Life. Choice

So what to choose?True or false ?
How to live so that the feelings  of the day do not  suppress the flesh,
And do not  kill desires with their expectations.
How  can feelings find solace without causing  blockage of the chakras due to minor pressure  in those circumstances.

Where purity and equality were the lot,time  slowed down mortality.
And that entity was eternal  in the wheel of fate,
Spending days as The Father had bequeathed ,
And finding joy in pleasant  little baubles.

It was the line between  the desirable  and the sacred,
When the image  could not live in a routine  that enveloped the senses,
And the flame of blood  exploded the flesh ,
Absorbing  consciousness into the abyss of passion.

Swirled  by a tornado  of circumstances  and found a rush in the fire.
Disappointment  filled the soul with the imposition and expectation  of a night
or day  that lasted longer  that time estimated.
No longer  finding comfort and warmth,having learned  another secret of that day,

Having  changed  their attitude  to the descending.
Finding a way out in the shaman's drums,which played  in thunderclaps,
creating  their own mantra in the music of rain,dedicating the dawn to the excitement of the dance and the night of tears,
The amulet  was created  from ashes  from the altar for a time-burning sacrifice.

Everything was mixed up in a cocktail  of day and night,and there was no difference between them.
God had  combined  both good and evil,for day and night.
It was a good medicine  to balance the scales,saving lives.
Time was again  composing  a parable calling  for a change of life.   
