57 ingl что еще найдено в гробнице царицы тии? wha
The jugs - конопы are found, where at бальзамировании put internal bodies of a mummy, and them it is necessary to be four. Covers it was supposed, could represent, as here - portraits, that the empresses Тии are considered now by Relatives, Девис considered, that all four - as Portraits empress Тии. It is incorrect, and there are signs on sculptural these portraits, on which it is possible them precisely to distinguish. About two man's, and two female portraits. As all four in нубийских wigs, it is difficult to distinguish a floor, that is possible: one man's portrait three - female. It is better to see them. As write simply " four covers " that I has thought up numbering by names, that was poured out then, in approximately, the floor of hundred portraits is the Tree of a sort Тутахамона " is made in the chapter " but начло to gallery have given: the aunts - Рошель, Агата, Монна- Лиза, and uncle Агапит. It is the aunts: Рошель and Агата.
The woman in mature age certainly aunt Рошель, from the Chancellor Ришелье in " Three мущкетерах. " There are other portraits from Эль - Амарны, that are found in workshop Тутемеса, and they have similar features with aunt Рошель. Probably it is a portrait empress Тии. The aunt Рошель, as well as Монна- Лиза, and uncle Агапит - her родственики= his family , faster children! In portrets there are a lot of Thin details, even by size " by splendour. The female wigs Are more, than at the man! A uncle Агапита wig Is less, not so large! There are and still fine details! Anyway is Obviously not empress Тии in different возр - ages and besides, it is visible - here there is a Lengthened person at female portraits, and person Агапита Is shorter! That has crush end of a nose! Look 3500 years have passed, and the nose White this is i! "
Агаты - right figure now in Каирском a museum! Here it seems shooting in First (entrance) in tomb is visible, and the aunt Агаты does not have eyebrowes! The eyes and eyebrowes from a glass and they were inserted in скульптуры, as now eyes into dolls! As, at Масперо already there is in his book a link, that After coffin have delivered to restoration in a Museum of Cairo, Девис brought, as cleared away a floor in tomb many fine details, and at aunt Агаты dropped out eyebrowes, and in Каираском a museum part of right eyebrow Is pasted! Девис her(it) has delivered, but most likely eyebrowes would come, to all portraits they are faster standard, as well as deepening in a sculpture under them! The Inserts are now made
There is portrait, that I have named Монна- Лиза, from for smile! Ironical, or mysterious smile is on Gold mask Тутанхамон. That is, they Are similar smile ! How of portraits Тутанхамона and Монны - Лизы in mentioned chapter _Tree Тутанхамона of a sort! These portraits are given as is from book Девиса.
It is possible to cut out these portraits this figure, separately, and I Turn by their persons towards, and I reduce in the editor so, what the lines a Chin, and line of an Eye were at One level! Then the Proportions, for example are visible: the mouth is higher, or Is lower, or nose longer. I Have collected pictures, not less than hundreds, switching and mask from tens саоркофагов, ушебти, and has made the summary table. On this, I have, as though Understanding and se it, and if the new portrait, part of a sculpture will appear, I can look after Variability in Features of the person. From these portraits I start!
Девис- the American, and I have found for 1910 the Reporting of Museums in America / in Magazines on Археологии/ on cities Philadelphia, Boston, and still is in America about Ten museums! In a Museum were Collective, and not only from Археологов, but also Sponsors, that 5000 dollars in 1907 could give to a museum up to 1000 , and two hundreds members, and Formed collections of museums. Short Монна - - Лиза in _ "Underground = Метрополитен " a museum of America, and where two? A good question..
P/s. В самом конце книги, посмотри на правом портрете есть Светлые и Темные пятна. Тетя Агата и Агапит – Один портрет, но снят немного Выше и Ниже, что и дало и длинное- короткое лицо, это ошибочно! Всех портретов и кувшинов снова Четыре, но некие фото, может- как Копии? 57 .,,.@@.
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