75 ingl art of decoding. how many secrets at tomb

That we, shall try to understand on Tomb  Kv.. 55_царицы Тии enters in rather large, likely work, that has under the title " Art of decoding "! Tomb Тии-(individual) part. Partial to read I and did not try a name, that is erased in framework with names! Did not try yet! Because that is written for 100 with superfluous years, 113 if to be exact, by Quantity(amount) of the books and clauses do not go in any gate! With this problem were beaten and changed not once conclusions: at first first wave of the researchers! These I well present, and has found their Reports on a mysterious mummy!
I promised speak that Was held back, and on this I shall be consecutive!. In tomb, at the First visiting has taken place Раздрай = horror! Вейгал, I have got confused, a little considering, that Main from government of Egypt, is concrete from the Ministry on Antiquities, was Масперо! It is close to true, but not for 1907! This year Main on Selection for a museum of Cairo, also was just, Вейгал! Эо not an invention mine, or there – треп= speach  Чапая! It will go by the citations under the book Вейгала- " Эхнатон- фараон вероотступник = heretic  " further. The term "вероотступник = heretic" well, not less others autors, already in the book repeated, and Вейгал, but if it is honour in All reports: Масперо, Даресси, Смита, Айртона- the same epithet "вероотступник= heretic". Though, itself Вейгал in the book practically sing to (him), Аменхотеп 4, dithyrambs, and as a matter of fact, names " as the church reformer! ". It is written at the end of his book, for now, and it IS NOT PRESENT: neither at Девиса, nor at Айртона, and I Have specified, Third, who entered in гробницу - was Смит, the doctor, that did survey! They Were in Kv. 55, approximately till January 10, 1907! As in the report all is pleased зыбко = not threw , they and Вейгал I shall write: for the first time were in гробнице - tomb, but that has followed the ambassador, could borrow and more days! It is analysis this tomb...........
It Directly is not described, but it is possible to understand, reading between lines at Вейгала! Yes, Девис Was higher than all of them under the status, and it is possible, is more senior, and his weight, we shall recollect - (he) has dug out not less than 5 tombs by then, and fineer burial places! It(he) was, It is incredible везуч!. (he) holded a patent for excavation, and only it(he), and dug, in Imperial burial places! After Айртон has dug out a burial place with Хеси- Ра, and about panels therefrom I wrote earlier, but it will be later in 1911- 12 years! But, while Remember, and it is necessary still, Most simple to download the books from a site of Cambridge on the letter -W-Weigal, as a rule, they wrote sometimes Ten books!
And so, all of them, and Вейгал, interesting surname, I can, I would pass not having read, but Галлы, it seems - peoples in territory of Hungary, or Bulgaria stood at coffin and Word in a Word, as strained, have written practically Identical text! So basically should not be, but also it is the answer, that they were there! There were certain minor conversations, about Humidity! Mentioned Смит:
-я has given the Unstuck sheet, either the piece of a tree, or gilding, and has told: all is impregnated with water! Then there is a rather long reasoning, that in гробнице the Raised(increased) humidity always, but not so there is a lot of water on subjects usually! All has become impregnated to it(her): a tree гнилушки = bad, whether that! Or so, (he) Is masterly left that coffin not only have opened, this very day, but also.........
The photo him) BEFORE AS, is above! Саркофаг rather strongly Has become unstuck, but in the general form Held, up to поры – some time, likely! Recollect, the Disassembly was not, and as a matter of fact: All валили on a floor: in a dirty, sand and dust! There is a link, that in it day, just Отщелкал = do a photo the photographer, that пенял =cry: --It is not possible to remove! All in a Fog from a dust. But, Three snapshots are made! Believe the reader! If has not got вожжа on хваст, actually further by everything, It was possible and to open, to (take off) a cover, but hardly церемонились= crash ! Pair of words about closing coffin. The system was fulfilled, and repeated on coffin of years on 500 forward and back from epoch Аменхотепа 4. In a bottom of a coffin, in rectangular apertures inserted thorns, that a little acted, and on them the top саркофага = coffin was put, all this was adjusted, but coffin Was actually scattered, though (him) obviously opened before, but not with the purpose of a robbery in those Before historical times. Let, they simply Have raised a cover, thus having written " a tree сгнило = destroyed ! " And Картер opened coffin in 1922 already Тутанхамона, but using cleanly swept. A (room) certain tomb Coffin, stronger at him, was Вывесен = push, laid on 4-5 wide boards! Short Картер worked on the boss, and only on him, and Девис "Underground = Метрополитен " of a museum ав USA worked, faster, on Collective!, on their money also dug! I have not found a financial part, source of financing, Девиса, but Tens museums in cities of America had Акитив in Hundreds members, that brought in the sums: From Hundreds, up to thousand dollars, also Was typed(collected) so up to 200. 000 $$$$$$$$, and on excavation of a certain expedition there was all that: up to 20. 000 $$$$, that is tenth part! Rest went on Purchase of antiques, and so, most likely and Paid Девис! It was necessary - Much,
That let, though everything, and empress Тии - (her) mummy would be in Underground a museum of America, anything terrible, but these photos at opening coffin much, are more than in Hundreds time have told, than on tomb Тутанхамона! The tomb empress Тии- not so is rich, but hundred, thousand subjects Тутанхамона ПРЕЕДАЮТСЯ, and you see here саркофаг WAS NOT TOUCHED! It(him) did not plunder, and from (it) nothing have taken  alteration,  yet of understandable operation in an Antiquity.
From the book in the book кочуют go to " certain strips of a gold foil "! Were, were not! Simply laziness to read the book Вейгала. " " On the top cover There were STRIPS of a foil with hieroglyphs, and inside they simply have come unstuck, and laid on a mummy "! ........................... 075 ...................@@@@......................
