97. читаем строки с панели из кв. 55. we read line
The lines NN7-8, begin with the Combined sheet Папируса = М ", and If it знак_ Costing(standing), Does not lay, it not a sheet Папируса, Paper, and Fabric, and letter - S, in value - type the Point now, and is farther!
The unique(sole) god Dwelling, in the sky, certainly!
The second hieroglyph, as the letter Б, this Habitation in Terrestrial variant Дворец= a tower_, for example, фараона, it as a matter of fact House without a roof with an (exit)!
And, can, and it is more? Them увидали the heroes mine, order Already, (delayed) product. These a portrait - the cover of a jug, конопы, and all on Three tombs them almost 100, is in the previous chapter! " A Tree Тутанхамона.
I yet shall not tell, on how many of percents(interests) 1, 5, 10 %, but I, as though can look after a family tree up to Тутанхамона, and this my opinion / on Мимике= smyle_, Smile /, it: or Mother Тутанхамона, or his relative: the aunt, can the sister! It is the same portrait, that from a home page, but revolve in three - quarter! Whether assumed Девис, that is desirable to make comparison, ordering snapshots, but on External similarity, yet did not verify! So, having met незнакомку, we see features by its(her) by far бабки. Here we already shall leave on a chain, that lasts to empress Тии. And (her) relatives! " The Tree Тутанхамона " was an intermediate chain in a turn it thrue , for now we shall read up the text from the panel, that Is unequivocal - concerns to the Man, as there is no иерглифа concerning to the woman, that in my modest knowledge of the letter by the Egyptian Hieroglyph has resulted! As a matter of fact, it and introduction in reading a hieroglyph! What for to guess of years 100, who in xoffin! Сменхакр, or Аменхотеп 4? And why the mummy of this woman could be in саркофаге! Let, so wanted Reliably To hide the mother Тутанхамона, or Сменхакра? And that Сменхакр of rules all the year, is the disputable theory, that it could be, and she(it)! Or, its(her) Sister, or Brother! I am not sure, that is exact картуш, that is at me in figure under clause, but Нефертити was in the Status - king!?
I adhere yet Proofs, and not the Assumptions, and Concept, that all was erased, that Contradicted, as it is not strange, Grammar! Though a certain Policy, or the Conflicts between жрецами could take place!
Line NN 7, 8 - as a matter of fact one line in present understanding. I precisely do not know, whether the Sheet папируса_1_ a hieroglyph into words enters, but it seems, did not check on словарику- vicabulary Баджу на_S_то there is a combined sheet папируса, or then the papers, but seem to me, it is a certain mark point, such as a point! And ниже_Скобка= Б it is necessary to understand the __-house Ра, that is дворец- palace of the heavenly god, and фараон из_дома Ра, so! Water and Circle, детерматив- the Acknowledgement - sun, god Атон, that is here is lower, or Атон, or from houses of the god Атона- known to you иероглифы_Перо_Каравай= wimgs_bread. The hyphen the ambassador, or near to the House Ра- is the Index that this dwelling of the god in the sky! Also Comes to an end by the simply Large circle by analogue, that already is cut out largly above, and from him(it) here beams! I shall try to write набело= cleen the text for фараона, it(he) at the left, text:
/.Солнгечный картуш= Sun name, line NN 1 understandably is a certain eulogy, and nothing give it Standard name: and for фараона, and not less than 3, 4 empresses! In (him) There is no information for investigation, I shall begin the text from a line NN 2 without the comments / ............ You, фараон/ are not known who yet, картуш стерт= name erased /-as the Sun in the sky, god Ра and Атон! /. With name N2- giving_ life Anh, giving Фараону authority, Hook -hepr, above Horizons Атона by east and West by the subordinated countries! Let in your Two hands the authority above Egypt / is given! It only second картуш. That then nevertheless corresponds(meets) to that the professional General(common) sense will (translate)!
3.бог Атон giving life, you the Sun and god Ра, as the Sun.
4. Authority Prolonging for 30 years, after 30 years of a reign, as authority three черты=III-eternally or One million years, still reign. Shortly it will not turn out, but at you it will be possible thinking, to specify!
P/s. Мое мнение- это наиболее похоже Женское на Тутанхамона лицо, а кто она ему: мать, сестра?
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