fight: none wins and gives up none;
They rise together, and together fall,
Together hurt and yell, for they are one.
Though they are so, their logic riot teaches,
Not made to part, in one they kill each other,
Like dearest branches, growing 'gainst their mother,
They crack the tree, and each branch its death reaches:
Mad creatures, made to be, nay, made a one,
Ourselves kill, dearest creatures - cries their son.
Yet just before a painful groan parts them,
Already when hot gum drips through their bark,
They hug, and twined with that young heart's stem,
Re-join, connected with dried resin's mark.
Those giants that in memory appeared
Reflect my parents; when very small was I
Their quarrels giant seemed in that small eye,
And that child's soul to my soft deepness feared.
Yet deeper in my memory I bear
The sunlight breaking through the hate and fear:
Since every time they pass through such a storm,
Like snow that melts to new brisk springs by sun,
To youthful lovers they so fast reform,
And like just married, 'gain stay one by one.
Yet not like nature, which renews its might
When birds sing of the victory of spring,
But even tighter each puts on his ring
And only resin marks the burned spite .
Sweet is their unit when its love is doubling -
Pulling them back leads to a stronger coupling.
My empty words! This so-called speaking lines!
My dull brain's shades by that red sun of love,
I could not show in you how much it shines,
I couldn't wrought it's size, you my void prove.
But you, you! You, Jing Jing!
I never tried to leave a note on you,
No, I once did - this pen's poor scribbling
That from the deepest ocean plucked a dew.
This is my sonnet numer eighty-three,
And what in all my previous can I see?
Were all those lines just born from suffering?
They just absorbed soul's pain, and eased my brain?
Ahh, I've been also showering this rain
Of dull, dim words, showing me to Jing Jing...
-My wit's so poor to say but come what may,
For circumstances but our Lord obey,
And is not wrong, nor weakening his sway.
-Come what it may? You speak of death so quiet...
-Since for us both death will be dressed in white
To pluck us up from life on this rot side.
Or, brother, is there iron that weights down
Your soul, not letting it, like larks at dawn,
Soar lightly high when it leaves flesh's grave gown?
Do tell me now, before this dawn will start
And part the world on darkness' and light's part :
Before this spark a fire inside your heart.
-Before the day before today, my death
Stood white in front of me, and stream of Lethe
Did never take my calm and even breath,
But yesterday I left the part of light,
And no more sky is light upon my plight.
O, know it plain, I bent by lust's lies might!
But, listen please, you'd tell me to confess,
And leave this mire, but this mire my heart has,
And I feel God to church this heart won't bless!
This heart is chained- chained with a little lie,
But it has got me, lured me through flesh's eye,
And let so soon to be a Juda! Ayyy!
-Wait, brother, wait, no sin can has this might
To overthrow your faith, God's strength, his light,
It is the same demon that did hide
This light of hope in your despair's shade!
You still must hope, for this is why God laid
Himself on this rot earth - yet demon made
You now flow into one another sin -
Forgetting light, in dark, where nothing's seen
You let him to more weight your blind soul pin!
How do you hide from Lord, if Lord is all?
Before you did it, then He knew your soul,
And He knows, why, and how did your heart fall.
Now, when you're blind, and light you see so dark,
Now let me lead you to they way to spark
God's being in you : you'll be so light a lark.
You just assured me : you are also blind...
I am in dark, and in morn's beam, your mind
No way nor me in this pure dark can find.
Poor August! Dear my August! This my soul,
Since I have left kid's clearest path is foul,
And what foul souls not think they're up of all?
Forgive me, never can I fell what others do,
So cannot help; and none but God knows you,
So do attend his home; and your hot dew
With His good will shall clean you: all of us
Do fall, meet demon closer, but to pass
Is what we need, and even greener grass
Will dress your soul when you leave that death's mire!
And only God can take us out, but he can fire
The mire's content, and free you, so will spire
Again a virtue's flower on your soul!
Ma and Da
Deep in the derelict plains of my soul
Two giants fight: none wins and lets win none;
They rise together, and together fall,
Together hurt and yell, lo - they are one.
Since they are so, their warm love flares and booms;
Not made to part, in one their bombs they chunk,
Like dearest branches, growing 'gainst their trunk,
They crack the tree - and branches reach their dooms:
"Mad creatures, made to be, nay, made a one,
All us kill, dearest creatures" - cries their son.
Yet just before a painful groan parts them,
Already when hot gum drips through their bark,
They hug, twine, merge to that stone-hard stem,
And stay, connected with cured resin's mark!
Those giants that in memory appeared
Reflect my parents; when very small was I
Their quarrels giant seemed in that small eye,
And this child's soul to its soft deepness feared.
Yet deeper in mind’s galleries I hold
That sudden unit – strange images to behold -
Since every time they pass through such a storm,
Like snow that melts to new brisk springs by sun,
To youthful lovers they so fast reform,
And like just married, 'gain stay one by one:
Yet not like nature, which renews its might
When birds sing of the victory of spring,
But even tighter each puts on his ring,
Like states expand and rise when win some fight!
Sweet is their unit when its love is doubling -
Pulling them back leads to a magnet's coupling!
Like states expand and rise when win some fight.
But even tighter each puts on his ring,
Yet deeper in mind’s galleries I hold
That sudden unit – strange images to behold!
Like states rise even more when win some fight.
Ere my dear parents were complaining
(They teach us thus not to do so) -
Such memories are still remaining :
The childish fear, the clearest woe...
And then, like sun, which broke the grey
And gloomy rains, and stopped the booms -
My parents came in our rooms
To say that now... all is OKAY!
O! What rejoice!
O! That sweet voice,
That no more brings
On it's clear strings
Those ugly words,
As sharp as swords!
Hello, O dear Thymoty Green!
Again your eyes are on the screen
(I pity and admire your eyes -
Their head and them they sacrifice
To let our fresh-made poems rise)
Revising what we wrote this time!
Then also check my poem, please,
Inspired now by Bohnen's piece,
Which in my mind with it can rhyme -
Since (maybe) some another mind
Our pieces rhyming too may find!
So ere my parents were complaining
(They taught us thus not to do so) -
Such memories are still remaining :
The childish fear, the purest woe...
And then, like sun, which broke the grey
And gloomy rains, and stopped the booms -
My parents came in our rooms
To say that now... all is OKAY!
O! What rejoice!
O! That sweet voice,
That no more brings
On it's clear strings
Those ugly words,
As harsh as swords!
(No, I not plan to make a good impression:
To wrought my words in rhyme is my obession,
And with great meaning all I said upfill)
With Love, yours truly, Frizen Mikhail.
Ползет и тянется, течёт
Бездушною струёй
Жизнь - таков, мой брат, отчёт...
Прекрасною тюрьмой
Я ограждён со всех сторон -
Моим земным ларн;ком,
В котором я и был рождён,
И принят в руки мраком.
Но душа стремится вон,
Скинуть сей зловонный сон,
Опрокинуть смертью смерть,
Растопить тупую твердь!
