19 тайна гробницы how to use the tables of hierogl
It is more a part what I am going will tell in many moments further about to you is not clear if not to tell how to read the Egyptian hieroglyphs. It not so and is complex, certainly, some time is necessary what to understand it, and the books are necessary. Two books here are necessary, and they are in the Internet. In a basis _Грамматики of the letter by hieroglyphs Петровского, the book Баджа _ " the Dictionary of words " lays. Yes, there is a dictionary, that made not by words, print by the letters, and pictures.
Besides it is possible to comprehend grammar, construction of the offers under the Reports on excavation. The translation of lines is always given, and that is written on all panels and coffin from Kv. 55 is in the books of 1910 it is possible to find! Be guided by two tables of hieroglyphs.
Egyptian words concerns to pictures to the letter. Hieroglyphs can have three concepts.
1. Clearest to us - letter! All letters are as Russian so, and anyone of the alphabets, at what they frequently are duplicated different иерглифами, there are till two - three letters - h- w-t. The name empress Тии contains, accordingly, letter Т- i-i. Actually in a Complete name, and it for empress is always written in a framework картуше = his name of hieroglyphs more! There is a hieroglyph Empress, it is female simbol, without бородки = bear! With бородкой=have bear= - always фараон = king! As see, it is easy. Try in the unknown Alphabetic letter to find words " king or empress = Queen"?. Here it is much easier!!
2. The letters wrote all names of the Foreign governors, that in subsequent had Egypt, as колонию_Subordinated, seized country, it is Rome, Ancient Greece, and Iranian branch is in the list Egyptian фараонов = kings so. That is: Ксерксы, Александр Great Македонский, Дарий, and set римлян! Клеопатра and Птолемей- of their names were written simply by hieroglyph by the letter!
3. Детерматив. –Hieroglyph a word the help__I as a rule their alphabetic value also do not remember! Дворец=casttle_- pr! What for these letters to remember? That will change, if I shall tell, and for whom: - pr-Pa. Well, " the house Ра ", if goes speech about Concrete дворце фараона_casylle of king_ in Egypt! You see he) the son of the god Ра! It is feature доходчивость of the letter by hieroglyphs. Practically in 5 minutes, having read introduction, you already will see words! Look figure of the panel from tomb and compare to the table of hieroglyphs.
4. That is, Many words as Determinants also are represented единим - two иерглифами.
"Strong", the epithet is often for фараона- рисуется_ the Bull, (he) the god Апис as the bull, is a hieroglyph for_ Pleasure nb-neb
P/s. It Remember! Conditionally here I, and so have decided(solved) the scientists Is inserted always Between public _Е.
P/s/ On an example of a word " a name and water. " Find hieroglyphs! / -n, and word ren/
Water it is simple the letter -n_Волнистая =Twisting=a line. / There is a lot of water, наводнение_ Two, three Wavy lines in up! / The letter - n, into the letter - n, into the letter -
R-n, есть_ a Names__ and Water. It receive - R-n! Rn-pr-hpr-sw. Any language will not enable this line, here - up to ten hieroglyphs To remember! The truth! Are necessary public, and it even I do not know, as well as all heroes: from Чапая and Анки, and up to Даресси, and Квибелла, that under the status of the professor - египтологи! On this Is conditional, but it can actually be from __ And __ At __ About the letter what to not get confused insert _Е the letter.
Rn-pr-hpr-sw. ...Ren-per- Heprusu! It already can be made in Any Modern language, and from Russian up to English, is exact!
I have in a kind not only - Secret of a Gold coffin. Перепелкин per 1960- 70 years, just on our secret has written up to five books, and has given the most important Description of the texts from tombs. Here I have resulted the panel from sq. 55. About the panel, and about the book Девиса- " Гробница empress Тии " at Перепелкина there is a lot of сносок. But I began has processed under itself and you, as to how to write words on египетски.!
Ren-per ===== the Son of the god ===== Ра Rn-pr-hpr-sw/ Approximately So all names фараонов, as a matter of fact, sound it is Three parts two картуша, and between it(him) always Duck and Sun = the son Ра! Time (he) фараон! Empress, same __ a Duck, (stands) on ground, but second hieroglyph – Bread _ _Т the letter, and it = an Attribute of a Female sort!.
This simplified reproduction in the Russian literature! It Титулатуре, or Eulogy, type: " King, and great Prince, Moscow, King Polish, and further of title of round of Russian kings. Same in a Line about a name: and empresses, and фараонов was! - Перепелкин it has named " Словословие =Tittle _! Then the Complete name фараона, still extended, look the panel, it already lesson:
Provisional name All for Фараона:= king ///R- hpr-sw ===== Ра Rn-pr-hpr-sw ==== Ра Rn-pr-hpr-sw Ра Rn-pr-hpr-sw, it the on the move Thought up name, but I can, for example, for Аменхотепа 4 to result His(its) exact name with all Additions, than time in FIVE will be longer. On Length of names, as is not ridiculous, and anybody has not paid attention, except for you and me! Since 1907! Still pair of words about hieroglyphs. The most important concepts! And then already Loaded by knowledge we shall enter, certainly, in 1907 in tomb empress Тии.
P/s/ A little bit - confusing, but on a course there will be specifications. This table of hieroglyphs will suffice
И, как ты сам поймещь дальше – Боле Половины иероглифов можно прочесть, не зная их буквы!
Не нужно Заучивать слова- частично, это кубики, и первые буквы на них слоги............11......
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