29 тайна гробницы ахет атон. город солнца. what se
. Reader! You are probably familiar with creativity of the foremen of a detective genre? Well, about Агату Кристи? Heard, certainly? There goes constant нагнетанка=Not clear ideas__ of fear, and sit as on иголках=On steel buttons!
......This behind a table a certain aristocratic family has supper, мужики= It is bad to smellmans__ English-_Disgusting on tast_ mans_ take вонючие of a cigar ! Also leave to smoke!
-Вау Whay__! In a corridor дворецкий -- the servant- without attributes of life! Bore(carried) бедолага аперитивчик, and отхлебнул from = servant_drink from bottle__ Bottles Вискаря_Wiskey_? And, туды, who already has thrown that a slice цианистого кальция_CH Na, or стронция= CH Str! Клонечно =Yes+, that for a private residence of the aristocrat and without Хим_ Chemical__ - laboratory, where these яды__ poison_ also think out! And is! Пузырек with стрихнином= bottle of poyson___ Poisonous substance from rath__ has disappeared, with which poisoned крыс = rats, but soon it find in помойном = duty a bucket! / сравнивай дальше с Русским текстом- без правки текст!/Yes not дворецкого! With what you, confused(absurdly) пузырек, empty, certainly!Further what plot! The aristocrats, as from "beginner-so is Nowitchok from 2029" Скрипали, who ржут__ laugh_ , as after косячка__bad siggaretten__, and suddenly, хлобымсть__drink down_, and next corpse! And you sit, break a head, and artful Авторша: that will (translate) to one To suspect all on another!? Like? There was this старушка_old lady_ on need! Божий a dandelion on the moment of the next Only English murder? Ан, not! And, a certain gentleman, as was in злосчастном коридорчике-1, 2 flor_, and still пяток of the servants шныряют go to!, two hours, all окочурились= deed__to be deed__ have passed, and there are two characters in alive! And the villain, already has (translated) a Seen part of investigation, for example poor сиротке, having put обсопливенный платок __Dirty cloth for a nose_in кармашек_poket of__ from last victim! All! Is not present, here, and our Protagonist will appear, that now untangles secret, Kv. 55 at the request Девиса. While (him) is not present and, it(he) certainly, in бидблиотеке Arrive_ of Cambridge, thumbs through the reports of 1900.
Let, Гаклинг has opened Агатки Кристи a crime! How? Standard reception! The poor creation ошалелыми by eyes looks on a corpse behind a table, and though a plug, though a knife at last of a back торчит - is! The villain on the eve has arranged between them quarrel, it is visible till a video наблюдение see! But Гаклинг командует= say- " STOP! ". And жмет= press Spase= on a Blank! The video is stopped, and in a mirror reflection of the villain, or злодейки=bad mam ! It шуточеное the assumption, also conducted me at first to Close(attentive) consideration of photos, that are made in the first input(entrance) in tomb, and I searched for the books about excavation on years, and place of described events!
Look, and remember about a video, to which the villain has exposed Гаклинг in the story above!
It is a part photo, that will make Focus / the unknown reporter from газеты – book / having established the camera at an(entrance). It is a part of a snapshot, that see up to 2-3 meters of a wall opposite(o. On each side general, not so precise, and contrast photo of centenary prescription some more wall погребальной сени = sepurcral canopy sees.
P/s/ And in the book Девиса, and as _Перепелкина is mentioned certain Cu- cupper_a hammer, and broken handle from him!, Hammer lays before jugs! And, it not Пещерка, and certain niche laid out by a brick, or stone! Коноп- of jugs on a photo two, and all are given to a photo four! Probably, two in a niche, and they Are pushed for a wall! The handle from a hammer there, also is a Subject, that is similar to a fram_in front doods_ of lock. Most likely конопы were closed doors, as a locker on kitchen!
Why these subjects are not present in the description, vase, and конопы there are listed everything, like:?
Is not present in the description and the chisels, or chisel nobody?
P/s. I earlier it did not specify, but is briefly described not half-hundreds fine and average Unary subjects:
from a vase and Statue from a stone, silver, and gold, and in the report is mentioned of Separate subjects
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