Испариться в небеса,
Скинуть хилы телеса
В их стальных оковах зла!..
Я устал - я жить хочу!
В этой жизни я гнию,
В этой жизни жизни нет,
А за смертью блещет свет...
Скатились очень низко мы -
Здесь черви в плесени сырой
Съедают корни той мечты,
Что вырастит лишь мир иной.
И мы здесь медленно гнием-
Но вот беда - уже не век!
Всю жизнь измеряет дном
С рожденья бедный человек,
И в чем тогда лежит спасенье,
Души сгоревшей пробужденье,
Свобода, жизнь и вразумленье,
Раз с каждым годом ближе мы,
Скажу вам честно, к гибели
Всеобщей, полной, страшной, да!-
Иль не туда течём мы, а?!
Хочу уйти - мне надоело.
Хочу - но есть ещё и дело
Пока надежда есть ещё
(Раз Бог не стер нас, как пятно),
Так почему в её котел
Не кинуть тело, уж без духа -
Он в небо устремил свой взор,
А тело здесь оставил...Друга
Так, может быть, оно спасет,
И дух на небо пустит сразу,
Что тяжесть плоти к земле гнет,
Где мрет он от земной проказы.
Нужны ведь родине такие -
Внутри ещё живые,
И те, кто ждут уставшим телом
Последний вздох в борьбе,
В борьбе, в слезах, в поту, в огне -
И смерть придёт к ним в белом,
Как усмирённый тот слуга
Всесильного Творца.
Ему мы служим смертным делом -
За нами придут в белом.
Ларн;к = саркофаг. Просто я живу в городе Ларнака, что и привело меня к такому сравнению.
SONNET 82 v2
Jing Jing, if someday this foul hand will rise
Upon your lovely head not to caress,
But rudely hit... Please, set, just set your eyes
Right on my eyes, and from your soul's recess
Take those small crystals of the shedding soul,
Those sharp and clear like salt, just take them out,
And put in front of me, the anger's thrall,
And all it's chains will just melt, like a cloud!
Just look right in my heart, my heart access,
Having the key to 'nlock this chained breast,
And burn it with that sight of your distress,
Just show what pain feels this much softer chest.
Just show your tears, the little men of soul,
Small babies of big grief. Just brake the wall.
Now by your grave, my friend, is drawn my mind
In this fast stream of Lethe, to longer muse -
Will after it we light, dark, nothing find?
Where are you? Do you hear me? Tyrannous
Is time or not? How did it on you pass?
Or are you high from Heaven eyeing now
These streams of men that wash our world in fuss,
And with Lethe to oblivion fast flow?
O! Rather we are lost in space and time
While your freed soul high soared , and this death
Had came to you in white. Though in your rhyme
You oft stood 'gainst the God-bent stream of Lethe...
But I must die to see you there, or not.
So do I do hope for one time's lord - one God.
Today, I wish she comes. Before,
I didn't - it was so so sore.
Today, I miss my love enough,
Before, I had way too much love
To feel not sore when seeing her.
Yet when we meet, I meet before.
I want her now - and I know too
That it will salve my heart like dew -
So tiny, and goes shortly then
And leaves alone - again, again!
Alone with this so baiting wish
As after one small bitter dish
That only wakes the hunger's might
(Yes, hunger, not light appetite)
O! knowing this, I want her still -
For she can wound as much as heal!
All words I said and wished to say
Now melt like thin ice on the sun
When your sweet eyes my eyes allay,
Now, when your sounds in my ears run...
About me you can't say this,
In your eyes I'm one of the boys,
Your hearts feels not that love's abyss
Of joys and tears, and tears and joys...
But you, to me, you are just one-
Like on this empty darkness' sky
Among dim stars, you shine like sun,
And no else stars can spot this eye!
So, even if you can't spot me,
It's only you whom I can see!
Lust! How you wear the guise of joy; of love!
And catch us, and right opposite well prove!
You soak my joy and eat my spirit, lust,
Steal my true love, and emptied throw; how fast!
Void, but not lone - to burning blame's eyes,
You let me like a sheep for sacrifice...
How do you take a man of stainless steel
And rust him whole through that achilles' heel!
You can decieve eyes, ears and every part,
You can! But never did you reach the heart,
The heart that holds in love, it will not rust,
And nor give up his temple to foul lust!
So this time I won't bend to your false might,
This heart made every part as fortified!
How light are words; what weight is love!
Then let the time's cold stream prove
That after thirty years will pass
I'll love just as in Agr;s,
I'll see in you my only lass,
And only star, and only rose!
My rhymes could only pluck a dew
From that deep ocean, spilled in me,
From this eye's sweet vision of you,
From honey's hive they're but a bee!
But may this bee bring that sweer drop,
And it may leave a pleasant smell,
And on one's tongue it may once stop,
(((And he'll imagine that hive well!)
And with its taste this story spell!
How light are words; what weight is love!
Then let the time's cold stream prove
That I'll be warm when yonks will pass
I'll love you as then in Agr;s,
I'll see in you my only lass,
And closest star, and only rose!
My rhymes could only pluck a dew
From that deep ocean, spilled in me,
From this eye's sweetest view of you,
From honey's hive they're but a bee!
But may this bee bring that sweet drop,
And it may leave a pleasant smell,
And on one's tongue it may once stop,
And its taste this story spell!
SONNET 88 (Wow! The emblem of eternity)
Ha! no, I don't believe in death!
You may now think : poor guy!
He was just scared of his last breath!
Ha! no, I wished to die!
You may now think : ah, joy he lacked?
Was he in strife with life?
Of course, I was, since people plucked
The true life out of life!
Though I enjoyed here every breath,
Still more I wished my last
Since there is more life after death,
The doorman of e'er vast!
Ah! now from earthly lead I'm free -
But you are not... I'll pray for thee;)
Sonnet 89
Darkness, Darkness everywhere,
Dark devoured our floating sphere,
Floating in pure nothingness,
Nothing more - and nothing less!
Never sweeps an asteroid
Lighting our endless void,
Stars paint not the horizon - (horizon = future)
Floats our planet all alone,
Floats without knowing where -
Darkness, Darkness everywhere,
Never comet's frolic light
Give a blink rest from this night...
Darkness, Darkness everywhere
Since hearts bear not Lord, but prayer.
Since our hearts are from God spare...
Darkness, Darkness everywhere,
Dark devoured our floating sphere,
Floating in pure nothingness,
Nothing more - and nothing less!
Never sweeps an asteroid
Lighting our endless void,
Stars the skyline paint not - (horizon = future)
All alone the earth does float,
Floats without knowing where -
Darkness, Darkness everywhere,
Never comet's frolic light
Gives a blink's rest from this night...
Darkness, Darkness everywhere
Losing God, hearts met despair...
Darkness, Darkness everywhere,
Dark devoured our floating sphere,
Floating in pure nothingness -
Nothing more, and nothing less!
