Yoshka s Cat exclusive English version
Once in Russia, somewhere in Barvikha,
Lived girl named Yoshka.
And she lived along with her cat,
Yoshka’s Cat, Yoshka’s Cat.
Playing with cat was so fun
For the girl named Yoshka.
So, the cat, Yoshka’s cat,
Was same happy and glad.
Yoshka’s cat was so friendly -
He liked to spend time with the cockroach.
So, the country has known
About Yoshka’s cockroach.
Yoshka had to feed the cockroach;
With banana.
Everyday she spread banana
With her cat to cockroach.
Yoshka’s Cat, Yoshka’s Cat,
Yoshka’s Cat, Yoska’s Cockroach…
And together with them
there was Yokharny Babay...
But Yoshka has been afraid
of her uncle Babay
And she told horror tales
to her cat
about Babay.
Yokh-yokh-yokharny Babay
was passionate
to girl named Yoshka.
Once he baked for Yoshka
the bread named Karaway.
Yokharny babay baked
the delicious bread
for Yoshka.
But the holy fly
has sat on her tasty bread.
Unexpectedly Cat and the Cockroach
have killed holy fly,
using high-boot for murder.
Just simple like that...
Yoshka’s Cat, Yoshka’s Cat,
Yoshka’s Cat, Yoska’s Cockroach
Killed the holy fly
simply with high-boot.
Yokharny Babay had been apploading
to murder like mad,
baking new tasty bread karaway
for the girl named Yoshka.
Yoshka’s Cat, Yoshka’s Cat,
Yoshka’s Cat, Yoska’s Cockroach
Killed the holy fly
simply with high-boot.
Yokharny Babay had been apploading
to murder like mad,
baking new tasty bread karaway
for the girl named Yoshka.
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