39 inglish why аменхотеп 4 so build ахет - атон? p
P/s, it is clearer to figures The speech goes about one of three figures before.
I met, faster in the Russian sector Интерент, in the certain books and sites, such variant of construction and transferring of capital from Фив Аменхотепом 4 I before at 19-20 have worked Three Variants what can be a map Ахет- Атона. Most impressing in a basis of figure Постарение on district and here pyramid is visible, and not with 100 meters of height, and up to 10 kilometers, in Two hundred time above and there is more highest pyramid фараона Хеопса.
And I as always have felt, that in a basis of a legend Is strong завуалированный the fact! And so Аменхотеп concerns to Фиванской of adynasty фараонов! It is simple there it(he) was born and there worshipped the local god, god Фив Амону, or Атону! Eternally I mix up! And approximately then, year to 7, from 14 years of his(its) reign, on it Probably specifies Solar картуш not with the Sun, and with a Falcon and Sun ohead, it(he) moves that Амарна, or Ахет – Атон "Амарнский" the period of his(its) life anconstruction of capital, as well as the art as "Амарнское" - under the name occurs from деревнии Эль- Амарна.
MYTH.In vision or at personal meeting but with the god Атоном, that is Солнечны by a disk it егосимволы on walls, it(he) also promised to construct new capital, and
To put " боундари стелае " that is Boundary стелы! Whether the god Атон has given it(him), that that, like this drawing is a map археолога Питри, but her(it) has resulted Де, Гаррис Девис in the book about _Скальные гробницы Амарны. the PLAN HAS SEEMED TO ME AS THAT.
Business in that the authors have lead(carried out) Parallel lines меджду 4 Стелами, and the lines here Dotted and surprisingly are Parallel lines, and Дорисовав- Continuous lines mine, I have received a trapeze, almost exact rectangular. Look the previous figure, I there have entered on Beams On the right Possible(probable) Points Восхода into days Years(summer) Солнцестояния and Winter. That is, as a matter of fact, it is a Rectangular And it(he) is between 4 stones Стунхенджа!, Exact rectangular. A difference that then it in 200 times Точне till Days. That is, time per 365 days the Sun взойдет between two stones Стоунхенджа, and the Large lengths of a line here, покажкут are more exact in Tens time Length of year and day "! I know, and is in the book Климишин- of the Zodiac and Calendar of the Table of lengths of day and year Accordingly. You see the Earth Is moved together from an orbit more круными by planets, and it, Изменени of a Diameter of orbits both day and year, accordingly.WHETHER and THERE IS NO HERE SECRET СОКРОВИЦ АМЕНХОТЕП 4.
And IT ON the PLAN?Actually for check of these theories heroes also Went here! They should be defined: whether Всходит= rise- the Sun above one of стел on June 22 Why on June 22, or not on May 20? It is the previous figure! There I am schematical from the same book Климишина __ a Calendar and Zodiac has resulted the circuit Sur\nrise_ of the Sun. It should be known! The sun goes a Seen way on a certain arch to us sky! This property of work of our brain! Actually -в the centre Sun. And all planets on circles around of him(it) go! But Axis of rotation of the Sun and Plane, in which the planets = a Plane Эклиптики rotate Is inclined, though, have angle and on 11 degrees! Besides axis of Earth is inclined in this Plane Эклиптики for 23 degrees, and look at a Polar Star. These movement of Sun in sky on an arch also is caused!
Around of Egypt there are deserts, the desert is exacter begins from Niles of kilometers with 50! Let's tell, кочевник has put Two юрты casually and their Central poles, or the sharp tops of roofs Have risen on June 22 on One line with the Ascending Sun! Покочевав, and Doing(making) зарубки each day, as Робинзон Крузо on a uninhabited island, it(he) in couple of years Has found out, if in the same places to put юрты, кострище on middle remained, in 3 365 days the Sun Has risen on same лини. Why! Климишин has described Seen Displacement Восходов of the Sun. The sun since December 22 Winter Солнцестояние begins To be displaced! Sun be rise More to the left on a line of horizon, also sits more to the right. And the maximal Declination also will be on June 22, the Point Восхода of the Sun is farther will not be displaced to North, and Заката to the South, and the arch in the sky will be also line on horizon from points Sunrise- Call will decrease will be up to 22Декабря
P/s. Почему появился этот рисунок? Собственно текст на пограничных стелах переведен, можно почитать у Перепелкина. Там есть Уточнение. Вначале поставлены стеля, что и образовали Пирамиду, но это прикрыто Мифом, как бы Аменхотеп 4 обращается к богу Атону, и сообщает, что поставил эти стелы? Две Параллельные линии, что идут иже на Луговую, низменную часть с полями поставлены позже, что на плитах и написано! Получился почти Правильный прямоугольник, а такой Вписан в План Стоунхенджа! Это Астрономическая Обсерватория, считает, конечно Чапай и проверит, или Ты?
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