Never sweeps an asteroid
Lighting our endless void,
Stars the skyline paint not - (horizon = future)
All alone the earth does float,
Floats without knowing where -
Darkness, Darkness everywhere,
Never comet's frolic light
Gives a blink rest from this night...
Darkness, Darkness everywhere
Since hearts know not Lord, but prayer.
Dear Mr. Green, or Mr. Williams, G'day!
This image let me burst out my short say
On current troubles in our world, our hearts,
Our meta and postmodernism arts
And faith in God - in riddling melody
Which makes the reader fall in my thought's sea...
So in our modern (nay, postmodern) looks
The world is hopeless, empty, while old books
That speak of God's high hand and human's mind
Ridiculous, unearthy do we find.
But I (as you already understand)
Believe in mind, true love and God's kind hand,
And thus I used this image to reveal
The darkness that postmodernists do feel,
And in the couplet, lo, I pointed on
The thing that makes world hopeless and us lone -
It's that our hearts are empty, so despair
Can come in freely. We just know the prayer,
But it is not the words that hearts do fill,
It is the faith that those words can reveal,
But many undiscovered leave the filling -
So lose their faith, and emptiness start feeling!
The "stars paint not the horizon" means that
No future we can see with this mindset,
So "paint" a twofold meaning does bestow:
"To light the sky", and " future for us draw".
And since this sonnet links with Bible's Lord,
Capitaliz'd is too the "darkness" word,
To hint at Devil, and his empty dark;
The comet\asteroid - that light's spark
Hints at the guiding star of faith in God.
I hope now all the poem's scope you got,
And now you see, it's not so personal,
It shows the problem not of one my soul,
But of the current mindset that we bear,
And of postmodernism's gloomy feel:
That's why so many "nothing"s, "not"s and "never"s
My allegorical verse in black feathers -
This is a hint at nihilism looks.
The last line too a hinting wordplay took -
"Hearts know" not God, but "hearts know prayer", and
Thus know all prays "by heart" - not comprehend.
So, now you see what in my verse the earth -
It is our heads, or hearts, that do move forth
In space and time... into despair. Regards,
Yours Mikhail the Frizen and his arts.
Dear Mr. Green, or Mr. Williams, G'day!
This image let me burst out my short say
On current troubles in our world, our hearts,
Our meta and postmodernism arts
And faith in God - in riddling melody
Which makes the reader fall in my thought's sea...
So in our modern (nay, postmodern) looks
The world is hopeless, empty, while old books
That speak of God's high hand and human's mind
Ridiculous, unearthly do we find.
But I (as you already understand)
Believe in mind, true love and God's kind hand,
And thus I used this image to reveal
The darkness that postmodernists do feel,
And in the couplet, lo, I pointed on
The thing that makes world hopeless and us lone -
It's that our hearts are empty, so despair
Can come in freely. We just know the prayer,
But it is not the words that hearts do fill,
It is the faith that those words can reveal,
But many undiscovered leave the filling -
So lose their faith, and emptiness start feeling!
The "stars paint not the horizon" means that
No future we can see with this mindset,
So "paint" a twofold meaning does bestow:
"To light the sky", and " future for us draw".
And since this sonnet links with Bible's Lord,
Capitaliz'd is too the "darkness" word,
To hint at Devil, and his empty dark;
The comet\asteroid - that light's spark
Hints at the guiding star of faith in God.
I hope now all the poem's scope you got,
And now you see, it's not so personal,
It shows the problem not of one my soul,
But of the current cancer on our hearts,
And of postmodernism’s gloomy arts:
That's why so many "nothing"s, "not"s and "never"s
My allegorical verse in black feathers -
This is a hint at nihilism looks.
The last line too a hinting wordplay took -
"Hearts know" not God, but "hearts know prayer", and
Thus know all prays "by heart" - not comprehend.
So, now you see what in my verse is earth -
It is our heads, or hearts, that still move forth
In space and time... into despair. Regards,
Yours Mikhail the Frizen and his arts.
Forgive me, please! I've been so so wrong! so wrong!
I have been weak when I should have been strong,
And when, like brooks, I should have been soft, calm,
Trembled with anger this conqurored palm.
Yet now this palm is trembling with remorse,
It holds the pen and moves it like a horse
To draw unearthly love in earthly signs
And send in hope that you won't spurn my lines.
But soft! What cocky lines my message is :
"Forgive me, I was wrong, I should've been, please",
Can this poor vault of words redeem that thing,
Will this be even read by you, Jing Jing?!
But if you do, then chose : I ask one chance
(Another one) to prove that worst men will change once!
Love is not sonnets, sweeties, damask's roses,
And never silky cloth of dirty beds,
It's not the thrill when a wanton porn-star poses,
It never drives you, never makes you mad.
Love comes not from the pelvis, neither eyes,
Love comes not in the blood, corrupting flesh,
Love not from food and alcohol will rise,
Love never cath;s men in silky mesh,
For love comes from the shedding hand of Heavens,
And falls into the depths of human hearts,
And wroughts our flesh, and all our soul enlivens,
And only then the sweets and sonnets starts.
Like Jesus, coming from the sky to earth,
Here pain and tears is sweetest love's salt worth.
No true man rights I ever had
Since I became my love's true thrall -
Since them I'm radical, I'm mad,
Since then I'm like a tennis ball
Between two rackets, not that bland,
That make it go up, left and right,
Or like a pencil in a keen hand
That rubs it's core, kept deep inside -
Between these rackets I can fly,
And draw new marvels with in hand,
While freed from all, I could just lie
And rot unused; so I do lend
Myself to love to serve this might,
And be rewarded more than right!
I LOVE YOU - Tis the meaning of my lines!
I love you, see, the heart of my long say is here,
I'll love you even if your smile ne'er shines
To adopt the tender might my breast does bear -
It knows no boundaries, it melt the cell
Of my weak chest, for it's but earthly meat,
And love got out with it's unearthly spell
And this tame flesh by it's sun's guiding lead!
But on this Earth, in weight's suppressing reign,
This love looks up, drawn by it's home, the Heavens,
And growing higher, soon it leaves me slain,
And meet the death which my true part enlivens -
That's why I'm now here, in war's gobbling jaws -
I can't without you - so a Deed be my death's cause
And still I am the happiest on this Earth
Since I did speak to you, met your reply
Of flowing friendly words, and met my eye
The sweetest sight that sheds from your look forth.
I shook your little hand - this touch gave birth
To many rhymes and dreams, for ne'er so nigh
We came together; others closer lie
To you, but do they know your complete worth?
This worth that let my life have much more treasure,
Which overfilled my pains with greater pleasure,
That goes beyond the earthly gemstone measure,
This sea of joy, as wide spilled as my tears,
In which I'm drowning through my memoirs,
And even deeper since it knows no years.
And still I am the happiest on this Earth :
You listened me, my ears drank your reply
Of flowing friendly words, and met my eye
This sweetest sight that sheds from your look forth.
