Архаические древние ДНК Ирландии и я

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me
By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
* Used my DNA test results (FTDNA, 23andME, Genebase)
to compare to Archaic DNA database tool
via Verigen,  via Gedmatch.com
* the private personnel result
* results would be similar to a large group of people of a planet
* The Neolit Ballynahatti Woman, lived 5,200 years back in Ireland, near Belfast
Reconstruction photo from BBC  article   (2015)
* Фото реконструкции женщины с захоронения у Белфаста в Баллинахатти с сайта БиБиСи (статья 2015 год)

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me
By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin  / Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

Архаичные древние ДНК Англия и Ирландия и я
Инна Бальзина-Бальзин          /  By  Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me
By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Архаичные древние ДНК Ирландия и я
Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
By  Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

** sorry some hakers had chaged coded and Russian letters as not readable atrange Arabic language or something look, making missings after in a reading
** извинения, но хакеры не давали и не дают в Англии работать , русский текст  вдруг заменили в нечитаемый совсем, выглядит как арабский или эльфийский , странный, и пропуски при печати копи паст дальше.

Я и Древние ДНК, Архаичные ДНК планеты Земля, пересечение
Ireland   Ирландия
Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me
Архаические древние ДНК Ирландии и я

GEDmatch Archaic Matches
                *  Segments shown are larger than 0.5 cM.


GEDmatch Archaic Matches
Matching Segments for kit    (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)


F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC   ,   5, 200 years back, female,  Neolit
F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC   ,   4, 000 years nack,  male,  the Bronze Age
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC   ,   male,   the Bronze Age
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC   ,   male,   the Bronze Age

F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC   ,   5, 200 years back, female,  Neolit

F999805   Баллинахатти, Ирландия,  3.2 тыс.лет до Н.Э. ,  5200 лет назад,  женщина, Неолит

фото реконструкции лица (БиБиСи, 2015) (BBC, 2015)
пропорции совпадают визуально с моим лицом и с лицом маминой мамы, с лицами девушек женщин времён СССР,  отчего ощущение "я где-то видела её", она напоминает чем-то и  Зою Космодемьянскую,  пропорциями лица и чем-то.

*отредактировать и дополнить и убрать повторы займёт время, а у меня нехватка чуть чуть, потому я пощу неотредактированную версию "как есть", требующей правки, так что мои извинения, но материал и информация таки есть, что плюс.

* I do publish now not edited versa at all, so, please take my apology for some roll overs of information look, but as i do show and i do publish here some information to show, this make a sense., please take a mind this is a writing memory notes for me myself    :)   as a type of memory, for me to print to read, to make changes or to add notes.

* some hakkers on line today had not gave me a space of a work, changing my text or coded or changed so no way was for me to work, hopely, something still left readable here.

* неизвестные мне хакеры дотянулись до моего дома в Великобритании, сегодня, не давая мне работать над статьёй, заменяя кодировку и тексты на разные языки, отчего я не могу ничего сделать тут больше на данный момент. Вероятно, чтото ещё могло остаться читаемо.

The Compare Archaic DNA of Ireland
(female)   (Russian Ethnic Group,  British Citizen, birth 1961, in Khabarovsk, Russia) to:

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin                * British Pasport
Inna Aleksandrovna Balzina                * the birth name,  on 8th July 1961, Khabarovsk, Russia
The Christian Baptised name     is     Irina     (Irina, Ira, Irisha, Iriska,  Irena)   (baptised in 1961)

Моё христианское по крещению имя  Ирина  (Ирина, Ира, Ириша, Ириска) (крещение 1961г)
Инна Александровна Бальзина       * при рождении, 8 июля 1961 года, г. Хабаровск, Россия
Ианна Инна Бальзина - Бальзин     *  по паспорту

Khabarovsk            Хабаровск
Harbour Off Sky      Хаба офф скай,  Харбаро офф скай
Harbour Off Sky    =  Гавань  От Неба,    Гавань от\с\около  Небес, Неба
Harbour Off Sky    Ха(р)ба(р) офф скай,  Хабаро офф скай
Harbouroffsky       Хабарофскай
Harbourovsk         Хабаровск
Habarovsk            Хабаровск
Khabarovsk,         Russia
Хабаровск ,         Россия

Irkutsk        =   Ир  кут  ск
Ir Cut  Sky  =  Ир (Ирландец, Ир)  Резал (Резал, Разрезал)   Небо (Небо, Небеса)
Ir Cut  Sky  =  Ир, ирландец, разрезал небеса, небо = Ир упал с небес
Ir Cut  Sky    =  Ir  feld down from a sky - Ir cut sky
Ir Cut  Sky 
Irkutsk,       Siberia,   Russia
Иркутск ,  Сибирь,  Россия

масса имён русских английские ирландские шотланские

My  Christian Baptised name   is  Irina  (Irina, Ira, Irisha, Iriska)   (baptised in 1961)
Мой христианское по крещению имя  Ирина  (Ирина, Ира, Ириша, Ириска) (крещение 1961г)

Russian female popular name:
Ira,   Irisha,  Irina     - Ира, Ириша,   Ирина

Irisha   ,   -   Russian female popular ancient name Ira, Irisha, Irina
Irisha,  Ira,   Irina  =  Ириша, Ира,   Ирина
Irish   [Айриш]  Ирландка, Ирландец, Ирландское
Ireland    [Айленд]  Ирландия,  "Земля Ир, Земля Ира"   (Ир - владелец земли)
Ir   Ир
Ira   Ира
Irish  Ирландка, Ирландец, Ирландское
Irisha Ириша

Russian female populat name:
Ira,   Irisha,  Irina     - Ира, Ириша,   Ирина


Archaic DNA of Ireland  and England and me

"АРХАИЧНЫЕ ДРЕВНИЕ ДНК Англия и Ирландия и я"   
"Архаические древние ДНК Англии и Ирландии и я" (19.11.2021) (Великобритания)

The Archaic DNA match - Архаичные ДНК, пересечения
* Including The Sorting by name of countries results of compare to Ancient Archaic DNA
* Включая сортировку результатов сравнения с архаическими ДНК по странам
* 25.11.2021 закрыла удалила свои генетические профайлы, затем загрузила снова: другие номера

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me
19.11.2021 - 26.11.2021. Великобритания, Англия, Ноттингемшире

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me
АРХАИЧНЫЕ ДРЕВНИЕ ДНК Англии и Ирландии и я

* Я и Древние ДНК, Архаичные ДНК планеты Земля, пересечение


Архаические древние ДНК Ирландии и я (Инна Бальзина)
* Compare by Gedmatch.com tool
Ireland, Archaic DNA of Ireland 
which crossing linked to My DNA (Inna Balzina)(Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin) (Russian Ethnic)
x1,  Ireland, Ballynahatti, female, lived 5,200 years back , mtDNA HV0, brown eyes, dark hair
x3,  Ireland, Rathkin 1,2,3, - 3 males from Rathlin, lived 2,0 K cal BC, 1.6 cal BC, 1.9 cal BC, YDNA  R1b,  R1b1a2a1a2 , mtDNA  U5 and J2b,  blue eyes

Ирландия и Россия. Англия и Россия. Связь.
; Ballynhatti, Ireland     (Баллинхатти, Ирландия) (Боллинхатти. Баллинхатти)
; <->  “Ball” Балл, Бал, Бол. bal , ball = мяч, мячик, играть в мяч, катать мячик, боулинг
; “Bal”  <-->  Balzina, Balzin surname with “Ball” “Bal”
; Buldin (Boldin, Bouldin, Buildin, Baldin, Ball Dean, Building, in 12 century Tax Book, The Pescova Book for a village near  Kotkoozero (Cat Lake) near Ladoga)
; Rathlin, Ireland  <->  Russia   
; Раслин, Ирландия (Раслин, Рашлин, Раша, Раса, Роса, Рассия. Россия)
Ireland – Russia:     Ирландия - Россия
; Irkutsk (Russia) –  Ir Cut Sky – Ircutsky – Ircutsk – Irkutsk = Иркутск, Раша, Россия
Ireland, Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me  /  Архаические древние ДНК Ирландии и я

Russian female popular name:
Ira,   Irisha,  Irina     - Ира, Ириша,   Ирина

Irisha   ,   -   Russian female popular ancient name Ira, Irisha, Irina
Irisha,  Ira,   Irina  =  Ириша, Ира,   Ирина
Irish   [Айриш]  Ирландка, Ирландец, Ирландское
Ireland    [Айленд]  Ирландия,  "Земля Ир, Земля Ира"   (Ир - владелец земли)
Ir   Ир
Ira   Ира
Irish  Ирландка, Ирландец, Ирландское
Irisha Ириша

Russian female populat name:
Ira,   Irisha,  Irina     - Ира, Ириша,   Ирина

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me
Архаические древние ДНК Ирландии и я
GEDmatch Archaic Matches
                *  Segments shown are larger than 0.5 cM.


GEDmatch Archaic Matches
Matching Segments for kit ..................   (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)


F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC
F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC

Взято из моей работы:

The Archaic DNA match - Архаичные ДНК, пересечения
* Including The Sorting by name of countries results of compare to Ancient Archaic DNA
* Включая сортировку результатов сравнения с архаическими ДНК по странам

"АРХАИЧНЫЕ ДРЕВНИЕ ДНК Англия и Ирландия и я"   
"Архаические древние ДНК Англии и Ирландии и я" (19.11.2021) (Великобритания)

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and England and me

Part 2

To see to find more as places and whom were being whom crossed their DNA
to me via a time.


Подробнее, места и с кем я пересекаюсь генетически через время.


F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC
F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC

Я и Древние ДНК, Архаичные ДНК планеты Земля, пересечение

Ireland   Ирландия

Архаические древние ДНК Ирландии и я
GEDmatch Archaic Matches
                *  Segments shown are larger than 0.5 cM.


GEDmatch Archaic Matches
Matching Segments for kit    (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)


F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC
F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC

"a 5,200-year-old female farmer from the Neolithic period
and three 4,000-year-old males from the Bronze Age.""

From "Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish origins" (BBC, 28.12.2015):
By Paul Rincon, Science editor, BBC News website, Published 28 December 2015
"Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish origins"


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ballynahatty may refer to:

-   Ballynahatty, County Down, a townland in County Down, Northern Ireland
-   Ballynahatty, County Tyrone, a townland in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland
-   Ballynahatty woman

Ballynahatty woman

Ballynahatty woman

The Ballynahatty Woman
is the name given to

a prehistoric female human
found in the townland of
near Belfast
in 1855.

* from Ballynahatty, County Down, a townland in County Down, Northern Ireland

She is estimated to have lived about 5,000 years ago.

In 2015,
her genome, along with that of a trio of men who lived 4,000 years ago, was sequenced by geneticists at Trinity College Dublin and archaeologists at Queen's University Belfast.

Both Ballynahatty Woman and one of the men were found to have mutations that can cause hemochromatosis, a disease where the body retains too much iron and has a high prevalence in the British Isles.

She was found to have Neolithic Anatolian ancestry, and out of modern peoples most genetically resembles the inhabitants of Spain and Sardinia

Ballynahatty, County Down
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ballynahatty, County Down

This article is about the townland in County Down. For other uses, see Ballynahatty.

Ballynahatty (from Irish Baile na hAite T; 'townland of the house site')
is a townland in County Down, Northern Ireland.
It lies on the southern edge of Belfast.
It contains the Giants Ring, a henge monument.

The remains of a woman who was part of a Neolithic farming community were discovered buried in the henge in 1855. Now known as Ballynahatty woman, her genome was sequenced in 2015 and reveals a woman with black hair and brown eyes typical of those with Mediterranean heritage. This implies that Ballynahatty woman was part of a group of Early European Farmers (EEFs) that migrated across Europe in the Neolithic period, originating in the Middle East.

Ballynahatty is also the name of a townland, in the parish of Drumragh, County Tyrone.

Giant Ring

The Giant's Ring
is a henge monument at Ballynahatty, near Shaw's Bridge, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

It was originally preserved by Viscount Dungannon.
The inscribed stone tablet on the wall surrounding the site which details Viscount Dungannon's interest was carved by Belfast stonecarver Charles A Thompson about c.1919.

The site is a State Care Historic Monument and has ASAI (Area of Significant Archaeological Interest) status.

