41 ingl почему аменхотеп 4 так посторил ахет атон



P/s, it is clearer to figures 019- 020 -021! The speech goes about one of three figures before.
MYTH And DRAWING! I met, faster in the Russian sector the Internet, in the certain books and sites, such variant of construction, and carry of capital from sity Фив.
It is not necessary Literally to perceive legends! For example, I have not believed, that of sweat there is nobody  Contract with the god Атоном Аменхотеп 4 has constructed Ахет - Атон, and Has fenced his(its) borders, having put boundary steles. Walls then around would erect!! At the left, there, where I have drawn schematically Raising of Sun- Calls of the Sun of a field! More logically all territory to fence so, that was Многоугольник= many angles- By figure with many corners_, and so To capture the Greatest area!
Here, lines as though will logically be carried out! Arise! Let's tell, Left figure, and in the right they are - three lines go downwards! Also rest in стелу_ Plates the indexes on borders Ахет -Атона of city_В! The top line. If thus Huge pyramid Is enclosed in the Drawing, an (entrance) just, at such height (make) from a surface of ground. Here logically there can be an Input in certain tombs, though like here would find only these three стелы_М_К_J –See_  in larger figure.! And, to enter here, Чапаю! As (he) in the previous chapter push all on platforms above rocks. It is logical, that from стелы At the upper right, whence by beams the lines depart, and can be Below on the right there стелы, above them and on them to find  Occurrence above a surface of ground of the Sun and. And, in this case field-glass, o telescope is not necessary!Large distances to стел will be and so, I consider, it is visible, that Sun not precisely ascends, and being a little displaced on a line of horizon each year! That is, actually, year Is not exact 365 days!
-And, declared Чапай!! - and Continuations of lines can result to кладам- gifts, but while such reliance is not present, that on a concrete line, or continuation, - can that that in sand is hidden.
-So began To collect some mans! It seemed, that on a line of the Left side of an imagined pyramid, and bottom line Southern, there is on a map a certain structure. Nobody began (him) to dissuade! It is a typical example of work of the adventurer! And all клада – to dig are those! Differently, anything would not find! Besides not In details, in and certain Zone here this district is marked a cross , Де- Гаррис- Девис- has attributed _ Juden  and Northern  –a tombs. So, they lay on lines between стелами=  stele!
Most likely you agree they are put under the Drawing! Let so, the god Атон has wished, or a certain architect, or Аменхотеп 4 itself, or in(its) environment was Astronomer, and district then it(he) has chosen for обсерватории of a name itself and god Атона!. All here is absolutely logical! Стелы, those that on the right, are on, approximately from 5 up to 10 kms on a plateau, and have, that is important, Rock. They probably, are hardly higher than 50 meters, but it is important! It is necessary to take into account Curvature of a Terrestrial surface! Us learned, that that Earth  circles, the ship, if - smoke  by coal boiler, is seen of kilometers from 30- smokes, and closer will swim up when,  ship Will appear from behind horizon. Was not by the sea, but it is logical! So, that стелы, and distances between them up to 10 kilometers, will give that they will be visible, as though a mark above a surface! They " will be lowered from behind radius of  Earth, downwards! ". In the previous chapter Чапай has lead gaugings, and ihe) as has come to opinion, that in this case, year had and 28, and February 29, though  names of months and  dates could be others, than now. That is, it was necessary To mark Sun rise _Three years, becoming on Certain, there Top of  pyramid, on traces more to the left, and in Leap-year - year, actually in one year 365 days, and 6 Hours, become on other traces, or for this purpose and here is, below very close located стелы! For example.
P/s. Солнце, по Особенностям зрения Довольно Крупное. Если Стелы на большом расстоянии, это  Риска на фоне Восходящего Солнца! А или по стелам или в Оптике можно поднять Увеличением , или увеличив Расстояние до стел! На 5- 10 километровом Радиусе Земли Стела Опустится. Будет  Риской на горизонте. и не будет на Центре Солнечного диска. Стоунхендж 100 метров диаметр, а до стел до 10 километров! Аменхотеп очень искусный Астроном, что зашифровал это как  Обещание Атону строить столицу тут, и Географическая широта, надо проверит по Стоунхнгжджу, скорее на одной линии как и,  Все пирамиды на Земле, а не только в Египте. Мне нравится! ............41.@@.........