I shook your little hand - this touch gave birth
To many rhymes and dreams, for ne'er so nigh
We came together; others closer lie
To you, but do they know your complete worth?
This worth that let my life have much more treasure,
Which overfilled my pains with greater pleasure,
That goes beyond the earthly gemstone measure,
This sea of joy, as wide spilled as my tears,
In which I'm drowning through my memoirs,
And even deeper since it knows no years.
Those kisses of youth's bloom, so downy, red,
And breathing with the fleeting prime of roses,
As wanton as the winds; as fast, as mad
When lust to priming men itself discloses,
They die as fast as whet their own desire,
Calm as the winds, as roses dry their juice,
Like coals smother in their tameless fire,
So wildness melts below the rising nous.
But what's a forehead kiss! Outrage, seduction,
Lust, abuse, youth's pest your brow'd ne'er touch -
All this can hide in buds of shameless suction,
The other kiss is love so pure, so much!
They pass not like our youth, nor stay like olds,
Alive forever, they outlive these molds.
But that's the purest sweetness when the hands
Together hold, and hold and hold a long hour,
And so we walk, and eat and sleep: that power
That holds us so through life's rage storm ne'er spends!
It only grows when our short life's strength bends
And Lethe's fast stream pulls frail bodies lower,
And stronger hold the hands when does devour
The Earth our hands - for by the hands soul stands.
But how much more I crave that hand to kiss!
To kiss that feet, and bearing no rude lust,
To touch your forehead with my lips. O, this
Is dreams, but that God given truth has past :
Her little hand I met, long years ago,
But still both thrill and peace this does bestow!
That night I told to you my short confession,
(My rave's heart you did somehow comprehend),
And at your room's doors standing, all of passion,
I reach;d out to you my burning hand.
You meekly gave your hand; I strongly shook it,
I firmly held that softness in my palm,
Your eyes, ablush, in mine speared their look, lit
With that far lights of your deep soul's realm.
I do remember: it was small, so silky,
And maybe even downy like a rose,
Your eyes' space starry more than that called Milky,
That moment which eternity endows.
That moment will forever in me live,
So sweet will always be the hand you give!
In this two eyes the list of your perfections
Soars out of sight, and overshadows vice;
In other eyes, in line with their affection,
You look as other as can't see my eyes.
This two ears catch the sounds you freely spill,
And hold them in, regaling memory,
And when both you and they forget that rill
Of salving sounds it still enlivens me.
If someone daily shakes your handsome hand,
But he forgot what honor is this touch,
Then my red hand, which yours long back did clutch,
Of great joy thrills when this 'gain I pretend.
When in the flowing crowd a hair like yours
By my look runs, this looks rushes madly forth...
But finds that it's not yours, and straight no worth
My eyes see, sadly turning to their doors!
To me your name's a spell! A magic stick
That touches my heart's inmost silent string,
And with this so unearthly name, Jing Jing,
My souls dead part again makes to speak!
So, all this now is not only to whine,
To whine and say that all the fault is mine.
SONNET 98-99
2Так с давних пор - хитрец сумеет
К себе Медведя приманить,
Но как приманет - пожалеет -
И так кончает он шалить.
А Миша - снова в сладкий сон
Пока монет влекущий звон
В нем не пробудет аппетит -
Поверит, съест и снова спит.
Так не надейтесь вы сейчас
Что не услышите наш рёв -
Мы скоро встанем на свой лов
И мир освободим от вас.
Ваш вынесен уж приговор -
Мы вылезаем все из нор!
В мороз и шторм душе тепло -
Она от дремоты вспорхает;
На пляже - фрукты и вино -
В тепле том дух наш замерзает.
Проснись, взлетай, о русский дух!
Ты долго был и нем и глух,
Но пробил час - встревожен ты,
И мчишься с ложа дремоты!
Тебя пытались усыпить -
Баюкав сладкими речами,
Окутав вещий взор страстями
Во сне медведя зарубить :
Но он учуял смрадну ложь -
И раньше дрогнул он, чем нож!
Даже пол. возбуждение, вызываемое той самое единственной моей любовию ( а не чем-нибудь неприличным и грязным и бесовским) имеет другую, совсем другую натуру. Оно какое-то не пристыдное, какое-то глубокое, как будто не из плоти рождаемое, а из души. И оно её велениям подчиняется, в отличие от бесовской той страсти.
You are a piece of heaven in my breast :
The sweetest honey of your flowing speech
Drips in my ears, and to my heart brings rest -
O salving lull my tir'd heart does beseech!
Your words are like some magic sticks that spear
My chest, and touch my heart's forgotten string,
And make it sing so loud, that when I hear
Those sound love's will straight I am listening.
I'd now describe your hair, eyes, lenience,
Your heart's grace and mind's sharped thought,
But between you and this there is a difference
Like between me and my high father God.
So in the strongest hours of my love
My tongue and writing hand simply can't move.
Jing Jing! That's not your breast that I adore so,
That's not your body, mellowing today,
And wilting like a ripe rose just tomorrow,
Which in the next day will in earth decay!
Jing Jing, but you, my dear, you'll live forever -
Your soul is not a fleeting summer's rose,
Your soul is what I love with greater fever,
Deanna, not to toy you in my hands
And drink your juice (and throw away in sight
Of some thing that more juice to my lust lends)
I stand by you, (you're not a thing, dear, right?) :
But to be true to you till my last breath
For the true joy begins but after death. -
But to be true to you through all my life -
It is not touching you makes you my wife.
.........SONNET 102...........
My inner look does pierce all bodies here,
And colly diving through the luring form,
It seeks to find the soul of my one dear :
For she can calm in me the raging storm.
And in a dream my soul's barb'd sight once caught
You in his teeth, and knacking your outside,
It let me see the treasure that I sought,
The treasure which with eyes cannot be eyed.
O! Eyes are blind when watching in your deep :
It is like peering through the ocean's drifts;
Your soul wants mine from my small chests to leap
In your abyss, from which me nothing lifts :
So, since I dived in you, I won't get out,
Here my soul it's relief from storms have found.
V2. V2. V2 :
My inner look does pierce all bodies here,
And colly diving through the luring form,
It seeks to find the soul of my one dear :
O, she can calm in me the raging storm.
And on that day my soul's barb'd sight have caught
You in his teeth, and knacking your outside,
It let me see the treasure that I sought,
The treasure which with eyes cannot be eyed.
O! Eyes are blind when watching in your deep :
It is like peering through the ocean's drifts;
Your soul wants mine from my small chests to leap
In your abyss, from which me nothing lifts,
For since I dived in you, I won't get out :
Here my soul it's relief from storms have found.
...........TH' END............
Те, кто всю жизнь лапают женщин, женщин не знают. Они знают свою похоть, и следующую за ней пустоту.
Те, кто сыты всю жизнь, о еде не беспокоятся.
Те, кто живут на родине всю жизнь, её не замечают.
Те, кто всю жизнь веселились, скучают.
Нужно отказаться, чтоб постичь.