The site consists of a circular enclosure, 180 m (590 ft) in diameter and 2.8 hectares (6.9 acres) in area, surrounded by a circular earthwork bank 3.5 m (11 ft) high. At least three of the five irregularly spaced gaps in the bank are intentional and possibly original.  East of the centre of the enclosure is a small passage tomb with a vestigial passage facing west.  There were reports of other tombs outside the enclosure, but there is no trace of these


The Giant's Ring dates from the Neolithic period and was built around 2700BC,
meaning that it predates the Egyptian pyramids.

The site has had some sort of public use throughout its history.

It is near the Shaw's Bridge crossing of the River Lagan, a point which has been used as a crossing of the river since at least the Stone Age.

The original purpose of the monument was most likely as a meeting place or as a memorial to the dead.

Archaeologist Michael J. O'Kelly believed that the Giant's Ring, like hundreds of other passage tombs built in Ireland during the Neolithic period, such as Newgrange, showed evidence for a religion which venerated the dead as one of its core principles. He believed that this "cult of the dead" was just one particular form of European Neolithic religion, and that other megalithic monuments displayed evidence for different religious beliefs which were solar, rather than death-orientated.

In the 18th century the site was used for horse racing.  A ritual site adjacent to the henge was excavated in the early 1990s by Barrie Hartwell of the Queen's University of Belfast.

 "Celebrating Ulster's Townlands - Place Names in County Down". Ulster Place Names. Archived from the original on 15 May 2008. Retrieved 4 December 2007.
 "Ballynahatty" (PDF). Environment and Heritage Service NI - State Care Historic Monuments. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 July 2012. Retrieved 3 December 2007.


Rincon, Paul. "Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish Origins". BBC News. BBC. Retrieved 25 March 2018.

 Bichell, Rae Ellen. "A 'Celtic Curse' Has Roots Stretching Back To The Bronze Age". NPR. NPR. Retrieved 25 March 2018.

 "Celebrating Ulster's Townlands - Place Names in County Down". Ulster Place Names. Archived from the original on 15 May 2008. Retrieved 4 December 2007.

 "Ballynahatty" (PDF). Environment and Heritage Service NI - State Care Historic Monuments. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 July 2012. Retrieved 3 December 2007.


is the capital and largest city of Northern Ireland, standing on the banks of the River Lagan on the east coast. It is the 12th-largest city in the United Kingdom[5] and the second-largest in Ireland. It had a population of 343,542 as of 2019.

(~ flowing water)

The names Ireland and 'Eire derive from Old Irish 'Eriu, a goddess in Irish mythology first recorded in the ninth century. The etymology of 'Eriu is disputed but may derive from the Proto-Indo-European root, referring to flowing water.


During the last glacial period, and until about 10,000 BC, most of Ireland was periodically covered in ice. Sea levels were lower and Ireland, like Great Britain, formed part of continental Europe.

By 16,000 BC, rising sea levels caused by ice melting caused Ireland to become separated from Great Britain.

Later, around 6000 BC, Great Britain became separated from continental Europe.

Until recently, the earliest evidence of human activity in Ireland was dated at 12,500 years ago, demonstrated by a butchered bear bone found in a cave in County Clare.

Since 2021, the earliest evidence of human activity in Ireland is dated to 33,000 years ago.

By about 8000 BC, more sustained occupation of the island has been shown, with evidence for Mesolithic communities around the island.

Some time before 4000 BC, Neolithic settlers introduced cereal cultivars, domesticated animals such as cattle and sheep, large timber buildings, and stone monuments. The earliest evidence for farming in Ireland or Great Britain is from Ferriter's Cove, County Kerry, where a flint knife, cattle bones and a sheep's tooth were carbon-dated to c. 4350 BC. Field systems were developed in different parts of Ireland, including at the C;ide Fields, that has been preserved beneath a blanket of peat in present-day Tyrawley. An extensive field system, arguably the oldest in the world, consisted of small divisions separated by dry-stone walls. The fields were farmed for several centuries between 3500 BC and 3000 BC. Wheat and barley were the principal crops.

The Bronze Age began around 2500 BC, with technology changing people's everyday lives during this period through innovations such as the wheel; harnessing oxen; weaving textiles; brewing alcohol; and skilful metalworking, which produced new weapons and tools, along with fine gold decoration and jewellery, such as brooches and torcs.

Emergence of Celtic Ireland
How and when the island became Celtic has been debated for close to a century, with the migrations of the Celts being one of the more enduring themes of archaeological and linguistic studies. The most recent genetic research strongly associates the spread of Indo-European languages (including Celtic) through Western Europe with a people bringing a composite Beaker culture, with its arrival in Britain and Ireland dated to around the middle of the third millennium BC. According to John T. Koch and others, Ireland in the Late Bronze Age was part of a maritime trading-network culture called the Atlantic Bronze Age that also included Britain, western France and Iberia, and that this is where Celtic languages developed.This contrasts with the traditional view that their origin lies in mainland Europe with the Hallstatt culture.

In 2012, research showed that occurrence of genetic markers
 for the earliest farmers
was almost eliminated by Beaker-culture immigrants:
they carried what was then a new Y-chromosome
R1b marker, believed to have originated in Iberia about 2500 BC.

Ballynahatty woman

Neolithic and Bronze Age migration to Ireland and ... - PNAShttps://www.pnas.org › content
by LM Cassidy · 2016 · Cited by 218 —
The Neolithic individual, Ballynahatty, belongs to HV0, a clade with highest frequencies seen in Early and Middle Neolithic (MN) groups from

Ballynahatty, County Down, near Belfast, North Ireland, Ireland

Giant Ring


Northen Ireland   (capital - Belfast)

Republic of Ireland (officially named Ireland) (capital - Dublin)

Ireland (island)

Ballynahatty,  Ireland

F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC

So, facts

Ballynahatty,  Ireland

Ballynahatty is near Belfast, Irland

Ballynahatty is a tomb chambers old cemetery in Ireland near Belfast

-  of a 5,200-year-old female farmer from the Neolithic period"
-  the Neolithic woman from Ballynahatty, near Belfast
-  Ballynahatty, County Down, a townland in County Down, Northern Ireland
-  Excavated near Belfast in 1855
-  The Ballynahatty woman lay in a Neolithic tomb chamber for 5,200 years
-  that early Irish farmers were similar to southern Europeans
-  a woman with black hair and brown eyes
-  She was most similar to modern people from Spain and Sardinia
-  Her mtDNA haplogroup was  HV0
-- my mother's and my  mtDNA   H, H5a, H5a2, H5a2a  connected to  Sardinia, Azor island, Shetland island Scotland, Spain,   making a cross Sardinia and Spain. I am with dark hair and brown eyes
-  But her ancestors ultimately came to Europe from the Middle East, where agriculture was invented.
- A reconstruction of the Ballynahatty Neolithic skull 
- Her face look would be similar to modern Slavonic, German, etc Europeans and to plenty Soviet time women and girls USSR and to  actress and to sportwomen faces)
-  Work of  geneticists from Trinity College Dublin and archaeologists from Queen's University Belfast are published in the journal PNAS.

To compare particular to me and my DNA and my look:

-  The Ballynahatty woman was most similar to modern people from Spain and Sardinia
-- my mother's and my  mtDNA   H, H5a, H5a2, H5a2a  connected to  Sardinia, Azor island, Shetland island Scotland, Spain,   making a cross Sardinia and Spain.

- The Ballynahatty woman 's face and my face had some similarity of propertions of head, ears, face, some to my mother's mother look too.

- here i would compare 1-to-1
with a minimal size  0.1 cM   or  0.2 cM  or   0.3 cM or 0.4 cM or 0.5 cM 
to see a result for shared sequence, sizes, quantity, size of a longest,
but Gedmatch com closed down these possibilities for users now. So, i do what i can,
may be a manual compare much later. or i leave. I see.

Ballynahatty,  Ireland

Ballynahatty,  Ireland
From "Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish origins" (BBC, 28.12.2015):
By Paul Rincon, Science editor, BBC News website, Published 28 December 2015
"Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish origins"

?  May be connected ???  Может быть, есть связка с Ирландией-Англией? с Бладудом? ?:

Irkutsk        =   Ир  кут  ск
Ir Cut  Sky  =  Ир (Ирландец, Ир)  Резал (Резал, Разрезал)   Небо (Небо, Небеса)
Ir Cut  Sky  =  Ир, ирландец, разрезал небеса, небо = Ир упал с небес
Ir Cut  Sky    =  Ir  feld down from a sky - Ir cut sky
Ir Cut  Sky 
Irkutsk,       Siberia,   Russia
Иркутск ,  Сибирь,  Россия

+++ See plenty geographic names of Ireland looking similarity
to name  Bladyd  Bladdyd  Blladdyd 
Бладуд,  Бладдуд 
Bladud, Blaiddyd

May be 10th Legendar King of Enland  was born  in Ireland?

Ballynahatti near Belfast, Ireland:
remains of  female, living 5,200 years back in time in Ireland.

Plenty Irish geographic places sounding writting similar
to Bladyd Bladdyd,

Может быть, легендарный 10-ый король Англии
родился в  Ирландии?  Здесь много мест созвучных к его имени?
Бладуд, Бладдуд.

Также и в русских народных сказках:  Балда в сказке,
Может быть от оригинального имени   Блада Бладдуд Бладуд.

Russian poem  by  A.S.Pushkin  (worked in Russian Royalty Archives),
had a tale  with name  "Balda"  which may be in a fiction as a fiction name
from the original   Blada Blad Bladyd  Bladdyd
making by change of a place of letter.
0.5   сМ   размер  сита ловли совпадающих сегментов ДНК и Архаичных ДНК
0.5   cM   a minimal size of net for shared  segments   of samples of DNA to Archaic DNA samples

РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ сравнения  ДНК с базой данных Архаичных ДНК Ирландии
Results   Compare to Archaic DNA of  Ireland


F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC

Celtic genome


F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC

Celtic genome


The Rathlin group,
4,000 years back,
Bronze Age





F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC

* The Rathlin group
showed a close genetic affinity
with the modern Irish, Scottish and Welsh.

*  They had came
from Rathlin island, Ireland,
from ancient sources
in the Pontic Steppe
- a region now spread across
Russia and Ukraine.

*Эти ДНК с острова Ратлин, окторым 4000 лет,
представлены в современных
ирландцах, шотландцах, уэльцах

* Эти ДНК 4 000 лет назад с Ратлин (Ретлин, Рэтлин, Ратлин) острова
представлены ДНК троих мужчин - выходцев Понтик  Степей,
региона распределённого между Россиией и Украиной.

*  Трое Мужчин Бронзового века с Ирландии , 4 000 лет назад,  были
*   голубоглазые
*   УДНК       R1b,   R1b1a2a1a2 .       Гаплогруппа  УДНК   R1b
*   митоДНК    U5   или   J2b
*   все трое были выходцы степей региона Россия-Украина-Сибирь
*   трое мужчины по ДНК пересекаются с более поздними ДНК начала Бронзового Века в Центральной Европе  Ямная культура в степи в России
* Ямная культура степей  (7, 9, 10),  пересечения
* были исследованы также и генетические болезни и аномалии
*  ДНК троих мужчин имеет пересечения с современными людьми -
 ирландцами, шотландцами, уэльцами, валлийцами,
современными ирландцами,
также с ирландцами Бронзового века, с кельтами.
* по ДНК, они начали свою миграцию перемещеня с юга Сибири к океану и оттуда в Ирландию. У одного из мужчин чётче прослеживаются поколения степняков, жителей степей.
* кельты, история кельтов

*   blue eye color
*   R1b       haplotype     in YDNA
*   Y chromosome R1b haplotypes,
*   The hemochromatosis C282Y allele
*   The first detection of a known Mendelian disease variant in prehistory.
*   The Irish genome 4,000 y ago.
*  They came from the steppe/Pontic area Russia-Ukraine --- Sibiria.
*  Three longitudinal genome studies have also shown later genome-wide shifts around the beginnings of the Bronze Age in central Europe with substantial introgression originating with the Yamnaya steppe herders (7, 9, 10)   *Russia
*  mtDNA  U5 and J2b
*  YDNA     R1b,     R1b1a2a1a2

* The Rathlin group , lived 4,000 years back in time,
in  Rathlin island, off the coast of what's now Northern Ireland,
north, off the coast of Antrim, Northern Ireland.
The Bronze age,
showed a close genetic affinity
with the modern Irish, Scottish and Welsh.
* one of whom is a carrier for the C282Y hemochromatosis mutation, which has its highest frequencies in Ireland today.
* The Rathlin group , lived 4,000 years back in time,
The Bronze age,  - they had came
on  Rathlin island, Ireland,
from ancient sources
in the Pontic Steppe   
*  The Pontic Steppe
- a region now spread across
Russia and Ukraine.

