95 ingl действительный вид гробницы кв. 55 в 1907
Смысл строки NN 3 вытекает из Солнечных картушей, это Строки NN 1, 2
The sense of a line NN 3 follows from Solar names, it is Lines NN 1, 2
--- " To you! Is equally written for фарарона and empress the Life from the god Атона is given, and Authority from Атона above Nile by Egypt, and странми of East and West чужеземными, есть_ Топорик+ Axe and Hook соттветственно= it is : as Authority фараоны, and Empress ". Here Two Complete sets of Solar names, and фараону, whether also to empress? It Анти- the detective, and инторига let will be, About WHOM SPEECH!
Line 3. I shall repeat, itself find -through line is written by Letters, instead of Circle =Солнце it is time to tell a name Атон- Пер Wings _Каравай = Bread_ Water = I-t-n, and about a hieroglyph to Help! Детерматив= Help, them it is a lot of here.
They as have the Letters, the syllable is exacter, and what To (drag out) text Public wrote, and ambassador - wavy line = Water, Circle. The here - sun, Acknowledgement = god Атон! Детерматив, AS A RULE, Last in a line, or part of a line. Is here - фараон? Человечек on корточках with Бородкой=man sit by bear_- it also is -Фараон! Anyone, at what them is детермативов= help all of pieces 500 for 5000 years of Egypt is thought up. The Block means, that is 5 hieroglyphs enter into a Name Атон, some blocks before a name and детермативом = Are clear, That that written about фараона. Most likely! Not abusive! – - so speaking , let Чапай, - as the most not assidious schoolboy! Let such мини = mine - lecture on a hieroglyph will be on air, and that having paraphrased:All a study! A study! I here shall stand, подышу – braes by fresh air! Let's add: with дымком = smog from a fire.Look an insert, figure on a subject, has got! The Hungry heroes soon will appear, and Анка- пулемечица begins to feed ораву Present, and Thought up characters = Анти- of a detective. Means the disputes passing not only in Авицию= Avian , but also on визг= kry are necessary!
And so, again Interior tomb on Approximately on January 7, 1907, and text we read on a plate, that lays in a corner, on a floor! The back panel, that from three, approximately, boards this panel Whole, that is surprising, and board in the foreground, as on a floor - from certain other wall! It, also is погребальная сень= sepulchral canopy , that in the tax a box, with two дверками = in front, without дна= bottom! She(it) also covered coffin, that more to the left, and in the staff is not seen., whether and Will give a perusal of a portrayal, help, and reason it погромчика- little destroyed .
Partially I have laid out them! And, itself decide, how this box in Tax looked. As there are Portrayals of t a artist, it is clear, panels on a floor are a back wall. Are visible – trees thorns on other assembly, and there is a certain performance, how погребальная = sepurcral canopy is assembled? More precisely - it is completely not clear of (her) figure in the book Девиса, is not present!! Line NN 4. In it there is one hieroglyph, that rushes in an eye first of all - kind! It is Number 2 from above. I did not know his Value, but (he) always as though " in eyes "! But to architecture they, hieroglyph do not concern. So was written word_Фестиваль= concert, or certain holiday. His exact value is not given even in literature on a subject! But has two, and rather different value. There is a certain holiday such as " of Revival, or Омоложения = to be yuong = - 30 ears ". It is easier to me to result an example it authors " Star - doors " knew, if this fantastic hit looked! There just, the god Ра, shown rather зловеще= bad чуваком= bad man, builds intrigues certain American гвардейцам= brave soldiers, that bear(carry) the laws in Far Space, and through a certain tunnel it is possible to set in Other Star system. An (entrance) in Egypt, through a certain screen, and they have appeared in the friend, as almost, Egypt, but on other end of Universe. The god Ра- as a matter of fact - newcomer, but rather strong, and never growing old there is given извернутое – destroyed performance, that. First time it has incorporated with certain юнцом= young man , and on that has human обличие= face , but his body it nevertheless grows old, and as a matter of fact it places himself) in a certain device by the form, as here = coffin, and as Ванятка- дурачок, бултыхнувшись in кыпяток- омолаживается! The truth, (him) nevertheless have blown up доблестные Мопрехи brane NAVY for USA So, time of years in 30 фараон in Egypt passed certain процедурку омоложения! Археологи= to be young , for example in a series of the books are (translated) on Russian / this ritual is rather foggy described! But
Meaning other word, not especially decent, but on the moment suitable! At us, heroes in the tax!
- Девис! Is сказанула = loud speak Анка, плеснув ушицы from Нильского толстолобика= give hee soup by fish / but this did not see a fish!
- - Девис, if it хрыч—old man_ омолодился – to be young after 30 years фараонства, why you pull
rubber with age?
- - Девис! It Чапай and Focus завопили!- cry - what then? - Аменхотеп 4 Обмолодился = in One
годик = to be young for 1 ear old ? Than, not an occasion, напиться- drink on drinking all ! ... 95. @@...
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