Говорят : кто любит одну женщину, знает любовь; а кто многих - женщин. Первое возражений не вызывает, но второе...извините за выражение, разве женщины познаются одним местом? Тот знает свою похоть, и пустоту после её действия.
А женщин ни тот, не другой не знает. Бог их знает.
........SONNET 103...........
Now I do know : I am your own lost piece :
I find me in your breath, your moves, your sight;
Within your skin and bones myself I miss,
Within your words my words meet rain and light,
Within your silence blooms my inmost muse,
Below your smile my dark heart turns to shine,
In your small hands my hands are fed the juice
That makes them work like fuel and write this line.
But you say often we're too different,
And we can't match ourselves to make a one;
Well I just know - without your small hand,
Your sweetest voice, eyes, breath soon I'll be gone :
If not my mind, my heart in you I find,
To you it closer lies than to my mind.
..........THE END..............
How lenient you are with me! How soft!
With cold I fear you stinged my mad heart never!
Your lips so carefully their coolness waft
Upon my burning heart to salve its fever.
How lenient you are with me! How soft!
With scorn I fear you stung this mad heart never!
Your lips so carefully their coolness waft
Upon my burning heart to salve its fever...
O! When I had this grip upon one girl
My deeds were not crowned with the grace that crowns you :
With ill pride drunk, I made her 'round me whirl,
I played with her heart's fire, nor did her wounds dew!
My heart so low then laughed at her high feelings!
I scorned a heart so big by mine so small!
But now all started round from the beginning :
Now I am your afflicted but meek thrall -
But where's your cruelty, your haughty dirt?
Why did your grace the scourge I'm worth avert?
How lenient you are with me! How soft!
With scorn I fear you stung this mad heart never!
Your lips so carefully their coolness waft
Upon my burning heart to salve its fever...
O! When I had this grip upon one girl
My deeds were not crowned with the grace that crowns you:
With ill pride drunk, I made her 'round me whirl,
I played with her heart's fire, nor did her wounds dew!
My heart so low then laughed at her high feelings!
I scorned a heart so big by mine so small!
But now all started round from the beginning:
Now I am your afflicted but meek thrall -
But where's your cruelty, your haughty dirt?
Why did your grace the scourge I'm worth avert?
The Angel
Lermontov Mikhail
Thrandlated by
Frizen Mikhail. (27.11.2022)
An angel was soaring upon midnight's cloth,
And a song from his mouth softly sprung;
The moon with the stars, and the clouds went his path,
In a crowd harking his holy song.
He sang of the blessing of God's sinless souls
In the blooms of His Heavens so clear;
He sang of the greatness of God, his control,
And no sham wounded night's gentle ear.
In arms he was bringing a soul so much young
For the world where we sorrow and weep,
And sacred remained in the soul angel's song
With no words but in heart living deep.
For long have been longing that soul on our Earth,
Full of wishes unearthly and high.
And our boring songs never could buy the worth
Of the most dearest tunes of the sky.
Beyond all words and time and things
I feel I'm tied to you with links
Ethereal, but much more strong
Than earthly iron, and so long
Their earthly chains just cannot last :
Our spirits will outlive this Earth,
And love or hate that here found birth
Will bloom on that eternal vast,
And everyone will harvest his,
Some will find bane, some will find bliss.
So in that life my love will grow
And all the ill that they did sow
Will overgrow and eat them all,
And eat as long as lives a soul!
........One very good................
Soon I will die. I feel it deep.
It makes me smile and never weep.
Как сладки мне любые речи
Струящиеся с этих губ;
Твоя осанка, эти плечи,
Манера, каждый шаг мне люб!
Легко лежит твой чёрный волос
На ветра простыне воздушной;
И в нем играет он, как колос,
Небесным дуновениям послушный.
Во мне волненье кончит дуть
В глаза твои вдруг окунувшись,
Твой голос мне пронзает грудь
И сердца тихих струн коснувшись,
Такую песнь там оставляет..
Ога годами уж играет!
********************** SONNET CVII*******************
You are the sugar of my ocean,
I am the salt that lies in it,
You are the fish, my live emotion,
I am its tainting own seaweed.
My stagnating surface you sway,
You make me flow, like fresh born brooks
To wash off what here does decay
And meet the depths that see no looks.
But you have spired me to my bottom,
Arousing my calm ocean's hiss,
And striking what till now did rot him,
And deepening his dark abyss.
O! Stay with me - my soul's deep blue
Will fondle its dear vessel - you!
A lady wore her shortest skirt
And naked some parts - it's hip! -
She hoped now she won't be unheard -
But round her thronged but sheep -
The truest men stay in the shade
And there they find their truest maid!
I laid in fever in that stuffy room,
My berth was smelling with my painful ail,
I fell in sleep so deep then, doused by gloom;
The sea of turmoil in my dreams I sail,
Once it erupts a sweet shape from faint forms -
I talk to her, and solid gets this dream,
Then she replies, and we are out of storms,
I come to life - so after rain sunbeam
Douses with shine and warmth the gloomy Earth.
But soon this ray of joy just leaves my head,
My eyes turn back to world. I'm in my berth.
I get up, stuck to clothes with sicky sweat,
And turn my sight back to that fantasy:
"Or maybe once again she speaks to me!"
Ещё той ноши не познавший,
Как молодой козёл и сдавший,
От шара нашего без сил,
Что он в рогах своих тащил,
Хотя на год он младше родом,
Столкнулся страрый с новым годом,
И на него взвалив весь мир,
Отправился уже навеки
В архивы книг, библиотеки
Где оседает лишь песок
От бурных рек, что в своё время
Несли упрямый свой поток,
И размножая своё племя...
Осели в лужу - и не больше
Нашлось моложе государство,
Столкнуло их в иное царство
И тоже правило не дольше,
И слившись в океан один
Перемешались безвозвратно -
И среди тёплых вод иль льдин
Мы испаримся всё ж обратно
На небеса, откуда ливнем
Давно низвергнул нас отец,
И там положит он конец,
Надеюсь, нашим переливным
Состояния, вернув
Вечность и единство с ним,
И, оттуда взгляд метнув
Вниз, мы усмехнёмся сим.
On Josie Alford's wish to read a poem adressed to her.
Note : she said she will die from dehidation from crying of joy if this happens.
Nobody leaves a line for you
Since we're afraid,
That as you said,
Your life will drop from you in dew!
And yet don't worry - when one day
Poor you will have
To go in grave,
Then all the poets, dressed in gray,
Will fight to leave the worthiest rhyme
Upon that stone.
And since God won
The poet's foe - "devouring time"
The stream of ages you'll cross, and there
All poet's souls
That ever were
Will please you with their endless roles.
Okay, subscribers, lets now see
If ever something will post she.
What sugar knows the sweetness of your voice?
What ointment is as soothing to these ears?
All songs I heard became a stupid noice
And caramel got bitter as these tears.
What is the world, when it sunk in your eyes?
Like what is stars when sun stalks on the sky...