* Three Bronze Age individuals
 from Rathlin Island (2026–1534 cal BC), including one high coverage (10.5;) genome,
showed substantial Steppe genetic heritage
indicating that the European population
all of the way from southern Siberia to the western ocean.
This turnover invites the possibility of accompanying introduction of Indo-European, perhaps early Celtic, language. Irish Bronze Age haplotypic similarity is strongest within modern Irish, Scottish, and Welsh populations, and several important genetic variants that today show maximal or very high frequencies in Ireland appear at this horizon.

*   These three male of Rathlin island, Ireland
had  genes  for lactase persistence,
*   blue eye color
*   R1b       haplotype     in YDNA
*   Y chromosome R1b haplotypes,
*   The hemochromatosis C282Y allele
*   The first detection of a known Mendelian disease variant in prehistory.
*   The Irish genome 4,000 y ago.
*  They came from the steppe/Pontic area Russia-Ukraine --- Sibiria.
*  Three longitudinal genome studies have also shown later genome-wide shifts around the beginnings of the Bronze Age in central Europe with substantial introgression originating with the Yamnaya steppe herders (7, 9, 10)   *Russia
*  mtDNA  U5 and J2b
*  YDNA     R1b,     R1b1a2a1a2
* The Bronze Age individuals belonged to the haplogroups U5 and J2b.
* Notably, the three Bronze Age males each belong to the Y chromosome haplogroup R1b1a2a1a2c
This lineage is characterized by a modern east–west frequency gradient
in the British Isles, and is almost fixed (94%) in the West of Ireland (19, 20).
R1b haplotypes have been argued as first appearing with steppe incursion in the central European Bronze Age.
* These three  men had genetic variants for blue eyes.
* They also have the most common Y type found in the modern Irish population.
*  The DNA point to ancestors from the Pontic Steppes.
*  Evidence for Mass Migration Into Ireland
*  Dr Lara Cassidy of Trinity College Dublin says that
*  Modern Celts are closer to the Rathlin Island men than the Ballynahatty woman.

* Genetic affinity is strongest between the Bronze Age genomes and modern Irish, Scottish and Welsh.


"Neolithic and Bronze Age migration to Ireland and establishment of the insular Atlantic genome"
By  Lara M. Cassidy, Rui Martiniano, Eileen M. Murphy, Matthew D. Teasdale, James Mallory, Barrie Hartwell, and Daniel G. Bradley
 See all authors and affiliations
PNAS January 12, 2016 113 (2) 368-373; first published December 28, 2015; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1518445113
Edited by Montgomery Slatkin, University of California, Berkeley, CA, and approved November 18, 2015 (received for review September 18, 2015)

Ballynahatty woman

BBC News/25 March 2018
Rincon, Paul. "Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish Origins". BBC News. BBC. Retrieved 25 March 2018.
Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish origins   / 28 December 2015
By Paul Rincon   
Science editor, BBC News website

Do You Share Ancient Irish DNA? Find Out With GEDmatch
November 6, 2020 by Margaret O'Brien
Do you share DNA with any of the four ancient Irish samples on GEDmatch?
Do You Share Ancient Irish DNA? Find Out With GEDmatch
November 6, 2020 by Margaret O'Brien


F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC
F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC


F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC
F999805   Баллинахатти, Ирландия, 3 200 лет до нашей эры или 5200 лет назад. Неолит

ДНК Кельтов

* ДНК женщины Неолита
с Баллинахатти, около Белфаста, остров Ирландия,
жившей 5 200 лет назад (где то 3 200 лет до нашей эры),
корнями с Испании и Сардинии,
а также древними корнями с Средней Азии.

F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC, female
female  / Баллинати женщина, Баллинати, рядом с Белфастом, Ирландия,
ге то  5200 лет назад по времени,  или  3 200 лет до нашей эры.
3.2 ky cal  BC
3,200 BC
3 200 лет  до нашей эры      
(а сейчас 2021 год нашей эры)
5221  лет назад по времени
5221  years back in time
Женщина . Female

Ballynahatty woman

BBC News/25 March 2018
Rincon, Paul. "Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish Origins". BBC News. BBC. Retrieved 25 March 2018.
Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish origins   / 28 December 2015
By Paul Rincon   
Science editor, BBC News website

Ballynahatty woman

BBC News/25 March 2018
Rincon, Paul. "Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish Origins". BBC News. BBC. Retrieved 25 March 2018.
Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish origins   / 28 December 2015
By Paul Rincon   
Science editor, BBC News website

More about this:

Баллинати женщина.

 a 5,200-year-old female 
farmer from the Neolithic period

(лицо женского пола) *Неолит, 
5200 лет назад, Ирландия,
из  Баллинатти (from Ballynahatty, near Belfast)
около Белфаста.


Ballynahatty woman

Ballynahatty woman

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ballynahatty woman

The Ballynahatty Woman is the name given to a prehistoric female human found in the townland of Ballynahatty near Belfast in 1855.

She is estimated to have lived about 5,000 years ago.

In 2015, her genome, along with that of a trio of men who lived 4,000 years ago, was sequenced by geneticists at Trinity College Dublin and archaeologists at Queen's University Belfast.

Ballynahatty Woman
one of the men
were found to have mutations
that can cause
a disease
where the body retains too much iron
and has a high prevalence in the British Isles.

She was found to have Neolithic Anatolian ancestry,
and out of modern peoples
most genetically resembles
the inhabitants of
Spain and Sardinia.


 Rincon, Paul. "Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish Origins". BBC News. BBC. Retrieved 25 March 2018.
 Bichell, Rae Ellen. "A 'Celtic Curse' Has Roots Stretching Back To The Bronze Age". NPR. NPR. Retrieved 25 March 2018.

BBC News
25 March 2018
Rincon, Paul. "Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish Origins". BBC News. BBC. Retrieved 25 March 2018.
Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish origins   / 28 December 2015
By Paul Rincon   
Science editor, BBC News website

Bichell, Rae Ellen. "A 'Celtic Curse' Has Roots Stretching Back To The Bronze Age". NPR. NPR. Retrieved 25 March 2018.

 From here

"Scientists have sequenced the first ancient human genomes from Ireland, shedding light on the genesis of Celtic populations.

The genome is the instruction booklet for building a human, comprising three billion paired DNA "letters".

The work shows that early Irish farmers were similar to southern Europeans.

Genetic patterns then changed dramatically in the Bronze Age - as newcomers from the eastern periphery of Europe settled in the Atlantic region.

Details of the work, by geneticists from Trinity College Dublin and archaeologists from Queen's University Belfast are published in the journal PNAS.

The ancient Irish genomes show unequivocal evidence
for mass migration in both cases.

Team members sequenced the genomes of

Баллинати женщина.

 a 5,200-year-old female 
farmer from the Neolithic period

(лицо женского пола) *Неолит, 
5200 лет назад, Ирландия,
из  Баллинатти (from Ballynahatty, near Belfast)
около Белфаста.

DNA analysis of
the Neolithic woman
from Ballynahatty, near Belfast,
reveals that she was most similar to modern people from Spain and Sardinia.
But her ancestors ultimately came to Europe from the Middle East,
where agriculture was invented.

Rathlin island, Ireland
F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC

Rathlin island, Ireland
F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC,   Rathlin island, Ireland, male
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC,   Rathlin island, Ireland, male
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC, Rathlin island, Ireland, male
х3  males, lived about  4,000 years back. The Bronze Age.
х3 мужчин, жили где-то около 4 000 лет назад. Бронзовый Век.

*Эти ДНК с острова Ратлин, окторым 4000 лет,
представлены в современных
ирландцах, шотландцах, уэльцах

* Эти ДНК 4 000 лет назад с Ратлин (Ретлин, Рэтлин, Ратлин) острова
представлены ДНК троих мужчин - выходцев Понтийских Степей,
региона распределённого между Россиией и Украиной.

 three   (трое мужчин)
4,000-year-old males
from the Bronze Age.
The males from Rathlin Island,

who lived not long after metallurgy was introduced,
showed a different pattern to the Neolithic woman.
Трое мужчин
Бронзовый Век
4 000 лет назад,
Реслин  (Раслин) остров, Ирландия.
Трое мужчин.

A third of their ancestry came
from ancient sources
in the Pontic Steppe
- a region now spread across
Russia and Ukraine.

"There was a great wave of genome change that swept into [Bronze Age] Europe from above the Black Sea... we now know it washed all the way to the shores of its most westerly island," said geneticist Dan Bradley, from Trinity College Dublin, who led the study."

"In contrast to the Neolithic woman, the Rathlin group showed a close genetic affinity with the modern Irish, Scottish and Welsh.

"Our finding is that there is some haplotypic [a set of linked DNA variants] continuity between our 4,000 year old genomes and the present Celtic populations, which is not shown strongly by the English," Prof Bradley told BBC News."

 Bichell, Rae Ellen. "A 'Celtic Curse' Has Roots Stretching Back To The Bronze Age". NPR. NPR. Retrieved 25 March 2018.

Categories: History of BelfastArchaeology of deathHuman remains (archaeological)Stone Age Britain1855 archaeological discoveries

Архаические древние ДНК Ирландии и я
GEDmatch Archaic Matches
                *  Segments shown are larger than 0.5 cM.


GEDmatch Archaic Matches
Matching Segments for kit         (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)



F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC
F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC

Genetic history of the British Isles

Чуть подробнее:

The Optional add to here, the history of Ireland.

"Ireland's Neolithic inhabitants traced their origins to an expansion of people out of Anatolia (modern Turkey) around 6,000-7,000 years ago. This migration transformed Europe's way of life from one focused on hunting to one based on agriculture. Genetically, Ireland's first farmers were most closely related to people living at broadly the same time in Iberia (modern Spain and Portugal).      Over generations, the farmers traversed the Mediterranean from Anatolia to Iberia, weaving their way up the French coast before making their way to Ireland by sea." (BBC, 2015)

I add i searched Bible and ancient legend of Ireland how people came to live to Ireland.

Some old Irish family legends saved they lived in Turkey were now and in place  named (I do not remember, probably, started with "M").   There were being plenty local civial military wars between local tribes, clans, families without the stop, one day one up into a power, another day other up into a power with a bloody consequences to each of sides of conflict for a power.

So, one local "king"  (of local huge poweful tribe) offered his  plan to ancestirs of Irish people:

They stop to fight, they just moved away from Turkey  by boats (providing to them) to settle down somewhere far far away on their just own land. And to make this more sweet,  he offered his own daugter  (the king's daughter)  to be a wife and a woman for a main "king" of ancient Irish tribes the family living in Turkey.

Really, the task of his daughter was  still to look for them all not to return back on thir boats to start all again.   But  on another words of legends, this was a condition for a peaceful solution of this conflict making no one would be down worse as a low:  the grant of marriage and a daugter of king as a peaceful barrier to stop to fight.

The ancient of Irishmen and Irishwomen used boats  to came to Old Greek  church  Pifia to ask her their way to find their own land and they paid a lot.  So,  the ancient Old Greek Pifia opened them to where to go by boats on The East and where as a new land for them all.

They leaved and they managed to open island England, the island Ireland making their Home Land Ireland.

Irish legends saved more, as anmes, details, what was they came, they saw some Gygants in place where  Wales-Corwalls , they fighted to kill Gygants, saved a name of one of them (Magog or somethings as this).    Some stop was in Spain for a part of them, - they came after, when the idland was opened as a new land already,  some locals of Spain (Bask province) came, some stayed in Spain, some moved to settle down a new land.

Some legend saved  Old Egypt Pharaons Kings'  boats came   to them    to find to see with some stories.

