27 рус какие тайны скрывала амарна? продолжение вт
К тайне гробницы отношения не имеющее!
..грузовичок, закопавшись всеми колесами в песок, встал!
Будет описывать автор, не бывавший в пустыне! Мы
To secret tomb of (relation) not having!
. . Auto, having dug by all wheels in sand, has risen!
The author, not бывавший – been_ in desert will describe! We shall take advantage of a map from one book, and with which author I categorically disagree. Not having resulted (her) name! The provisional subjects was such:
-Я having (carried out) there are a lot of years in Egypt, removing films, and проводя – doing_on them the current of show, I can much tell, went a Question further Answer, that she set to herself and!
Whether 1. Were Аменхотеп 4, and
Сменхакр by the relatives. Also were, and as could not be them!
Whether 2. Were the brothers Сменхакр, and it is natural Тутанхамон! Could quite, and father them Аменхотеп 4, and could and to not be!
And, so! Грузовичок = little auto has risen on next бархане = Sandy hill, but only one man, Анку- пулеметчицу, it seems, it and did not disturb at all? While мужики = mans =Covered by sand_nervously smoked, by a shovel dug district, planning изавилистый a route on more dense ground, and soon have understood, that Малинин has moved down from a stony track, only slightly припорошенной_Covered by sand_ from above slightly by sand, and already have begun to push out the lorry closer to rocks, Анка Has armed. It caused smiles at мужиков = a mans, and behind a back her they twisted палцем at a temple! This is necessary! Sometimes Анка, cross - was crosswise surrounded with machine-gun tapes, and исчзала = go into! Came, and her( "пантронташ" = machine-gun tapes was empty, and where she put bullets was silent! Soon on horizon two dusty clouds have appeared? Also it is visible that одновремнно = one times_from North and the South were (carried), as чумные =quickly - two отары- It is a lot of the rams! From speed of movement was those, as though behind them гнались – go all wolves, that week голодали- not eat! But soon having squeaked brakes, овцы have felled for weariness at wheels of the lorry, and now was visible that on стометровку = 100 Meters the shepherds have taken start already!
I shall not torment! Анка changed винтовочные and пистолетные патроны- bullet, is banal on meat! As that nobody reflected, and whence mutton in their menu is constant! From here!
Анка was the businessman, up to a brain костей= well! What кости - Brains in a brain at the woman? But she(it) as well as I, and as I was advised by the friend to not take on a hunt more than ten паронов =bullet! And her edified itself Феликс Эдмундович:
--Remember, Анна Васильевна- боец- lieutenant without патронов= bullet, anything! Береги Have them! Though in darkness there were in camp whole boxes with all possible ammunition, soon they were absorbed by(with) desert! Is not present! It not our style all there " grey& a drill crimson Revolutions ". The secret was necessary, its(her) solution in классовой to struggle is exacter! Also it is argument certain непроладки= destroyd_ in transfer of authority would be on a hand to the colleagues Дзержинского! But, this trump the Revolutionaries did not use, as the secret in one week has broken up on 30- 40 small, and large secrets, and them gave all new dug out tombs Ахет- Атона. Not taken of shepherds, having given for овцу on патрону for винтовкии = 1 ram 1 bullet, and having chosen pair most well-fad барашков, Анка has paid in pair десятко = 20 of bullets for rifles, and пистиолетов= pistols. Well you, strange! At you поди, purse from a (skin) of the crocodile! It is a correct way to buy that that to family!Ammunition! All was forbidden, as well as now "! Since 1800, when the influence of French on Egy has fallen up to zero, as Englishmen! At the moment of described events, Egypt, and till 1920 was under management Эрдогана! Well, certainly of Turkey, and any there: витновок= Gun , even дробовики=mashin gun were under an interdiction! And, where a Valley of kings, and Ахет- Атон! How you поймте= understand are farther, Geographical breadth Ахет- Атона here is important, and ten two стел= stelae_, and some tombs in rocks will give answer , and not on one question,? Having specified, that purchase пригонят= hi is the shepherds in next a place at a Valley of kings in two three days, the lorry is hoarse ревя= roar by 6 Horse motor was set / look on a map / from Фив on Абидос, and after up to Ахет- Атона. To go drive on Western coast of Nile, there in Сьюте it was possible have of fresh water and mea.....................27..............@@............
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