And if there is no Time
and the past doesn’t exist
but there exists the memory of the fixated moments about Self,
and the future never comes
but pours into some variant from billions of omnifarious ones,
and the evaluation isn’t relevant as isn’t that comparison,
because it wouldn’t be applicable to measure PURITY with rulers so it fits into a frame,
despite the fact that feeling them, the billions, is possible,
not all but just a little part of it
caught not as already materialized matter but as a teetery “may be”,
the endless beauty of its largesse caught, perceived, and savored,
and let go of completely later
to open space for a different yet unlived reality,
which will turn up to be a miracle
that will fulfill, the best way possible, and fill us to the brim
of magic worlds, of which we didn’t dare
to dream or even think that they can be conceivable
and that they’re not somewhere there, in fantasies or movies or stuffed animals
that we in childhood hugged sincerely and to which
we poured out our souls in silence, knowing solidly
that they, and only they can keenly comprehend us -
we could not think, forgot that it’s not there but here,
in us the magic LIVES and breathes us,
for sure,
without the need to even stir our brain
but simply giving freedom to expression AS IS
and keeping up our loving ardent interest,
which is exactly that - the magic wand of the Creator -
not somewhere there but right HERE,
THIS MOMENT, only this one blink,
and every one that follows after -
we, opened FOR it ALL,
beholding NOW in ourselves, in our own eyes, those
that are INSIDE,
at our CENTER,
we can see,
as if we have just seeing the light,
The year, the world, the life.
And we’re the planet, cosmos.
And void,
and darkness,
and divine
distilling EVERYWHERE - is absolut.
Outside of comprehension,
extraneous from fixed in spaces dots
all’s life, all’s death.
Creation and eradication of the new in every blinking moment.
In every n-ever and for-ever
Let everything be.
Let time not be the end of everything.
English version of "А если времени нет"
Original Russian version at:
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