Some waves of migrants to occupate island England and Ireland  ended   by the emptiness by a new illness, cold, flue, there was so wet and not healthy air in moments.

Some Old Siberian legend of Far North saved  stories  as each whom came by a boat  (to island England-Ireland)  no one after returned  back, people decided so, each was a died as no one returned back, --   this was on a time when The Ice Age melted the ice connection as one huge icy area  Ireland-England - Scandinavia-Europe-Russia-America:  people may use dogs to travel on a distance but when a climate changed, the ice melted to a water making barriers to cross and so to return back to a home land, people settle down so to stay in one place, making villages. and England and Ireland started to be islands to be reached by boats, ships.

Some spread was as a local mix, some wide to next local area, mixed, some stayed , some moved.
So, Irish moved and to USA a lot. Some to Scotland. Some of them moved to Russian Impair:
a famout story of Irish woman as a Nanny  for  Russian Princess /Russian Princes of Romanov family.

As I am a Russian Ethnic with a mix ancestry of  Siberia, Altai Mountaunts, Volga region, etc etc and Europe, it would be hard to find  a cross so easy as some ancient travel connections or some personnel travel to find a working places and making children as a point of a life. I know more, I need to make more study.    But some of Irish clans, Irish names/surnames connected to me as my genetic cousins   4th or 4th-Distance/Remote,   5th or 5th-Distance-Remote.

I decided not to point which Irish from Ireland places/names would be my genetic couisns
as we had not any personnel contacts and may be they would prefer to keep this as a private.
But i survrised. There would be less 2%  of  modern Irish DNA from Ireland connected to me, so, not a lot.

Plenty people had a special extra-value of  Ireland and Irish while never was, or visited or met any Irish traveller.    But the expression of  Ireland is a huge as a cultural, legends, historical, emotionals, mystic, still as The history of Christians.

Really, 9th  legendar  English  KIng  's names  somethings as   Blladd..... with legend similar to Icarus and Dedal , making a mystic touck to see Irish geographic names plenty with parts of name of 9th English King name   parts Blladduin ...     as in Irish writings with ll a dd  and Icarus -- I(ca)r(us) = Ir
Icarus   Ikarus   
I    r (us)

The History of Enland put 9th English KIng of  England to Bath town in  England.
But his name, if not to read to know this and to try to find on a map as a some of georgaphic name,  -   plenty similar to 9th King of  England name  would be similar to plenty Irish geographic names in Ireland,

this make some hidden secrets point.

Where so was The Ancient English KIndom?  May be, in Ireland?

May be, the twists of power and so the official history twist asked re-write things of official history,  making   Ireland as Ireland and England as England and to hide places of ancient legendar 1st Ancient England  as Ireland?

We need a lot to find to search this .

The names of Noble making a names of villages, Castles, towns, names of streets as whom lived here:    so,   plenty  Irish  places of Ireland  look likes connected  to name of  9th Legendar English King, may be one of this place was his native birth place?

Sir Balsham - a village Balsham

Sir Mansfield - town Mansfield, Street name Mansfield

Ireland looked saved plenty names sounding similar to 9th Legendar King Of England

"Эдвар, 1ый Король Всей Англии, короноват Дунстаном, Архиепископом Кентерберийским,
в Саксонском Аббатстве Бат Аббаство  в   973 году"

"EDGAR, first King of all England, was crowned by Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, in the Saxon Abbey on this site on Whitsunday AD 973"   *From the Bath Abbey

Bath     Бат    в русском  переводе


bath  [бас, баз,  бес, без]  ванна, купальня
th   переводится  как  (от контекста)   "с" "з" "де" "се" "зе" "тсе" "тзе" "т" "тх" "х"

Bath                Бат      (город  Bath)
a bath  [бас, баз, бес, без]  ванна, ванная комната, купальня,  корото, купель, лохань, баня
a bat     [бат, бэт, бет] = летучая мышь 
Batman  [Бетмен]        Бетмен
Bath                Бат      (город  Bath)
a bath  [бас, баз, бес, без]  ванна, ванная комната, купальня,  корото, купель, лохань, баня
Bathilica                Базилика
Bus  [бас]  автобус

Сложно понять почему, в Англии люди в возрасте бояться мыться в ванне ,
может потому, что легко подскользнуться,  входя, вступая, или выходя,
многие предпочитают обтираться намыленными влажными матерчатыми махровыми мини-полотенцами и затем горячим-тёплым полотецем, экономя воду.
И этим они напоминают котов и кошек: те тоже предпочитают не мыться в воде где много воды, "облизал себя где как смог: и вроде всё чисто".   Мне кажется потому иногда,
часть англичан всё же потомки котов и кошек, никак не обезьян. Но история ДНК эту версию вроде бы никак не потверждает пока.  (Шутка).

I noticed plenty English people in age has a fear of a bathing, a bath, filling a warm water with bubbles to step inside to wash, - similar to cats, so, as they disliked to be complitly wet or in a bath.
This notice put me to quess that  old ancestors  of English people might been cats , tommy-cats and pussy-cats, they so afraid a bathing, making a cleaning self-process by parts to parts.  But modern days geneologists had not prove this my hypotesa would be a right evolutional fact on this moment of time .    (a type of a joke)

Really, plenty Irish places of Ireland had names sounding writing closed to
Bladud, Blaiddyd, as to 10th Legendar King of England.

Bladud   -   10th Legendar King of England   Bladud
Blaiddud  - 10th Legendar King of England    Blaiddud

Geoffrey of Monmouth,
The History of the Kings of Britain, translated by Lewis Thorpe, Penguin, 1966

John Clark,
Bladud of Bath: The archaeology of a legend, Folklore vol. 105 (1994), 39-50.

Bladud   -   10th Legendar King of England   Bladud
Blaiddud  - 10th Legendar King of England    Blaiddud

Now see the map of Ireland?

Список легендарных королей Британии
10ый легендарный Король Британии
Бладуд,  Бладдуд  (Bladud, Blaiddyd)
929 до н. э.—909 до н. э.


Бладуд,  Бладдуд  (Bladud, Blaiddyd)

Бладуд,  Бладдуд 
Bladud, Blaiddyd

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Перейти к навигацииПерейти к поиску
валл. Blaiddyd
Бладуд. Средневековая гравюра
Бладуд. Средневековая гравюра
10-й легендарный король Британии
929 до н. э. — 909 до н. э.
Коронация 929 до н. э.
Предшественник Руд Гуд Гудибрас
Преемник Леир
Рождение X век до н. э.
Смерть 909 до н. э.
Отец Руд Гуд Гудибрас
Дети Леир               (у Шекспира:  "Король Лир")

Статуя Бладуда

Бладуд (валл. Blaiddyd),
согласно исследованиям Гальфрида Монмутского,
десятый легендарный король Британии,
сын короля Руда Гуда Гудибраса.

Его биография очень необычна. Отец отослал его в Афины учиться свободным искусствам. После смерти отца он вернулся на родину. С собой он привез 4 философов. Основал университет в Стэмфорде в Линкольншире.

Также он основал город Бат, который известен своими горячими термальными водами.
 Он построил этот город в честь богини Афины. История поисков термальних источников очень интересная. Бладуд заразился проказой в Афинах. После возвращения домой его арестовали из-за этой болезни. Бладуд смог сбежать и нашёл работу на ферме, где выращивали свиней. Однажды он заметил, что, свиньи куда-то уходят из фермы и возвращаются все в чёрной грязи. Он также заметил, что после этих купаний у свиней исчезают любые заболевания кожи. Бладуд проследил за свиньями и нашел термальные источники. С их помощью он вылечил проказу[источник не указан 3284 дня] и только тогда вернулся во дворец и стал править страной.

Легенда утверждает, что Бладуд занимался некромантией, с помощью чего придумал крылья и научился летать. Он погиб во время полета, ударившись об стену или упавши на землю.


Бладуд,  Бладдуд 
Bladud, Blaiddyd
A Bleydiud son of Caratauc
"Wolf-lord"                = "Господин  Волк"  "Лорд Волк" "Волк-Господин" "Волк-Лорд"
* Welsh blaidd "wolf" + iudd "lord"  = (Валлийское Blaidd "Волк" + iudd "лорд, господин")
The biblical prophet Elijah (9th century BC).
Elijahi     (= " "My God is Yahweh")
Abaris the Hyperborean, the healer known from Classical Greek sources
Icarus and Dedal
Ikarus and Deddal

Notes 1

Бладуд,  Бладдуд 
Bladud, Blaiddyd
A Bleydiud son of Caratauc
= ? =  The biblical prophet Elijah (9th century BC).
Elijahi     (= " "My God is Yahweh")
Elijah or Ilyas    (in Quran)

Notes 2

From Wikipedia, The Free Enciclioedia

The biblical prophet Elijah (9th century BC).
Elijahi     (= " "My God is Yahweh")

the Books of Kings
in the Hebrew Bible,
-  a prophet and a miracle worker who lived in the northern kingdom of Israel
during the reign of King Ahab (9th century BCE).

In 1 Kings 18,
defended the worship of the Hebrew God
over that of
the Canaanite deity Baal.

God also performed many miracles through Elijah,
including resurrection,

bringing fire down from the sky,
and entering heaven alive "by fire".

He is also portrayed as leading a school of prophets known as "the sons of the prophets".

Following his ascension, Elisha, his disciple and most devoted assistant, took over his role as leader of this school.

The Book of Malachi
"before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD",

making him a harbinger of the Messiah
and of the eschaton in various faiths that revere
the Hebrew Bible.

The Book of Malachi prophesies Elijah's return "before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD", making him a harbinger of the Messiah and of the eschaton in various faiths that revere the Hebrew Bible. References to Elijah appear in Sirach, the New Testament, the Mishnah and Talmud, the Quran, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and Bah;;; writings.

References to Elijah

in Sirach,
the New Testament,
the Mishnah
and Talmud,
the Quran,
the Book of Mormon,
the Doctrine and Covenants,
and Bah;;; writings.


In Judaism,
Elijah's name is invoked at the weekly Havdalah rite that marks the end of Shabbat,
and Elijah is invoked in other Jewish customs, among them the Passover Seder and the brit milah (ritual circumcision).

He appears in numerous stories and references in the Haggadah and rabbinic literature,
including the Babylonian Talmud.

According to the Hebrew Bible, Elijah will return during the End of Times.

The Christian
New Testament notes that some people thought that Jesus was, in some sense, Elijah, but it also makes clear that John the Baptist is "the Elijah" who was promised to come in Malachi 3:1; 4:5. According to accounts in all three of the Synoptic Gospels, Elijah appeared with Moses during the Transfiguration of Jesus.

In Islam,
Elijah or Ilyas
appears in the Quran
as a prophet and messenger of God,
where his biblical narrative of preaching against the worshipers of Baal is recounted in a concise form.

Due to his importance
to Muslims, Catholics, and Orthodox Christians,
has been venerated as the patron saint
of Bosnia and Herzegovina since 1752.




Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Илия (значения).
др.-евр. ; (Элияху)

Илия Пророк с житием и деисусом.
Из церкви Ильи Пророка
в погосте Выбуты, близ Пскова. Конец XIII века.
Государственная Третьяковская галерея

Пол мужской
Период жизни IX век до н. э.
Толкование имени мой Бог — (имя Бога)
В иных культурах Ильяс (ислам)
Элийя (иудаизм)
Местность род. Фесвия Галаадская
Занятие пророк
Происхождение в колене Неффалимовом
Отец Совах
Супруга нет
День памяти православие — 20 июля (2 августа), католицизм — 16 февраля

Связанные персонажи
Елисей, Ахав, Иезавель

Огненная колесница

 (ивр. ;;; [Элийяху], ивр. ; [Элийя] «Бог мой Яхве»; др.-греч. в исламе — араб.  [;;;;;]) — ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ; IX ;;;; ;; ;. ;.

— ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ; IX ;;;; ;; ;. ;.

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 ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;
; ;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;     (3;;;. 17–20   ;   4;;;. 1–3).

;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;,
;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;,
;;; ;; ;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;
;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;
(3 ;;;. 17:1).

;; ;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;,
;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;,
;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;.

;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;; ;;;;;; (;;;;;;;),
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;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;
; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;
 (3;;;. 18:40).

;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;.

