13 тйна гробницы кв. 55 василий иванович thapayeff
So soon, also has appeared Чапаев on excavation Девиса. The letter from the Russian University, and the decent sum, then in roubles, has made the business!
Девис has met Чапаева with open embraces, and certain транш= money_ from Soviet Russia, осев partially in pockets of the Egyptian officials, has reached, strongly cut down up to Девиса! And at that was in that time hardly with money!
It is necessary to slightly open this page! I did not meet anything till the person Девиса, except for " This археолог - rich American, and on this dug so-so, and his(its) report путанный = don’t clear_! "
I shall tell so book Девиса is brilliant, and most complete, besides and perfectly written, and the photos from the reports on each thing are simply amazing! His book - Secret tomb Queen Тии_ to give, as a Sample, for young археологов is possible! Then, why such barefaced злорадставо =gloating__? Probably, it was written by the people, that his readout and did not see, but there are two factors, that it is necessary to take into account:
1. Девис has found in Kv. 55 no more than hundreds subjects, but they are very important, and be valuable! So, it is good luck improbable, to find Completely safe саркофаг! As, it is a way to a recognition some фараона, that in him have put 3500 years back!
2. Is Psychological закавыка= Ambiguity! As a matter of fact, who was possible through Five minutes to tell, in саркофаге? And the dinner was finished, and as in Student's times, Чапай поволок тачку+go to with utensils to Nile to wash! As, it is unique here waterpipe! It nevertheless - desert! And so! I enter a snapshot, and the secret is farther behind him) in emptiness of a failure -!
It, most likely Second snapshot, that was made by(with) the photographer of the local newspaper Russian, nickname Focus! And already in the description of this snapshot, I shall give some words from the Present report there is a miss!
Waited Масперо that - it(he) main! As recently in Egypt without Закки Авасса, that had the same post, as Масперо- it was impossible камешек to move from a place, and Масперо waited, and at it(him) should photograph гробницу! As there are no links, that at doors there was a lattice on the lock, send инсинуации! But all began from these subjects atop of a heap of dust.
His description by me can be given in details, not looking that as a matter of fact, here all раскурочено= crush! And, so this only one snapshot can pull on all stage " an (entrance) in tomb ". It - as the ready script! Why everyone hit that, I shall tell at once! Everywhere in a framework, refers to as Name = Картуш a name everywhere is erased there is nobody фараона = some king! And, Rest all is! That is, as a matter of fact, it also disturbed the researchers one name! And, that is a Node in investigation, that will connect ten two гробниц on all Egypt, what there Answers - has not interested? ' It is a detective, and soon (he) will appear the character, on a name Макс Гаклинг! It(him) will employ Девис, and soon here there will be many persons, that are by and large connected to investigations of certain states! I shall finish about погребение = tomb! We can precisely tell, as why put in tomb фараона, or empress only after all this was seen by(with) the world! It tomb Тутанхамона! Before all tombs were plundered more than once, and sometimes there still and is destroyed, as well as time, but there is more расхитителями гробниц = The thieves of tombs!
P/s. Что бы Понять, Что написано на саркофаге с неизвестной мумией на 2021 год? Я Правильно предпринял путешествие героев в Ахет- Атон! Ответы в ее Скальных гробницах, или отчете Де, Гаррис- Девисов
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