And when it sets, and night's dim lamps will rise
Will still see you this blinded, this wet eye.
In piles of stones a crystal (so clear!) appears -
And beaming briskly, shows how grey they are,
And touching them, its sound all noices clears
And shows perfection, like a guiding star.
O, what are you? What? O, I never knew...
I only knew that always will love you.
Человек тогда взрослеет, когда он впервые улыбается сквозь слезы не оттого, что проблема решилась, а оттого что он решил ее решить.
Есть такие мужчины - бараны; все что в них осталось мужского - это половой член, и им они только и руководствуются.
Вы стали пищей для огня -
Зловонно сгнили вы в болото,
И вот с небес летит гроза,
В железном лике с пулемёта,
В сияющей остроте ножа,
В неотвратимости ракеты,
В искре во взоре у бойца,
В живых посланиях от деток,
В словах суровых президента,
В библейских огненных словах -
Чтоб вы сгорели до момента
Когда окажетесь в царях.
Как сладки мне любые речи
Струящиеся с этих губ;
Твоя осанка, эти плечи,
Манера, каждый шаг мне люб!
Легко лежит твой чёрный волос
На ветра простыне воздушной;
И в нем играет он, как колос,
Небесным веяньям послушный...
Во мне волненье кончит дуть
В глаза твои вдруг окунувшись,
Твой голос мне пронзает грудь
И сердца тихих струн коснувшись,
Такую песнь там оставляет...
Она годами уж играет!
Mikhail, [1/7/2023 2:42 PM]
Inside I have a desert very dry,
Where lives no greenery but stinging heat;
And water dripping from my crying eye
Sometimes dews the sands to bear a weed.
But you came like a cloud of shedding life
You fed my heart and sow there even flowers,
You flew here like a bee from life's sweet hive
And left the drops of nature's sweetest powers.
But even when the rains have cleared the sun,
And when the bee of sweetness left my weeds,
The living greenery it gave will not be gone,
And nor the honey that is kindness' seeds :
Since love is made eternal, it's sweet fruit
Will not wilt in the sands where it have root.
Спасибо тебе вечное, Отец, за сладкие плоды твоей милости и плодоносной доброты. Напомнил мне ты о дереве твоем крепком : дай мне испрльзовать силу твоих плодов, чтобы трудится и мрлиься тебе. Дай мне быть листиуом на Тебе.
Слава тебе и матери твоей.
They call them honey, sugar, sweet,
But you're my water, dear, indeed:
Without sugar they can live :
And water life to mw doth give.
And I live in crystal salt,
On the ocean's giving breast,
And a hundreed grams of malt
Make my sailor's wished rest
I am going on my ship
And I m shipping with my lord
Without those temptations sweet
In my salty salty world.
And I live on skyline's spine
And the ocean's feeding breast,
And a hundreed gramms of wine
Make my sailor's wished rest,
By the midnight's sorrow moon,
In dim light i speak with fish,
And in sweating sweating noon
I do make from it my dish.
Give me your milk, upon the endless sea
My salty tongue gets dried without your sweet;
The desert came inside me, as you see,
And dries my burning heart until we meet.
My love is not to love you when it's sweet -
This each can do - but when it comes to salt
They passionately will not tend to eat
The bitter from your lips. Not to once halt
I let my love now flow into your ears;
And if this fervent flow may touch your soul
I pledge : if once your eyes may condense tears
To dry them I will fire me whole.
My love is measured with my sacrifice :
I give me whole in that great hands of love;
It burns me to let one another rise,
The one who has this love in his each move.
So that who stands before your eyes is thrall
To love that ate and then remade him whole.
Я муха в болоте. Пытаясь улететь, вязну.
Дай мне сок и мед, соль и сахар любви таоей, одухотвори меня, взаали на меня всю немыслимую тяжесть любви, раздави меня в прах и пепел, чтобы возродил ты меня уже Там, и уже из Любви.
А сейчас, только ты моя надежда.
Kill me and I will love you.
[2/1/2023 7:42 PM]
Inside you bear an ocean very deep;
I'm just a skiff upon your gleaming veil,
I'm carried with the waves that here do sweep
And through the azure of your sweetness sail.
But let me jump into your most abyss,
O, clasp, engulf me in your freezing self,
O, flow in me, and fill with your sweet hiss,
O, do not let sun eat me on the shelf...
I feel I do belong to your dark blue,
I feel myself beneath your heavy flow,
The salt of sea is sugar then in you :
The world you hide is something I don't know,
But so much love and crave to leap in now,
And never surface after what I saw.
What power are you that now watch me
And a whole ocean make unrest,
And out of borders you push that sea,
And storm all out of my weak breast?
Mikhail, [2/1/2023 9:31 PM]
What power is that when you watch me
And a whole ocean make unrest,
And out of borders you push that sea,
And storm all out of my weak breast?
What sows this green upon the rock
That shackle my small heart, and squeeze
In soil the dead stone that did lock
The burning so much deep abyss?!
And tell me now that death can kill this,
This condensed power, life, this world
Much greater that the one all will miss,
And to this ocean death is lord,
The wave of last breath will destroy it,
Leave nothing where a fire burns now,
Leave but dead ice where seas we sow?!
You will not die. The human's made
For something more than time and space,
A life with death - blink in the race
Of age, by whom all then is swayed;
Eternity cannot be dark -
The endless vast cannot be void -
A life is not an ardent spark,
The fleeing might of asteroid...
No, since there are such lights like this,
The love I feel to you, all us -
All just cannot end in a miss,
And like the day, will never pass!
You are made for eternity!
My love peers far in it - and sees
There you, not our posterity -
But you, O you, young you it sees.
Dear Mr./Mrs. Green!
I hope you're still not tired with my submissions. But at least you read my poesy:)
I've told everything you should know about me in my previous submissions - and here you get four more scribbles from the same sequence.
I thank you for your labor; -
It's beauty you create;
Though as you see I'm stubborn -
Still sending you my weight!
With love,
Mikhail Frizen
( verytabletennis@gmail.com / +357 944 13 605 )
I passed a Russian Language exam on 8th of this month, now I am delving into school subjects to be free for Saturday to go Nicosia for TT (and meet my new acquaintance from Lebanon. Aged 21, named Rayan, studying in the Uni of Nicosia for the "business & management" degree and planning a business in the future, he immediately became interesting, if not very interesting to me).
And i am feeling also profound melancholy, if not even distress or misery... The reasons are not yet open to me, but it's partly because my psyche is, as I am currently discovering, extremely sensitive to everything... Every day lived is an emotionally very hard heft to bear through new days... but if still alive, means I am capable of living so... that's what makes me a poet - these extremely deep feelings I feel, that touch the very sensitive layer of my soul.
I feel so down for days even after watching a short film, that shows how emotionally I do react on all the burden around me!