;; ;;;;;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;;;.
;;;;;;; ; ;;;; ;;;;;, ;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;,
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;;; ; ;;;;;;;;, ;;; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;, ;;; ;;;; ;;; ;;;; ;; ;;;; ;;;;;:

«;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;,
; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;,
; ;;;;;;; ;;;; ; ;;;;; ;; ;;;;»               (4;;;. 2:11).

;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;,
;; ;;;; ;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;;, ;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; (;;;. 5:24).

;;;;;;;, ; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;, ;;;

;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;, ;; ; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;, ; ;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;.

;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;,

;;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;
;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; «;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;»   (;;;;. 11:3),
;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;,
«;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;»    (;;;;. 11:7).

; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;, ;;;; ;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;:
«;;;; ;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;, — ; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;»   (;;;;;. 48:12).

;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;,
;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; («;;;;;;»),
;;;;;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;    (4;;;. 2:11-13).

;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;

; ;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;, ;;;

;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;; ;; ;;;;;:
«;;;, ; ;;;;; ; ;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;
;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;» (;;;. 4:5).

; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;, ;;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;
; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;,
;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;, ;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;
; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; (;;. 17:12), (;;. 11:14),
;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;;;; ;;;;
; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;.

;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;
;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;,
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— ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;.

;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;

;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;; «;;;;;;;;;;;» ;;;; ; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;;; (3 ;;;. 17:1), ;;-;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;.

;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;
(3 ;;;. 17:6) ; ;;;;; (3 ;;;. 19:5-6).

;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;
;; ;;;;;;;, ; ;;;;;;, ;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;;; ;;; ; ;;;;;;;
(;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;,
;; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;: orvim — arabim).

;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;; ; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;
 (3 ;;;. 17:13-16).

;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;
(3 ;;;. 17:21-22), ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;
— ;;. ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;.

;;;;;; ;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;
(3 ;;;. 18:36-38).

;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; «;;;;;;;;;;» ;;;;
(3 ;;;. 18:41-45).

;;;;;;; ; ;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;, ;;;;;; ;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;;
 (3 ;;;. 19:9-14).

;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;,
 ;;; ; ;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(4 ;;;. 1:10-12).

;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;,
 ;;;;;; ;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;
(4 ;;;. 2:8).

;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;; ;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;
 (4 ;;;. 2:11).

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* Why someone put the idea that English  legendar 10th KIng Of Englad Bladdyd (about  9 century before BC)  might be Ejiah?       I tried to find  odds:

- Plenty Irish places names containt  somethings as similar to Bladdyd Bladyd Blladyd Blladdyd Bla... Blla ... Blad... Blladd ... Bladd.., so step 1st  we link  English King Bladdyd and Ireland as a tie links together.

- 2nd step: plenty Irish people leaved Ireland and tey settled down in USA, USA state language is English   (American English), the size so huge some power, making the association "Kingdom" and "English Kingdom"  and "American President of a country, talking on English language as "English King", so, we tie this,  explaining the replacement where  "English King" may stay for "American President of USA".

- 3rd step.  name of English King as Bladdud Bladdyd Bladyd ---  see step 1 linked to geographic places in Ireland, living in USA, rules as King of England  (=meaning USA) = this means a particula someone as American President (King Of Enland, usuing English language to rule), making  "decendents  of    Ireland"

- 4 Step.   We look  USA history,  American Presidents names lists with Irish roots, we may find them.

USA history, 
American Presidents USA  -  names
whom had/has their  Irish roots

- i do remember some names here straight, may you? -

-5.  Odds  Bladyd ----- Eliah Elias Ilias :
The Bible story about  Sanction   TO DIE FROM A HUNGRY DEATHS
for population of some  area  IF THEY HAD NOT DO WHAT SAID AS RIGHT.

This method named a black mail method : or you do or yours will die
This method named as a terrorists / criminals chantages methods.

Do you remember The Beslan School and  whom took this,
said their conditions  "or we use the explosive and each died here" ?

I mean  we read a terrible warning   of    Illias to locals:
- or you stop to use your local traditional religion now, or i put santions for 10 years no food will grow this area.
- oh, you continue tours while i said you to stop, well!   You have now my sanctions what i warned!

After:   the victory, each religion opponent had been murdered "to stop this rules of your religion which i dislike!"

Well,  i do not blame here  no one     as    old  religoius used  humans sacrofaction , children sacrofaction,  adults in power murdered whom had not a power and children too.

The   stop of this saved  plenty lives.

So, we do not point a finher to blame any side, some had a sad loss of their lives, so, paid terrible prices.

But i extract just a method of sanctions from all this as this some method of deal with problems
from modern Presidents USA  -  on a level  of ancient  time in Bible.

And this method is not looking already now right for us as to modern people of 21 century.

* ;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;,  ; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ; ";;;;;;;",  ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;, ;, ;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;; ;;; ;; (;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;",  ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;  ;  ;;;;;;;;;; (;;;;;, ;;;;, ;;;;;; ;;;;) ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;.

* ;;;;;;; ; ;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;, ;;; ; ;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;  ;;;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;; ; ;;;; ;;;; ; ;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;,  ;;;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;, ;;; ;;;, ;;;;;; ;;;.

* ;; ;;;;;;;;  ";;;;;;;"  ";; (;;;;;;;;)  ;;;;;;; ;;;; (;;;;;;), -- ;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;  ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;, ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;; (;;;;;;;;;;;;?) ,  ;;; ";;;;;;;;" ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; - ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;, ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;.

* ;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;?  ;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;; ;;;-;;?  ;;; ;;;;;;;?  ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;? ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;? ;;;;;; ;;;;; - ;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;   (;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;; ;; ; ;;; ;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;).

*  ;; ;;;;; ;;;; =  ;; ;;; ;;;; = 3 ;;;;;.  ;;;, ;;;;, ;;;;;;. ;;;; ;;;;. ;;;;; ;;;; ??
;;;; ;;;;  - ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; 10-;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;,
;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;.

*   ;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;;; ; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;
;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; 5 200 ;;; ;;;;;.
;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ,  ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;:
 Ballynhatti  ; ;;; ";;;"  ;;; ; ; ";;;;;;" ";;;;;;;"   Baldyd Balddyd.

;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; , ; Rathlin, Ireland
;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;
;;;;;;; ;;;; 4000 ;;; ;;;;;.

;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;,
;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;.

;; ;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;; ; ;;;, ;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;.

; ;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;; ;  ;;;;;;;;;;; 10-;; ;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;
;;; ;;;; ; ;;;; ;;;;, ;; ;;;, ;; ;;;.

;; ;;;;;;;;;:

Bladud or Blaiddyd[a] is a legendary king of the Britons, although there is no historical evidence for his existence.

He is first mentioned in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae (c. 1136),
which describes him as

the son of King Rud Hud

and the tenth ruler in line from the first king, Brutus, saying

Bladud was contemporaneous with the biblical prophet Elijah (9th century BC).

A Bleydiud son of Caratauc is mentioned in the Welsh Harleian MS 3859 genealogies, suggesting to some that Geoffrey misinterpreted a scrap of Welsh genealogy (such as the Harleian genealogies itself or a related text). The Welsh form of the name is given as Blaiddyd in manuscripts of the Brut Tysilio (Welsh translations of Geoffrey's Historia). The meaning of the name is "Wolf-lord" (Welsh blaidd "wolf" + iudd "lord").[3] In the text he is said to have founded the city of Bath. He was succeeded by his son Leir (the Shakespearean King Lear).

The tale of Bladud was later embellished by other authors, such as John Hardyng and John Higgins, writing in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.



;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;; 
A Bleydiud son of Caratauc
"Wolf-lord"                = ";;;;;;;;  ;;;;"  ";;;; ;;;;" ";;;;-;;;;;;;;" ";;;;-;;;;"
* Welsh blaidd "wolf" + iudd "lord"  = (;;;;;;;;;; Blaidd ";;;;" + iudd ";;;;, ;;;;;;;;")
The biblical prophet Elijah (9th century BC).
;;;;;    (9 ;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;. ;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;)
;;;; - ;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;  ;;;;;  (9 ;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;)
;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; , ;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;
;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;
;;;; ; ;;;;;

a legendary king of the Britons, although there is no historical evidence for his existence.
He is first mentioned in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae (c. 1136),
which describes him as the son of King Rud Hud Hudibras, and the tenth ruler in line from the first king, Brutus, saying Bladud was contemporaneous with the biblical prophet Elijah (9th century BC).

was contemporaneous with
the biblical prophet
(9th century BC).

A Bleydiud son of Caratauc
is mentioned in
the Welsh Harleian MS 3859 genealogies,

suggesting to some that
Geoffrey misinterpreted a scrap of Welsh genealogy
(such as the Harleian genealogies itself or a related text).
The Welsh form of the name is given as
in manuscripts of
the Brut Tysilio (Welsh translations of Geoffrey's Historia).
 The meaning of the name is "Wolf-lord" (Welsh blaidd "wolf" + iudd "lord").
In the text he is said to have founded the city of Bath.
He was succeeded by his son Leir (the Shakespearean King Lear).

The tale of Bladud was later embellished by other authors, such as John Hardyng and John Higgins, writing in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.

Bladud, Blaiddyd
he ruled for twenty years from 863 BC or perhaps 500 BC,
in which time he built
Kaerbadum or

The tale claims that he also encouraged the practice of necromancy,
or divination through the spirits of the dead.

Through this practice, he is said to have constructed wings for himself
and to have tried to fly to (or from)
the temple of Apollo
Trinovantum (London)
or Troja Nova
(New Troy),

but to have been killed when he hit a wall,
or to have fallen and been dashed to pieces or broken his neck.

?  May be connected ???  ;;;;; ;;;;, ;;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;? ; ;;;;;;;;? ?:

Irkutsk        =   ;;  ;;;  ;;
Ir Cut  Sky  =  ;; (;;;;;;;;, ;;)  ;;;;; (;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;)   ;;;; (;;;;, ;;;;;;)
Ir Cut  Sky  =  ;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;, ;;;; = ;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;
Ir Cut  Sky    =  Ir  feld down from a sky - Ir cut sky
Ir Cut  Sky 
Irkutsk,       Siberia,   Russia
;;;;;;; ,  ;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;

+++ See plenty geographic names of Ireland looking similarity
to name  Bladyd  Bladdyd  Blladdyd 
;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;; 
Bladud, Blaiddyd

May be 10th Legendar King of Enland  was born  in Ireland?

Ballynahatti near Belfast, Ireland:
remains of  female, living 5,200 years back in time in Ireland.

Plenty Irish geographic places sounding writting similar
to Bladyd Bladdyd,

;;;;; ;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;; 10-;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;
;;;;;;; ;  ;;;;;;;;?  ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;; ;;;;;?
;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;.

;;;;; ; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;:  ;;;;; ; ;;;;;;,
;;;;; ;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;   ;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;.

Russian poem  by  A.S.Pushkin  (worked in Russian Royalty Archives),
had a tale  with name  "Balda"  which may be in a fiction as a fiction name
from the original   Blada Blad Bladyd  Bladdyd
making by change of a place of letter.

He was supposedly buried at New Troy
and succeeded by his son, Leir.

Conflation with Abaris the Hyperborean
Eighteenth century Bath architect John Wood,
the Elder wrote about Bladud, and put forth the fanciful suggestion
that he should be identified with
Abaris the Hyperborean, the healer known from Classical Greek sources.

In fiction

Vera Chapman's
Blaedud the Birdman is a fantasy novel about the character.

Moyra Caldecott's
The Winged Man is a fictional account of the life of Bladud.

