105 ingl тайна гробницы сравним саркофаги. верхний

Верхний- их гробницы царицы Тии. Нижний-из гробницы Тутанхамона.
Top them tomb empress Тии. Bottom - from –tomb__Тутанхамона.
So looks саркофаг=coffin from гробницы—tomb__ empress Тии now in Каирском a museum! In the bottom figure it(he) in гробнице in 1907. In middle one of саркофагов, third, seems Тутанхамона. Anybody since 1907- 1922 did not try them To compare! And there can be they or were (made) by a (set), or the Disassembly in гробнице-tomb__ empress Тии was necessary what a pair саркофагов to throw Тутанхамону! The time was not on manufacturing of a new complete set. Nevertheless three саркофага and four погребальные сени= sepurcral canopy were necessary! All of them in Карском a Museum esteem more in detail, or find in the Catalogue of the same museum! / figure therefrom /
At once about a fragment that
interpretations! In the report on гробнице empress Тии, it(he) so Is determined and Foggy Девисом a Type
of coffin! "  The Style Риши or Bird's перья- such was (made) in the Arabian countries, and such саркофаг Нефертари - by(with) empresses, and at
фараона Амассиса. And these " Bird's перья " Покочевали –
go_ up to the books 23020 years! Here accent(stress) should be made on Strips, Colour,  That is lower Перьев= wings on shoulders, - and it is a Way to Anothers саркофагам= coffins. As a matter of fact it is a Stroke - code in our understanding. As the goods Can be (determined) and who in coffin.
It is the separate chapter was higher, and it is easier to tell a joke "SCALES"
The student did not prepare  To Examination__, institute  Veterinary. On  Animal, became to be. Also has learnt on the eve: - the Animals are covered with a wool! In a wool is блохи.
ПАРНОКОПЫТНЫЕ. A question in the ticket! It овцы, pig, they have four fingers on копыте. A pause! Yes: they: - in a Wool, and in a wool Блохи!  Professor упиратся= say another! - is higher двойки =2=I shall not put!
НЕПАРНОКОПЫТНЫЕ. The new ticket gives! Well, эт, that three fingers, horse for example have! What still! A tail, yes a head, yes: time. They in a wool, in it(her) are Блохи!
FISH! The professor has palmed off the ticket! A carp, well a pike, well пескарь, well плавники, yes!! The fishes have Scales! - the student exults! - that is, is блохи! So, and many left in "Scales", it is necessary  to see_ about coffin in tomb Тутанхамона.
SMALL COFFINS. THEY HAVE " a bar CODE AS! " And THEM FOUR STILL! Конопы it is not necessary to do, as Jugs with portraits = portrait , as in Kv. 55! But the Sets are necessary for Conclusions, and is in tomb Тутанхамона 4 small coffin, as are enclosed in canopy, and they have the same strips. As a photo under the Catalogue Каирского of a museum!
P/s. Thumbing through  catalogue I have encountered on a photo Урея= falcon and snake , that is on coffin- top.. Урей- it or Кобра, or also a Kite in a crown! So in coffin Top faster Copy, or (him) урей have photographed, having removed specially. There on the Back party Two names! And if Аменхотеп 4 not  give It is a lot of  namesthat it would be names of king and head would not break, but it is Old Solar  names!
P/S.Так начинаются заблуждения! Смотри на отсутствие Аргументации! В Нижнем фрагменте из его книги, Девис_ Гробница царицы Тии написано Буквально “ Саркофаг, как бы имитирует Птичьи перья, В резьбе- “ Чешуя”, по этому тут анекдот где есть “ рыбья чешуя, а в ней Блохи.”” Но Девисом не рассматривались Полосы Ниже, от пояса на саркофаге? Про сути = современный штрих- код, и он не менее, чем на 10- почти саркофагах, в гробнице Тутанхамона, конопы с ним..105.... @....