I also get so much tied to people around me - and to them whom I see on the screen... It's like the bloody wound of lonely love, when you are so much obsessed with sb that you are ready (and barely abstain) to clutch their legs when they leave you, but feeling this towards movie characters, acquaintances, long-dead writers... It's a very painful weight to bear on my little heart.
I wrote a... small pile of poesy scribbles; but I'll refrain from showing you this now.
As you know I'm still crazy with Jing Jing - and on 21th of July this year it will be three years since I'm in this state of mind (rather, state of heart))))
When sun, ablush, is on the scene of heavens,
We draw the curtains and the room enlivens-
Угрюмый Джеймс уныло смотрел на бардак в своей комнате. А бардак, в свою очередь, уныло смотрел на него. Нельзя не отметить, что такой же бардак был у Джеймса в голове. Однако, как и в комнате, головной бардак даже не подвергался свержению.
Лицо Джеймса сильно скорчилось. «Да ты сволоча меня задрюкала!» - страдающе произнёс он, глядя в окно. И тут, когда бардак с Джеймсом снова принялись обмениваться ещё более унылыми взглядами, дверь в мрачную камеру, как её видел молодой человек, открылась. Вошла мама – застывшая в моде 90-ых Оливия. Для неё это была всё та же обычная солнечная комната Джеймса. Но нет тюрьмы больше, чем в голове, и именно поэтому для парня эта комната являлась чем-то наподобие поруба для непризнанных наследникоа престола. «Джеймс, - протянула Оливия – «уберись у себя!». Да, если бы можно было ощутить прилив непонимания и злости, вырывающийся из замученного собой и своей тюрьмой Джеймса, то даже самый сдержанный брит бы вырвал колодец из своей мёрзлой почвы. «Мама», - отчаянно, но, сдержавшись, тихо взвизгнул он. Мама знала повадки своего чада, и посему поспешила самоликвидироваться, протянув «Суууп». Как же бесили нашего бедолагу эти 90-ые, которыми дышал дом... Он бы всё тут вынес на помойку, но этого делать было не нужно, и он с горькими, подростиковыми слезами сказал : «Как же я могу прекратить бардак в комнате, не прекратив его во голове!». Он закрыл глаза рукой и, жалея себя, как избалованный баронёнок, тихо ныл.
Он открыл глаза, и,глядя на улицу, увидел самого необыкновенного мальчика с громадным мешком помоев. Молодой человек шёл без ритма и радостно смотрел на облитыевечерним солнцем Квинз-хиллс. Весь его вид говорил, что он либо беззаботный дурак, либо обкуренный. «Ещё один дурень» - к унылости голоса Джеймса подмешалось и раздражение. Он уже было начал свою химию, но не смог отказазться от философских наблюдений за парнишкой с помоями... Жизнерадостный псих скинул свою свою ношу в смердящий бак голубого цвета, и давай острой палкой, которую взял за сосной, протыкать и выбрасывать мусор кругом. «Блин делать ему нечего пошёл бы в Комбате позалипал, псих несчастный, улыбается ещё как клоун».
Наш герой позавидовал, конечно, счастливому этому клоуну. Он ведь снова остался наедине с бардаком. И дома, и в школе, и в голове. Точнее, он был в «жопе». И он снова принялся жалеть себя о том, что в неё влез. И это было всё, что он сделал. А ведь чем дольше лезешь вверх из двух «холмов», тем меньше угол, и тем легче!
На следующий день ничего не произошло такого, чего ожидал Джеймс от этого дня, ибо не изменив процесс, не изменится и исход. Он был разочарован в этом дне – хуже некуда. А ведь он на него надеялся, и правильно делал, ведь надежда – топливо наше, но Джеймс забыл про машину, в экую следует это топливо вливать – в действие! В общем, он продолжал ныть, себя жалеть, на бардак глядеть. И вот он – опять псих прёт вразвалку к голубому смердящему баку. Снова скидывает гору помоев, снова идёт за сосну, и снова собирает мусор, в том числе и тот, который оказался на тротуаре по вине Джеймса. И снова радость на лице и в движениях, но уже не та, что вчера – новая! Пособирал помои, и пошёл в парк, уже более солидной походкой.
Перевод Пилигрима Германа Соколова -
Keeping away from worldly lures
And treach'rous mirage's sweet call,
Not throning idols in his soul
Nor rotting in day's web, he 'ndures
The lonely way through flaming dunes,
He plows the sand's infinity,
Through quiet bleak plains and forlorn ruins.
His heart lights his way in that sea,
The heart housed by the Holy Ghost,
Who leads him to his Beginning,
To his dear Home, his sweet land's Coast,
To places where wells Holy Spring!
Keeping away from worldly lures
And treach'rous mirages’ sweet call,
Not throning idols in his soul,
Nor rotting in day's web, he 'ndures
The lonely way through flaming dunes,
He plows the sands’ infinity,
Through bleak flatlands and forlorn ruins.
His heart lights his way in that sea,
The heart housed by the Holy Ghost,
Who leads him to his Beginning,
To his dear Home, his sweet land's Coast,
To places where wells Holy Spring!
When summer left no cooling drops
Poor Cyprus got so lean and dried,
The soil turned out a roast for crops,
The cats on asphalt were in plight.
Yet on the tops of Tro'odos
The life is not yet burned. You dwell
In the rose-dressed place Agro's,
On the first floor of that hotel.
But I won't live with the A/C!
I want true life, I need wet lands!
I will be brined by bitter sea!
I will be drained in the dead sands!
O! Let me come now on the peak
And in the room no.30 sneak !
'Вот не хотят они никак, по их словам, «напрягаться», ухаживать, проявлять искреннюю заботу, радовать цветами и красивыми подарками'
Козлы мы, вот почему. Всё, что в нас мужского осталось - в области таза; вот мы им и руководствуемся. А когда человек живет инстинктами - это козёл.
Нет, мужчинами не рождаются. Становятся. И такие есть. Они - на вес золота...
Печально - я не из таких.
Но дай такого вам Творец.
Чтоб украшал его ваш стих
Как статую венец,
Как рамка Образец.
'В наше время мужчины и минуты не смогли бы стерпеть того, что терпят женщины по их вине. Красивая половина человечества на многие вещи «закрывает» глаза, сглаживает углы, создаёт благоприятную атмосферу и т.д.'
И пол минуты бы не стерпели. Мужчины пали и обессилели, за них воз тянут женщины - то есть те, кто должны были на нём сидеть; теперь мужчина не заботится с нежностью о даме, не думает как добыть редкий цветок - чего уж там! - теперь вы, так называемый "слабый пол", тащите землю на своих плечах, заботитесь о нас, пытаясь поставит на ноги "сильный" пол, и радуетесь маленьким нашим шагам, как у детей. Это начало конца. Это захлестнуло слишком много мужчин, обернуло нас в тупое стадо баранов, идущее за колбасой и телевизором с женским волейболом. Я из этого стада не выделяюсь ничем... мне очень стыдно. Правда, очень. За себя. Я бы только за себя и просил прощения, НО я не СМЕЮ просить прощения, пока не встану сам, и не возьму упряжь, и не начну выполнять свои обязанности. Пока не верну ответственность.