Bladud, Blaiddyd

;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;;  (Bladud, Blaiddyd)

;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;; 
Bladud, Blaiddyd
A Bleydiud son of Caratauc
"Wolf-lord"                = ";;;;;;;;  ;;;;"  ";;;; ;;;;" ";;;;-;;;;;;;;" ";;;;-;;;;"
* Welsh blaidd "wolf" + iudd "lord"  = (;;;;;;;;;; Blaidd ";;;;" + iudd ";;;;, ;;;;;;;;")
The biblical prophet Elijah (9th century BC).
Abaris the Hyperborean, the healer known from Classical Greek sources
Icarus and Dedal
Ikarus and Deddal

;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;; 
A Bleydiud son of Caratauc
"Wolf-lord"                = ";;;;;;;;  ;;;;"  ";;;; ;;;;" ";;;;-;;;;;;;;" ";;;;-;;;;"
* Welsh blaidd "wolf" + iudd "lord"  = (;;;;;;;;;; Blaidd ";;;;" + iudd ";;;;, ;;;;;;;;")
The biblical prophet Elijah (9th century BC).
;;;;;    (9 ;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;. ;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;)
;;;; - ;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;  ;;;;;  (9 ;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;)
;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; , ;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;
;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;
;;;; ; ;;;;;

?  May be connected ???  ;;;;; ;;;;, ;;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;? ; ;;;;;;;;? ?:

Irkutsk        =   ;;  ;;;  ;;
Ir Cut  Sky  =  ;; (;;;;;;;;, ;;)  ;;;;; (;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;)   ;;;; (;;;;, ;;;;;;)
Ir Cut  Sky  =  ;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;, ;;;; = ;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;
Ir Cut  Sky    =  Ir  feld down from a sky - Ir cut sky
Ir Cut  Sky 
Irkutsk,       Siberia,   Russia
;;;;;;; ,  ;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;




IRELAND      ;;;;;;;;

F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC

* The Rathlin group
showed a close genetic affinity
with the modern Irish, Scottish and Welsh.

*  They had came
from Rathlin island, Ireland,
from ancient sources
in the Pontic Steppe
- a region now spread across
Russia and Ukraine.

*;;; ;;; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;, ;;;;;;; 4000 ;;;,
;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;

* ;;; ;;; 4 000 ;;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;; (;;;;;;, ;;;;;;, ;;;;;;) ;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;; - ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;  ;;;;;;,
;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;.

IRELAND      ;;;;;;;;

F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC
F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC

Celtic genome

The Ballynahatty  Woman
5,200 years bacl

* The Ballynahatty DNA of woman, female,
living in Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   
near Belfast, Ireland,   
about 5,200 years back in Time (about 3,200 y BC), Neolit

* The woman, they discovered, had one of the gene variants responsible
for hemochromatosis

*A Neolithic woman (3343–3020 cal BC) from a megalithic burial (10.3; coverage) possessed a genome of predominantly Near Eastern origin. She had some hunter–gatherer ancestry but belonged to a population of large effective size, suggesting a substantial influx of early farmers to the island.

* myDNA    HV0

* The Neolithic individual, Ballynahatty, belongs to HV0,
a clade with highest frequencies seen in Early and Middle Neolithic groups
from Germany and France
and which has not been identified in any Mesolithic Europeans.

*  the Ballynahatty female plotting with five other MN samples from Germany, Spain, and Scandinavia.

* The Ballynahatty  woman had brown eyes and black hair.
* When comparing her genetic makeup to modern humans, she is most
akin to people of Spain and Sardinia.

* But her DNA also points to ancestors from the Middle East.


"Neolithic and Bronze Age migration to Ireland and establishment of the insular Atlantic genome"
By  Lara M. Cassidy, Rui Martiniano, Eileen M. Murphy, Matthew D. Teasdale, James Mallory, Barrie Hartwell, and Daniel G. Bradley
 See all authors and affiliations
PNAS January 12, 2016 113 (2) 368-373; first published December 28, 2015; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1518445113
Edited by Montgomery Slatkin, University of California, Berkeley, CA, and approved November 18, 2015 (received for review September 18, 2015)

Ballynahatty woman

BBC News/25 March 2018
Rincon, Paul. "Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish Origins". BBC News. BBC. Retrieved 25 March 2018.
Ancient DNA sheds light on Irish origins   / 28 December 2015
By Paul Rincon   
Science editor, BBC News website

Do You Share Ancient Irish DNA? Find Out With GEDmatch
November 6, 2020 by Margaret O'Brien
Do you share DNA with any of the four ancient Irish samples on GEDmatch?
Do You Share Ancient Irish DNA? Find Out With GEDmatch
November 6, 2020 by Margaret O'Brien

* Gedmatch.com had been sold out and new owners changed limits to up
prior this a minimal net size was 0.5cM  1 cM 3cM 4 cM 5cM 7cM  etc
to  0.5 cN for Ancient DNA compare just
not to other searches Ancient DNA 1-to-1, People, whom shared
making a impossible to lean to know things
we were able , compare our DNA kit to Ancient DNA kit
via 1-to-1 and "People, whom shared".
You would be not able to use tools to see this as Gedmatch.com had been sold out by Rodger
and new owners of his work changed measures to cancel access to the information.
* Before this, I used a net size  1cM or  0.5 cM for Ancient DNA, was interesting to read names whom was more closed genetic cousins.  I never copied this was a privacy, but i enjoyed this tool use
* You would be not this and paying your money as abilities closed down and for free use and for paid use.  So,  i am not able to recommend you as i reccommend this before.

The Example.

APPENDIX      ;;;;;;;;;;

Appendix 1 .   ;;;;;;;;;; 1.

Appendix 1 .   ;;;;;;;;;; 1.

Appendix 2 .   ;;;;;;;;;; 2.

Ir Cut Sky
;;;;;;;; (;;  Ir)  ;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;; (;;;,  Cut  , Kut) ;;;;, ;;;;;; (;;;; , Sky)

I am  = ;   , ; ;;;;   ; ;;;;;;;;;;:
I'm        ;                (;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;-;;;;;;)
I'a          ;          (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;)
i'aa         ;         (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;)
'am         ;       (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;)
'aa         ;         (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;)
'a            ;         (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;)
; = I am,  I'm,  I'a

; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ";" ;;;;;;;; ;; "I am" (=;),
;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;.
;;;;, ;;;; money ;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;
;;;  a tan - ;;;;;,  tan - ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;; ;;;; 
;;;   Peat ;;;   ;;;.  Peat, Pit  ";;;;;;;;, ;" = ;;; ;;;;;
;;; Pet    ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; (;;;, ;;;;;, ;;;, ;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;, ;;;;;;;, ;;;;)
;;; ;;;  Cat  ;;;;;

;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;

My  Christian Baptised name   is  Irina  (Irina, Ira, Irisha, Iriska)   (baptised in 1961)
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;  ;;;;;  (;;;;;, ;;;, ;;;;;, ;;;;;;) (;;;;;;;; 1961;)

Russian female popular name:
Ira,   Irisha,  Irina     - ;;;, ;;;;;,   ;;;;;

Irisha   ,   -   Russian female popular ancient name Ira, Irisha, Irina
Irisha,  Ira,   Irina  =  ;;;;;, ;;;,   ;;;;;
Irish   [;;;;;]  ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;
Ireland    [;;;;;;]  ;;;;;;;;,  ";;;;; ;;, ;;;;; ;;;"   (;; - ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;)
Ir   ;;
Ira   ;;;
Irish  ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;
Irisha ;;;;;

Russian female populat name:
Ira,   Irisha,  Irina     - ;;;, ;;;;;,   ;;;;;


;;;, ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;: 
Rome, Roman Impair, Romania
off      ;;    ;;
- off   -ov     -;;;   -;;

* ;;; ;;;;;;; ";;;;;"  (;;;;;) (;;;;;)
*  ;;;;;;   ------ ;;;;;; - ;;; - ;;;;;
*  ;;  , ;;,   - ;;; ;;, ;;; ;;
* man ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;
* ";;;;;;; ;;;; ;; . ;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;.  ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;. (;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;)
* ;;;;;, ;;;;;;, ;;;, ;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;.
;;-;;;. ;;; ;;;;;, ;;; ;;;;;, ;;; ;;;;;;;
* ;;;;;, ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;
* ;;;;;  , Off!  =  ;;;;;; (;;;;;), ;;;;;! - Love, Off =Loveoff-Loveov-Lvov - ;;;;;
;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; === ;;;;;

By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Some Romanov are Lo in China

;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;;;; ;.;.;;;;;;;;
;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ; ;;;; ;. ;. ;;;;;;;

";;;;;; ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;!", ;;;;;;;
";;;;;; ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;!", ;;;;;;;

;;;;;; III  ;;; ; ;;; ;;;;

Ramasses  III   DNA and my Dad

mtDNA   Ancient Jerusalem  compare

;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;

mtDNA   Ancient Jerusalem  compare
;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;
mtDNA   Ancient Jerusalem Jesus Era

;;; ;;  ;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;

Pompei Victims DNA, the compare results

Pompei Victim DNA, House of Julius Polybius, Pompei
;;; ;. ;;;; ;;;;;;; (;;;;;;)

;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;; ;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;
Ancient Saka Scythian Prince and Princess DNA, the compare results

;;;;;;   \  Links

;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;; ;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;

Ancient Saka Scythian Prince and Princess DNA, the compare results

; ;;;;

;;; ;;  ;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;

Pompei Victims DNA, the compare results

;;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;
OTZI  DNA compare

;;; ;;;;, ;;;;, ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;  ; ;;;;;;;;;
OTZI  Oetzi  Tyrolean The Iceman DNA compare

;;; ;;;;, ;;;;, ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;  ; ;;;;;;;;;

OTZI  Oetzi   Tyrolean The Iceman DNA  compare

OTZI Oetzi Oetci Tyrolean The Iceman DNA compare
OTZI Oetzi Oetci Tyrolean The Iceman DNA compare

DNA Pitman, Pittaway, Balzina , ;;; ;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;

DNA Pitman, Pittaway, Balzina

;;; ;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;

";;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;", ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;
* ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;


;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;.


";;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;", ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ; ;;;; ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;
;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;.

The Names of places and towns of Ukraine, Belorusia, Russia
through glasses of English-Scottish-Gaelic (Irish) languages
The Names of Towns from Ukraine, Belorusia, Russia

;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;.

;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ; ;;;; ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;
;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;.

The Names of places and towns of Ukraine, Belorusia, Russia
through glasses of English-Scottish-Gaelic (Irish) languages
The Names of Towns from Ukraine, Belorusia, Russia

";;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;", ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;

;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;; (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)
";;;;;;-;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;",  ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;

London = ;;;;;;
== ;;;; ;;;;  = The Womb of Don
= Wombofdon = ;;;;;;;;; , ;;;;;;;;;

*;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;? ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;?
* the plane of tennis competition in UK sounding some style word
London = Wombofdon  (Womb of Don) via Russian London = Lono Dona = Womb of Don

"English - Russian, ;;;;;-;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, names" (17-05-2021)

";;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;" 03-08-2021)
* ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;               

";;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ; ;;;; ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;
;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;" (07-08.09.2021)

"The Names of places and towns of Ukraine, Belorusia, Russia
through glasses of English-Scottish-Gaelic (Irish) languages"
"The Names of Towns from Ukraine, Belorussia, Russia" (07-08.09.2021)

"English - Russian, ;;;;;-;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, names" (17-05-2021)

;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;; (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)
";;;;;;-;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;",  ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;
;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;
#Ukraine #Lviv #Gaysin #Haysin #Heisin #Vinnica #Winnica #Nica #Cream #Love =Crimea #English

";;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;", ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;; (2011) (;;;;;;; ;;;;;) (2021)
;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;; 2011 ;;;;;;; ;;;;;
;;;; ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;
;; ;;;;;:
";;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;" ";;;;;; ;;;;;;" ;;;;; №1 (05.01.2011)
;;;;;;; ;;;;;.  ;;;;;   ;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;
* ; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;,  ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;,
; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;. ;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;; (;; ;;;;) (;;; ;;;;;;, ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;).
#;;;;;;;; #;;;;;;;; #;;;;;;;;;; #;;;;;;;;;; #;;;;;;;; #;;;; #;;;;;;;;; #;;;;;;;;
#;;;;;  #;;;; #;;;;;;;;  #;;;;;;;

APPENDIX 3   ;;;;;;;;;; 3

;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;
; ;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;
* ;;;;;;;;;;;
* ;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;
* ;;;;;
*;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;; ; ;;;;; (;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;; , (;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;) ;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;.

";;;, ;;;;, ;;;;;; ;;;, ;;;; ;;; ; ;; 17-01-1990"

";;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;; 17-01-1990 ; ;;;;;;;;;;;"
* ;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;
* ;;;;;;;
* ;;;;;;;;;;;;

(;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; (;;;;; ;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; 10 ;;;;; ;;; ;;;;; (;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;),  ;;;;;;;, ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;.  ;;;;;;;;. ;;;;;;; ;;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;. ;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;:  ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;.  *;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;, ;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;.


