Оцифровать нельзя дух. Дух сильнее всего. Люди в вас есть дух. Во всех вас. Перестаньте бояться гибели! Страх это низкие частоты. Дух невозможно убить.
Как сказано "будете видеть вы смерть вокруг, для себя ее не найдете!!!" Не найдете вы смерть. Вы безсмертны! Вы имеете Бога внутри. Вы имеете дух внутри. Вы имеете Источник Высшего Разума внутри. Вы имеете источник Любви внутри. Все есть Любовь. Любовь - это Люди Бога Ведающие (знающие). ЛЮБОВЬ будет жить вечна. Она и есть ИСТОЧНИК!
Дора Люкс
Only strong entities can strive and do good, because good is high vibrations. This Is Love, Joy, Peace, Harmony, Happiness. Creativity exists on these vibrations. Low-frequency entities do not know how to create. They can only think in narrow logic, numbers. That's why they want to digitize everyone. So they understand more. But they forget that a person is not a chicken. Man is the Messenger of God. Man is the Co-Creator of the Almighty. And it is impossible to kill him, because God is in him. God in man is the spirit. This is not the body that is given for a while as a spacesuit, but the particle that is inseparable from a part of the whole Creator, the Almighty. It is inseparable from the Eternal Source. Therefore, how stupid are those who think of killing the Human Race. How can you kill a particle of the Eternal Source? He created everything and knows himself. After all, this is the Supreme Mind. And this is the Source of everything.
The spirit cannot be digitized. The spirit is the strongest. People there is a spirit in you. In all of you. Stop being afraid of death! Fear is low frequencies. The spirit cannot be killed.
As it is said, "you will see death around, you will not find it for yourself!!!" You will not find death. You are immortal! You have God inside. You have a spirit inside. You have a Source of Higher Intelligence inside. You have a source of Love inside. Everything is Love. Love is People who know God (know). LOVE will live forever. She is the SOURCE!
Dora Lux
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