25 ingl какие тайны скрывала амарене? столица при


Actually in these fragments and, whether so the keys to secret Are hidden.
I needed to save a lot of information, but without a certain knowledge, and main, figures and photos anything would not leave, and I would go on a way, that now expects our heroes, that want already enter in ещьи empress Тии, but we shall turn a plot!
/ Large fragment
Boundary стела_stelae_ around Ахет- Атона, and them not less to than ten, small fragments a name empress Тии? Or, that empress Тия, or - Тия, but not Тия? /

Амарна / Эль- Амарна/ a settlement, городок = sity on a place of ancient capital ofEgypt Ахет- Атона.There, just, per 1910 conducts excavation Де Гаррис Девис, at what, readout, it is visible, wrote: both Норман and Нина Де Гаррисы! Амарна is interesting to us to a floor of one hundred rocky tombs, in некотрые we shall have a look.
....... On a stony plateau: that road metal from under wheels, strips of yellow sand on ways, пылит "Фордик" of the lieutenant Малинина! It - unique(sole) case in the Russian literature, joint work классовых of enemies! Actually, the crowd was already ready ломануть in гробницу, as curious, Blinded by shine of gold, лепетами literally following / under the book Девиса/: There all Walls in gold! - but soon having understood, that Девис has risen by a breast in pass, and inside of one nobody will let, пыл have cooled! The dinner has approached, and having had a meal have understood, that there are businesses more important than treasures!
How many I have reduced the heroes here I together? Чапай, Анка, the Focus, пяток археологов, and still is owed here шататься with what that by(with) the doctor, that soon will examine a mummy! The man ten?! And, all though жрать! Анка so, and with прямотой has told:
-Эт! You, эт - Lieutenant! - with dinner the lorry to me present!
-куды покедем? - On Кудыкину a mountain! - there was a laconic answer! Nearest Кудыкиной by a mountain, also was Эль- Амарна! If it is honour, it is necessary them " Valleys of kings , if not I am mistaken / Бибан Эль- Мулюк / to go in Ахет- Атон! You see the Answers there. Is ready?
P/s!!! Эти странички Наиболее Важные в дальнейших выводах! Дело в том, что гробницы не являются местом захоронений видных людей эпохи Аменхотепа 4! На их стенах Написан, нарисованы и вырезана в камне жизнь в то период! Это по сути, Летопись, и многие ученые читая тексты на этих плитах, Выстраивали сюжеты из жизни Аменхотепа 4, Нефертити и царицы Тии. Самим жрецам, например: Маху, Мерир не так уж много сцен посещено в Их гробнице. Тут мы выйдем на Превращение цариц в “ фараона” это те ключи, что откроют тайну гробницы.......25 ..@@