APPENDIX 4   ;;;;;;;;;; 4

APPENDIX 4         ;;;;;;;;;; 4

?  May be connected ???  ;;;;; ;;;;, ;;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;? ; ;;;;;;;;? ?:

Irkutsk        =   ;;  ;;;  ;;
Ir Cut  Sky  =  ;; (;;;;;;;;, ;;)  ;;;;; (;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;)   ;;;; (;;;;, ;;;;;;)
Ir Cut  Sky  =  ;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;, ;;;; = ;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;
Ir Cut  Sky    =  Ir  feld down from a sky - Ir cut sky
Ir Cut  Sky 
Irkutsk,       Siberia,   Russia
;;;;;;; ,  ;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;

+++ See plenty geographic names of Ireland looking similarity
to name  Bladyd  Bladdyd  Blladdyd 
;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;; 
Bladud, Blaiddyd

May be 10th Legendar King of Enland  was born  in Ireland?

Ballynahatti near Belfast, Ireland:
remains of  female, living 5,200 years back in time in Ireland.

Plenty Irish geographic places sounding writting similar
to Bladyd Bladdyd,

;;;;; ;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;; 10-;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;
;;;;;;; ;  ;;;;;;;;?  ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;; ;;;;;?
;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;.

;;;;; ; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;:  ;;;;; ; ;;;;;;,
;;;;; ;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;   ;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;.

Russian poem  by  A.S.Pushkin  (worked in Russian Royalty Archives),
had a tale  with name  "Balda"  which may be in a fiction as a fiction name
from the original   Blada Blad Bladyd  Bladdyd
making by change of a place of letter.

APPENDIX  5   ;;;;;;;;;; 5
* 25.11.2021 ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;. ;; ;;;; ;;;. ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;; ; ;;;;, ;;;;;;;, ;;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;,  ; ;;; ;;;; ;;; ; ;; ;;;;;;. ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;: ;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;.

;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ; ;

; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;, ;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ; (;;;; ;;;;;;;;)
* Compare by Gedmatch.com tool
Ireland, Archaic DNA of Ireland 
which crossing linked to My DNA (Inna Balzina)(Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin) (Russian Ethnic)
x1,  Ireland, Ballynahatti, female, lived 5,200 years back
x3,  Ireland, Rathkin 1,2,3, - 3 males from Rathlin, lived 2,0 K cal BC, 1.6 cal BC, 1.9 cal BC
England, Archaic DNA of England and me 
Yorkshire, Cambridgeshire (Hinxton, Oakington)
;;;;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ; ;
/ ;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;. ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;. ;;;;;.
; Ballynhatti, Ireland     (;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;) (;;;;;;;;;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;)
; <->  “Ball” ;;;;, ;;;, ;;;. bal , ball = ;;;, ;;;;;, ;;;;;; ; ;;;, ;;;;;; ;;;;;, ;;;;;;;
; “Bal”  <-->  Balzina, Balzin surname with “Ball” “Bal”
; Buldin (Boldin, Bouldin, Buildin, Baldin, Ball Dean, Building, in 12 century Tax Book, The Pescova Book for a village near  Kotkoozero (Cat Lake) near Ladoga)
; Rathlin, Ireland  <->  Russia   
; ;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;; (;;;;;;, ;;;;;;, ;;;;, ;;;;, ;;;;, ;;;;;;. ;;;;;;)
Ireland – Russia:     ;;;;;;;; - ;;;;;;
; Irkutsk (Russia) –  Ir Cut Sky – Ircutsky – Ircutsk – Irkutsk = ;;;;;;;, ;;;;, ;;;;;;
Ireland, Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me  /  ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;

;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ; ;
GEDmatch Archaic Matches
                *  Segments shown are larger than 0.5 cM.


GEDmatch Archaic Matches
Matching Segments for kit ..................   (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)

IRELAND      ;;;;;;;;

F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC
F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC

UK,  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,    ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;
ENGLAND          ;;;;;;

F999872  M1489,  Melton,  Yorkshire,  England,  2.2 ky,  Iron Age
F999925     Hinxton-4,   UK,   2 ky
F999926     Hinxton-5,   UK,   1.3 ky
F999921     Hinxton-2,   UK,   1.3 ky
F999922     Hinxton-3,   UK,   1.3 ky
F999870  O2,  Oakington,  Cambs.,  England,  385-535  AD,  early  Anglo-Saxon
F999868  O3,  Oakington,  Cambs.,  England,  395-540  AD,  early  Anglo-Saxon
F999867  O4,  Oakington,  Cambs.,  England,  400-545  AD,  early  Anglo-Saxon
F999871  O1,  Oakington,  Cambs.,  England,  420-570  AD,  early  Anglo-Saxon
F999873  NO4243,  Norton on Tees,  Durham,  England,  780 AD,  Anglo-Saxon
F999874  3DRIF-16,  Driffield Terrace,  Yorks,  England,  200-400 AD,  Roman
F999875  3DRIF-26,  Driffield Terrace,  Yorks,  England,  200-400 AD,  Roman
F999876  6DRIF-18,  Driffield Terrace,  Yorks,  England,  200-400 AD,  Roman
F999877  6DRIF-21,  Driffield Terrace,  Yorks,  England,  200-400 AD,  Roman
F999878  6DRIF-22,  Driffield Terrace,  Yorks,  England,  200-400 AD,  Roman
F999879  6DRIF-23,  Driffield Terrace,  Yorks,  England,  200-400 AD,  Roman
F999880  6DRIF-3,     Driffield Terrace,  Yorks,  England,  200-400 AD,  Roman

;;;;; ;; ;;;; ;;;;;;:

;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;, ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;
The Archaic DNA match - ;;;;;;;;; ;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;
* Including The Sorting by name of countries results of compare to Ancient Archaic DNA
* ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;;;;;;
THE GENETIC AUTOSOMAL PASSPORT DNA  of  Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (born Inna Balzina)
;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;
;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;, 8 ;;;; 1961 ;;;;, ;. ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;,
;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;
Inna Aleksandrovna Balzin  (birth name), birthdate 8th July 1961, Khabarovsk, Russia
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin   (living in UK, British Citizen, Russian Ethnic Group)

;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; 1 ;; FTDNA
Autosomal Genetic Passport  (1)
Autosomal Results   (FTDNA testing results) (25.11 2021)
Autosomal CCR 5
CCR5 normal-normal
Autosomal Markers - DXYS156
DXYS156 7-7
Autosomal Markers Panel 1
CSF1PO 13-13
D13S317 9-12
D16S539 12-13
D18S51 14-16
D21S11 29-30
D3S1358 15-15
D5S818 11-13
D7S820 8-9
D8S1179 11-14
FGA 20-21
Penta D 9-11
Penta E 5-12
TH01 7-9
TPOX 8-8
vWA 16-17

Autosomal Markers Panel 2
D19S433 14-14.2
D2S1338 19-24
F13A01 5-6
F13B 9-9
FESFPS 11-12
LPL 9-10
Penta B 12-17
Penta C 13-13
SE33 28.2-28.2

Autosomal Markers Panel 3
CD4 5-6
D10S1248 13-13
D12S391 17.3-19
D14S1434 13-14
D22S1045 11-15
D9S919 13-17

Family Tree DNA

My Autosomal Passport
* The Autosomal Passport  via genetic tests by FTDNA
for Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
born as Inna Aleksandrovna Balzin
on 8th July 1961 year, in Khabarovsk, Russia,
British Citizen UK, living in UK, Russian Ethnic Group UK

;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;
***  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;, ;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; FTDNA,
;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;
*** ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; 8 ;;;; 1961 ;;;; ; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;,
;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;
;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

***  ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;, ;;; 16 ;;;;;;;;, ; ;;;;;, ;;; ; ;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;.
*** ;;;; ;; ;;;;; ; ;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.  (;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;, ;;; ; ;;;, ;;;;, ;;;, ;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;).

Family Tree DNA
25.11.2021   (*** 2009++ genetic studies, private)

*** saved in cae i delete this my profiles.

i have links  to anctient DNA  Ireland  + Yourkshire _ Camridge
oldests female some  5,200 years back  a place with "Bal" start as my father's surname Balzin with "Bal"
other males
from Ireland

one female
males (gladiators, or soldeirs, behalved) one had H5 some my father

my mother blood group 0 (1st)
my father blood group B  (3rd)
both presented in the ancient (Ireland, England) Archaic DNA
which is already the history of UK.

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me
;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;
(19.11.2021 - 26.11.2021) (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;)

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me
;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ; ;

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me                (19.11.2021 - 26.11.2021)
;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ; ;    (19.11.2021 - 26.11.2021)

* ; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;, ;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;


;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ; (;;;; ;;;;;;;;)
* Compare by Gedmatch.com tool
Ireland, Archaic DNA of Ireland 
which crossing linked to My DNA (Inna Balzina)(Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin) (Russian Ethnic)
x1,  Ireland, Ballynahatti, female, lived 5,200 years back
x3,  Ireland, Rathkin 1,2,3, - 3 males from Rathlin, lived 2,0 K cal BC, 1.6 cal BC, 1.9 cal BC
;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;. ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;. ;;;;;.
; Ballynhatti, Ireland     (;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;) (;;;;;;;;;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;)
; <->  “Ball” ;;;;, ;;;, ;;;. bal , ball = ;;;, ;;;;;, ;;;;;; ; ;;;, ;;;;;; ;;;;;, ;;;;;;;
; “Bal”  <-->  Balzina, Balzin surname with “Ball” “Bal”
; Buldin (Boldin, Bouldin, Buildin, Baldin, Ball Dean, Building, in 12 century Tax Book, The Pescova Book for a village near  Kotkoozero (Cat Lake) near Ladoga)
; Rathlin, Ireland  <->  Russia   
; ;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;; (;;;;;;, ;;;;;;, ;;;;, ;;;;, ;;;;, ;;;;;;. ;;;;;;)
Ireland – Russia:     ;;;;;;;; - ;;;;;;
; Irkutsk (Russia) –  Ir Cut Sky – Ircutsky – Ircutsk – Irkutsk = ;;;;;;;, ;;;;, ;;;;;;
Ireland, Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me  /  ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;

;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;
GEDmatch Archaic Matches
                *  Segments shown are larger than 0.5 cM.


GEDmatch Archaic Matches
Matching Segments for kit ..................   (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)

IRELAND      ;;;;;;;;

F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC
F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC

;;;;; ;; ;;;; ;;;;;;:

;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;, ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;
The Archaic DNA match - ;;;;;;;;; ;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;
* Including The Sorting by name of countries results of compare to Ancient Archaic DNA
* ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;; ;;;;;;;

";;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ; ;"   
";;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ; ;" (19.11.2021) (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and England and me

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me
By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / ;;;; ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me
;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me                (19.11.2021 - 26.11.2021)
;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ; ;    (19.11.2021 - 26.11.2021)

* ; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;, ;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;
* Used my DNA test results (FTDNA, 23andME, Genebase)
to compare to Archaic DNA database tool
via Verigen,  via Gedmatch.com
* the private personnel result
* results would be similar to a large group of people of a planet

;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;
;;;; ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me
By  Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin                * British Pasport
Inna Aleksandrovna Balzina                * the birth name,  on 8th July 1961, Khabarovsk, Russia
;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;       * ;;; ;;;;;;;;, 8 ;;;; 1961 ;;;;, ;. ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;
;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;; - ;;;;;;;     *  ;; ;;;;;;;;

Khabarovsk            ;;;;;;;;;
Harbour Off Sky      ;;;; ;;; ;;;;,  ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;
Harbour Off Sky    =  ;;;;;;  ;; ;;;;,    ;;;;;; ;;\;\;;;;;  ;;;;;, ;;;;
Harbour Off Sky    ;;(;);;(;) ;;; ;;;;,  ;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;
Harbouroffsky       ;;;;;;;;;;;
Harbourovsk         ;;;;;;;;;
Habarovsk            ;;;;;;;;;
Khabarovsk,         Russia
;;;;;;;;; ,         ;;;;;;

