92 ingl тайна гробницы пояснения к рисунку с стран
I shall use him(it)! It(he) Is larger, I have processed it(him), look figures of the previous files.
P/s. As to us More habitually to read At the left, To the right, and the text At the left, for фараона Зеркален, I for example has got confused! I have put Numbers of the columns On the contrary! That is in the previous file I read from the End, as a matter of fact. As in Столбцах the Completed offers and with Certain Восхвалениями, it is not especially important in What order it to read, but here I have noticed three, four Important moments, that at a fluent perusal Ускользнули-not see it__, and they, Зацепки__The helps_ give a Certain movement to a solution 100 years(summer) secrets гробницы_tomb of Queen Tyji.
P/s. I repeat it style of a statement, itself has thought up, Анти- a detective! That is, like would go a certain investigation, nobody погрома in certain гробнице—the tomb__, that has found археолог in 1907, and the name it(him), is Present археолог, as well as others, that dug per 1910 in Egypt! Девис Теодор_ Device T!
But, to you, Is as though given certain difficult задачка, and actually all Is simple, and it is simple to the people more habitually блудить in three соснах—a pin_!. To leave on a light road to True, well has bent! This figure will help also. Simply heroes: the detective on a surname Макс Гаклинг, should conduct this dialogue, but it On those times vanishes on business trip in England, where under covering it(he), student of Cambridge, and there сурьезные the people those years, the beginnings of century, and any Гаррев Поперов do not remove, as now, yes in audiences of this famous institute. Гаклинг simply reads the books in library of Cambridge, as you per century of the Internet, and Песи -Колы- should please! The electronic books in Student's, open access. Download, and involving(attracting) the knowledge English on school. It, perhaps, unique(sole) from me while, the advantage(benefit), is pleased badly translations, accept(start) of the Valid Reports on гробницам! So while places, for Гаклинга already author gives the explanatories!.
In this case, first two are read Vertical картуша- Solar names. As a matter of fact - Eulogy фараону. I know Rather precisely that картуш, that with Кружочками_ Circles __, and resulted variant. I shall repeat, and having specified, we leave on the Assumption, that Саркофаг and Погребальная сень from different, so I shall write of Sets! That many Moments Repeat on a Sole Gold грпобва, and to this part of figure nothing speaks! Then wrote as though on a Pattern!
P/s/ If we have found to us a habitual combination, and Assumption, that саркофаг Йавана Грозного, and погребальная_ supernal chamber__ сень, whether but it! A certain specification! It is necessary to me to open pages, and you To verify. We take a page 40- 42, or General view пятки_a botton-sarkofag__, that is portrayal of Top and Bottom саркофага. Having verified with figure it(he) from the book Перепелкин- Secret of a Gold coffin, and having made Specifications under the book Девиса-the tomb of Queen Tyji- the Tomb empress Тии, I Have specified that Девис Saw Risks, contours Four картушей, and in a portrayal from Перепелкина is is not so precisely reflected and it turns out, that in Lines on пятке саркофага NN 1 and 8 and are written just, the Part, beginning of a Solar name of Old is more precisely given! That was possible in city Фивы, as Аменхотеп 4 Has moved to New capital Амарну, or Ахет- Атон- city of the Sun during 5-7 years of a reign!
P/s/ Not especially in details, and It is more on Dates on стелах, or on Jugs with вином left, that there are recordings a reign Аменхотепа 4 till 17 years. I consider(count), Personally that Old Solar картуш- it(him) the Falcon with the Sun in a crown Is easy to distinguish, there A little not such hieroglyphs, and god Атон- as. I Beside two Horizons the Sun sitting between mountains. As a matter of fact - East and Western countries in Empire of Egypt then!
P/s/ But on It everyone also Are beaten, whom not laziness. Solar картуш- NOT INITIAL, look portrayals it Is copied, and on this place there was Other text! And as, there is in lines NN 6-7 ' a Female figure More Straight line, фараон - Сгорбленный and with Бородкой. On this everyone go around, that Originally саркофаг was made for a certain Empress. Here variants from: Тии, certainly, but also Меритатон, Нефертити, and the wife Тутанхамона - Анхесеппаатон, as is mentioned!
Yes, as a matter of fact - саркофаг Old, also is made in the Period for 1-7 years of a reign Аменхотепа 4, and on our panel - already New Solar name, and there Sun, but there is No falcon! Probably Аменхотеп 4, or жрецы then have decided(solved) the god as a Falcon to overshadow, and in the texts it(he) встречается_ a Falcon with a Crown by the Sun, but not in Картуше! Картуш- this Name фараона! Some kind of a Certain Grammatic rule! Whether it is not enough in Russian varied!? Anybody Азъ- in sense -Я, now does not use! As well as there are No three letters Е, that were till 1917! Now -Е, is written Unequivocally, as well as is made, but there were Three = е, and they were written, Proceeding from Rules of spelling! What for! Still there would be three And, and четыре_ I variants!
1-8 lines, on the panel, not пятке саркофага Зеркально are revolved, so to us Habitual! So always also act, that the statement of the text, I - on the figure, you on from page NN54 Would be exact.
1. There are Two New Solar names, повторю1-2 of a line, Solar names More important__ of the text, and
To read by first! As well " the Hero of Russia, " and, ambassador a Surname! I already Gave the Contents one каруша with Solar disks, I shall repeat: the sun - атон Given Анх = life. Again Атон_ give him __ Authority above Horizons Атона- by easier - east and West! Then __ Топорик __-authority for king! In Egypt there were hieroglyphs фараона: and Фараону_Крюк-_Staff with the Bent end_ Four them in the top line., also I reign – топорик-Hieroglyph as an axe_. And so, further...............................
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