Как молоды мы были - английская версия

Посвящается Александру Борисовичу Градскому

музыка: А. Пахмутова
слова: Н. Добронравов

автор английского текста: А. Макаренко

Look around, if you are unfamiliar,
Cause I know that your glance so sincere.
That looks mine, as younger picture,
And it hurts me, cause brights disappear.

Imagine the world, where feel's not existing.
Imagine the life, where pain's everlasting.
Our youth is coming distant,
Our youth is coming distant,
Our young love was so brilliant
And dreams were in our arms…

In that times we had been met respectly
By the flowers on all ways of earth.
If we can forgive friends that mistaken.
So the treason forgiving's not worth.


For first time we've been playing already,
And just one thing we can understand.
If you want that life shouldn't be shady,
So go on and stick life in your hand!


In the skies all the stars getting darker,
And the thunder gets quiter in hearts.
Although strength in our bodies gets weaker,
But the memory gets stronger in eyes.

1 декабря 2021