Irkutsk        =   ;;  ;;;  ;;
Ir Cut  Sky  =  ;; (;;;;;;;;, ;;)  ;;;;; (;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;)   ;;;; (;;;;, ;;;;;;)
Ir Cut  Sky  =  ;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;, ;;;; = ;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;
Ir Cut  Sky    =  Ir  feld down from a sky - Ir cut sky
Ir Cut  Sky 
Irkutsk,       Siberia,   Russia
;;;;;;; ,  ;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;

My  Christian Baptised name   is  Irina  (Irina, Ira, Irisha, Iriska)   (baptised in 1961)
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;  ;;;;;  (;;;;;, ;;;, ;;;;;, ;;;;;;) (;;;;;;;; 1961;)

Russian female popular name:
Ira,   Irisha,  Irina     - ;;;, ;;;;;,   ;;;;;

;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;
;;;; ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;
By  Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ; ;
;;;; ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;
By  Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;       * ;;; ;;;;;;;;,
;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;; - ;;;;;;;     *  ;; ;;;;;;;;

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin                * British Pasport
Inna Aleksandrovna Balzina                * the birth name,  on 8th July 1961, Khabarovsk, Russia
The Christian Baptised name   is  Irina  (Irina, Ira, Irisha, Iriska)   (baptised in 1961)
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;  ;;;;;  (;;;;;, ;;;, ;;;;;, ;;;;;;) (;;;;;;;; 1961;)

;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;       * ;;; ;;;;;;;;, 8 ;;;; 1961 ;;;;, ;. ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;
;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;; - ;;;;;;;     *  ;; ;;;;;;;;
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;  ;;;;;  (;;;;;, ;;;, ;;;;;, ;;;;;;) (;;;;;;;; 1961;)
My  Christian Baptised name   is  Irina  (Irina, Ira, Irisha, Iriska)   (baptised in 1961)

Khabarovsk            ;;;;;;;;;
Harbour Off Sky      ;;;; ;;; ;;;;,  ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;
Harbour Off Sky    =  ;;;;;;  ;; ;;;;,    ;;;;;; ;;\;\;;;;;  ;;;;;, ;;;;
Harbour Off Sky    ;;(;);;(;) ;;; ;;;;,  ;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;
Harbouroffsky       ;;;;;;;;;;;
Harbourovsk         ;;;;;;;;;
Habarovsk            ;;;;;;;;;
Khabarovsk,         Russia
;;;;;;;;; ,         ;;;;;;

Irkutsk        =   ;;  ;;;  ;;
Ir Cut  Sky  =  ;; (;;;;;;;;, ;;)  ;;;;; (;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;)   ;;;; (;;;;, ;;;;;;)
Ir Cut  Sky  =  ;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;, ;;;; = ;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;
Ir Cut  Sky    =  Ir  feld down from a sky - Ir cut sky
Ir Cut  Sky 
Irkutsk,       Siberia,   Russia
;;;;;;; ,  ;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;

Russian female popular name:  ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;, ;;;, ;;;;;
Ira,   Irisha,  Irina     - ;;;, ;;;;;,   ;;;;;

;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;,   ;;;;;

Polish , European female name
Iren,  Irena 

Ir  En
Ir Irland
En English England
In +  En = Ireland +  England  = Irish + English = Ir + En = Irena  = ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;


Inna  [EN NAR]
England ---   Land of  Eng,   Eng, Enga , Enna     England
Ingland   -     Land of  Ing,    Ing,  Inga,    Inna,    Inngland

work  -  working  - king - ing   ---- wor = vor = thief  on Russian
wor  king  = thief king = ;;; ;;;;;; === ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;  =
working  (= they take  taxes from our wages /salaries  /;;; ;;;;;;;;  ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; )    =  ;;; ;;;;  = ;;; ;;;;;; =   vor  king = wor  king = working = ;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;

work  (;;; , ;;;, ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;)  ;;;;;;, ;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;
work + Ing =   working     (;;;;;; + ;;;) (;;;;;;;; + ;;;)   (;;;-;;;;;;=;;;;;;=England (Ingland))

England   =  Eng  Land,  En Land
Ingland    =  Ing  Land,   In Land
Ireland    =  Ire   Land,   Ir  Land

My  Christian Baptised name   is  Irina  (Irina, Ira, Irisha, Iriska)   (baptised in 1961)
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;  ;;;;;  (;;;;;, ;;;, ;;;;;, ;;;;;;) (;;;;;;;; 1961;)

My 1st birth name   Inna      (English people wrote on sounds as Enna  Enn, making me add  Eanna )

My British husband named my English as Innish or Ennish, - just me one was able to understand what i said.

This making words

Inna has said something on English
but this is sounding as  Innish.

Tania has said on English, -
this is souinding as  Tannish.

Katia has  said on English, -
this is sounding as  Kattish.

Inga has  said on English, -
this is sounding  as Ingish.

Olga said on English, -
this was sounding as Olgish.

Vova said on English, -
this was sounding as Vovish.

Dima has said on English, -
this is sounding as Dimish.

Brit or Briton will say something on English, -
This will sound so British.

Irisha   ,   -   Russian female popular ancient name Ira, Irisha, Irina
Irisha,  Ira,   Irina  =  ;;;;;, ;;;,   ;;;;;
Irish   [;;;;;]  ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;
Ireland    [;;;;;;]  ;;;;;;;;,  ";;;;; ;;, ;;;;; ;;;"   (;; - ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;)
Ir   ;;
Ira   ;;;
Irish  ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;
Irisha ;;;;;

Russian female populat name:
Ira,   Irisha,  Irina     - ;;;, ;;;;;,   ;;;;;

Irisha   ,   -   Russian female popular ancient name Ira, Irisha, Irina
Irisha,  Ira,   Irina  =  ;;;;;, ;;;,   ;;;;;
Irish   [;;;;;]  ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;
Ireland    [;;;;;;]  ;;;;;;;;,  ";;;;; ;;, ;;;;; ;;;"   (;; - ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;)
Ir   ;;
Ira   ;;;
Irish  ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;
Irisha ;;;;;

Russian female populat name:
Ira,   Irisha,  Irina     - ;;;, ;;;;;,   ;;;;;

The Christian Baptised name   is  Irina  (Irina, Ira, Irisha, Iriska)   (baptised in 1961)
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;  ;;;;;  (;;;;;, ;;;, ;;;;;, ;;;;;;) (;;;;;;;; 1961;)

; ; ;;;;;;; ;;;, ;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;
Ireland   ;;;;;;;;
Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me
;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;
GEDmatch Archaic Matches
                *  Segments shown are larger than 0.5 cM.


GEDmatch Archaic Matches
Matching Segments for kit    (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin)

IRELAND      ;;;;;;;;

F999805   Ballynahatty,  Ireland,   3.2 ky  cal  BC   ,   5, 200 years back, female,  Neolit
F999800   Rathlin1,        Ireland,    2.0 ky  cal  BC   ,   4, 000 years nack,  male,  the Bronze Age
F999802   Rathlin2,       Ireland,     1.9 ky  cal  BC   ,   male,   the Bronze Age
F999801   Rathlin3,       Ireland,     1.6 ky  cal  BC   ,   male,   the Bronze Age

The Compare Archaic DNA of Ireland
(female)   (Russian Ethnic Group,  British Citizen, birth 1961, in Khabarovsk, Russia) to:

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin                * British Pasport
Inna Aleksandrovna Balzina                * the birth name,  on 8th July 1961, Khabarovsk, Russia
The Christian Baptised name     is     Irina     (Irina, Ira, Irisha, Iriska,  Irena)   (baptised in 1961)

;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;  ;;;;;  (;;;;;, ;;;, ;;;;;, ;;;;;;) (;;;;;;;; 1961;)
;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;       * ;;; ;;;;;;;;, 8 ;;;; 1961 ;;;;, ;. ;;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;
;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;; - ;;;;;;;     *  ;; ;;;;;;;;

Khabarovsk            ;;;;;;;;;
Harbour Off Sky      ;;;; ;;; ;;;;,  ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;
Harbour Off Sky    =  ;;;;;;  ;; ;;;;,    ;;;;;; ;;\;\;;;;;  ;;;;;, ;;;;
Harbour Off Sky    ;;(;);;(;) ;;; ;;;;,  ;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;
Harbouroffsky       ;;;;;;;;;;;
Harbourovsk         ;;;;;;;;;
Habarovsk            ;;;;;;;;;
Khabarovsk,         Russia
;;;;;;;;; ,         ;;;;;;

Irkutsk        =   ;;  ;;;  ;;
Ir Cut  Sky  =  ;; (;;;;;;;;, ;;)  ;;;;; (;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;)   ;;;; (;;;;, ;;;;;;)
Ir Cut  Sky  =  ;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;, ;;;; = ;; ;;;; ; ;;;;;
Ir Cut  Sky    =  Ir  feld down from a sky - Ir cut sky
Ir Cut  Sky 
Irkutsk,       Siberia,   Russia
;;;;;;; ,  ;;;;;;,  ;;;;;;

;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;

My  Christian Baptised name   is  Irina  (Irina, Ira, Irisha, Iriska)   (baptised in 1961)
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;  ;;;;;  (;;;;;, ;;;, ;;;;;, ;;;;;;) (;;;;;;;; 1961;)

Russian female popular name:
Ira,   Irisha,  Irina     - ;;;, ;;;;;,   ;;;;;

Irisha   ,   -   Russian female popular ancient name Ira, Irisha, Irina
Irisha,  Ira,   Irina  =  ;;;;;, ;;;,   ;;;;;
Irish   [;;;;;]  ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;
Ireland    [;;;;;;]  ;;;;;;;;,  ";;;;; ;;, ;;;;; ;;;"   (;; - ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;)
Ir   ;;
Ira   ;;;
Irish  ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;
Irisha ;;;;;
;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;
;;;; ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;
By  Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ; ;
;;;; ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;
By  Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

* Used my DNA test results (FTDNA, 23andME, Genebase)
to compare to Archaic DNA database tool
via Verigen,  via Gedmatch.com
* the private personnel result
* results would be similar to a large group of people of a planet

Inna Aleksandrovna Balzin  (birth name), birthdate 8th July 1961, Khabarovsk, Russia
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin   (living in UK, British Citizen, Russian Ethnic Group)

Мой аутосоматический паспорт 1 от FTDNA
Autosomal Genetic Passport  (1)
Autosomal Results   (FTDNA testing results) (25.11 2021)
Autosomal CCR 5
CCR5 normal-normal
Autosomal Markers - DXYS156
DXYS156 7-7
Autosomal Markers Panel 1
CSF1PO 13-13
D13S317 9-12
D16S539 12-13
D18S51 14-16
D21S11 29-30
D3S1358 15-15
D5S818 11-13
D7S820 8-9
D8S1179 11-14
FGA 20-21
Penta D 9-11
Penta E 5-12
TH01 7-9
TPOX 8-8
vWA 16-17

Autosomal Markers Panel 2
D19S433 14-14.2
D2S1338 19-24
F13A01 5-6
F13B 9-9
FESFPS 11-12
LPL 9-10
Penta B 12-17
Penta C 13-13
SE33 28.2-28.2

Autosomal Markers Panel 3
CD4 5-6
D10S1248 13-13
D12S391 17.3-19
D14S1434 13-14
D22S1045 11-15
D9S919 13-17

Family Tree DNA

My Autosomal Passport
* The Autosomal Passport  via genetic tests by FTDNA
for Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
born as Inna Aleksandrovna Balzin

LINKS        ;;;;;;


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The Archaic DNA match - ;;;;;;;;; ;;;, ;;;;;;;;;;;
* Including The Sorting by name of countries results of compare to Ancient Archaic DNA
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* 25.11.2021 ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;, ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;: ;;;;;; ;;;;;;

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and England and me

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";;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ; ;" (19.11.2021) (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)

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By  Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

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By  Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Archaic DNA of Ireland  and me
By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Архаичные древние ДНК Ирландия и я
Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
By  Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

** sorry some hakers had chaged coded and Russian letters as not readable atrange Arabic language or something look, making missings after in a reading
** извинения, но хакеры не давали и не дают в Англии работать , русский текст  вдруг заменили в нечитаемый совсем, выглядит как арабский или эльфийский , странный, и пропуски при печати копи паст дальше.

#Archaic #Old #Ancient  #DNA #Ireland #England #cross #Russia #Eanna #Inna #Balzina #Balzin
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