47 тайна робницы twenty first secret гробницы,. it
It is 21 questions, but it(he) any more question. There is a Drawing mine погребальной сени.
1. Name empress Тии, and Not empress Тии. It is necessary to open figure next pages! I Have prepared a series figures for Specification of certain moments, that concern гробницы empress Тии.
2. Has looked картуш empress, when Тии was the wife Аменхотепа 3? There Her(it) картуш, and for Specification - number(line) -Аменхотепу 3! In a framework hieroglyphs: Т the letter, it as Капелька and Bent top! Faster it папирус without листьев. There is still hieroglyph __ Т, это_ Каравай! Then Two Пера, are lower __ Two Slanting lines, and фигурка empress, she(it) general(common) for all empresses, and they hold a Camomile in hands! Can also Scepter to hold! It also is its(her) Present name " Tyji or now frequently write попроще_Tii "! But there in figure to Page 013 there is and still Variant of a name,? And This картуш Everywhere, but in Figures Говарда Джонеса on гробнице empress, that does not correspond(meet), to that As its(her) name was written Девис in the book in the texts, by(with) I about his(its) book _the tomb of Queen Tyji!
3. The second name empress Тии, and can, and not her(it)? Т- the same hieroglyph __ Капелька with the bent end, but Further not __ Two Пера, and Two Direct features! It __ Doubling =2! And only then in the Second line, instead of above идет_ Two пера! The place has not sufficed and фигурка empress is written in the Third line!
3 item it will turn out, as Minimum Tt-ji/ or _Ttyi, any more "Тии" and, faster " Ттийи, Тттейи ". That is
names Home, and Imperial, for Тутанхамона it is names: Nb-hepru-Ra, and Тутанхамон, it is Middle complete имени_Tut-anh -imn, дальше_hk-innu-rsu! That it is__Tut-anh-imn, it also is " Тутанхамон! "
I Have collected in Word fragments of a Frame of a Forward, obverse part погребальной сени, and Much has understood, as Did not suspect, not having made figure 024./ to this page / Advice(council). From a breadboard Model of page, figure./ From the book Девиса in the Editor of the images / .можно to cut out actually, before погребально сени, and figure Revolves so, that you would not get confused, Where top.
SECRET, THAT IS SIMPLE , how write by hieroglyphs!
All Can be learned(found out), were able to read hieroglyphs and it not so is complex(difficult), the helps will be!
The hieroglyphs - Letters of the gods, not зря were considered(counted) by(with) their Egyptians! Писмо has appeared AS THOUGH at once! And inscription from the First dynasties, and it till 2000 from times Аменхотепа 4, that of rules 3500 approximately of years back, the Same hieroglyphs, I have found any, that was not in the First letter on a certain wall гробниц, but 5000 years back! The letter by hieroglyphs Is fulfilled incredibly! It is impossible to tell, that Аменхотеп 4 Has made reform in the letter! As wrote, and by the same Rules, as 5000 years back! It(he) Революционно has replaced Figure on стелах, and Composition! If is brief: began to represent All family, and frequently in a monument was only фараон and god certain! The solar circle also was up to him(it), and to it(him) have returned. It is Top of temples after Аменхотепа 4 and all стел, as after him(it), but also up to him(it) there was a Winged Sun!
I already have proved, that before погребальной сени, I Have restored it(him) on Three panel to boards, on figure Джонеса. Why it(he) has given only figure of Three boards! Recollect a case, with two дверками the Frame has twice more boards, here - with Words, certainly. So I have understood, read earlier: on edge(territory) передв погребальной сени, at дверок, the text up to a Hieroglyph - Is identical! That is, if to consider(count), that the changed name with Тии, on Ттий is and there is a New name empress Тии, its(her) status is raised(increased), and on the text if to read on perimeter, it in figure is farther an explanation will be identical, but there empress Тии- Тттйий by him(it) is Two картуша, attribute that she(it) Was фараоном!
It is clear from study of the back panel, and she(it) is, and its(her) figure and сделл Рисовальщик at Девиса on a name Говард Джонес. The legend is those! Is found certain clay табличка, and its(her) contents Кочует from the book in the book, and sense now in one hundred sites and films in the Internet! The text таблички:
- I, widow! // Табличка also is found in Ахет- Атоне! // - Came! - the widow to me of the son next writes
001/ I reign the countries, at you them a little! It(he) becomes, literally " I shall do it(him), возведу in the status фараона " a certain widow wrote! Like, s? Is Перtписка in others табличках, and king, seems, Top Митании has sent the son, but that - as in water канул! Трекают, трындят, certainly:
- It(him) укокошил –to kil it__on a road жрец Ейе! As became after Тутанхамона фараоном!
- So! Is a Conjecture, and that for a pure(clean) coin would not accept, Чапай has continued:
- I, from positions Ленинизма, and as (teaches) a Party(set) I conside, that this prince, and is Сменхакр!
- Падла! Very bad человку- an abusive word__Than will prove! - вопил Девис, выпучив of an eye!?
- And, THAT ABOUT СМЕНХАКРА ANYTHING IS NOT KNOWN by ! WHO? WHOSE SON! That is invalid about фараоне!
- But, and about Тутанхамона it is not known! - встрял Девис, again "! Then king has sent Two прынца! What, значитцы! To empress Тии, and widow Анхесеппатон, Тутанхамона! Iron logic! In the Internet, and not that will read, but we shall go on the Facts!
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