Let merely ни будит

  Пат - всё
равно ни мат

 Гоняй по-кругу

   Какое - super-feel - ign
that you 'r
      not - сирота

   Dont mention pls
 abt. me as an
   Australian's 0rfans scouts  - ?

   cough up him
by this  collar

 - Pull up it ъ
  One-Two !-!!
      get on high  :

 -  Release , You !  dear children , pioneers
    Begemoutous  - back to
  his bog- h  ,  retrieve und fall , let-go ,  go up from to a f-k , cut-lines
    All get a minute for a breazze  :
 while watching  clouds
    anti-clock   !
