The mourning

The death is getting close. Too close....
And not enough of roses
To cover the Earth and cover graves.
I look into the dark of space.

The second life is gone in the fog.
In a fog of lost, unhappy souls.
The death is a hole, and is a bog.
I drink a mourning whole bowl -
I drink my tears and a deepest sorrow. 

Don't fear the Reaper!

Романтизм   09.01.2022 16:15     Заявить о нарушении
I'm not afraid. I am not afraid
(As would be say the Z.Freud)!
I was not ready for a lost... .
I was in shock and felt a frost

Thanks for the comment
Wish you the Muse

Анастасия Стремительная   12.01.2022 00:30   Заявить о нарушении