Обязанность мужчины - открывать в женщине саму женщину. А не делать из неё "бабу". Обязанность мужчины - давать женщине солнце, воду и нежность. Тогда распуститься то, что вы в себе храните. Ваше чарующая сердцевина. Это рай.
Но сейчас - сейчас мы в грязи. Нам еще вставать, и вставать, и вставать. Мы встанем. И попросим прощения. Обязательно.
Тяжек плен
Эдуард Скороходов
Translated 28/3/2023
Harsh is capture
Harsh free souls in capture feel,
Like in fall's gloom ever stuck!
But... that is love's will.
Spends itself the almanac
Year by year - yet all does stay:
In me sky is gray.
Warmth a clear day would not spill -
Lie unread my soul's crying letters.
Harsh is capture. Still, still, still...
I won't let my fetters.
Translations :
12 lines
Without her unrest looms, wintry
(Dali Merzho)
It's half past one: and again
You aimlessly fall in the feed.
Your mind is more dark than night's reign,
No frailty it can forbid.
This day was so complex - as you.
Reality vexes. This weather.
This autumn breathes with its cold blue
And makes you sigh heavy together.
And that hoped salve is her eyes,
Is her breath, is her fondness, is she,
She is your soul's fine paradise;
Without her unrest looms, wintry...
16 lines
Beneath the stars is candor born
(Dali Merzho)
Beneath the stars is candor born,
In dark undressing human's heart.
At night all shyness is forsworn,
And lost thoughts do retrieve their part.
In reign of night, day's laws work not:
Soul's secrets shake off heavy locks,
And speech and silence make nights hot,
A word of kindness day's course knocks.
Beneath the stars men get so feeling,
So vulnerable, soft too much,
And in night's shade their talks are thrilling,
They rill with ease and nak'd hearts touch.
But with the day, the stir comes too
And whirls in household, work and friends,
Till in the night's reviving dew
A man his soul to himself lends.
12 lines
Would I melt for a while
(Dali Merzho)
Would I melt for a while,
Myself find.
Would I shake off the pile,
Delve in mind.
Should I fall in love then,
Forget all?
Or just hide from all men,
Save my soul?
O, enough read fortune!
Fall in sleep!
And new days I will reap,
And new moon.
(P.S. from the author: Inspired by Scarlett O'Hara's legendary phrase: "I'll think about it tomorrow.")
8 lines
Thou and You
(Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin)
The lifeless you with heartful thou
She gently changed in a slip,
And all the dreams and hopes did sow
Which lover's souls with mirth do reap.
By love's might wistfully I bow,
I gaze her, weak this gaze to bar,
And say : " How likeable you are!"
And think in depth: "How much I love thou".
Она атеист? Нет. Атеист - это тот, кто всё познал, и все равно не уверовал. Она же ничего не познавала. Ей никто не показывал. А душа она сверхчувствительная. Очень мягкая, тонкая. Дай ей это - и она все усвоит, поймет и уверует лучше моего. Она на это способна, но возможность это проявить не представлена. Семя без плодородной почвы, живительной воды и пылающего солнца.
А я христианин? В первую очередь я - дурак. Потом уже христианин.
Она прямо дала понять, что я ей нужен, я уже вошёл к ней в душу.
Она прикрывается Каем (Кириллом), чтобы меня 'размотать', протестировать, посмотреть, как я буду держаться. 'Второй шанс' она мне непременно даст - это будет время, когда нужно будет действовать. Выход в атаку.
А сейчас она меня испытывает на прочность, всячески проверяет, на первый взгляд инициатива даже в ее руках и она мной как-будто бы управляет; однако все это значит по-настоящему следующее; нужно точить когти, качать руки, становится умнее и добрее - готовится к самому наступлению, которое вскоре начнется с ее сигнала.
Скоро скажу ей точно, как она мне нравится: как друг, или как подруга. Она не раз дала понять, что ждёт ничего иного, кроме второго!
Её строгость и harshness - ответная реакция на
- мое признание и открытое отношение
- её чувства ко мне
Брат нужен девушке в последнюю очередь... И вообще, отношения между разными полами редко принимают форму родственных отношений братства. Либо любовь, либо бирюльки.
Кай (Кирилл) не проявляет инициативы, и поэтому она не будет долго фокусироваться на нем. Женщины требует инициативу, энергию, стремление, импульс, любовь от мужчины; я этим располагаю, потому рано или поздно мне выпадет второй шанс.
А если мужчине изначально не приглянулась девушка - дальше ничего не будет развиваться.
Сейчас вопрос тактики - когда пускать торпеду признания.
Она слаба. Ей нужен я.
Она даёт мне сигналы. Сигналы-намеки; а я принимаю, или нет!
Хорошее сравнение. Мышь - это очень умное животное. Павлин - он красив и привлекателен, но через минут пятнадцать... с ним становится скучно; также и с лебедем. А мышь прячет в себе глубочайший мир!
Поэтому она серая и незаметная. Таковы не только самые интересные люди, таковы и великие гении и/или святые люди. Они стоят в тени, и именно поэтому замечают их только те, кто вглядывается. А таких очень мало. Большинство - предпочитают заглядывать под короткие юбки, поэтому сфера их интересов - это, образно выражаясь, яркие и пышные павлины и лебеди. Дальше они не смотрят. Их взор там, где свет. Тень их не интересует. Но в тени - всё самое интересное, глубокое, *настоящее*. И там же такие мышки, как ты.
Такие люди - они как спрятанный, закопанный клад, редкое сокровище немыслимой ценности.
А то, что блестит на свету - это фольга и пластиковые 'блестяшки'. Не более.
Поэтому я и сказал, что не замечают тебя.. уж только не видящие. Это и есть идиоты.
Спасибо! Я принял твои 'языковые настройки'. У меня нет своего стиля речи (многословность или краткость) - говорю на языке собеседника.
Это и есть искусство перевода.
the secret eros poem:
Граница между нами стерлась
мои воиска вошли в тебя
а ты и не сопротивлялась.
Мои воиска искали королеву
а королева их ждала,
ее схватили с громким звоном,
всем существом схватив тебя,
я волю дал своим войскам
а ты своему телу
и я его ласкал
как ангел и как сумашедший,
и я смотрел в твои глаза
и видел космос в них.
Как дыры черные безумно
вращались мы с тобой,
пока не слились воедино
во всеобъемлющей звуковой волне.
Немыслимо, невыразимо.
И непереносимо. Я будто умирал
внутри тебя, тебе отдавшись.
И заново рождала ты меня.
Я ел тебя губами.
А ты меня кормила.
Я молоко в тебе искал,
и ты меня поила.
Мы плавились друг в друге,
сливаясь в голосах;
ты стала всей Вселенной для меня,
и отдалась мне вся.
Граница между нами стерлась,
и я был полностью в тебе.
To Julia. That never really happened, btw!
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