Cocaine and Tits

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Everyday i wake up with a sniff 
The empty shadows leave me on my myth 
From day we've been born until the sacred land 
The empty shadows follows till the end 

Surrounded by tits and burning Christs 
I live the life that noone should deny 
And when i put my boots and jacket on 
There're always babe to suck it all along 

Well, cocaine and tits it’s just a frame 
We' all work hard to keep the World in safe 
And when you see the nightmare - it's my fault 
And better pray to me and not to God

It's sad to be a bluesman, blues is blue 
I'm one to hold a keyword or a clue 
Try open G or even buy a harp 
Then you may see how all of it began

Surrounded by tits and burning Christs 
I live the life noone should no demise  
And when i put my boots and jacket on 
There's always babe to suck it all along 
