68 ingl тайна гробницы царицы тии. начало. что бы
In Basic letter of Egypt by hieroglyphs on contrary, right-hand! Especially when the text Одинарен, type, as we fill a page, but Зеркально = mirror reflection. If two characters are, for example in the text there is a part to empress, and the part фараону, the text, and it frequently in a Triangular zone is divided on direct and mirror. A beginning There, where the hieroglyphs, for example - bird look! I Have turned and to read how usually! Still there is a text Vertical it on panels around of it coffin so read in some places! If read much at me, is in the beginning of this chapter, and two tables of the most widespread hieroglyphs, for the beginning find simbol with бородкой = bear - Фараон,t(he) sits also Скорчившись and is here female person. They, also have set a course to riddles for 100 years! Have found out soon here there are Inserts and it simbol king = Фараон, that is with бородкой = bear! But on this top cover is also Female simbol. On this Девис without Doubts considered both tomb, and саркофаг empress Тии, but she has not taken advantage of him(it), was is alive can, when it(him) used, having replaced up to ten inserts on Фараона, for example for (her) son, king Аменхотеп 4, or variant фараон Сменхакр! That quite do it, as princesses married - is стелы= stelae , and it is possible to count, that in 12- 13 years! So, that coffin (her) son quite could take advantage, for him used, or still certain фараон, that can and IS UNKNOWN ON his name but I shall tell that occured approximately on January 7, 1907 at it coffin, using the books three, four археологов, that Were exact, stood here, and did(made) certain actions. Well, the book Вейгала has given much!
Became ripe strong scandal! And is exact between Девисом and Вейгалом! Вейгал Unequivocally wrote, that Девис behaved Roughly, but as certainly having held back, has attributed, that conducted certain "negotiation" with Айртном, that was the outstanding scientist, but the Chief of excavation was - nevertheless Девис. Whether it(he) as that wanted to push aside that Девиса. Is avaricious a little (he) has described, that a certain sum on excavation has allocated Девис and has undertaken manufacture some books of materials, it means, see of the book _Tomb of Queen Tiyi. But nevertheless, here business of Similarity of characters, and is good, that I as felt Having left Девиса at an entrance) in tomb.
I carefully have thumbed through book Девиса, ANY WORD ABOUT WEYGALL! And under book Вейгала from 1920 (he) Was and at the first(entrance) and survey! What here disappears? That is interesting in the book Девиса there is a description of the First entrance) in this tomb, and is Айртона! Such impression, that print under копирку = words in words. All up to smallest details! How Arrangement,
P/s, ПОСМОТРИ. В Нижней строке После Перепелка_ Две Прямые Короткие линии! В книге , тексте Девиса и Айртона эти лини_ Косые. Тут=Две перепелки, Удвоение- W=U =у букве, как в слове Утро? А _Две Косые черты= ji, что читают И? что Соответствует Выше в конце строчки NN 4_где два_ Перо перед Парус, и это Второе написание буквы- И! и таких ошибок Расхождений с этим рисунком до 5 в Каждой строке!....................................... 068.. unknown facts...................@@@@...........
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