11 on turn in gloomy gorge has appeared auto ford
Likely, first in Egypt! Nevertheless it is 1907, when Генри Форд for the first time in the world became клепать = Made_ авто thousand on first in the world the conveyor.
--I always was surprised with that fact, namely - why all White The officers, at what all сполошь worked the taxi drivers? And, whether was in that Paris so much авто?
Get acquainted! The lieutenant Малинин by the own person! Likely it is a single instance, when the Russian officer, light-blue Blood worked the taxi driver in Egypt?!
What?Is as early as1907? well, it is such triviality! That, you not enough noodles hangs up in fish soups. In
.. Fourth day палл - ла- ют станицы!= Burn villas " words a song the Lieutenant Галицын "
The native ground burns under legs! - was born(carried) from кабинки= auto!
Грузовичок with wheels, as at a tractor " Форд - zones " yet rezyn _, and with a wooden body, cargo variant: was забит before failure!
In a cabin (he) sat Масперо, here main on a post! It the Inspector of the Ministry of Antiquities of Egypt! But actually, it is the French, and милейший =pretty_the man! His speciality – саркофаги = coffins_, and their restoration in the Main Museum of Cairo. It(he) has issued some Catalogues on coffins: wooden, and stone. Actually Масперо, also expected couple of days Девис, but dances new and fashionable then синема- тограф, and opportunity is simple to have a drink пивка= bears_, some our heroes has detained in Cairo!
But, already there were certain messages in the newspapers, about open tomb empress Тии, as now intrigues not less, but nevertheless is good that well comes to an end!
They have lingered over in ways, because the motor overheated, and the radiator flew! From half an hour is cunning on the compelled stops!
Let's restore though and шуточно = jockes_, as this fragment Девис in the report has passed, and beginnings that all stood at a blockage in the first (room) this tomb =To creep in a hole under a ceiling! There heap of fragments up to an almost ceiling, and above remained only hole, where it was possible протиснуться only, laying on a stomach! Hardly later!............
Масперо, Айртон, Смит, and already mentioned Картер, were not simply familiar!
They should constantly meet on excavation, see by all eyes, and feel all finds by hands!
The reports on excavation, and they and independently dug out certain burial places, the divisions of collective into narrower experts required! All of them were in the status of the professor, and naturally could read hieroglyphs. For example, in the book Девиса_ Tomb of Queen Tyji___ is прописи =Figures_, that is figures of hieroglyphs in that part of the report, that have written and Масперо! Actually, the book Девиса begins with " Speech about the character empress Тии " has written Масперо.
If to read this book Девиса is farther, not so simply to understand: who here главнее Айртон, or Девис?
As, their reports on survey tomb are very similar, and practically are identical, but only at Айртона there is a mention, that beside in certain келье = very small гробница, I would tell, a very small (room) have found certain things, that have not put in tomb Тутанхамона! For example - фараоны had rings of a seal with their names! So, about such ring and certain broken вазочки, and wooden Box, also there is a mention only in a part, that has written Айртон. Especially improbably, and not without feeling there is nobody of gloating in the Russian authors the books is submitted J. L Smith. It, doctor Смит!
But not the doctor " ухо- a throat a nose ", and almost same but on mummies! His first duty definition of a floor on a skeleton, and age on the moment of a burial place! From it there is a specification of a name фараона = king or empress. From here has gone basic, and main mess! On 2010 argue: about with what: the man's female skeleton has found Девис, and from Смита the age of a mummy from 18 almost till 30 years stretchs! Certainly, it was the first assumption, and there was it from Девиса, that insisted, that has found in tombempress Тии, mummy of (her) son, фараона Аменхотепа 4.
The second applicant for a mummy king Сменхакр, that of rules all year after Аменхотепа 4, but is the links, and without the proofs - what (he) last couple of years of Rules together with Аменхотепом 4?
Шаловливо = with joce_, as under копирку = copy_ asserting: originally саркофаг have made for empress Тии, or second wife Аменхотепа 4 on a name Кии =Kii! And all this impasse, and from this corner, as, well упершись by horns, in a gate anybody, also did not try to leave! A pier, and then coffin have given back there is nobody the man in the status фараона, as урей has remained on a coffin! There is a photo the coffin, and so it is convenient! Hundred years all these variants are possible, touching, but never you will meet the Arguments!
- Pier! Trust! - differently you бяка and ретроград! – you bad man!
...... Reconstruction of event. As it usually do in постановочных films about Egypt!
... Soon at грузовичка = auto there was only vast heap that is necessary, and that eternally does not suffice on expedition. There there was much, yet not removed(cleaned) in a shadow, or in гробницу of products, but as a smell Ukrainian борща= soup_ for the first time from times Smell_фараонов щекотал of a nostril, " a sprat in a tomato sauce " валялась- lye here, and there in sand ungathered! As well as other components " the Dry soldering "!
At the boiler was built man to man, and was heard зычное- cry_:
On a plate per customer, do not lean! - Анка took коня for horns, inducing the orders some a restaurant!
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