15 ingl about погребениях burial places in the tom
While the necessary preparation will be carried out, and the lieutenant Малинин and Focus, that soon will make a pair of tens of snapshots inside tomb pull a temporary line, I shall tell about ritual.
The Egyptians frequently used a little саркофагов for mummies, collecting them as матрешку = coffin into coffin, with a socket on length.
Till two саркофага = coffin had the father, and mother empresses Тии_ Ойю, and Туйи! Them tomb by then Девис already has dug out, and the report has written! Тутанхамон was found practically in same coffin, that have found in tomb empress Тии, but is important But! Two his( outside coffin were wooden, and as had a Mosaic covering from many hundreds slices of a colour glass, as a matter of fact is витраж was. The kind of a pattern can be any other business: though by a combination of geometrical figures, as кафель= wall_ on a floor in a bath! But here figure was obviously grouped in Rings, variant a Stroke - code! The variants of a pattern on coffins on it tombs in quantity up to five pieces, by quantity present, and small, small- miny sarcofages-copy it are known for me.?
P/s/ There will be a speech about конопах, vase for interiors of a mummy Further! So, at Тутанхамона конопы are made as tiny coffin! Коноп always four - by quantity(amount) of the main bodies in a body of the man! I have noticed certain Strips on coffins, only having seen a Colour photo coffin from Kv. 55, and having compared with second and third саркофагами from гробницы = tomb Тутанхамона. The stroke codes them differs, as though by Order of alternation of colour fields! Basically it is a pattern, code Yes, Винчи some kind of, Can contain the information on a mummy?
Naturally Тутанхамона, and from Kv. 55. Unless only in a mosaic pattern, and that конопы = vases were closed by covers, that is four potrtayt in nubian wigs. It is a Unique case, when фараоне Нубийском a wig! If is not female саркофа= coffin.....
P/s. There are certain typical hairdresses, that cut out on a cover of a coffin for фараонов and empresses!
That is, in the beginning you see everything, and Девис, and tens археологов, that Was seen this саркофаг, by inscriptions on it and mummy, but all have written, how under копирку – copy his:
It is female саркофаг = coffin! That on дверках a name empress Тии? - plant Чапая,
The reader! Allow me to doubt, what Девис stupidly waited for reception Масперо, and only under his Sanction влез = go to through a hole in гробницу?
I for the first time have resulted this part of a photo of a Gold coffin! И. the certain assumptions from the academician Перепелкина me has held back from conclusions!? '
This person of a mummy fromKv. 55. It is not necessary to guess: the man's female person?
In the description: - we / Девис, Айртон, Масперо, and let Чапай, that has returned with Nile, where they with Анкой have washed utensils! A lot of time has passed! The preparation up to полудня was painful! Искрила posting ineptly braided by the lieutenant Малининым, and certainly without from a tape! So from гробницы cries, and spark, and sometimes - on "electricians" дымились= flares_ брюки =jeans_frequently were born.
Here already in all командовал = do it Масперо! Under his order in гробнице there were only three, four men, and from those who is larger! They have dragged under a ceiling above a blockage through a hole, lighting devices, треногу- a support, and camera / the author worked on such, I seem made in " Коммуне of a name Макаренко " in 1930/ on this here I shall add the report slightly Девиса, but the essence that occured that day before dinner I shall describe, not thinking out is no especial! /
Whether the question was necessary it to do(make) to make photoshooting гробницы = his tomb? Whether so it was important, you see as a matter of fact, the floor was Засыпан fragments of plaster, and stones, which have dropped out of walls, Almost completely and thick layer? How many thus хрустнуло crush , also has turned to ashes of slices of ceramics, glass vase! Give ironically, but we shall clear this moment, in sense As it..
As you see - I is extreme honour! Want - consider a mummy, female! Want - man's! Let to (her) from 18 up to 30! Yes, though all 130 years! To it(her) and so 3500 years! It is possible to restore this real photo, on snapshots much misses(passings) in the report, that could take place in 1907, certainly without Чапаевых. And, so! In гробницу really entered: Девис, Масперо, Айртон, Даресси, what restored, stuck together after саркофаг= this coffin in in a Museum of Cairo, but you you see not against, what and it(he) in it day have arrived with all together?.............далее в отчете Девиса в его книге Пропуск. В этот день саркофаг в День разобрали! Как это делалось в захламленной гробнице? Ответы в книге Вейгала дальше...15..
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