...... A little папирусов, where there is a transfer Egyptian фараонов, and if them to compare to the List Манефона, it as a melody from патефона! What plate has put, here - what list will open, will receive! The list фараонов зыбок, and египтологи, that worked with (him), speak about many Нестыковки= Ambiguity! Certain kings are not present, and about some, doubt?
P/s/..names Нефертити, Тии, and about ten - are calculated on excavation, but not under t list! As, them Authority, in case of death фараона did not pass, and throne got to senior son! In our case, not empress Тии of a rule, its Authority during 17 years of government of its(her) son Аменхотепа 4, and wife (him) Нефертити foggier! Its Activity in state businesses was, faster - is minimal, or as representative особа she was present, as reflected year after year life of Egypt, frescos in гробницы around Ахет -Атона,
If so to approach, and they up to 40- 50, and I read not only at moment of my frivolously serious investigation for 1900- 1910, but also Де. Гаррисс - Девисы issued Still reports about dug out tombs. As well as figures broken стел= stelae, as here, bottom figure!
Here she(it) with Гремушкой ==Drums_on broken plate from Ахет - Атона, where there were two female дворца, accordingly Northern and Southern, that stood meters in hundred from each other! There also lived Нефертити and this, mysterious Кии, second wife Аменхотепа Fourth! It is possible, that last years of government Аменхотепа 4, empress Тии there lived also, that, most likely authority had these years, last of 17 years of government of its(her) son! This пропись, figure I gave on one of tombs, and plot is described in detail in the book Вейгала " Эхнатон. Фараон еретик "! There she - empress Тии, Having received two Solar names, just as Нефертити, also Were still distributed Solar a two mames: both Old, and New not less to than three women. It, also was the status Регента, as a matter of fact Temporarily Replacing фараона! The answer, how send on a stage, at first Сменхакр, after Тутанхамон, and I have resulted citations from film " New secrets on tomb Тутианхамона " where conducting goes around and about, statues, on which Тутанхамон? But, the logic step does not do)! Nevertheless female breast very young lady, округлостями roundbody__differs from Шварцнеггера in all it 20 series! On this is modest " but about Сменхакра in open " about Тутанхамона only well, nevertheless Чапай would express with revolutionary spaking:
-чо, I female Титьни титии ==breast_shall not distinguish, whether what? It is all same Charm of Ancient Egypt! Well, you, чо? For the first time hear, what the artists in enchant_ could, having mixed very thin features of young persons of girl and boy to give a portrait, and at all desire on it to not guess a floor?
P/s/ Clearer example! If to compare a portrait De, Vinchy in old age, and Монны- Лизы, from Лувра, though portrait and from a cover with конопы will leave, Монна - Лиза from Лувра-young($лувра-young) Леонардо, and on a portrait of the old man, it(he) likely, and was not so is old Are simply (simply omitted) ends of lips, and Морщинки =Wrinkles__ and 1-Sckuul boy _ will impose on fase! P/s/ By way! In Bank of Switzerland there is almost copy Монны- Лизы, it is time to give specifications, from Лувра, what, where, and who? Under Inventories of Vatican as a matter of fact, Леонардо worked, as the Catholic on Vatican of a detail of the description of a picture DO NOT CONVERGE! There in communique is attributed, certain \-The relatives-- Монны Лизы де Чезаре, that them then mother, or sister had Perfect Eyebrowes! Such - ! And on a portrait them ARE NOT PRESENT! She(, Монна- Лиза a fact Has shaved eyebrowes! Itself, on a portrait? -
-а what, on a portrait? It represent! The guide in same Лувре брякнулся_put down__ with копыт-his leggs_, have set, if such question!
- Монна, Лиза on a portrait to itself has shaved eyebrowes! Ржемшь= laugh ? And, me what to listen to reasonings about eyebrowes there was nobody of "connoisseur"? In Ютубе, certainly!
- And, Леонардо! - Restoration of events! The genius on коняге, hair on коне bears(carry).. On Лелонарде flutter, as a wig on fate the guitar player, not all looked, but Леонардо,(forget) De, Vihchy_, carried a hair of length, as at me! And having thrown strings_, runs in workshop, and not speaking words, scratches out a paint from a portrait!
- Чо! - the eyebrowes did not suit it? - хихикает Чапай! So, Author enter the hero, and describe a place!
..... We, again in a Underground, in most Confidential Archive НКВД. Петрович, it is that character, that so I say, that I do not remember already, who it in анти- a detective: Гаклинг, Focus, Анка- пулеметчица- hardly! We have washed floors in rather large, and dusty hangar, and after that it) go in most distant, and most dark corner! Where us categorically did not start up!
In small clause there is a photo I gave earlier, and gold, коим cover gold nevertheless not a foil from The relatives Chocolate! Faster on thickness it is a can. Be considered, is correct! It is necessary to cover and, faster and From within box, we shall take roughly: up to FIVE meters! Three in length can not suffice, as, Third coffin up to 3.5 meters were, in - two Human growth in height! A photo, and not one coffin I gave. And number man, in half of his height!
-Скока? Кил of gold went on _+_to cover with gold? Is not present initial? Well, how is not present?
Mask Тутанхамона- 2-3 mm gold = -12 кило! Саркофаг it(him), 60 Х 60 Х 185 см = 120 Kg! And, what it(him) how aluminium on 200 руб/Kg? And, have handed over to the collectors Airon Mayden!
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