Nezhnost - Tenderness

(перевод песни "Нежность" Александры Пахмутовой, слова Сергея Гребенникова и Николая Добронравова)

I'm alone on Earth without you
How it's possible an hour to live?
And the leaves fall all around and through
And the cars rush through the city sieve

But it's empty on the Earth when I am alone
While you... you are flying, and stars
Give you all of their tenderness

It was just as empty on the Earth
During the flight of Exupery
And the same leaves were to start their flight
And the Earth could not as well decide

How to live without him, while he was so high, so high
And all stars gave him the full of
their tenderness

I'm alone on Earth without you
If you can, then please come back as soon...

(the translation of Soviet Russian-language song Nezhnost' Tenderness written by Aleksandra Pakhmutova, with lyrics by Nikolay Dobronravov and Sergey Grebennikov; the translation is made by Daniel Rublev)

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