109 тайна гробнимы еще несовпадение, still discrep
И, так! по Картеру, что описал маску впервые в книге_Гробница Тутанхамона, есть Ссылки, что маска Переделана, немного Подрезалась, подгонялась под лицо Тутанхамона! Чья была раньше? Картер писал, что в
I continue to assort colour photos __Catalogue_ on Cairo museum.
This fragment is fine, but I have increased it, and has worked with image. The snapshot is slightly cut off in Catalogue! It is an inscription on a back of a Gold mask, and, question!
Hardly I am higher has given figure саркофага from sq. 55! From 1907 goes " and mask on the person of a mummy, gold have broken! " In, Гераклусы, what! Likely 2- 3 mm have torn a Gold sheet, as a cardboard. Remained only, itself look: on лбу there is some gold sheet, and one eye on it(him), moved by a paint. Саркофаги on оделке- Practically are identical that at Тутанхамоа, there is also Conformity on both саркофагам, but 113 years Are ignored the fact, and is very skilful! But, about Sheets of gold on a mummy, and they not " foil and, _shits!! ", that is sheet gold, instead of foil! Under the books Девиса and Вейгала follows, that the mummy from sq. 55 Was covered - with Sheets of gold!
And, so! On Картеру, that has described a mask for the first time in the boock_The Tomb of Тутанхамона, there are Links, that the mask Is altered, Was slightly cut, was adjusted under the person Тутанхамона! Whose was earlier? Картер wrote, that in Gold Remained in many places a name in a framework Сменхакра! That is, if To beat out зубильцем a hieroglyph, and it(him) Закатать== press it__, the Risks will stay, and the expert, quickly will understand, whose she(it) was in the beginning! About this and the films are with Ютуба, but as them to trust!? On a word! If I Have resulted картуш Solar, and New type on Урее on a headgear of a mummy from sq. 55, I by a Portrayal have shown Discrepancy above. On кобре, урее - in лбу of a headgear - New solar name, and on саркофаге old, that was altered! And again dilemma!
That is Plus 50 years, and Minus 50 years, as a minimum! But, as the mask Тутанхамона is made! Thin Pressed, штампованное gold a sheet by thickness of millimeter in three! Her(it) have made. Most likely, on a mask from plaster, отли, in bronze model! As variant, carved mask from a tree! On Measurements its(her) sculptor, or woodcarver could make! That the initial mask Was cut, and More roughly спаивалась by solder it is known. But nevertheless it is the text in this figure, as that, but is connected with sq. 55!? Even by that, they the Relatives! A bottom of a mask from a back it. And there are some words about a design!
The mask Densely adjoined to the person Тутанхамона! For this purpose always was погребальный a subject a support under a head, her(it) put from below, and the person rose above a surface саркофага! Always so did(made), and supports these did(made) of metal, gold, for example, ivories and ceramics! The mask Тутанхамона in weight kg 10, and by a principle панциря was done(made). Sideways she(it) was not fastened! Slightly Having unbent her(it) put on on the person, and a mummy lowered(omitted) in саркофаг. Then always фараонам put one ornament on a breast, you see them on films, that us pleases of Hollywood!
That in Каирском a museum a copy! Especially it not афишировано, but is clause! Картер after in field conditions has removed(taken off) everything, that was on a mummy, and it(he) worked, as the private person on Корнарвона, and likely, consulted to it(him) on the phone, or personally, informing, that достанется as the part, so then was accepted, сему to lord! That is Корнаровон Paid a part of excavation, at what is found tomb Тутанхамона only for 6 years of excavation. Картеру not so carried, as Девису! The volume could for one year a pair a tombs open. And so, all from a mummy Тутанхамона was removed(taken off) on Expedition, the truth protection was at height, and double steel doors on an input(entrance) thus! Then mummy was delivered in Cairo, and that is interesting, first пекторали COULD NOT remove! Before Картер was compelled To impose first and second саркофаги with sheets of iron, and to heat them a gas by lamps, as саркофаги were stuck together. Картер has written, that by Tar пахла a liquid, partially hard condition. The first attempt, саркофаг have born, but at 60 on a Sun have not softened her, and in an small tomb he) Has caught up temperature up to 100 degrees, and has stuck so two саркофага! It certainly was a Ancient dodge. But this Bitumen we shall paste Пектораль on a breast, that was put directly on a mummy, and so she(it), mummy and has arrived раздетая, but with Invaluable пекторалью! The authors keep mum, but night Third пекторали have cut off this пектораль, and was covered with a mask in front! On it have not stopped, and the most part was cut off soon her still! So, the jewellers again have made by the stayed fragment new! It - Egypt!
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