Brasilian Blues

  Lay down yr Mutter
lay down
  with a cup of mutt4e

 then got u saved yours friends
   got escaped

  laid face-down on  black asphalt :

Pls give  me 2 Ltrs of muccho
 Mum ,

 Why could i get not to flying on over
this asphaltus  - as a bird 

 Pls , bring me a cup of muccho
  Mami  ,
 hope that mine friends
would help u with
 newphews , kuzenz

 Pls pour me a cup of
pls sit down in silence


 Got much before like it
not latte

  Lay down
 get dust
 after shielded 
the bullets into the spane by
 yrs body - 9 noin SHARPLY holes
he holed into the skins
 for  ЦБ ФНС Медиа Путин Мавроди
